Sleeping in car uk, what can I do?
Posted by KrustyNug@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 439 comments
So basically after some shit decisions I’ve made, I’m currently homeless and living in my car, I’ve got my small dog Dennis, he’s 12 years old, I’m 28 myself, I can sleep in my mothers car park, (she really doesn’t have the room for me in her tiny flat with my youngest disabled brother and my sister who’s currently living on the only sofa there after being with her abusive partner) I was just after some help on living in the car and what I can do, what’s the right thing to do, keeping warm etc etc Any help would really be appreciated
You’re not too far from where I am, drop me a message if you need any food / equipment to get you through the night, more than happy to help!
Buy a dingy and pretend you washed up at Dover! Free house, free money and jump straight to the front of the NHS waiting lists… simple
Have you got a towbar on the car? This time of year you can get a caravan very cheaply. You might not be able to stay in the car park, but it could offer a lot nicer space. If you move around a bit, don't leave a mess and don't annoy people you can do it without trouble.
Or go to a caravan site where they have power hookups, waste facilities, showers, etc.
OP says they have no funds until the end of the month, appreciate I'm suggesting a caravan which probably involves buying it (normally the free ones are a bit too much of a state).
But yes, that can be a good option. In some areas of the country there aren't any sites that will allow it, but in some areas there's pretty cheap sites that have a few 'full timers' and charge a reasonable fee, albeit they're often the ones with pretty much no facilities - ie maybe a single portaloo and water point, no showers etc.
I think they're supposed to move you on every 28 days, but I don't know how regulated it is. The cheapest pitches seem to be about £10 which should be doable if OP is in full time work. But agreed - sleeping in a caravan in a layby is far preferable to sleeping in a car.
The cheapest around here was £10 for no hookup... about 12 years ago and that was the cheapest around by a good chunk.
I'm sure some areas of the country are cheaper, but plenty are a good bit more.
They generally asked you to be away for a 'bit' every year I believe.
The 28 days is a slightly different aspect which doesn't apply to campsites as far as I understand it - it's more say if you were to use the caravan (or indeed car) on your own land and 28 days in a year in total I believe.
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
That’s something to think about, now thinking about it I could possibly use my works yard as its gated and locked, plus free security 🤣
Does your Mum have a garden? If so would there be space for a shed/ hut? On FB marketplace, I've seen a number of posts from people giving away their huts/ cabins for free so long as you dismantle and collect it. Same goes for camping and sofa beds. So as a back up option if you were able to set something like that up, insulate as best you can then what you could then do is have a waterproof extension plug or if there is an outdoor plug to have an electric blanket. The blankets tend to use less energy consumption (so cheaper) and a lower fire risk. Best of luck to you either way and I hope the responses here are helpful even in just lifting your spirits at a difficult time ❤️
I did the caravan thing for five years with my two doggies when we got evicted. If you could do that it would be *much* more comfortable than sleeping in the car, as it's basically like a teeny tiny flat and it's designed to be a small living space. If you've got more questions I'll be happy to answer if I can.
I live in a caravan. Can pick them up cheap and has everything you need. Sometimes free as people don’t want them sitting in their drive. I’m in Hampshire rent on a spit and sawdust campsite is £105pw only bills I have is a gas bottle which lasts around 2 months. One of my friends has a camper and has lived in his works yard for the last 15 years no rent. I know loads of people who live in caravans. It’s much more common than people think.
Do you work in construction? The lighthouse charity would help you as I know of a similar case where they helped the guy.
Have a look on YouTube, I watched a few different guys doing the same thing as you in the states mainly but it shows how they stayed warm and cooked with certain items that I'm sure you could find, there's alot of tips and tricks to help keep yourself going as best as possible so just an idea if you haven't already watched them.
Find some abandoned For Sale signs and buy some space blankets online (they are really cheap), cut the signs so they will fit on the windows of your car and tape/glue the space blankets on them, they will make a big difference in the temperature inside.
Hi! I work in homelessness, I used to work in direct rough sleeping housing, so supporting individuals like you into temp and then (hopefully) permanent accommodation.
You need to present at your local council. Which means, google ‘x council, homeless’ and you’ll see how to present. It may be a call, or most have a place you can literally show up to and say ‘I’m homeless and need help’ - you then enter what is called ‘the homeless pathway’ and start your application.
It may feel uncomfortable but you need to be really honest as to why you are homeless. PleZe do not sugar coat it.
I'm so happy your response got more likes than the post itself. Because clearly this guy didn't face anything too hard. Has a job, slept at mum's eventually and his dog can sleep in the room? So basically nothing was wrong and worth posting to recent to. A
He can do that but I did this when I was 18 and they told me as I was a healthy adult male there was nothing they could do. I could join the housing register and bid but was told there was no help so the streets it would be.
My faith in humanity is restored once more! For at least 5 minutes before I stumble back in to a politics sub or something anyway. Seriously, thank you though, this will actually help me sleep better tonight. Maybe knowing it will help me sleep better will, at the very least, add some contentment to yourself perhaps.
Re: the dog thing, I know there's changes coming through for private landlords and pets, I'm not sure if that would affect this type of accomodation or not?
There is a ‘recommendation’ from the government that landlords can’t discriminate against pets, but there is no way to enforce this. And getting landlords to agree to let their property to the council for social housing (particularly temp accommodation) is challenging enough, councils frankly don’t want to push it by trying to enforce the recommendation and then have less landlords offering their properties.
Also it’s a bit different in temp accommodation, because it might be shared and landlords can argue dogs aren’t suitable for shared placements. Also landlords can refuse dogs on the basis of the size of the accommodation (i.e. studios) not being suitable.
Hopefully the government does more to stop landlords being able to ignore the recommendation but it is really challenging. the best thing the government can do for any of this is build more council owned social housing! And then the council manage it and so pets are welcome - but then ‘more social housing’ (alongside investing in resources, support and programmes), is the main thing the government need to do to stop homelessness.
The author should also speak to Street Vet about their dog. They will cover medical expenses and can help to advocate for homeless people with pets. It's run by vets and vet nurses, on a voluntary basis.
There is an added layer as well because I volunteered with a well known pet rescue until recently, I did six years- we went from always being able to help in this kind of emergency to so overwhelmed by the housing crisis and donation drops (understandable when everyone is broke) that we simply could not take emergency cases- nobody adopting as cost and having to work long hours filled the kennels and nobody fostering as everyone taking extra work to survive.
Its only the automatic blanket ban theyre getting rid of. Its supposed to be individual decisions now, but can still be a 'no', because, reasons.
A friend has been told the property has been designated as 'unsuitable for pets' because 'theres a road outside'. Her landlord lives in the same street & has dogs&cats. He brings the dogs to run around her fully enclosed back garden whenever he's doing repairs or maintenance, & the cats call in for treats because grandma used to live there. But, 'unsafe road'
Ive seen posts with landlords asking what fur allergy rash looks like & how to fake it, so they can allocate their properties as no pets for medical reasons
i blame why the resources are thin and the people working for the system arent pushing for more of the cut.
This! As someone that also lived in his car for around 6-8 months, this is the correct course of action! I am now in my own flat
Dunno who you are. But it's the top answer
Fantastic reply and some very good points covered. My poor mum is sleeping on the sofa so I can have her bedroom as I'm disabled, and had to give up my flat after a long stay in hospital and lots of complications. The council say i'm not classed as homeless as I'm 'sofa surfing' so I have an appropriate place to stay, it's so overcrowded here with my 2 brothers, me, mum and 2 dogs in a 2 bedroom house but the council have still pushed us so far down the list, even knowing that both me and my mum are physically disabled with extensive health issues and find it hard to even manoeuvre stairs. So you really really have to push for it and it can be so unfair but hang in there 🤞🤞🤞
Fantastic reply, well done
Bless you.
Frankly disgusting that dogs and animals are just not allowed in some places. I've seen kids destroy entire houses.
Unfortunately, he will get zero help from the Council, especially if he is Western. Councils are only interested in housing ethnic minorities. I've been following Billy Moore on yt, who goes around the UK visiting towns and speaking to the homeless. All of which say the same.
Donations from Reddit users or a gofundme could work for you and your dog.
If you were local to me, I'd definitely help you out. I'm the other end of the Country.
Just to add to this as I’ve been in the same boat as OP - they aren’t going to let them keep the dog with them unless they manage to get an actual flat/house.
By the sounds of it they’re not Band A/B so a room share will be a no go for the pooch.
Unless you come of a boat you ain't getting shit mate just tried this, Christmas homeless and actually work for my local council and got jack shit, the guy basically told me I was the wrong skin colour not even joking.
Bravo. You are a fine human being, and restored my faith in humanity today with this wise, insightful and compassionate free help to a stranger 👏👏👏
My friend fostered a dog while the owner was temporarily homeless. The owner still came to see the dog and it went back to them when they were housed. You could look into anyone/organisations doing this in your area.
I will add tho, if you do not have a priority need, you are unlikely to be given temp accommodation, no council I have ever worked for has offered it to someone without priority need, but you may be in luck if your council offers it to anyone and an offer of social housing can take years, although likely to be quicker as a single person as studios are not as sought after.
If they do not offer you temp, please enquire about SWEP, in colder months when SWEP is active they have to house anyone rough sleeping due to the dangerously low weather. Make sure they have up to date contact details for you in case SWEP is activated.
They will likely want to verify homelessness, my council do this with a specific outreach charity, you give us your sleep location, out reach will come out evening/night to see you, they are also able to provide assistance like getting a place to shower/food etc and verify your homelessness to the council, sadly people do tell us their homeless when they are not thinking it gets them to skip above everyone else waiting for a council property.
They will encourage private renting, each council has different ways, you will be expected to look yourself, my council did have someone who worked with landlords to help find affordable accommodation. The officers can assist with a financial assessment, to look at your affordability so you know what you could afford. Your councils homeless team may provide something called rent in advance (not all councils do) this loans you the deposit and in some cases first months rent, it is a loan and you do have to pay it back but it is set at what you can afford (e.g if you can genuinely only afford £10 per month, your agreement will be £10 per month), but it has no interest on it, it's much better than taking out a bank loan or credit card to secure a property.
Above is correct, and they will help to the best of their ability, it's tough working in housing/homelessness right now and you end up feeling a bit helpless at times. Your council should also have a list of local charities who can assist you during this time, including money management, food, showers, clothes etc. they may also have contacts with animal facilities.
Even as someone who works for councils in homelessness, I say advocate for yourself, do not be rude/angry this will get you no where, but do not let them gate-keep, or not engage with you. If you require more assistance or you think the council are doing something not correctly PLEASE reach out to shelter, they are excellent and work with you to help you deal with the council!
Great answer, thank you!
He didn't say anything about his mum's ex partner?
I opened this thread hoping to gain some insight into the system in case I ever needed to advise someone in OP's situation. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful human 🙏🏻❤️
It might be good to add that being employed full time will mean the rent for homeless accommodation will be taking up a lot of their salary.
Local authorities usually pay the maximum housing benefit for the properties, which, depending on the area, can be hundreds of £ a week, which OP may have to pay out of pocket as they are working.
