ULPT: What’s the most effective way to evade license plate readers and enforcement cameras?
Posted by hettuklaeddi@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 239 comments
1) you have legit plates on both ends that come back to you
2) you don’t know where the cameras are
3) your car is in plain sight rollin down the street
If you have a truck, drop the tailgate
lemon juice all over the plate
Have you actually tried this or just heard about ir? Or trying to see if someone idiotic enough to try it 😅
it kills the reflectivity and makes it look black 😉
When it rains it may wash some of it off. Interesting idea though
Magnetic fake leaf with an electromagnet moiunted behind the plate wired to a switch near the driver so it falls off when you hit the switch of you think a cop is coming after you.
Also you can use a hidden magnetic switch (mounted behind the panel on the dash) that turns on/off when you place something with a magnet on a specific spot on the dash.
ALso, mount the plate with special bolts that need a special key to get it off.
If they think they see a leaf there, they're more likely to follow after you. Its a catch22
Then you drop the leaf before they pull you over
Yes true, but you're still attracting attention in the first place
But not paying that toll
Following traffic laws would be the most effective way.
I’m assuming you’re just trying to avoid tickets.
Privacy concerns and selling/logging location data is pretty dystopian. Without consent too. Even for law abiding citizens.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
how does “following laws” prevent photos of my plates?
don’t answer. go away
Enforcement cameras don’t take pictures if you’re not speeding lmao
We have plate readers in every entrance to our town. Not for speeding stop light infractions. Just plate readers that get sent right to police on duty. I think that is what op is talking about
That’s not true
Okie dokie
Enforcement cameras where I am have a flash and it only goes off if you are speeding. They send you the picture and ticket in the mail. There’s one less than a mile from my house.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
what about license plate readers
you’re in the wrong sub
You’re a bad driver.
If you don't do anything otherwise illegal, just leave the plate off and keep it with you. If you don't mind being pulled over every once in a whole just tell the officer you're on your way to a hardware store to get some new screws to put the tag on. Keep a screwdriver handy and leave the tag bolts out of the liscense plate inserts so the story adds up.
Watch them leave notes on your situation via vin #. The second pull over you're toast
Sint run front plates.
Front plates are required where I live. I have had no front plate for 20 years. I have been stopped and cited once in that time. It was dismissed in court when just told them I had fixed it.
Years ago they changed the law so that it is not a primary offense. The cops can't pull you over for this reason alone.
It still can give them a reason. Ive seen cops check the front if they are looking for anything for a probable cause for the pull over
I saw a short tik Tok where the person cut out strips of a reflective tape that was the same color as their letters and laid it over 2-3 of the numbers. When they took a picture it looked like it was blurred in enough places to not be readable by camera, but doesn't look obstructed to the naked eye.
Like all internet videos; I'm intrigued, but skeptical.
I saw a video of someone who used a leaf magnet over some of the letters, an interesting idea!
I've read that certain clear spray paint does it
motorized plate covers
Illegal even to possess in some states now, not just have installed or using. Haven't heard about any sting ops yet though. They did on those AliExpress "fuel filter" suppressors.
Can you go into detail about what the fuel filter suppressor is?
I'm guessing it's a gun silencer
Ahhhhh. Gotcha
Huh, your lawnmower oil filter isn’t threaded for 5.56?
This is the correct way to do it, provided you never flip the plate when a cop is near.
For rear plates only required states, bike rack. For front plates required states, you're screwed
The front license plate law is rarely ever enforced
I saw Fairfax VA police regularly going through the VRE and Metro parking garages writing tickets for cars parked there, without front plates. So, uhhhh, it is enforced, in a major city on a regular badis
Ive driven my car with no front plates for over 10 years all over major California cities and never got pulled over for it. I did get pulled over for speeding though.
San Jose VTA have highway patrol come in and ticket cars. I got one for a missing front plate. It happens in CA too!
I got pulled over for it once in California and got a fix it ticket. I flipped off a meter maid and they told a nearby cop who pulled me over.
Dumb Ass.
Fucking meter maids
And if you’re ever is out of state ?
