What’s the deal with this guy?
Posted by Conscious_Grass_853@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 321 comments

What’s the deal with this guy?
Posted by Conscious_Grass_853@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 321 comments
What’s the deal with this guy?
Hole in the truck makes me think it’s used as a shitter.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
What hole? Are you high brother? Don’t be smoking that shit while driving. You’ll start seeing holes everywhere.
I thought the black square was a hole - needed to zoom in on it better, sorry
We do this every month it seems like. That his culture. There are people drive trucks that aren’t Americans yes.
Great English, hopefully not your first language
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
It’s my first second and last language buddy. This is America and I speak American. You can keep your English language over the ocean where you belong.
American? That's cringe, especially since the comment was even aimed at you.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Fucking guy doesn’t know when someone’s joking or not.
Still cringe
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah well so aren’t your post about tinder. But I didn’t bring those up did I?
Womp womp, I didn't stalk your profile for retaliation 🤣
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I never denied it. You didn’t give me enough just saying cringe three times.
I said cringe once, referenced it once.
You would think they would understand this by now
The literacy rate in America is 80 percent, let that shit sink in.
54% read below a 6th grade level
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah because I learned 6th grade shit like 15 years ago. What you remember the 6th grade curriculum? Include your self in that percentile honey
I'm quite certain i read better than 54% of Americans. Not to boast but i retain alot of information. I most certainly have a better grasp of the English language than the average 6th grader. When i watch jeopardy with family they ask how do you know that? I say everyone learned that in school.. They're like but how do you remember? IDK, I'm 30 years old now, so school wasn't yesterday. But i still remember things i learned in school like civilizations in the Indus River Valley, the forming of the Holy Roman Empire by Charlemagne, artists of the Renaissance, how to do basic math for electrical and physics work... It helps to continue to read and learn.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Okay we’ll prove it then. Anybody can say anything.
Lol, defensive much?
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Sorry I was drinking last night😂
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
That's way higher than I would have assumed.
I’m calling BS. That seems way too high.
Over half of Americans can’t read above a 6th grade level.
The funny thing is I think he meant to say “illiterate” but he wasn’t literate enough to know the difference.
He didn’t say shit about that he was just asking what it means. This would be weird if it was a white dude with a shotgun also.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah and I’d ask the same fucking question. 😂
No shit, this is natural question but all the people who want to appear like they care about social issues need to get on their fuckin soapbox a few times a day
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
God damn haters bro
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
That’s why I’m asking bro. I’m sorry I’m curious to why there’s a guy with a turban holding an AK plastered on a semi trucks. You guys act like it’s normal and I’m an idiot for even asking out of curiosity
Sidhu Moose Wala. This video explains his story. I’m not a fan of the music but it’s still an interesting story.
It is normal, and it's not rocket science to realize that Indian dudes make up a huge part of the trucking industry
Yeah, but when are they gonna build us some rocket-powered trucks? 🤪
Its a valid question. At least you dont just assume the worst like 95% of other people
I think they were just wondering who it is and their significance.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Thank you 😊
There are a lot of Sikhs that are Americans. I definitely wouldn’t say that if you see a Sikh driving they’re not American.
Yo, I seen this guy the other day
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yo where at?
On 45 in Texas
He’s a farmer
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
He’s a lead farmer motherfucka
U know that was gonna be my original post lol. Classic
I know what dude I am ! lol
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Holy fuck I literally just noticed your username😂 I fucking thought of that without even reading your god damn name😂
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I’m just happy you knew that reference 😂
Indian Tupac. Famous Punjabi singer that was very popular, was killed after he decided to become politically active. The official story is he was killed by a rival gang but others think the government was involved
This is right.
Many people think very much that he was assassinated by the govt. And many people want his name and image to live on as a symbol of defiance. He knows stands as a martyr for many.
I saw a similar image on a truck yesterday and I complimented the driver. Had know idea what it was but it's a balsey thing to display on a truck in this country. Mad respect for expression of beliefs. Now that I know I have eve more respect.
1st amendment applies to all within the USA or it's territories
First ammendment only makes you free from government interference. It doesn't stop a racist asshole from attacking you or damaging your property.
That's what the Second's for.
Everyone's reaction
Hell yeah!
Can’t have that problem if the government forbids it in the first place
Do you think the government should forbid murder? Maybe then people will stop killing each other
Wow. It only know occurred to me that anyone is allowed to say/express themselves in any way (remaining legal lol) in any setting …and that everyone else would NEVER yell/scream/curse/throw shit at them etc because everyone understands that everyone has the right to free speech and expression. Wow. Golf clap. You nailed it.