They have plenty of hotel rooms…
Excellent advice
Do you have any experience working with St Mungo’s (the charity that house people with dogs)?
Hope OP finds someone as helpful, kind and thoughtful as yourself when they do go through the homeless pathway.
Yeah just gonna say good luck with that OP did exactly wht this commenter suggested when I myself was homeless and my councillors basically laughed me out of the room because I am male and over the age of 18. Sorry to despair but good luck friend.
You are an AMAZING human being. Keep being you in a world where kindness is ceasing to exist.
You are such a wonderful lovely person. Hope my kid ends up like you
You should make this a post in all homeless subs. WWell written!
This is some of the best advice I've seen on Reddit. You've given all of the facts and been real about difficult things, such as OP keeping his dog and that it makes it more difficult to house him but advised how to advocate and make his chances better. Hope you have a great day.
What a wonderful post ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You are a good person for this
Pretty bunbun you are an actual star , please please keep up the excellent work ❤️
You clearly speak with knowledge, experience, empathy, compassion, and honesty. I hope this young person needs your wonderful advice. Thank you for being you.
Plenty of good advice here, well done
This kind of advice is solid gold. I’m saving this comment in the app because you just never know what’s around the corner.
Oh you're amazing! This is a great post, awesome that people spare time to help like this. Awesome shizzle
Legend, no faff, practical advise with realistic outcomes.
This is a top quality comment, not only did you give lots of information and advice but you were honest and compassionate as well. I hope you get real life karma, not just reddit x
Legend. Thank you for what you do.
This is excellent advice right here.
The thing is if you have to phone will you not just be fobbed off/disregarded as it’s pretty easy for the council to do that via phone call.
It is always better to present in person, but due to lack of staff, opening hours at the drop ins vary, and so sometimes a phone call is the only practical option. They still have a duty to listen, to open an application, or they may offer an appointment and ask you to come down.
You should get overtime for this. Top reply.
I saw a comment here that travelodge allows pets - it’s regular fee for a night plus £20 pet fee charge. I could cover 1 night stay at n Colchester one for you and your dog for tomorrow night (all I can afford) this would give you extra night in warmth before you get to speak to council/ st mungos. Please dm me if you’d like to take me up on that offer.
I’m in New York but can cover another night.
I will buy the hotel for you (sorry it's all I can afford) if you need anything like a new BMW on finance deal let me know (im so sorry its embarassing but its all I can afford)
From OP update looks like he has some solution for next few weeks but this chain of people joining and offering to cover following nights is amazing to see! Thank you all for being great humans and hope good comes back around to you
I'd happily cover the other night. DM me :)
I will cover another night too
Hope am not too late but I will cover the next night
I can do the next as well
You’re a great human.
This is incredibly kind of you. Well done OP! Kudos to you! ❤️
I came back here hoping for an update. Glad to hear you atleast have somewhere warm for you and your dog for now, and I hope your search for a place is successful - take care ❤️
I think you need an advocate to help you. Do you have Citizens’ Advice or such like near you?
Looking to the future, would it be viable for all 4 of you to rent a place together?
Start a go fund me brother let’s all support you 👊🏼
I applaud your loyalty to your dog, so many older pets are tossed aside in their later years .. but in this situation, it's understandable that maybe even a temporary home for him would be best until you're on your feet again?.
I'm maybe a bit late to the party, and I can't offer any practical advice, but I just wanted to the chime in and say I hope the situation for you and your family gets better.
How's Dennis?😳
ay whoevers talking about the dog gotta stfu
We have a 18 month old dog that loves other dogs so if you are stuck we would be happy to have Dennis as an honorary guest for as long as you need if he likes to be around friends! We're in Surrey! ☺️
Save up for a van and go van life.
Hey OP! Fellow car sleeper here who now has her own caravan she calls home :) if you have blankets to put up over the windows do that, it'll keep a lot of heat in! I'd also recommend cracking one window (front passenger side) a teeeeeeny tiny amount just to get abit of air in (literally just a few mm) because it's quite cold at the minute your car is gonna be steamed up to he'll by the morning, and all that excess moisture in the air inside your car will make it feel even colder than it really is... I've seen my breath in 12⁰ before because the humidity inside was so high, trust me, you don't wanna wake uo to everything wet from condensation/humidity! Luckily you've got an amazing 12 year old dog-water-bottle to help keep you warm, and vice versa! Tuck your joggers into your socks, your tshirt into your joggers, and wear an extra jumper/hoodie to bed. Wear a hat, then hood Iver the hat, and a light scarf to have over your face if it gets really cold. Make sure to layer up in your blankets, and remember that weight in the blankets helps keep them from kovjg around too much in your sleep and letting the heat out/stop cold drafts coming in, so even things you're not wearing right now can be piled into of your blankets/ontop of you for extra warmth. Put blankets on the seats/whatever you're laying in too - the cold will rise up from the floor because it's not so insulated, if you sleep with blankets under you and over you you should stay warm. I put dog food/water bowls on the front passenger seat so they can jump in the front for an easy drink/nibble if they wish. Keep your drive side seat and footwear clear just incase you need to quickly drive off in an emergency. Lock all the doors, and keep the keys out of view preferably in the back pockets of the front seats. Have the heat blowers going if you can afford the fuel and then when it's time to sleep turn everything off and make sure nothings draining the battery - don't wanna wake up and not be able to start the car! If you ca put the back seats down to make the boot space bigger do that, and pack the gaps with spare clothes etc to make it as flat/comfy as possible, otherwise take a minute to figure out where exactly you'd be comfiest to sleep. Keep baby wipes by the door for emergency toilets. If you have any questions, my dms are always open. Good luck! X
Such good advice though I wouldn't recommend running the engine for the heaters without a carbon monoxide alarm. I nearly became a cropper that way, it was a terribly cold and still night and the fumes creeped into the car. I thought the carbon monoxide alarm was part of my dream and if it wasn't for my dog nipping my nose and ears, I wouldn't have woke up ever again.
What? Where were you parked? Also note I said to turn the engine off before you sleep... never go to sleep with the engine running! I don't get how exhaust fumes could have gotten into tour car at such dangerous levels unless you were parked inside a small enclosed space... people sit in rush hour traffic for hours and hours at a time surrounded by vehicles all with running exhausts and they don't get sick after one traffic jam, where on earth were you parked to manage to get that quantity of fumes inside your vehicle? Did you have an improperly installed diesel heater with input/output hoses mounted wrong? Or perhaps your vehicle has some corrosion issues and your exhaust gasses are actually constantly leaking into your vehicle, regardless of parking positioning? This seems abit insane to me 😅
I was in the back of a 24hr Asda carpark, picked that location as it has loos and HGVs often park up overnight there, so felt a little safer knowing some truckers were about if someone tried breaking into my car etc. It was a little petrol Nissan micra with no corrosion issues, I'm guessing it just didn't have very good seals on the doors or boot. It was a very still night, not even the slightest of breeze from a knats fart, it was -6 and my first night of homelessness. Had the blankets on windows, wrapped up in what layers I had and I was still quite cold so ran the engine for the car heaters, fell asleep with the car running and a few hours later the carbon monoxide alarm was going but I thought it was a dream...don't know how long it was blaring before my dog actually woke me up 😅 spent the next few hours with the doors open as the car stunk of the fumes and I had a headache and nausea from hell.
Jheeeesus fuck that's insane! I've literally never heard of anything like this happening (until now obvs lol) so I just can't get my head around it but wow, good to know you're all good now 😅 and very lucky that you randomly had a carbon monoxide alarm in a car...
The carbon monoxide alarm was the last thing I grabbed when gathering up what personal belongings I could when I was made homeless. It was a spur of the moment grab and I'm glad I did. When younger I had them for oil heating and gas boilers (Still have them installed near the gas boiler to this day), they are also in light aircraft (I was a cadet so flew a little bit) and friends had them in their campers so it just made sense for me to grab it as a just being an ex engineer carrying various types of personal alarms for various types of gases and radiation when i was working was the norm so it made sense in a way 😅
Right?! Super lucky grab! I have a multitude of alarms in my caravan but that's more because I've got a gas oven and a woodburner stove... I always recommend people to get the appropriate detectors if they're camping/using a camping stove as I know one of my dad's friends passed away at a motorbike race after he went to have a rest for an hour in his tent and his camping stove leaked after he made a cuppa and my dad n his mates found him dead in his tent when it was his laps. But still, bloody good job you had one that night too! Damn!
Was that at the Dragon Rally? I grew up around the NW200 and UGP with a few family members into bikes and travelling far and wide for rallies and road races. Heard of this happening more than once but the one I remember the most was that one just over 10 years ago.
I've no idea where exactly tbh but it was over 10 years ago, so possibly! All I know is he went to lay down in his tent for abit in between laps and he never woke up again :/
So much good advice here OP - as a former car dweller I came here to say this, but good on you, @UserCannotBeVerified
I’d also add, I used to stay up at night and sleep in the days which were a little warmer. The car I was sleeping in was an old morris minor and the doors were not really insulated, it didn’t really have proper door seals. So when it was freezing or close to at night, where it would be too much of a risk to go to sleep in very low temperatures. I did stupid stuff it’s harder to do nowadays, like go and sit in A&E, or the local Samaritans office, to keep warm.
At some times, I had friends whose beds or bedroom floors I’d sleep in, but in the days, when they were up and not using the bed. Whether this would work with your family in your Mum’s flat I don’t know. But I hope you get some housing help soon from the good advice earlier up this thread.
This is all such practical real world advice that someone can follow without whatever they have on them. I hope your caravan is as cozy as you :)
Aw bless you! I luckily have two of my very own dog-water-bottles who keep me as cozy as I could ever want 🥰
Can I be your friend?
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
Yes if you want to haha
I regularly see people putting their comfort, home and welfare at risk due to an animal.
Get over it and get rid of the dog if you want to proceed. If not, tough it out. But the dogs your issue.
I don't know if there is one near you but St Mungo's is one of the very few homelessness charities that allow dogs in their hostels. It may be worth checking if you could have some help from them to make sure you and your dog stay together.
I am glad that you've educated me on this.
My home town.. not a place I wish to go back to much anymore after my mum passed away it’s a place I want to forget. But I’m there next weekend to empty the last bits of the house. If you’re free I can shoot you over £20 in cash if you want.
Honestly is the issue the dog. As in places or people will take you in but not the dog. As in your both best interests, a car or no bed is awful for both of you
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
I keep seeing this a lot, he’s my boy, had him since i was 16, I just want make sure he’s ok
njb66@reddit This charity takes dogs and owners - there is one in Colchester -,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:13338870032251312452,ru_gwp:0%252C7,ru_lqi:ChVzdCBtdW5nbydzIGNvbGNoZXN0ZXIiA4gBAUjJ7aHh5YCAgAhaJRAAEAEYAiIVc3QgbXVuZ28ncyBjb2xjaGVzdGVyKgYIAhAAEAGSARBob21lbGVzc19zZXJ2aWNlqgFNEAEqDiIKc3QgbXVuZ28ncygAMh4QASIa9dCewnLm49hlMrZQX56Dm00ZGFneS8wE-Z0yGRACIhVzdCBtdW5nbydzIGNvbGNoZXN0ZXI,trex_id:QTFGlb&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D
St Mungo's do terrible things to homeless in London. Luckily they don't operate in Essex.