You're held to your home states vehicle laws, so a state that doesn't require front plates wouldn't get ticketed
Not true. Rental cars with out-of-state plates get ticketed for this all the time.
It is true though. You can't be forced to pay a fine for it if it's legal in the state the vehicle is registered in.
That also varies by state. Some states will eagerly fine you for an infraction on their laws even if it's not an infraction in the laws of the state where the car is registered.
Yes, you can, if you’re the owner. In the circumstance I describe, the “owner” is the rental agency.
The front license plate requirement is typically predominantly enforced for cars with out-of-state plates. It’s a big revenue producer for “law” enforcement.
I used to live in Fairfax county. Ran a car with no front plates for over 5 years there. No tickets or hassle ever.
Just commented above I got a ticket in Fairfax county for not having a plate when I was parking in front of my house for about 5 mins.
If you’re a snot nose 20 year old in your dads brand new corvette in seaside heights NJ it is
Just like the Springsteen song
Depends on the state and metro area.
I have been driving around in California without a front license plate for about 16 months now. No one has said anything
I've been ticketed in California for no front plate. YMMV.
Make it look like it broke/fell off.
I got a ticket for it once at a parking meter. It was $19 though so
I live in a state where they’re required, I bought a new car last year and they were so opinionated on the matter the dealer removed the front plate without even asking. This is the way, remove it and just say “car didn’t come with a front plate”. Cops are petty dicks but even they have a floor.. and it’s above the front plate
Since 2006 on a bunch of cars. Nothing said ever.
I had a fast little BMW that got ticketed for this. Putting California we ticket everybody for everything
I got a ticket for a missing front plate in California in 1993. They also got me for a crack in my windshield at the same time.
I got stopped and ticketed while queuing up for the Lincoln Tunnel.
I got a ticket for that with my car parked. Took the plate off to put on my new stickers, was inside for maybe 5 mins. Came out to a ticket.
I've gotten a warning from a state trooper, but nobody else has cared.
A cop yelled at me in traffic about it once.
Snow plow on the front!
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
so perfect
subaru. colorado badge. snowplow on the front, bikes on the back. sasquatch in the window.
Lesbian in the front seat
Rescue cats in carriers in the back seat.
Omg that's so true hahaha
Patchouli air freshener dangling from the rear view
I used to have a Kia Forte with a bike mount on the back. I am now imagining that same car with a snow plow attachment on the front. Very goofy mental image.
Bike rack in the front too!
If the public bus can have one, why can't I?
Yeah, my first thing was that they make front mounted bike rakes, lol
Not necessarily, mount an electro magnet behind the license plate, get some fake leaves, glue something then and magnetic to one side of the leaves, turn electromagnet on and place leaves over license plate, put switch somewhere subtle so if you need to ditch the leaves you can flip the switch to turn off the magnet.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
that’s not true - there’s a guy near me whose plate is WONS, and he runs it upside down 😭
Haha, that's clever for radars! However a cop might not find that as funny!
"Shit, the car repair guys must have put it back on upside down when they were trying to hang their garages frame on it, sorry officer, let me fix that."
In high school there was a kid who was kinda a dick. We removed his license plate and put it on the white board in front of the class. He laughed along with everyone until he realized it was his then got extremely mad and demanded we put it back on. Of course we did, just upside down. A week later he got pulled over and threatened with a ticket by a very angry officer. Good times.
Tape a plastic bag over part of it so it looks like you hit the bag and it got caught and stuck on it.
I’ve seen devices for front plates that will retract it underneath the car when you hit a button inside.
You’ve only seen that in James Bond movies.
They do exist.
For those with pickups/work trucks, leave the tailgate down.
I saw an old man in a big truck yesterday and his back plate... Was just a fucking silhouette of a hunting dog... Like wtf
Just hang a dead raccoon off the front plate.
I found this out by accident.
By not getting toll charges right?
Score, dude!
A small IR light bar has avoided me tolls for over a decade now. Bonus points if you put them in a hat and wander Walmart.
Wait what does it do in Walmart
Makes loss prevention pretty edgy they have the urge to check out the person whose head is just a bright white orb on their cameras. Shocked when it's just some normal dude with a hat on. Works at protests, bank jobs, and makes good convo amongst friends looking back at pics, probably has many other uses too
What do you mean in the hat? Do you mean clipped onto the hat somewhere so that the IR shines upwards? I'm assuming you had a small battery powered IR?