Actually that is the exact intent of the first amendment. It is actual freedom of consequence when expressing yourself, specially in the ideological and political settings. The idea that you may not be persecuted for your ideas and that they should be challenged instead so that the best ideas rise to the top. This is why censorship of ideas and discourse is anti first amendment.
wtf is this verbal putrid shit? So walking around in 1830 south, holding up signs about how wrong slavery is…I think you would agree how well that would go down. So you agree then that said protestor should be murdered? What actually is your position? That might is right?
Also, homie lectured about freedom of speech extends to US states and territories, which is debatable in and of itself. So…does that mean that right extends to foreigners on US soil, or only to citizens? Anyway, you have fun out there. I can already tell what kind of stickers you have on your POV.
Wow you really can't understand a simple concept can you? Just because people reat a certain was does not make it right. Yes the point of the first amendment is that something unpopular like in 1830s south holding up a sign saying slavery is wrong is protected speech. That's the point of protecting unpopular views so that there can be civil discord. What is putrid, undedicated and honestly down right laughable is your lack of understanding of the first amendment. Maybe you should familiarize yourself with supreme Court precedent regarding the first amendment as well as the Federalist papers that were written specifically to explain to the population why we have rights like freedom of speech.
Yes In the United States and it's territories their citizens have a constitutionally protected right of freedom of speech which many countries do not have it expressly enshrined in their constitution even though they're considered to be "free counties." Read some more before saying dumb shit.
If they get angered at your free, legal manner of expression, it's their problem. Most people do understand the ideal of freedom of expression in United States. If they attack you cause of words and pictures, defend yourself and/or call the cops
I have been attacked by the cops for exactly this. Whether anyone who sees this wants to believe it or not is their business, I mean the evidence at this point has been shown to everyone time and time again, and, truckers in particular, seem to be content to live in a bubble of reality that doesn't actually exist, but, I'll make it clear for anyone open minded enough to question their conceptions... The experiences of decently survived, white men, are far, far different from the experiences of everyone else. And the further away from that archetype you get, the worse it becomes.
For many of us, simply existing was and is enough to draw the ire of others, and that's before we open our mouths or draw a pen to lament anything.
What baffled my mind is the amount of people who outright refuse to acknowledge this, including people who are actively being affected by it.
Free speech in the U.S is only for certain people with certain ideas. That's not very "free" to me.
And I know. I'm on the truckers sub.I know that my experiences are more likely to be refuted here than acknowledged, and that many here would like to perpetuate those experiences. But, for those of you who can actually empathize with those whose experiences don't align with yours, understand that here, and in trucking especially, vocalizing your viewpoints and opinions if you aren't a white male c*nservative, who supports a certain notorious electee, is an incredibly risky thing to do, and a commendable action to be taken, regardless of where your views actually lie. Portraying an image of something many will outright call "terrorist" or in recent times "anti-Semitic" (even though that makes absolutely no sense and is born out of geographical, racial, and political ignorance, by incongruously associating all Asian and Middle Eastern cultures) is risky here in the U.S.. I remember seeing a post where someone sprayed "r_ghead" on someone's trailer. What was the response from the trucking community to a racially targeted attack on someone's property? That they AGREED with the person who did it. Imagine someone sprayed cr#cker on a trailer or truck. What would the reaction be then? I have been called the N word more times than I care to think about since I started trucking on and off four years ago, and I've even almost been run off of the road by someone who thought I was an immigrant, and that I'm destroying the country.
So no. Most people here do not understand any aspect of the general concept of civil freedoms at all.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Bro I’m not attacking this man. I honestly was just curious about why he’s memorialized on tractor trailers so much. I can see why the cops would have a problem with it but that’s not articulable reasonable suspicion that you’re committing a crime nor a traffic violation. I know they don’t need a reason to pull us over because we are CMVs but you still have your rights being here. So if you don’t know them, learn them. And dude I’m Hispanic. Race has nothing to do with this. I’m sure I’ve been mistaken as Punjabi before. I know how it feels. The guys that mentioned terrorist shit, I already made fun of them back for being ignorant. I didn’t let them get away with it. But dude chill with the race card shit. I have one too and never use it to favor my opinion or point in anything because it doesn’t matter. You won’t get far pulling that card any chance you get. Especially on a senseless Reddit post.
... I'm not "pulling the race card". That line could be used to wash away any injustice done to anyone on the basis of race. No offense but you're exactly the kind of person I'm talking about. You openly admit to having not only had these experiences, but having also defended others who have those experiences, only to then turn around and completely minimize your own, and their experiences by claiming this conversation is "pulling the race card". There is no such thing. Race was built into the very structure of our society. In order to talk about the issues that pertain to race, you have to talk about race. There's no way around it. How can I speak to my experiences, as someone who has experienced a ridiculous amount of racialized nonsense, without "playing the race card"?