I had no idea…thanks for sharing this info - it makes for interesting reading….
Yes, don't give up your dog. You'll find a way to keep him. He's probably keeping you sane through this (and adding warmth in the car!)
Keep getting to your job. As soon as you get paid you'll feel a lot more optimistic and have options. This is temporary. Good luck.
Do you have a friend who could look after Dennis for you even if they can’t house you? My sister did this, looked after someone else’s dog for 6 months when his human family were in a bit of a bind. You could still see Dennis but not have to worry about him.
After his humans got settled and he went home, he still goes to stay with sis and BIL for weekends every month. They love each other to bits.
I wish you all the luck, OP, and hope things improve for you very soon.
I'd feel exactly the same, wouldn't leave my dog.
Staying in a car isn't a good solution other than for one night. It'll be freezing cold, and you won't sleep well.
Can't you just sleep on the floor inside?
I agree with you, OP. Please make sure your lovely pup is safe and looked after. I really hope things improve for you soon. Keep strong.
I have an unoccupied flat that we Airbnb in London (soho) if you are near. DM me and I can get you the smart lock code.
I know other people have said it already, but the world needs more people like you.
I was homeless mid last year through no fault of my own and no one would help. I work with people who have houses they rent out and Airbnb and no one extended any help.
We have a housing crisis in Cornwall, out of towners as we call them have bought most of the town as holiday homes which has sent housing prices sky high. Sad really
The world needs more air bnb owners?
No it needs more salty internet Marxists, evidently
Yep, it's certainly Marxism that has caused the UK's housing crisis.
No, people who offer to help out strangers in need without wishing for anything in return. In this case, that is an Airbnb owner, but it doesn't need to be that.
Everyone saying what a saint, I'm saying what a flex lol ...
Who has an unoccupied flat in Soho... Jesus
What do they mean by flex?
A flex is like a brag/showing off. They're accusing the commenter of being greedy by having an unoccupied residence in Soho, London (a desirable place to live). Instead of being kind/generous letting a stranger stay for free in their property.
I don't think they were accusing them of anything. It is a flex to have an unoccupied residence in a highly desirable area, indicates that you are rich.
Enlightened, thanks!
And apparently people who are also sharing their wealth by helping others. Maybe dont be so jelly … Jesus
AirBnB is directly contributing to the housing crisis in London...
Yeah, I really hate what AirBnB turned into. Years ago when I was travelling a lot, it was typically just a room in a person/family's house and it was a really great way to learn about the area and I had a lot of good evenings out with various hosts. Now it's just a short term rental that nobody even bothers to show up for a key exchange/tour and is a massive reason that there are so many technically unoccupied houses in metropolitan areas in western countries.
When I moved to a new town for work it was at very short notice and it was difficult to find a flat to rent. I got an AirBnB for 15 quid for a night in some lady's house. I couldn't book anything else and she let me stay for a week for 50 quid. She was lovely as well.
This is when AirBnB was at it's best. Just people with a spare room making a few quid on the side. Now it is a business in itself with people buying up property solely to let on AirBnB.
Tbf, it read as more surprise than jealousy to me? Might just be ambiguously worded.
The person above does which is why they offered it, what is so hard to understand lol
people who finance well, and understand that keeping a hold of the property is probably better for the future.
Hope the day comes when they’re all forced to sell
I don't like landlords either but this really isn't the place for it.
Be quite funny if it was 3 months after you finally managed to buy one.
Read the word "we".... he doesn't do it on his own.
Why not offer it to someone who is homeless in Soho?
Im rather curious why people are praising a person who bought a place just to put on Airbnb.
Thats a shit thing to do.
How do you know they bought it just to put it on airbnb?
its empty, in london
Yeah? Maybe they live in London but have to work away for months at a time? Maybe they had to move elsewhere to take care of a terminally ill relative and will eventually move back? Maybe they moved in with a partner but don't want to sell just yet just in case it doesn't work out?
How do you prefer people to acquire properties to put on Airbnb?
They don't and let families or single folk buy them instead of leaving them empty or charging large sums for extra income
Can couples buy them? Don't leave couples out
The flat is Soho, not like they're stopping your average person (family/couple)
I understand the point you're making, it's just not relevant here
Can couples buy them? Don't leave couples out
The flat is Soho, not like they're stopping your average person (family/couple)
I understand the point you're making, it's just not relevant here
Why dont you give your home to the homeless?
There's always one isn't there
What a dickhead
I don’t know someone homeless in soho. Do you?
Can you find out who is homeless in Soho and let the poster know? What a kind soul you are!
I'm literally in the same situation. Barking & Dagenham here. Fled DV and her manipulation.
Have been car homeless since mid-November. Council signposted me to Shelter & Streetlink.
In the last 2 weeks, I've got a bit further.
What you really want (and key information that the council neglected to tell me about) is indeed a CHAIN number.
This is all fresh in my head, so this will likely be the most accurate response you get in terms of getting out of sleeping in the car. I'll point out the most important steps of each.
Streetlink outreach team will come out & verify you're homeless. You'll then get what is known as a CHAIN (Combined Homeless & Information Network)
They'll pass this specific CHAIN number & any other details you get to the local authority/council who will also come out to you, usually within 4 hours of the person from Streetlink.
Shortly after this, you'll get an outreach worker from the council come out to you as above. They'll usually exchange contact information and they'll work with you to create an action plan. On my first night under SWEP, about when a week ago, when I was waking up to frost INSIDE my car, I was allowed to go to a hostel in Barking which had 3 bunk beds in, although this arrangement only kicks in when there is a weather alert or the recorded temperature is sub zero degrees Celsius so YMMV.
In the action plan you and your housing officer is at the council, they will tell you what you're entitled to, in terms of the Local Housing Allowance and encourage you to look for properties that are affordable based on that entitlement. They vary between councils so check it online. They'll do an income to expenditure calculation before they agree to helping with your first month's rent & deposit costs.
They also tell you that you should look further afield in terms of renting to find cheaper rents, even citing that you should look into other areas of the country.
I do feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. But it's frustrating to say that dealing with my council - you will largely be waiting on other people to respond to emails, texts, or calls back. (I've already had a new housing officer inside 1 week, not sure if that's normal) Apparently a team of 3, the homelessness team, one is on long term sickness & one is also on maternity leave from what I was told on the phone.
I dont have any awards left but you are an amazing human.
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
Omg thankyou so much, I’m in Colchester Essex, I just couldn’t make it at all, I don’t have the funds and I have work, but honestly thankyou so much! I would never would have expected something like this. Thankyou
How much is the travel?
I went from near Colchester to London and it was £46 return but that was peak time. Still shockingly expensive if you aren't used to London prices
If he was commuting regularly it would be cheaper per day though
A problem with this is that there is then a £40 barrier to get back to their support network. And Soho is an expensive place to be stuck.
Is there anything you need? Fuel, water, food, dogfood? I'm in Colchester
Not to worry but feel free to DM if anything changes.
What a legend! Take my imaginary award for being such a an amazing and humble human being! Such a relief to see compassion over greed come to the forefront. 🥇
The world needs more people like you, kind Redditor !
You're a gent mate.
You’re an angel 😇. If only there were more people in this world like you.
Hang in there OP… you have reached out to the right community ❤️
What a genuinely lovely and beautiful gesture.
Kudos to you OP, you’re one of the good guys. ❤️
People like you remind me there is genuine, good humanity in the world. Fair play and thank you.
What an absolute saint walking this earth. Incredibly nice thing to offer.
Respect for this 💯
What a lovely offer.
How lovely! 😊
Awesome work
Commenting to boost, I hope OP sees this and takes you up on the offer. Love to you both x
i hope op sees this. Even if they are unable to take up your offer it’s good to see some kindness
Good on you for this offer. I hope op sees it
You are an amazing person
If I could give any advice I’d say, save up for a van that you can convert over time (a matress will do) to start with, at least then you have some room for you and the pup, best of luck in the future man. Brighter days always come and the sun always rises in the morning.
It may be a long shot - but have you spoken to your local church? They may be able to help too.
I agree. Some people at some churches are very good with admin and very happy to help when they can with questions and methods of administering your life when it comes to money and housing. Just don't expect all churches to have people like that.
They may also provide a bit of religious indoctrination too (sometimes about helping the hungry and needy),
Wetherspoons are open early until late and are very warm with unlimited hot drinks for less than a pound.
These rooms consider pets in Colchester
Rooms for rent (pets allowed) Colchester, Essex flatshare Colchester, Essex house share rooms to let
If you are an able bodied adult male the council have no duty of care for you. They do have a duty to offer you advice and assistance though.
Hi mate, can you afford a travelodge? They accept pets, I’ve been in one long term as I’m homeless myself with my dog x
I can't imagine if he's no money to rent of a flat he could afford to stay in a hotel. It's not like they are dirt cheap for a night even for a Travel Lodge.
Yeah I know I’ve been stuck in one for close to 18 months, I’m never gonna get out of debt. It’s about £40 per night minimum but with the temperature being sub zero this weekend, homeless charities are more inclined to help
I'm surprised you can even get a Travelodge for £40 per night these days, that was the price when I was younger and stayed in them for gigs and nightsout 20 years ago, I thought they'd be double that now.
This may be a dumb question as I don't know your circumstances and I'm probably missing something how come you're not renting a flat or even a room in a house share as it would obviously be a lot cheaper than £40 per night over a month?
Most places require a deposit and if you're struggling with money, that's not going to be possible to save. It's the same as with a mortgage -- many people could pay the monthly rate but getting the deposit is the difficult part.
I think it’s the fact I’m not working but I can’t get a job if I haven’t got anywhere to live so I’m stuck
Renting a flat it more than just affording the price of the rent and utilities. There is so much competition for housing that landlords have pick of the crop, you're often competing for a place. You also need to have a deposit that is usually more than a months rent up front.
You have to give credit score, multiple references, guarantor, ID, proof of previous residence and pay slips just to be considered. Even if you can afford the rent, many places give a minimum salary you must earn, mine said I had to earn at least 40k a year.
It is not at all easy to rent unfortunately, especially if you come from low income or homelessness.
Absolutely, I don’t think people realise sometimes how bad it is, even when I was working 40 hour weeks I was struggling!! My last house was privately rented and it was a fucking nightmare from start to finish. Estate agent disappearing and being unreachable for basic repairs never mind paying rent, landlord never showed her face until she randomly showed up to show an estate agent round, decided to evict me on the grounds of selling the house cos she had ‘financial troubles’ but actually had another 8 properties that I knew about!!! tried to bully me out sooner, lied and said I trashed the house when it was honestly a shithole to begin with, broken oven and dodgy front door, riddled with damp, nightmare neighbours… but it was my first home after leaving an abusive relationship so it was better than nothing 🤷🏼♀️
I’d honestly be happy with a studio or a caravan at this point I just need somewhere for me and my little dog to be able to start again.
