Has anyone done the HIMS drug program?
Posted by KushManJeff@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 29 comments
Ive wanted to be a pilot for my whole life and i got my med card for anxiety and trouble sleeping. the truth is i lied to get the med card and don’t have either i just wanted to smoke legally. i quit weed as soon as i found out you cant smoke with the FAA and i talked to the doctor who got me the med card and told him my symptoms are gone so he revoked the card. i understand ill have to do the HIMS drug program but i just wanted to talk to someone who has been in my shoes. I’m 18 and don’t know what to do. please help if you’re knowledgeable on the subject i haven’t done my medical yet because i don’t want to eff myself more than i already have without knowing more.
(how much did it cost for the full program and how should i start?)
tldr; i got my med card (now revoked) for anxiety and insomnia and i want to pass my medical for 1st class/2nd class. if you have experience pls help.
Don’t report shit about any of your past medical… it is unlikely that they will ever obtain these records.
Absolutely do not listen to anyone telling you to not report… you might get away with it, but you’ll always be paranoid that they’ll catch it as some point. And if they do catch it, you’ll have some serious problems!
Honesty is always best!
Tell that to the us air force retirees.
This is an 18 year old with no military service
And you are telling him to lie on his application for his medical?
It will be much faster and much cheaper to just wait until 2 years after the last time you smoked. Never volunteer for HIMS.
KushManJeff@reddit (OP)
what about being diagnosed for anxiety i have to put that down when i sign up right?
Don’t know anything about the HIMS program, but if your end goal is being an airline pilot get a first class from the start, to be sure you can get it. There have been stories of people getting a third or second class, getting through training, then applying for a first to get an airline job and finding out they can’t hold a first class. That being said I’ve met a couple people who have done the program and they said it’s fairly painless. No idea about the process and the price. Sorry I can’t be more help
What sorts of things could disqualify you from a first class medical that wouldn't get caught on a 2nd or 3rd? The synopsis at https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide/standards doesn't really show any difference between 1st and 2nd class
Actually vision. First and second require 20/20. 3rd can get by at 20/40.
But isn’t it “corrected” for the 20/20? So good glasses or contacts work.
It is. But sometimes classes can’t correct vision to 20/20 - whether it’s more serious astigmatism or something else. 20/40 is obviously a much looser standard to correct to. But don’t assume 20/20 is always attainable by glasses or contacts. The vast majority can but many can’t.
But also, after seeing your Reddit name, be sure it’s something you’re willing to give up permanently. You’ll be randomly drug tested the rest of your career. It’s a no go for pilots, and will probably remain a no go for pilots for many many years since it stays in your system much longer than alcohol
Lol, he's 18. Weed was also my whole personality when I was that age. Gave it up in my mid 20s and haven't looked back, though you probably couldn't tell because i'm currently wearing my favorite rasta hoodie from back then. sue me, it's comfy.
lol I love it. Sorry if that came off judgy. Did not mean it that way at all and was also a teenager at one point. It was purely meant as genuine advice. Also, can confirm the Rasta hoodies are still as comfy as it gets
This is a copy of the original post body for posterity:
Ive wanted to be a pilot for my whole life and i got my med card for anxiety and trouble sleeping. the truth is i lied to get the med card and don’t have either i just wanted to smoke legally. i quit weed as soon as i found out you cant smoke with the FAA and i talked to the doctor who got me the med card and told him my symptoms are gone so he revoked the card. i understand ill have to do the HIMS drug program but i just wanted to talk to someone who has been in my shoes. I’m 18 and don’t know what to do. please help if you’re knowledgeable on the subject i haven’t done my medical yet because i don’t want to eff myself more than i already have without knowing more.
(how much did it cost for the full program and how should i start?)
tldr; i got my med card (now revoked) for anxiety and insomnia and i want to pass my medical for 1st class/2nd class. if you have experience pls help.
Edit: despite my username i made when i was like 16 ive been clean for months this isnt about weed or flying ive already made the decision i just wanted advice about the HIMS process or anything relevant that will help me
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The federal government (see: FAA) doesn't allow you to smoke weed for medical (or any other purposes).
You need to use something FDA approved.
I’m in hims you’ll probably get away with not disclosing any of that. But you should talk with an aeromedical attorney before you do anything.
You want to avoid hims at all costs it’s very expensive couple thousand a year and $5-10k in the beginning with all the evaluations you have to go through.
How could you get away with not disclosing that. He/she has diagnosed and recorded anxiety/insomnia. I guess you might illegally omit it but that would be a felony and an awful thing to have hanging over your head for a 40 year career
Sometimes you can depending on certain factors. That’s why you need to consult an attorney.
We’re in the same boat.. I’m a Bud tender/grower and want to say fuck the industry to follow my life long dream
Honestly, it’s a two year grace period for drug use, so if you can wait two years to get a medical then you’re good on that. You absolutely cannot lie about being diagnosed with anxiety and sleep trouble to get a medical card which is almost undoubtedly kept in a database that the FAA has access to.
Shocked pikachu
Do a consultation with a HIMS AME first. If you are serious about flying, get a first class medical before you go near an airplane. HIMS AME can give you information about the process involved. And as others have said, you have to make a choice now: weed or flying. You can’t have both. At all. Ever.
Not trying to sound judgmental, but the fact is since you lied about your conditions (which are now documented), you’ll have to now demonstrate/document that you don’t have said conditions. It’s a process that isn’t necessarily quick or easy, but it can be done. And you’re young, which is also helpful.
Also this ^. Went through training with a guy who went for his first medical, checked yes on the “have you used marijuana in the past” box, and then spent the next two years trying to get approved for a medical. It may be a slow process but definitely worth the shot. If flying is the dream, this career is worth every bit of effort it takes
lol @ OP’s username.
Yes I went through HIMS, I can’t remember what the total amount was for the program but it was expensive! It’s certainly possible to get through it. You are looking at two different problems though. 1. They are going to look into your substance use and you are more than likely going to be taking drug tests pretty regularly for the next couple years. 2. You were also given a medical card for anxiety and sleep problems. Even if you made that up it’s still reported that you have that problem which means you may have to do more testing To summarize HIMS is very doable however it’s expensive and offers no guarantee you will get a medical. My personal advice is to talk to an aviation lawyer and see what your best course of action is before proceeding any further. They will be able to help you a lot more than anyone online.
Hi, I'm a bot and it looks like you're asking a question about medical issues: drug .
Medicals can be confusing and even scary, we get it. Unfortunately, the medical process is very complex with many variables. It's too complex, in fact, for any of us to be able to offer you any specific help or advice.
We strongly suggest you discuss your concerns with a qualified aviation medical examiner before you actually submit to an official examination, as a hiccup in your medical process can close doors for you in the future. Your local AME may be able to provide a consultation. Other places that may provide aeromedical advice include: AOPA, EAA, the Mayo Clinic, and Aviation Medicine Advisory Service.
For reference, here is a link to the FAA's Synopsis of Medical Standards and for more in-depth information here is a link to the FAA's Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners.
Also, feel free to browse our collection of past medical write-ups and questions in our FAQ.
Finally, we suggest you read the instructions on the medical application very closely. Do not volunteer information that isn't asked for, but also do not lie. Some people may urge you to omit pertinent information, or even outright lie, on your medical application in order to avoid added hassle and expense in obtaining a medical certificate. Know that making false statements on your medical application is a federal crime and that people have been successfully prosecuted for it. But for heaven's sake, don't tell the FAA any more than you absolutely have to.
If you're not in the United States, the above advice is still generally correct. Just substitute the FAA with your local aviation authority.
Good luck!
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