Under the bill illuminating your face. You won't see anything but your face will be blown out on camera.
Yeah just poke holes in a hat and wire them in, most LEDs operate at 1.5 volts so a basic 9 volt battery can run a whole array of them
Directed towards the camera or plate?
Good question, if I remember correctly (over a decade) I put it above the plate and took pictures from different angles and altered the light placement until the plate was just a glowing white blur from all angles.
Thanks. Time to order a light bar
If I remember correctly I used 12v ones and wired it to the battery of my van with an inline fuse just in case. 13 years and 2 daily commutes over a toll bridge and never once got a bill. I'd imagine it could be used for other ulpt things if placed in a hat to glow your face. Pretty common knowledge in that one small town in Mass.
This is standard for avoiding facial recognition or to fuck with people taking your photos, though those are often just reflective clothings.
Yeah 3m makes a good reflector for exactly this purpose. I believe they are also used on basketball sneaker tongues like Jordans.
Now that’s unethical. Blind everyone else on the road to avoid tolls lmao. I’m getting small pp vibes
You do know that IR (infrared) light is only picked up by cameras and not human eyes, right?
You act like people are going to go out and buy IR light bars. Most people that have light bars on the road have them for the bright ass light in front. I’m sure everyone else will just buy one of those and hook it up
You're the only one confused here bud
I'm just going by the comment that started this whole thread specifically mentioning IR light bars. So yes, I act like people will. It's how you don't get caught by the cops ya ding dong.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
mmm hmmm
Here’s a neat video describing your hat trick, for, you know, educational purposes…
Where’s the video pal
Loss Prevention confiscated it
💀 😂
What is hat and wonder Walmart?
Put the IR lights in a hat and wander around Walmart. Super bonus points if you go in a bank
What would that do?
I mean you'd just be a bright white orb with no identifying facial features. I'm sure you could think of things to do without me spelling them out.
Oh lol. No I mostly just wondered what it would do to the cameras and you answered that thanks lol
Any brand that you would recommend?
Not really tbh I got mine back when the radio shack was a thing.. id say 12v so you can connect right to the vehicle battery, use an inline fuse just in case. They probably make some really high output ones these days but any will do.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
yeah this is what i’m after, any brands you’d recommend?
Any would do tbh, they last forever I've had mine from the radio shack era. I'd imagine Amazon or some shit would have them already built
I didn’t see it said yet but put big leaf over a few digits. Maybe use road tar or something plausible to stick it on
Clear skateboard grip tape on your license plate
Coo can ticket you for applying ANYTHING to the surface of a license plate, just my $0.02.
It's my understanding that it's not easily visible to the naked eye, but interferes with the lighting in photos (like red eye in pictures).
If they’re being dickheads, they can actually run their fingers over your license plate and if they feel anything that’s on there, they can cite you. I know a guy bought some spray through the mail. It’s supposed to make the license plate less reflective. He sprayed that shit on the license plate. It looked fine and the next time he got pulled over, the cop went over and touched the plate, and said “Do you have a coating on this license plate?” He played it off like he sprayed on some clear varnish just to protect the finish on the plate, and since it was Pennsylvania, where a bunch of shitty license plates with peeling paint were actually issued, the cop did let him go on that.
So you’re saying, if you had reason to do unethical things to others, this spray would increase their chances of being pulled over by cops? Hypothetically?
Sounds about right. Soon as the automatic plate scanners in most cruisers returned an “Image Unreadable” message, they’d get pulled over.
Cop cams change colour modes to identify these, saw it on Cops
This is why you only break one law at a time
Does this actually work?
Not in the slightest
You haven't tried it then.
I don't need to, there are countless YouTube videos disproving it.
Move to Colorado where there is NO traffic law enforcement.
I’ve actually seen a license plate holder that looks clear upon intial inspection but if you have polarized lenses on it’s makes it pretty much impossible to read the plate
This is the easiest answer. I don't know why more people aren't aware of these.