I can’t find anywhere, the cheapest properties here are around £900 and even with a months rent, deposit and guarantor i cant get anything, probably cos council told me they’d only house me if I was removed by bailiffs otherwise it’s ’voluntary homelessness’ - did exactly what they said and they’ve done fuck all to help me. Got told unofficially that the only way id get housed is if i got pregnant, it’s fucked up. I’m going back to the council office tomorrow cos I just get swerved over the phone
I suffer badly with mental health problems and no house shares accept dogs, I’m not rehoming him either that’s not an option cos if I didn’t have him to keep me company I’d have been dead months ago x
Can you move elsewhere?
Unfortunately not x
Damn, sounds like a terrible situation to be in. I hope your council get their act together and sort you somewhere to live.
I was in a private rented house til landlord served an illegal eviction notice cos she wanted to sell up, and it all just spiralled from there. Thank you, it’s tough but without my little dog I’d be fucked. I’m lucky to have a roof over my head even if it’s a shit hotel hahah
Best of luck, and hope things improve.
It’s just going on a credit card but I’ll never be able to afford to pay it off, basically ruined my life
Short term could help? Some charge £30 a night or less
£30 a night is a hell of a lot if you have no money.
Yes you’re, quite right. Of course.
Any updates OP?
You’ve given a lot of identifiable information here you may prefer to redact.
I wish you luck and joy
i have a gym group colchester code for a month id be happy to sort u out with for a shower or just to chill in, doubt you’d be able to sleep there tho tbh although it is 24h so a safe place if u ever need it. would only be until 16th of feb unfortunately as it’s already cancelled. send me a message if u need it.
I work for a homeless centre as a caseworker so this would be my best advice for you.
You need to call your local councils Housing Options line. You’ll find it on their website. In order to get help from your local council you’ll need a local connection. Most of the time you need to have lived in that area for a minimum of two years but they sometimes ask for longer. Each council is different but they might ask you to do an assessment which is where they’ll decide what priority level for housing you are. The main factors are if you have children with you and if you have diagnosed health conditions. Occasionally depending on your priority they might put you in temporary accommodation which can be at a hostel or a hotel, or they might not be able to offer you anything. Hopefully you’ll be given a homelessness prevention officer who will be assigned to your case and help you get housing. It’s really important you stay in that council area because if you move elsewhere the new council will refuse to help you unless you have a valid reason such as fleeing domestic violence. Also keep as much evidence as you can. You’ll need ID, previous tenancies, letters stating you don’t owe rent arrears, any medical evidence such as patient summaries etc. the more you have to show the better.
You should sign up for your local councils housing association. This is where you can bid on properties. You’ll be put in a band which is based on your priority, the higher up your band aka band 1 will mean you’ll be housed sooner. If you’re in a lower band like band 3 it could take a long time to be housed. It depends on how many properties the council has and how many people are bidding. In the area I work the wait for a band 3 person can be up to 8 years but it might be different where you are.
If you are given temporary accommodation there might be a chance that it’s more expensive than renting privately. Most of the time people who use temporary accommodation are receiving benefits and their rent is paid by housing benefit but if you’re working you’re expected to pay the normal rate plus a lot extra which can be almost £1500 a month depending on your location whilst others only pay £350. Make sure you ask questions about working if you’re offered anywhere so you’re not blindsided into paying really high fees.
Private renting is your best option. The best place for you to look is Spareroom. They’re mainly house shares (you’ll find a few studios though) but there’s a lot of good benefits from them. Most of them will include bills and be significantly cheaper than renting somewhere entirely on your own. They won’t ask for as high of a deposit, potentially might not need one at all and you shouldn’t need a guarantor. The process can be a lot quicker too and I’ve known people to move in same day. Plus you don’t need to worry about buying furniture because it’s usually provided. Even if you don’t want to live with other people, it’s a stepping stone to somewhere else and you don’t have to stay there forever. If the deposit is an issue, your local council might be able to help with this through the rent deposit guarantee scheme if they have one.
Make the most of services around you like food banks and homeless centres. The place I work at offers hot meals every day and has showers and washing facilities. You can also talk to caseworkers who will help you get in touch with the right people. Hopefully there’ll be somewhere near you that offers something similar. These places hopefully will also have donations for you such as sleeping bags and blankets to make your car a little warmer.
Lastly your council might operate Outreach which is where a team from the council or a local organisation will come and find you and potentially refer you into accommodation. Even if you don’t take the accommodation this might be a good chance to ask what other support there is. It’s worth asking your council if they operate this. You can use the website Streetlink (if you Google it, it should come up) to register your location. You’ll be asked a load of questions like where you are, physical description, when you’ll be at that place and they’ll try and do their best to find you. It’s worth doing streetlink a few times if you’re not found straight away as usually they operate in a large area so might not be able to find you the next time they go out. They should do outreach fairly regularly. My local area does it 2-3 times a week.
I hope your situation gets better and you can find somewhere safe to stay :) we’re in the middle of a housing crisis so don’t be put off if it doesn’t happen instantly. It might take persistence but you’ve got this!
I strongly advise that you look for live-in work. In one months time, they'll be screaming for people to work hospitality in Scotland. This will be my 4th year.
Many places may take you on now, like my new boss just did. I explained that I'm sofa surfing in England, and they urged me to come now, stay in the hotel, and when the time comes I'll get work when the hotel is ready to be deep cleaned for opening.
You can get jobs with accommodation in England, but they're few and far between. Start looking and asking now for places that will let you bring your dog. Many do, many don't.
I know these will accept you and your dog.
Royal Hotel in Oban Isle Of Eriska Hotel & Spa near Benderloch Auchrannie Resort on Isle Of Arran (possibly)
Sorry, I know that's only 3 places, but it's a start.
Good idea, there's lots of overnight sleep-in care work as well and even horse yards will take live-in grooms if you're fit and keen to work.
Yes absolutely, farm work, hotel work. All sorts really. If OP sees this comment, there's Facebook groups you can join called "Live in jobs UK" or "jobs in Scotland with accommodation" all sorts like that
Good idea.
ALSO van life and motorhome groups, they'll help you find somewhere to live.
Lots of them will know "off the grid" places that bend the rules. You don't necessarily need a van, they might have a spare room or something.
Living in a car you need the heaviest tog duvet, I actually have one that I bought cause I lived in a vehicle for a while. But I ended up only living in it through summer so I didn't need it.
No idea how I'd get it to you though I live very far away.
But I can tell you NEXT sell them.
Talk to you employer, explain your situation.
They might know someone with a property you could stay in, they might be able to give you a bit of cash upfront.
You could also consider if your workplace is the kind of place nobody will notice you staying overnight...staying overnight. Bring your dog in and sleep somewhere, set a very early alarm, shower at a nearby gym.
For one, sleeping on the floor is better than the car.
I would stay indoors overnight at least.
Your wee dog needs the warmth too.
Mate if you can get you and your dog to Liverpool you can stay with me and my Mrs, it’ll be the couch but at least you’ll warm and safe. Pm me if needs be. Xx
This is so nice of you need more ppl like you in life but then again i always find scousers are the most lovely down to earth ppl ☺️
Sorry to hear about your situation. I was in a similar situation with partner in 2019 and would never give up my dogs, so ended off in a rented transit van in -6C weather when evicted overnight. It was heartbreaking when their water bowls froze over. We managed to keep working and found the smallest, most disgusting apartment (dead body size stain in the living room and bathroom shrooms) for £500 a month and literally had rats in the walls. The landlord was dodgy but we knew the score. 6 years later I own a house and the dogs have a nice garden.
I can't offer advice except it will eventually work out, just got to take what you can. Don't even consider drinking or drugs as an escape. Unfortunately you're going to be at the bottom of any housing list if you're male, adult and not a migrant; you're invisible to the authorities but people will help out if you ask them.
Message me if you need some dog food, or food for yourself. People who abandon their dogs are scum, so you're a good man in my book 👍
Your mum can't even let you sleep on the floor? That's wild behaviour for a mother
I know literally I’m sure some mums and dads think they stop being a parent at 16! He’s her son and this shit makes me sad that she is even allowing her poor son to sleep in his car surely she could let him go on her floor with a blow mattress ect I’d sleep in my back garden to make sure my son/daughter is warm and safe Some parents are just on another level of madness .
Big up Colch, I don’t live there but am from not so far away, went to institute.
You have a car and you have a job which is great - you could find a room to rent asap so what’s the issue?
Just adding to the offers of support, we're local. I can give you spare blankets, tea and water, some calorie dense foods, etc.
Hello, hopefully you’re still reading replies. I can’t offer what some of the amazing things others have offered you in this thread. However I recommend checking out Michael Hickey (themichaelhickey) on Instagram. His situation was different in that he lived in his car for many months to save for a house, but he has some really good tips, particularly early in in the “saving for tiny home” series, that might help you. Good luck mate.
I lived in my caer for 8 years, some of the best days of my live I spent in my caer!
Report yourself to Streetlink -
Look up local food banks / soup kitchens. Not sure where you are currently but I can recommended some if you are near to Walthamstow.
Wishing you luck
Please stop recommending St Mungo's Streetlink, unless you're looking to destroy the lives of the homeless people you're reporting.
Anyway, their criteria is roughsleepers bedded down on the pavement - not homeless people living in their cars.
Thanks for the info
Present yourself as homeless at your nearest council office tomorrow morning, they are obliged to help you.
Also look at the Shelter website, loads of good advice.
Unfortunately, that's not true. A single male will be a very low priority.
Incorrect advice, please stop spreading misinformation, dissuading homeless people from making a homeless application to their council's Homeless Team.
Most single homeless men are priority need for at least one reason, many for several reasons.
It is true they are obliged to help you.
It is not true they are obliged to house you immediately regardless of priority, cost, and availability.
The hell may be to direct you to a hostel, where they won't accept the OP with a dog, and if the OP refuses to give him up they will say the OP is choosing to stay homeless and they have done their obligation.
If you think the council gives a sh1t about a single male, you're very much mistaken. They are not obliged to do house anyone. They give hostel places to FAMILIES, and they are few and far between. Single people are the lowest priority even for hostel places.
You're living in a la la land.
Where did I say they give a shit?
I'm pointing out to you "obliged to help" is very literally and legally a true statement. Councils are legally obliged to "help" anyone who is homeless.
You are confusing "help" with "immediately house".
Having known single males who were offered hostel places, you're not as well informed as you think you are.
A single male won't be high on the council priority list
Incorrect advice, please stop spreading misinformation, dissuading homeless people from making a homeless application to their council's Homeless Team.
Most single homeless men are priority need for at least one reason, many for several reasons.
Incorrect advice, most single homeless men are priority need for at least one reason, many for several reasons.
If he is "unintentionally homeless" - e.g. he's been evicted/released from prison/something else out-of-his-control they are REQUIRED to provide accomodation - regardless of status
It might be an HMO full of skagheads - it probably WILL be - but they are required to help so long as you didn't CHOOSE to be homeless (e.g. leaving a relationship/fleeing a rental etc.)
as someone else said, if he's classes as unintentionally homeless but refuses to give up his dog for accommodation that will quickly change to intentionally homeless.
I get kids cannot be left on the street and they need their parents but it’s so unfair that men get tarnished with the brush they will be fine on the streets therefore get no priority even if they’ve paid into the system
Would depend on whether he's intentionally homeless or not, unless that's changed in the last 5 years.
Yeah, and a lot of councils are ~~shit~~ under resourced. Some straight up won't help, regardless of their obligation. Worth a try though.
Yeah, I was unintentionally homeless so could at least get a decent band on social housing - but I think I got maybe a month or two of support which was basically just links to awful shared accommodation. Also a care leaver and have some disabilities, literally been awarded an SMI from the council regarding Council Tax (full exemption).
Luckily after around 9 months I got a Social Housing flat, although they lied about how they gave away these properties (Band/Date). They put me next to 3 schizophrenics who get sectioned at least twice a year and one likes knifes (we share a communal hallway & walls).
I did ask for an exchange which you now have to source yourself, which is bonkers. Imagine who would want to swap with that never mind the mice & cockroaches, and if you lied they'd likely turn up on your door step demanding a swap back, which would be easy to find seeing as they lived there.
St Mungos are a homeless charity who will also allow people to bring their dogs in with them, and I believe operate in London and the south of England. Hope everything works out for you and your dog. Stay safe as you can.
St Mungo's do teerible things to homeless in London. Luckily they don't operate in Essex.'s
I believe St Mungos will take both people and their dogs when homeless…
St Mungo's do terrible things to homeless people in London. Luckily they don't operate in Essex.
Pretend you’ve come on a dinghy and get the hotel free of charge mate
A top level comment (one that is not a reply) should be a good faith and genuine attempt to answer the question
Drive to France and come back on a boat and you’ll get everything for free mate, all jokes aside hope u get back on ur feet life can be hard sometimes, all the best.
A top level comment (one that is not a reply) should be a good faith and genuine attempt to answer the question
I know of alot of people who cant take the accomadation if they have pets
Hi I was in the same situation in may living in a vw polo for 2 months. I was living between a park and canal on a small car park, dogwalkers etc basicly had all my stuff etc, I made one side sleeping area just about possible if you organise properly, first call is local council to register with them so your on a system, the homeless team should visit you at some point to check you are where you say you are, basicly don't hold your breath on a quick rehoming however I don't know how your council works It's hard but you do get used to it after a week or so, I would get a in car charger notepad pen handy, I found the local salvation army who I now volunteer for who offer showers clothes etc and I could do washing once a week unfortunately it is only open Tues and Fridays for 2 hrs but absolutely brilliant, if you can buy a flask etc and get a cafe to fill it up if you can, don't be afraid of asking for help... Also food banks will provide dog food can use job centre as a po box for mail aswell, I could get takeaways delivered also which helped, black out your windows for privacy and keep a bin bag wipes water etc and just pop your bonnet when running your car let the heat out rather than it overheating, it's difficult but you will adapt to your own way, try the private rent route and keep ringing the council, it won't be forever and there is help and decent people out there, hope this helps and good luck hang in there 💪
hi, please contact your local council. good luck to you & your dog 🐕
The dog is a big problem. I worked with homeless people in manchester all the ones we had trouble housing had pets. Shelters, and temporary accommodation B&B all refused pets. It's a simple fact you can rehome your pet and then get some form of roof over your head.
Incorrect advice.
If you're in rural Andalusia, Spain... message me because maybe my family can help you! I know this is a UK subreddit of course.
A top level comment (one that is not a reply) should be a good faith and genuine attempt to answer the question
Shelter are a very helpful service on the UK their number is: 0808 800 4444, sorry if this has already been mentioned
You could ring Shelter on 0808 800 4444 a thousand times and they will not answer the phone.
Stop gambling bro
A top level comment (one that is not a reply) should be a good faith and genuine attempt to answer the question
Jump on a boat in France! Make your way to dover. Your get a nice hotel & everything else
A top level comment (one that is not a reply) should be a good faith and genuine attempt to answer the question
Say you are a foreigner.
Free hotel food etc
A top level comment (one that is not a reply) should be a good faith and genuine attempt to answer the question
You are rough sleeping so contact street link.
Very bad advice -
You got this mate 👍 Park your dog off somewhere like a friends house ride it out till the end of the month then lol for a studio flat or 1 bed depending where you are based
Wish I was closer brother to help you out. I hope everything goes well for you and Dennis. Stay strong bro
Sleeping bag from Aldi (pref with a hood) £12 Cover the windows with anything anyway you can Put a quilt underneath you (very important) You can be cozy when it's - 10 so long as you.. •cover windows •quilt/blanket underneath you •sleeping bag with hood ( i.e mummy sleeping bag)
Good luck!
Can work help? I know if an employee came to me and said they were sleeping in their car, I'd do whatever I could to help.
A shoddy old caravan or even a tent is going to be infinitely more comfortable than sleeping in the car so I'd look at that come payday. Find out what local camp sites charge. Be aware that you'll need to move sites every couple of weeks.
is it? surely a tent is less secure, colder, limited on where you can put it etc.
I suppose it depends, but a family sized tent is going to be bigger, much better ventilated, easier to keep clean, space for a proper air mattress, table, chair, etc.
Sure, but where are you pitching it?
At a cheap camp site.
even a cheap campsite even in january is like £10 per night
checked pitchup.copm and the only campsite within 10 miles colchester with availability until the end of the month wants £400 for 2 weeks to camp on the forest floor with no electricity, the next closest is near Maldon they want 280 for non-electric and 380 for electric.
This advice is about what to do on payday.
Ok but it's still about the same cost to camp as it is to rent a flat!
Depending on OP's situation, renting a flat can be hard - credit check, referencing. But OP has a dog so it's nigh on impossible.
This. I'm 100% sure if a colleague came to us and said they were at risk of homeless, we would jump in and advance them a deposit on a place. It is worth asking, I saw OP's comment about their workplace.
There's also Reddit subs aimed at living in vehicles. Here's links to a couple of them:
Are you ex military by any chance?
It’s worth posting on “Vanlife - UK” Facebook page, there’s a lot of kind people on there that may be local and able to help you.
Get a camper van
Coming from someone who lives in a campervan full time, and has spent plenty of nights car camping before.
You can buy thick foam from b&q to cut into shape to fit your boot and around the lowered seats to help make a comfortable flat bed. Someone else mentioned not to use inflatable mattress because it traps cold air beneath you… the whole point of inflatables is that the air in it warms up from your body heat and insulates you better.
Get some curtains to cover the windows - this helps both with privacy and keeping heat in.
A hot water bottle goes a very long way to keeping yoo warm through the night, preheating the sleeping bag and stopping you from waking up cold.
Cracking the window a touch will help with condensation.
Earplugs and an eye mask help if it’s loud or near streetlights.
Wrapping up in loads of layers in a sleeping bag doesn’t actually keep you warmer, you want to heat the air in the sleeping bag around you. On a chilly night maybe try long johns, but usually t shirt and underwear is enough.
Try varying your scenery every now and then, maybe at the weekends - check out park4night for places you can sleep.
Sleeping on the floor in your mums flat (due to the lack of space) would surely be better than sleeping in your car overnight?
Dude If that was the case then do you think he would be sleeping in his car?
yes, some people are doormats that will just accept "there's no room for you" without self advocating.
do you intend to keep using the car on the road for work etc?
Have a look at the homelessness legislation, are you priority need homeless for any of the reasons listed? If so, make a homeless application to your council's Homeless Team. They have to get you temporary accommodation, they have 56 days to assess you and will give you points to bid for council and housing association flats
If you're not priority need homeless, check out r/urbancarliving for tips for living in your car. Nearly all the posts are by people in US, but adapt it to UK.
Sub for homeless in UK r/HomelessUK
Car tent? You need a rack to use one.
I dont know what you do as a job, but you could try and get a job which includes accommodation? Im a horsey person so I can only think of people who work around horses mucking out etc. Often they'll be given a flat onsite, whether they could consider that if you have 0 horse experience I dont know...
Can you not sleep inside the house, even on the floor with some pillows etc? That'll at least be warmer?
If you need a shower and can't use the house, get to a service station and just ask for a shower key. They are free. Same if you have a gym membership.
I'm not sure how food banks work but surely there's one near you. It's embarrassing for sure but it's needed, so do what you have to do to eat and drink and they'll help out.
I hope your situation gets better
Nothing to be embarrassed about. The government should be embarrassed.
The government that made cuts to all social services including housing the last 10 + years should be embarrassed*
Tbh I think the current government should also be embarrassed until it’s fixed, or at least until they’re taking solid steps towards fixing it.
You’re right
Yeah it’s the bastard tories that fucked it let’s be honest.
I think this is a good idea, short of approaching a shelter. There will be for a sleeping bag on the floor overnight somewhere, surely?
Even if it means going to bed late and getting up early to keep out of the way, it's better than sleeping in a cold car.
Yes if you can at all sleep inside the house, even if just on the floor and not the full night. You might feel in the way or literally be in the way but it is very cold overnight in the car.
If you can't stay inside can you take hot water bottles or flasks filled with warm water? Condensation will build up in the car either way and it will start to get damp, you can't stay warm in there long.
Please go to Beacon House! They will assist you. Colchester has a big homeless community and many charities that support them. Dennis is allowed in with you too.
They used to be on East Hill 20 years ago but may have moved.
I wish you all the best mate.
For tips making the car work, you're probably best looking in the hiking/camping subs. Remember that what you have under you matters just as much as what you have over you. You can pick up a foam thermarest cheaply. Make sure you're eating dinner right before sleeping, the heat from digestion makes a huge difference.
Had to sleep in a car and few of the worst things were the cold, condensation and just lying on seats that weren't designed for it, I solved 1&3 with layers of clothes and blankets, had a thick one I put on the seat to even it out and thin ones to cover me and I'd of wore layers of clothes including a base layer with tights and thermal vest, the condensation it's maybe worth getting a couple of cheap moisture traps but when the cars on if you put the heat on full and set it so it's aimed at the floor then put the windows down just a hair, the heat will cause evaporation and the crack lets the moist air escape.
It’s actually very achievable with an insignia to live comfortably from the car. The 3 main barriers are heat, comfort and hygiene. Hygiene can be achieved with a 24/hr gym subscription for hot showers, stretching, hanging out. Heat is actually quite easy it’s just layers upon layers, couple duvets you’ll be fine (still crack a window otherwise you die). Comfort is more challenging having recently spent a few nights sleeping in a car at hospital while my wife had a challenging birth. Chairs are no good neither is a high density gym mat spread across the back, you will get sore and uncomfortable. Instead, move your front seats all the way forward and measure the absolute extremes and see what size mattress you can get in there. You can get custom size mattresses or just chop up an old foam unit to fit but regardless my strongest possible advice is the mattress. The comfort it will provide for this experience will outweigh everything else you can get. Good luck
Please reach out to any local homelessness services in your area, the council should have a list online. Can your mother look after your dog? As a lot of emergency housing situations do t allow pets. You and your sister could try to apply together, oddly enough it could boost your chances of being housed sooner. Wishing you all the best.