Borrow someone else's license plate
Glue a leaf over some of the numbers
No plates at all and say you didn’t notice, they must’ve gotten stolen. Covers, flippers, etc are worse to be caught with
Dealer plates
Yeah any active counter measure like an IR light or flipper just screams arrest me.
No plates? Gee officer silly me I forgot to put them on.
Or just run a bike rack.
This is the only correct answer. It is now a felony in 47 states and all 50 states on dot roads by federal law.
I always heard spraying a little bit of hairspray and throw some glitter on it would cause it to reflect/distort the photos.
No idea if true.
If the car is newer, you can throw some dealer plates on it
Stick a few dead leaves over a couple of digits with chewing gum. “I’ve no idea how that got there officer”.
Glue cover with dirt
Spray on adhesive, throw copious amounts of dirt at it.
Mud. For a while, you could even buy bottles of mud to dirty your pavement princess, especially around the license plates. Don't know if those are still available.
Why would you buy bottles of mud? Its dirt and water, make your own.
Not everywhere has dirt.
Give us one example
The American southwest in Arizona and New Mexico have large areas with no dirt. It's all just sand and rock.
Bro living on the space station obv
From "Spray-on mud: the ultimate accessory for city 4x4 drivers" in The Guardian:
And also:
The article is almost 20 years old, but a quick search shows that this or similar products are still for sale.
because it’s the American way to by useless shit that a child can make with no instruction
Or they also make leaf magnets.
Seems like a cop might discover a magnet. Glue the leaf on but cover the glue with mud
it's an electromagnet that you can disengage when stoped by a cop with a button
I was going to say snow. Especially this time of year, back plates just naturally disappear
Real unethical tip;
Step1. collect up a bunch of bottles on recyling day Step2. Get a hose Step3. Mud Step4. Put mud in bottle Step5. Sell to idiots on reddit that would buy stupid shit like this.
How about a polarizing cover over your license plate. Recently, I got a ticket in a work zone because of cameras.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
covers draw attention but i appreciate the suggestion
They have stick-on letters and numbers that look good. Only the cameras can't read them. Nanofilm Ecoslick is a brand name.
These work?
Yes and no. Standard traffic cameras will not have the ability to filter them out but a cop behind you will notice immediately. Additionally, higher security cameras can change colour modes that will prevent obscuring via semi-transparent stickers
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
Care to clarify the use case? Is this for stop light cameras, parking lot plate readers, speed cameras or what?
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
yes 😊
Each case has different approaches.
I read recently that some people glue a leaf over a letter on their plate that way the auto readers can’t pick it up and it’s unlikely a copy would pull you over for having a leaf. Especially if you have a few leafs on your bumper as well.
I've seen a lot of modifications to make the plates hing upward when a lever is pulled in the cab, and then spring back down when released. Usually uses a thin steel cable to accomplish this, with just a loop at the end inside for you to pull on. Especially easy to do on many trucks, harder to do on personal cars. Depends on how handy you are with an angle grinder or other cutting tool. There is a fine if you get caught. But if you do it well, it will look perfectly legal when you aren't pulling up on the cable.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
interesting! thank you!
The electromagnetic leaves were cool
Maybe this concept could be leveled up? Metal strips of the same color as the writing to alter the letters and numbers on the plate. Then use the magnetic release if ever pulled over. Idk, just an idea
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
the cop’s reaction to those was interesting (and would do a 180° if he knew they were plastic leaves
A button operated license plate flipper that can flip it when you need to hide it and pouch the button to flip it back
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
i don’t have room for any more buttons! i’ve got the caltrop dropper, the smokescreen, the oil slick, and the pneumatic bb guns with brake line barrels
No "eject" button for those bad dates?
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
there’s some features i can’t disclose (y’know)
I mean… what I suggest is real
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
you think i’m kidding?
We know you are and it's not funny. 🤷
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
piss disc flicker?
What about your tongue?
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
thereth a thock on it
I once heard u can spray cooking oil on the plates and they become difficult to photograph. Too shiny
Just steal the license plate off the same make and model car.
Dont forget to have one to put in its place. Most people dont know their tag #. It may buy you a little more time before its reported stolen
If everyone does at the same time it could absolute chaos. Nice.