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
Hi, thanks for reaching out, I shall check them out tomorrow, didn’t think about that with my sister, would make life a lot cheaper in the long run, regarding my little dog, my mother has a couple of cats, and it just doesn’t work
If you can afford a really good sleeping bag a car jumper/inverter with battery pack and try get yourself a low powered heated blanket.
Likely worth figuring out a way to block windows also like those foil reflectors.
Emergency blankets are like 50p and they work for this as well.
If you can’t afford proper foil reflectors pet stores and reptile stores will usually get frozen foods wrapped in large sheets of a similar material and live fish usually have something similar to a space blanket in the box with them.
Try Sanctuary Housing on Queen Elizabeth Way. They do help with supported living mostly but might be able to at least point to a place where you can safely put your head down.
If you're near the Willows/BP station, send me a PM. I'd be quite happy to fill up a few thermos bottles with boiling water for you. I can't let you stay over sorry, I'm a female alone and there's just no space in my flat.
You can use a baby gate to keep him separate from where the cats usually are in the hallway or kitchen for example, the cats will likely leave him alone.
There is no help out there. People like to say there is but there isn't. Unless you come up the beach on a boat and you are a rapist
Doubting the help out there I understand but assuming it's there but it's going to criminal immigrants is really ignorant. Maybe you need to ignore the tabloids.
I don't give a fuck
Hot water bottles (multiple), thermals, gloves, beanies, cardboard to cover your windows on the inside for some insulation, a thick winter blanket and bring a flask of tea to bed. Best of luck
Hi, I'm near ish (Suffolk, Ipswich area) and I'm currently having a clear out because we unexpectedly have to move. I have LOADS of blankets, pillows etc which I was going to get rid of. If you need them, let me know
There are facebook groups for car camping, they will have all the information you need. Just look up car camping UK. Good luck.
As long as you can get comfortable enough to sleep you can keep warm by bible wrapping the windows at night, and filling the car with hot water bottles or containers which will slowly release the heat.
With some blankets you should be fine but the bubble wrap alone would probably be enough.
Contact Dogs on the street for assistance.
why not sleeping bag on your mums floor ? kitchen /hallway floor will be much warmer than a car in mid winter
good luck anyway
So as someone who's done a bit of adverse weather camping, I'll chip in some advice.
Cars are colder than tents - I don't know if it's an option to put a tent up anywhere, but consider it.
Keep yourself warm by trapping air around you - even a thin blanket or sheet does more good than it seems as long as it's restricting air flow. And that'll often be better than something thicker that also traps moisture next to your body.
Other than that contact with surfaces that are cold sap heat - and again a relatively small amount of separation and insulation does a lot of good 'just' a foam roll mat is a thing that hikers carry for a reason.
Airbeds are actually bad for this sort of things, because they're heat sinks. They'll keep you cool in the summer, but they'll ensure you never warm up in the winter. They're passable as long as you remember this, and add the insulation layers you would if the airbed didn't exist. E.g. blanket/wool/foam layer covering the airbed before you sleep on it.
Sleeping bags are good at what they do. Pocket hand warmers are fairly cheap and do a surprising amount when insulated. But so do hot water bottles if you've access to hot water from the flat.
If you've got issues with access to 'facilities' for washing/changing etc. a gym membership isn't too expensive, and you can sometimes find one that's open and warm 24h.
Find somewhere to be during the day that's keeping you sheltered/warm/dry - it might be in the flat, it might be in a nearby pub. (e.g. at weekends if not at work). Sleeping 'outdoors' is a lot more bearable if you're able to warm up again easily.
Varies a bit depending how dog friendly places are, but there's usually a few cafes about that are happy to allow dogs in.
From what you've said about work, I assume your dog is ok being left alone for your working day?
Figure out something about laundry - it might be a small flat starts to get difficult in terms of clothes washing, but a launderette might work out for you - especially if you're mobile enough to drive there.
If you're tempted to run the car to get some heat, be very cautious - cars aren't really designed to sit idle, so be wary of where the exhaust fumes will be going. Even if it's outdoors, the fumes can 'sit' depending on the weather, so run the engine sparingly. And do so recognising that your car battery takes a 'hit' from starting the car - usually a non issue due to running the engine for a journey which recharges it, but it's really not geared up for 'camper van' energy usage patterns.
A portable battery for phone charging etc. may well be a good idea instead of drawing on the cars electrics. Especially if you can recharge your battery at work! You'll probably be ok if it's "just" a phone or something, but be wary of anything that generates heat. Last thing you want is your car to be unable to start due to a dead battery!
You've got this - you've a full time job, and right now your living costs are going to be really low, as miserable as it sounds. Focus on saving up to fix your situation, and ultimately consider whether you need to relocate to somewhere due to cost of living. Bit harder if you've a full time job depending what sector you work in, but it might be a similar job somewhere else is a better balance of 'income vs. rent' for you.
Well I have done this. Usually 24hr open supermarkets like Walmart/Asda/Tesco are great . Have bathroom facilities open 24 after restaurants are closed. 24 hour gyms are great too for shower facilities. Get free trial.It gets cold in a car but a couple of cold weather duvets and you are sorted. I woke one morning in -25C and the entire inside of the vehicle was rather beautiful swirls of frost on the inside of the glass. Top layer was crisp frozen. But the other duvets were grand. Thermal layers are awesome. Would prefer to never go through this again. Highly recommend advice about seeking out help from council. When you have ways available to get you out of this situation it’s always better to do it. Don’t let pride get in the way. We all need a little help sometimes.
I know Colchester well. Dude - I am also happy cover a Travel Lodge for a night for you and the dog - if you want to take this up with me, please feel free to PM me.
Take a flask of hot tea to bed, keeps you warm in the night and with a bit of luck you can wake up to a cuppa
Get some emergency foil sheets, most car or camping shops do them for a few pounds. Put one under your sleeping bag /where you sleep, as the cold creeps up from below even more than from above
Don't use an air mattress or lilo to sleep on as you're trapping cold air under you
Wear a hat and gloves in bed, makes a big difference
Most of all say every night "this too shall pass"
Good luck friend
Yeah, as counterintutive as it sounds, tents are actually warmer than cars.
Airbeds are heat sinks not insulators - but they can be made 'functional' by adding insulating layers of blankets or foam roll mats.
Pocket hand warmers are potent in the bottom of a sleeping bag - a bit of insulation goes a long way. I used a badly designed torch for a bit - one of those Ebay specials with stupid light output but that also got rather hot. Running on rechargable batteries it'd 'run' for an hour or so (yes, it was using that much energy!) but inside a sleeping bag it was hot enough that you risked a contact burn...
I mean, it's not very clever idea overall, but it's a rechargable heat source.
Putting the foil blankets over the windows helps trap heat in the car and offers some privacy. I used to roll the edge up in the window so they were like curtains.
This too shall pass got me through some tough times. You can do this.
With regards the foil blankets this is good advice. If putting them around your body you need to be warm first
Good luck broski....
on instagram jadeinacar gives a lot of advice about staying in her car 🙏
You could trade in the car for a van and live in that
In your situation I'd be trying to trade the in car for a little van - ideally a campervan, there's plenty on Facebook, gumtree etc for not a lot of money, or even an unconverted or an unfinished project van is going to be more comfortable to sleep in.
It's good that you have the parking space and I presume can use facilities and hang out at your mums - good luck man!
This happened to me once a couple of years back. Keep warm eh but do not have open flame heating. Think carbon monoxide at all times. It's a killer. They find truck drivers dead a lot. Get loads of quilts. They won't house you with your dog. Stay safe brother
Is it common for people to have an open flame in a car? I feel like it’s just common sense not to have open flame heating in a car/truck
It does happen. Sometimes people don’t know, or they get desperate and think they’re being careful enough. It only has to go wrong once.
This is going to be hard for you, but you can not fairly care for your dog. There are plenty of charities that will take care of and find a good stable home for him. If you really care for your dog you must give him up.
Read the top comment, follow the homeless pathway and NEVER GIVE YOUR DOG UP EVER. Best of luck.
Shelter are an organisation that support with housing and they are now trying to help people stay with their pets in their accommodation so could be worth reaching out to them to see if they cover your area
Slip me a message brother I can help you out with a bit of cash until end of month won’t be much but something is better than nothing eh! Even to put fuel in car to keep it warm. Up to you. Stay safe. Offers there.
You need to reach out to Charlie boys angels in Southend. They work with people who are homeless with pets. They are in Southend and sometimes have dog friendly accomodation. The lady's name is Lynn and she's excellent. They have a Facebook page
I don't know Colchester well at all but I know Southend has the 7 churches which open their doors each week (different church each night). Surely Colchester does something similar? They provide temp beds etc. I'm sure HARP is the whole of Essex, so give them a shout. But deffo start with Lynn.
I wouldn't give up my dogs either. Normally I'd say contact the cinnamon trust. They are a charity that helps dogs go into vetted foster accommodation when the owners can't care for them due to hospital admissions or homelessness but they are overrun, as is any charity who offer stuff like this. Charlie boys is about keeping you guys together and making sure everyone is fed, as warm as poss and healthy.
Uber eats sign up and earn some money.. Aim to cover a hotel stay. Am sure they do business insurance as well.
Hi op. I feel like almost every possible advice has been given already, but i do have to ask, are you able to rent a room in someone's house for around £300-£350 a month? There's a few communities of non-nationals for whom it is common to rent out rooms in their house to people with shared values. These will be mostly limited to facebook groups. Do NOT use facebook marketplace as it is rife with scams.
This will give you access to possibly the cheapest way to have a private room with shared utilities, and most eastern europeans will not be too bothered by the dog, or if they are it will be because of the landlord
Typing in capitals about your dog is where I lose patience.
Sorry to hear buddy! Things WILL get better. Been there and on the other side. Just regroup, and try to climb back up slowly. Dont rush to move into a flat until you’re back on steady income otherwise you’ll end up worse off.
Tips from someone who lived in her car for a while:
Sleeping bag. 4 season sleeping bag. Can pick these up for as little as £50. Absolute lifesaver for keeping warm at night.
Beanie. Keep your head covered!!! The majority of your warmth escapes through your head so sleep in a beanie!
24 hour Mcdonalds. - I know you said you’re staying outside your moms house, but if this should change, trust me, you want a bathroom nearby. Just dont park in their carpark cause you will get a ticket!
Be careful where you park!!! Lots of big car parks have limits and they will fine you!
Change your postal address to a friends/relatives and keep an eye. (I got in loads of trouble cause I didn’t change my address due to, well, not having one, and missed a speeding ticket. Had finally started to get on my feet a year later when the bailiffs turned up at my new flat). Joy!
Get a gym membership! Sounds crazy but roll with me on this one. I found a 24hr gym with a £20 per month membership. Didnt use a single machine. Used it for 24 hour access to a shower…. :)
Use your moms place to wash your clothes if you can. If not, laundromat. DO NOT SKIMP ON THIS!! If your clothes smell nobody will go near you and your job may be in danger.
The next few nights will get below freezing, so take care.
More blankets than you think you'll need is a good idea.
Hot water bottle from mums. Can always keep a key and make another one in the night if needed.