Be legal and no outstanding warrants and your vehicle isn’t stolen. Shouldn’t have anything to worry about then.
I showed my partner 'as a joke' a numberplate holder that's frosts over with the touch of a button, I haven't fitted it yet but I'm wondering if the front or back would be better 😂
Ride a bicycle
This man bikes.
Luckily I have to drive through a bit of dirt, which covers both plates. Oh, darn it.
Fake temp plates seem to be the go to for a lot of people.
Isnt there a little plastic cover type thing you can put over them that is specifically designed to be unreadable to cameras?
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
there are, but plate covers attract cop attention
trying to think of something optically neutral or plausibly deniable
If your plates are intact and easily readable by the human eye I don't think a cop can stop you for it.
And they don’t work.
There was a spray that claimed that it put some sort of finish on the plate that would make it unreadable to camera, but it was basically undetectable just looking at it. I have no recollection of the name or where I saw it. I hope this helps.
Recently saw a video of a guy in New York that had some big middle finger magnets made to put on his front and back tags before getting on the thoroughfare
The ONLY thing unethical is government using these technologies to gather and use your personal information without your permission, without probable cause, and without a warrant.
Rig up a device that lowers a reflective panel in front of the plates at the flip of a switch, conveniently hidden in your center console.
Laptop privacy screens, anyone directly behind or in front can read, more than 15 degrees off, no.
This is fucking brilliant
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
yeah, i was thinking about that, 3m vikuiti, specifically, but it’s obvious there’s something over the plate
On the road you are ok. Once you park is when they get you. Most effective way to evade is to get those plate holders that hide your plates and get a piece of mail to cover your vin number in your windshield. Less effective is unscrew them whenever you park.
Oh I did this before. If you live rural, back roads. Once you get away from the stop lights you're good. If you are in the city there's a paint you can buy from Amazon that you can use to alter your plates. Looks kinda obvious to human eyes but the readers can't pick it up
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
the paint has been debunked several times, but thank you
Ah l see. Thank you
Get one of these
https://ghostplatepro.com/ghost plate
Painters tape.
Trailer hitch or bike rack
UV red LED license plate frame. They also make clear ones with out lights.
Reflective tape or spray on the plates.
Will not stand up to scrutiny up close. Check your local laws to see how illegal it actually is. But it should beat the cameras. Especially the ones that use a flash.
Where do you check the local law?
They don't work, Mythbusters did an episode on them years ago. Many YouTube videos about them too.
IR license plate bracket. Depending on the state. Some have laws against blocking the ability of the license plate readers to actually do their job. Vs having human eyes being able to physically see your plate.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
do you know of a good IR bracket, or just saying in general
I do not. You can try rigging one up yourself by probably replacing the bulbs above the license plate with IR bulbs. look on online for people selling "decorative" license plate borders or something around that nature. Maybe even replace some Christmas lights with IR bulbs and rig it to stay around the license plates. As long as you don't have any active red or blue lights in the front, active, you should be fine.
Again. I am not a lawyer.
Fresnel lens
🤣 I wish I could commute in a lighthouse. Might get ticketed for reasons unrelated to toll evasion or plate obstruction, though.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
this (or lenticular) is interesting, any specific ones you’ve had experience with?
Respect the law. That's the most efficient way to avoid problems with radars and others.
But that's not very unethical.
Don't drive
Donut media did this:
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
that’s awesome, thanks!
too bad they didn’t test an IR illuminator
I have a plate cover that obscures the plate. It does work. But i got pulled over for it many times lmao
Novelty plates. Saw a thing where a bunch of people have bought a novelty star trek license plate and some unfortunate lady has gotten an absurd amount of tickets for them.
Take the plates off?
I'm sure people in more urban areas will chime in with better options but as far I'm aware there's a few plate covers and opaque tape options out there.
If clear plate covers are legal you likely can find options that will blur when photographed. If covers are not legal I've seen clear tape that will essentially do the same thing - blur/obscure your plate especially when a flash is involved.
hettuklaeddi@reddit (OP)
i’ve heard of such things, trying to find specifics 👍
Taking the bus.