Staggering thing here is the simplest solution would be to reformat mum's flat, tiny as it is, to accommodate one more person. Move in a bunk bed or two.
Do you know where op is located? Because it's not below freezing in my area.
Username checks out, aye.
Well, I'm sure that will help OP when they are in the back of their car at 3am. God forbid we don't try to help someone unless they're the dead homeless guy from Scrooged.
Well, I'm sure that will help OP when they are in the back of their car at 3am. God forbid we don't try to help someone unless they're the dead homeless guy from Scrooged.
Yeah that’s the pertinent question right now. Because those couple of degrees are going to mean if they are comfortable or not….
It probably won't get to below freezing but cars can get absolutely freezing inside even in low single digits.
Commenting on Sleeping in car uk, what can I do?...
Wish you the best and you are an amazing Pawrent 🐕
Ever thought of living in the woods? There’s some YouTubers who do it and they even have a dog.
Being homeless at 16 and now many years past that, it makes me sad that your mother feels she has no space for you or that you feel she may not. There's always space.
I have had my two best friends stay at my flat many times due to housing issues and would never turn them down. They took the living room and I my bedroom and I made it work because that's what family does.
I wish all the best for you mate and I'm glad you have a companion aka your dog.
If you reach out to the guy who offered his air B&B, I’ll give you some petrol money to get there & a little bit for food
A lot of good advice here, I hope you'll get through the night(s) ok.
What kind company are you working for? Is there any option to ask your work for a salary advance payment? Or ask for any other help or support they or some colleagues could offer you?
Can you reach out to family / friends / colleagues to see if someone could let you sleep in their caravan / outbuilding / spare room?
We live in south Essex, and we can give you a decent sleeping bag and a bag of dry dog food, enough for up to 1 month (our boy is a 12 year old pug). We also have some spare soft blankets and some foil blankets you would be welcome to. The only problem is that I won't be able to get stuff to you before Saturday 😞
Not sure if it helps but travel lodges are cheap this time of year - colchester is 32 quid and you can bring dogs (20 extra for the booking)
If you need help on how to communicate your situation to the council, university of Essex law clinic can help. There’s also Beacon house on crouch street are a great charity that will be happy to assist. Wishing you all the best x
You cant be reasonably refused because of a pet i thought now in the uk, i was told they cant say no really
Hey sorry to hear that, I'm living in a third world country and always assumed that people living in the West have it all figure it out, but seems we have the same problems everywhere. It will get better, just don't lose hope.
I was homeless from 8 until 16...things get better
It's a different ballgame sadly. We soar the heights of our economic advantages but then have no infrastructure for survivability here when things come crashing down - people recieve very little education on how to make our own things or even how to cook food from basic ingredients. The climate is challenging to sleep in and foraging can only go so far, especially in winter. We have a welfare state but it moves slowly and that means everyone assumes someone is being looked after, rather than stepping up and putting in the work that a community needs to survive. I think we've also come to believe in it so much that when we need it, we dont realise how long it will take to get material help and havine always prepared ourselves with emergency plans etc. It's cold if I'm honest.
My husband is from a less well off country but people thrive there on very little - some old people literally have nothing but eat well through fishing and foraging and live into very old age. I'm not saying they have it better, but everyone remembers their grandparents experiences, knows how to take care of themselves if the worst happens, and keep an eye out for each other. I could definitely be homeless there. I couldn't here.
Im a bit of an expert of sleeping in ridiculously cold conditions. Most stuff is covered here but also take in load of water with you, tou.drink crazy amounts when sleeping cold, share dogs body heat and any part that's not in the sleeping bag cover with wool blankets.
Don't jump in the morning suddenly out into the cold,.your body goes mental suddenly trying to heat you up if you do that- warm up gradually. You can get very cheap heat pads that last about 8 hours that have honestly saved me in situations from sticking on my chest and back
Hi, I live in Colchester, I don't have a drier but can wash any clothes for you, or you can use my oven for proper meal etc, it's not a problem I'm 29F, also go on Facebook on anti loo roll brigade Colchester message them direct they are great at helping people, just for my own personal safety not being sexist but if your a female your also welcome to come round for some company and a coffee watch some TV etc :)
Get foil bubble wrap insulation for windows, wear thermals. Keep fit to stay healthy.
I was 19 when I slept in my car, the main thing is having a safe space to park at night. I found having a few jackets and blankets in my car helped. I also filled the boot with whatever I could to try insulate the back. I’d hang the jackets in the windows and blast my heaters on full for 10/15 minutes. I’d then climb into the back and curled into a ball with my blankets. Ideally you want to make sure your front and back windows are covered too for extra safety so no one could look in and see you.
Present yourself as homeless at your local council as a first port of call. You’ve already received some good advice on this.
Check to make sure you are receiving any benefits you are entitled to. Often a long shot - but also check Turn2us website in case there are any grants you are entitled to - there are some random ones on there!
Unfortunately your dog will complicate matters a bit, but admire your commitment to staying with him!
First port of call for loan for deposit would be family/frienss, but sounds like you are in full time employment - depending on how long you’ve been there/what the relationship is like, is there any chance you could ask for a salary advance for a deposit? Alternatively if you check out moneysavingexpert website you might be able to get a low interest loan for a deposit depending on your circumstances.
I’m in Colchester, have you tried posting in the local community group? Someone maybe able to offer you help and advice, local services to help you. It’s called Colchester Community Group and it has a snowy background photo currently. Just so you get the right group.
I’m sorry to hear of your situation.
Best advice I can give, is get a decent rated sleeping bag and couple of thick blankets. Hot water bottles are great for keeping warm if you can get one filled before going to sleep in your car. Use window sun blinds the silver foiled ones for blocking windows and keeping the heat in, you can cut to fit each window and then just tape them into place.
If you can fold your seats down and make a nice sized sleeping area then you could use a camping mat to make it a-bit more softer.
I do hope you can get something more suitable but in short term, that’s the best things to do. Treat it as if you are camping ⛺️ and how would you keep warm whilst camping.
I do hope things work out for you, please do reach out to the Colchester group, they can advise who’s best to speak to in our council or local support networks.
If you want a place to crash you can crash at one of my HMO’s in Blackburn and I live in Cheshire can help you with little amount of funds to get you going too.
Shout me out or drop me a DM.
This is incredibly kind of you OP! It warms my heart to see so many people trying to help a fellow Redditor out! ❤️
Try the local fb pages for free caravans. If you must sleep in your car insulation is key. Blankets on the windows, lots of layers above and on you. Hot water bottles for you and your dog and an electric blanket of you can plug in somehow.
Don't keep the car running overnight and don't have a naked flame inside. I'm sleeping in a half made van atm on a farm. Keeping warm and not catching a chest infection is hard but manageble. We have kept the dog at my mums but we do have a nice wool coat for her.
Best of luck dude, welcome to 2025 Britan where us full time working class can't afford a home of our own.
I don't know your financial situation, but if you can spare about £50 you could get yourself a USB thermal waistcoat and a power bank. Should keep you toasty warm through the night and your dog can cuddle up with you.
I only know about because I bought a couple as gifts for xmas and they have been very well received.
He says he has no funds until the end of the month. 😔
Really sorry to hear the situation you’re in.
I would sleep in a car 1000x over rather than give up my baby dog, I understand.
I live just outside Colchester. I have dog food. I know a local ‘community fridge’ and can give you bedding, and anything we can spare. Feel free to drop me a message.
When you can, invest in those silver survival blankets. Couple of quid each on Amazon. Use them to line the inside of the windows in your car. Hope you get safe and sorted asap!
Watch the YouTuber ‘Morts’ as he has converted his small car and camps in it for weeks or a couple of months.
The travelodge in Colchester Feering accept dogs. And it’s £136 for 3 nights.
But is it too far for you to get there?
I understand you and your dog, I would be the same.
Please give us some more information on why you are homeless, do you have a job? What income will you get at the end of a month. Do you have any life skills for work?
Reddit is sometimes amazing at helping people, the more information you give the more chance we can help. Who knows, your next employer might be reading this.
DM me and I'll send you £20 for some food for you and the woof. I really hope your situation improves soon.
There are some great car camping groups on FB, lots of good advice,tips and tricks. 👍👍
Sorry but this is fucking ridiculous, your mum won’t let you sleep on a floor in her kitchen in a sleeping bag?
Even if your out 18 hours a day, you could sleep 12-6am on the kitchen floor at the bare minimum???
Go and speak to a lady called Michelle here:
Kindest person I’ve ever met and will sort you out.
I think the best thing you could do right now is focus on other ways to make money like uber so you can have some instant money yk hope that helps dw dude you got this
Colchester feering travelodge has tonight and tomo night for £36 per night
Layer as much under you as you do on top. If you can buy a camping/ yoga foam mat and some foil blankets, will help a lot. Hot water bottles too and a warm drink.
Contact homeless charities in your local area, they will know about what help locally is around.
In the future, going forward, could you rent with your sister? Will save you finding a full deposit and halve the rent.
Hope the future improves for you, Dennis and the rest of your family.
Your biggest issue will be someone calling the Police and saying you're living in a car (which is illegal ofc) - you will be moved-on regardless of where you are so I hope the dog doesn't bark/the neighbours are ok...
One of the biggest 'vanlife' issues is having a proper address - I assume your Mum is OK with you giving her address as 'home' - you need your licence/tax details/car registration up-to-date for a million reasons - don't forget that stuff.
I assume you can cook/shower etc. in her flat too (showers also possible in Gyms ofc.) - you'll also need somewhere to unwind/chill/relax, you can sleep in a car but spending your off-work-time in there as well will drive you insane pretty quickly (any internet cafes/other places you can go for that?)
To the people suggesting a caravan - that's harder to find a place for/more likely to get you moved-on but cheap caravans aren't too hard to find if you don't mind 80s decor and mould - living in your works yard is illegal tho so they're unlikely to love that idea!!
There are often 'cheap' sites for caravans but they lack ANY amenities, are often in the middle of nowhere and - well - not always ideal...
I would strongly suggest you start looking for flatshares/spare rooms - I know the dog will make that harder but I couldn't give-up my dog either and people renting 'direct' (not through an agent) will often take a pet (even if they say they won't) if you increase your deposit and they like you enough - or just lie and say you don't have one and smuggle him around! :)
GL - and remember to crack the windows at night unless you want a car like a swamp in a week or 3
I've not seen it mentioned yet in the other comments - you should check this out:
This is Dogs Trust project helping homeless people and their dogs - it will hopefully show homeless projects in your area that are dog friendly and can help out. You should also take a look at their offer of free vet care, should your pup need it at this time.
Best of luck. Sounds tough. Use plenty of blankets at night. Wrap up as warm as you can during the winter months.
He probably hadn't thought of that.
I’ve got no solutions or suggestions beyond what others have said, but Colchester is my home town (although I don’t live there now), so your story struck a personal nerve. Hope stuff improves mate.
It’s good that you’ve got a job, could you not save up some cash for a deposit to rent somewhere? Some places will take a dog too.
Cars get cold very quickly. In practical terms you may find the passenger’s side more comfy as it does not have pedals and a steering wheel. A decent sleeping bag will make the world of difference, if you are near an Army Surplus shop see what they have in stock. I still use a feather down ex Dutch Army bag I bought many years ago. Wear a beanie hat and make sure your shoulders are inside the bag, you will keep warm and sleep better. You also need to think how you can keep your dog warm and watered, maybe a dog bed or some folded blankets in the driver’s footwell and a water bowl where it will not spill.
Take all the other advice about how to get out from sleeping in the car as soon as practical. It is short term solution.
I am sorry this has happened to you. It sounds like your whole family has had a rough time recently. I hope you and your sister can get back on your feet and be there to support each other, your mum and your brother. 🙏
Hey, sleeping in your car with your dog is honestly not that bad. I’ve done it for months before. You need to be very organised, have a fan to prevent condensation. Check out r/urbancarliving
I can’t recommend how much better it would be to be inside. Cars just hold zero heat.
Was gonna say… OP, surely even if it was just to sleep there’d be a cupboard or something you could curl up in like Harry Potter! Beats sleeping in the car anyway. Then on a morning, a quick use of the bathroom facilities and back out you go. If you have no expenses and a full time job, you can save up plenty of money in the meantime. You could even slide a couple of hundred to your mum which might help?
For tonight, get yourself some cardboard (24 hour shop usually doing stock right now so they should have some big pieces you can have for free, just ask them) and then get as many blankets and pillows you can get to try and make the car a bit better to sleep in. Cardboard to go on the floor of the boot/for your dog to sleep on.
If you can take the back seats out great or if they lay flat so you can use the boot/backseats space to try and lie in, otherwise your best bet is having the passenger seat go as low as possible. It sucks and you will probably get around 4-6 hours of broken sleep. Dont forget to crack a window to let your breath out otherwise you will have nothing but condensation in your car.
Hi OP I don’t have any advice for sleeping in your car but just to say if the weather dips below freezing be sure to take a look at your local authorities severe weather protocol. As someone has suggested if the temp drops would a stair gate allow your dog to shelter out the worst of the cold at your mums?
So sorry to hear about your situation, I hope things improve for you and your dog.
Can you use your mother's flat for showers / some cooking / as a postal address?
r/vanlife might give you tips
Layers underneath you are as valuable as layers on top of you. I often sleep in my car and with a sleeping/foam matt and blanket under me, and a half decent sleeping bag (or couple of duvets) and a hot water bottle on my feet when I get into bed, I don't find it cold. Decent thick socks or even slipper socks over a pair of normal socks helps too.
If your car is drafty, try also sleeping with a hat on, gloves too if you want but you use lots of heat from your head. If you have a few quid, look in the charity shop for wool blankets - wool is an incredible insulator and one or two wool blankets over & under can make all the difference.
Try and get into bed warm if you can, I know it sounds weird but jump out and do 25 star jumps before you get into your bag to sleep...staying warm is much easier than getting warm.
If you can go to your mum's or have a small camping stove, try and have something warm to eat or drink right before bed.
Make sure you're not leaving any interior lights on or it will drain the battery.
You can make window covers from silver backed bubble insulation, I have a whole roll if you need - I'm near Harwich.
I hope your situation improves and you didn't have to consider these things for long.
I slept in my car for a couple of years without a heater. I hope you manage to overcome what you’re going through currently.
I’d suggest that you make some window coverings that you can put up to give you some privacy and some additional insulation. I made some by cutting cardboard out in the shape of the windows with bubble foil glued to the window facing side. Keep a window slightly cracked to avoid too much condensation building up inside the car. If you can, get yourself a hot water bottle or two and a cheap camping stove to heat the water, they last a surprising amount of time and will give a large improvement comfort wise. Look on Freecycle or Facebook to find a small fold out foam bed, it’ll keep you a lot warmer than an air mattress. If I remember anything else I’ll add it in later. Best of luck.
Oh my this is about to be me next week for a few months at least, so interested
Get some cardboard and cut out inserts to go in the windows. They will help with temperature and give some privacy as well as block light (less of an issue this time of year).
Fold seats down and sleep as flat as possible. Your body will thank you. Not to mention it keeps some sense of normality.
Battery packs/power banks are invaluable and many people have them laying around unused.
Do not use open flames such as camp stoves for heat. The space is too small and carbon monoxide is a serious hazard.
Be wary of drinking alcohol. It’s possible to be done for drink driving (drunk in charge) while only sleeping in a vehicle. At the least do not have the keys in the vehicle at the same time.
I used to live in a van in winter, sleeping bags, leave a small crack in the window to allow ventilation otherwise your windows will freeze up on the inside. Hot water bottles is then the way. Weather's pools does almost free coffee from 9am! Live day by day
Youtube it, there are a lot of guides and stuff on it. It's quite common( in the US at least)
I've been looking at it due to the housing crisis as a back up plan.
There's a sub on here too, urbancarliving
Well, keep in there. Luckily it's very mild right now, warm in fact. But that's not going to stay. Layers is what matters, have them to hand.
Can you afford fuel? Go for driver before you sleep, get the engine warm and let the alternator charge the battery. Get the heater on, turn it off so you don't wake with a flat battery and sleep.
Presumably you can use the property for a shower etc. So really you're just describing a bedroom until you get somewhere.
Genuine question, why do you have a dog in your situation? Isn’t it an unnecessary additional burden on your current financial situation? It’s a tough situation you’re in and I really hope you can find the help you need.
YouTube and watch a few videos. There’s people that full time live in their car, I’ve watched a few and its quite impressive some of the stuff they do to cook food, keep warm etc.
Insulate the car as best you can i.e. bubble wrap or foil on the windows. Keep the dog with you in the car for warmth. Layer up as much as you can and park the car in a way that shelters it best. Make a hot water bottle each night to take with you into the car. Ventilate the car each day so that it's aired and clears out any bugs.
The only other things I can advise that hasn't been suggested already is if you're struggling financially overall to go to your GP and register with them for the food banks etc.
And finally, depending on which mobile phone provider you're with, people can gift you data if you're with the same provider. Feel free to DM me if you're with EE and I can send some over.
If you have access to Facebook, there’s a group called VanLife - UK. They have many group members sleeping in vans and cars with advice and tips. Some people are kind enough to offer temporary rooms. Join the group and have a look.
Could you sister sleep in bed with your mum and you have the sofa? I couldn't imagine having any if my kids sleep outside in a car especially in this weather, or on the floor somewhere on top if a duvet, anything would be warmer and safer
Phone Shelter for advice, contact your local council homelessness team.
Something to consider, make sure you have blankets/ quilt underneath you. If you keep the underside of your body warm , it helps a great deal
Lots of layers, if you can cover the windows that'll help a lot. Try to park under trees, next to a building or in between other vehicles, it'll help a little bit with the temp and shield you from wind. Earplugs if you have randy foxes round your way.
Are you intentionally or unintentionally homeless?
Might be worth having a look.
What area are you in as there may also be local charities that can help.
In terms of the council, they have to home you if you have been made homeless (such as being evicted). However if you have intentionally made yourself homeless (such as leaving a house voluntarily for whatever reason) they don't have to house you.
As others say - temporary emergency housing will not cover your doggo.
They say they have to house you but they’re generally fucking useless. Been homeless over a year now after I followed their advice regarding eviction and was promised they’d help me find somewhere, they’ve done fuck all
What area are you in?
I know here on the south coast there are various shelters and whilst they are first come first served there is also a cold weather protocol in place for anyone homeless when it gets below a certain temp.
We also have a community fridge and you don't need to be referred as with some services.
Please do reach out to some services and hopefully you and your dog find your feet soon.
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
I’m in Essex, Colchester
Where in the UK are you? Your local council has to find you somewhere but they can make it a bit arduous. They will need a bunch of docs, bank statements and maybe proof you didn't make yourself homeless.
Some charities provide sleeping bags etc for people who are sleeping out. Might be worth it as it's still getting cold. Good luck.
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
I’m in Colchester, Essex
I don't know Colchester but I guess start here
Maybe can offer something in the meantime and might help you through the process.
For now drink hot drinks and get as many blankets as you can. Cars get a lot colder than people think when they're not running.
Call the council tell them you’re homeless and the homeless support team will put you in emergency accommodation. They might want to check your sleeping in your car and genuinely homeless but they’ll accommodate you very quickly within a few days most likely
I’m sorry to hear of your plight. Lots of good advice here but for now: I listen to Canadian radio and they were giving motorists winter advice. One was to get some tea lights and light one, then put a clay plantpot over. It’ll heat a car, they said. Maybe have to crack a window open though.
Contact your council as they will have a team to help with homeless people.
You can keep yourself out of the house during the day - library, cafes, museums, school, job, whatever.
It's freezing this winter and your family shouldn't care if you spend the night on the floor in a sleeping bag! Just get out of their hair early doors
There are some charities which will Provide you with homelessness support altogether with your dog. I have volunteered with st. mungos in Oxford in the past and I know some people were accommodated with dogs. Check your local st mungos please!
OP- is the car a fixed thing, if you are stuck in a 4 wheeled home for a while, what cash value does those 4 wheels have?
If it isn’t a vehicle that’s an estate, can it become one? Or better yet can it become even a small van?
IF you need to be committed to car life for a while, van life will be so much easier!
There are tons of good hack & conversions videos, using basic dumpster dive materials & low cost/low skill techniques
Like turning some broken pallets into a reasonable bed base - using foam as an insulator- setting up solar lights & extra battery power!
IF IT CANT - think earplugs & sleeping mask - there are inflatable beds done to go into back seats - window covers with magnetic clips to give privacy - go big duvet rather than sleeping bag it’s a lot warmer
A lot can be done
Not easy & not for everyone, but it doesn’t have to be unbearable
Reach out to local dog charities there's a likelihood one might be able to foster your dog until you can house him.
What county are you in?
KrustyNug@reddit (OP)
I’m in the uk, Colchester Essex
I was in similar situation a few years ago, in the cold I did manage. Although it isn’t sustainable. Definitely sleep even on the floor in the property if you can, you’ll sleep significantly better otherwise you’ll be completely drained. If that’s really not an option and you have to wait for the council as the other comment advised, get plenty of blankets/big coat, I preferred to get window coverings for privacy and minimal light protection, and I preferred to leave the window cracked slightly even when it was cold (although it wasn’t icy/snowy, probably 1-2 degrees) otherwise the condensation is awful.
You’ll be freezing in the mornings, so depending on your car you’ll want to have it running for a bit to warm up if you can’t go into the flat.
After a couple of weeks my situation wa and, I ended up surviving in the car overnight then going to my mates flat to have a nap in his bed after he went to work, and a shower before leaving. I was lucky I had that option otherwise I would have been feeling significantly worse.
Also, if you’re not a heavy sleeper then you get woken constantly and when it’s colder it’s much more difficult to get back to sleep.
Depending on the parking situation there’s a chance a nosy neighbour will knock on your window or report you as well.
So, go on someone’s floor if you can it’s just better.
Go to your local council tomorrow and tell them you are homeless. Idk if you have to provide proof of it but they should be able to put you into an emergency place which in my area is the local Travelodge.
Not to be preachy but please see if you can at least sleep on the floor in the house
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