I literally told you that people have been attacked, for far less. For racialized reasons. "t_wel head" is racist. That's not playing the race card. It is like three scrolls down in this sub too.
Also, I'm going to be just fine, I sleep pretty well at night knowing that there's guys who will read my posts and messages, and take comfort in the fact that they aren't alone and that there's people willing to speak up, regardless of the consequences. I get messages from those people everyday.
Damn whats his name? All of a sudden I want to bump his music.
it would be the most powerful music you've ever heard
Sidhu Moosewala
so what's the Indian version of My Ambitionz az a Ridah?
So High
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
What’s the Indian version of trapped?
Calaboose maybe https://youtu.be/Xf-N1joH6h4?si=S4YbB4ChQ9G8sTbJ
MY FUCKING GOD you weren't joking
The low rider in the video is priceless
His last song was literally a tribute to Tupac and how the good die young and then he gets shot. Basically foreshadowed his own death in that song and multiple songs before that.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Very interesting… but why is he memorialized on semi trucks?
Just the driver expressing himself. Not an industry related thing. A personal thing. Hes brave though. I could see alot of misunderstanding people mistaking it for other shit and giving him hell for it.
He has the right to it. But i gotta say i am gonna feel bad for him, when someone gets in his face or acts out on the road over it
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Why would someone get in his face and start confrontation over a picture on their truck?
Because people are dickheads and wont know the reference. They will poorly assume in a shitty signorant way.
Some people are zealots about false ideas or misplaced anger.
I think the picture is fine. But im not gonna lie about the crazirr more reactionary humans we have to share this country with.
Seen alot of dumb shit happen to innocent people just because one asshole mistook something enturely out of context.
Because trucking companies don't wanna pay drivers a fair wage, so there is a shortage. Then the government allows visas for em to come here. Once they are here they go into business fir themselves when able to.
A lot of passionate fans, political and musical. He died young so it was a big shock to the culture
Lots of Punjabi people are truck drivers
The driver is probably a fan.
Not uncommon to some trucks having country/rock paintjobs.
It's been well established in the last couple years that the indian govt. is in bed with organized crime to 'remove' undesirables.
Fascists? In bed with organized crime? Purging political enemies? I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Well, not that shocked.
How can they shock??!!
"Everything I don't like is fascism"
It's not just fascist though. It's any totalitarian government. In recent history no one has done it more than communists or socialist groups?
Everyone, everyone else has done it more than them. It’s probably just about the most American thing you can do short of grilling with a Marlboro red in your mouth, Remington 870 in one hand, burger flipping in the other.
Eh idk look into how many coups we staged as Americans.
Your avatar doesn't have a green scarf. This is a missed opportunity.
Much better.
Are the communist and socialist governments in the room with us right now?
Including being involved with the cia
I have worked on that truck. It stinks.
Someone watches trap lore ross.
Sounds like murica
Some more context there are a lot of truck drivers who are punjabis
Asa a Canadian I know the Indian government uses gangs to take people out. They actively do it in Canada.
He’s a Indian rapper similar to 2pac that got gunned down a couple years ago.
I’ve seen a couple Sikh drivers put something about moose wala on the side of their trucks.
Also Sikh drivers are awesome guys
Not a rapper but pop artist with vibes of rappers
why is it, that whatever you don’t understand scares you ? …. just politely ask him
That's not his uncle?
Yo I think I seen this same truck 😂😂
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Haha where at?
Spotted in California on 99.
You probably drove by 15 and only noticed the one.
I don't think I'd be so sure it was the same if I was in the west coast, area is flooded with these guys and their martyr all over trucks everywhere. Couldn't tell them apart
Well, it's been a while since I spotted a truck with that picture, but I'm not 100% sure, but I think there's a billboard somewhere off the 99 with that same picture.
I’ve seen him multiple times across 70 between Indy and Dayton. There’s another one similar to it as well.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Haha probably him. That was him in Pittsburgh..
True I’ve seen it on the I40 too in NM
I've seen this same truck too 🤣🤣 hard to miss a guy in a turban holding an AK on the side of a commercial vehicle lmao
The more I think about it, it is more appropriate for that picture on a truck in America than many other countries. We are all about guns and the freedom to express ourselves. I have no idea who the guy is, but maybe we should start putting pictures on other trucks, too. I want a heavily armed Abraham Lincoln riding a giant bald eagle.
I drive tow trucks and my company does stuff like this on all of their trucks lol. I love North Dakota.
He's a singer that did in fact die.
Some of his music is pretty decent by north American standards.
And, if you look up the backstory to his death, it's pretty interesting.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
North America includes Canada and Alaska. They don’t count for the rap game as far as standards go.
Stop being the stereotype. There's an entire world outside of the US. And, his net worth was comparable to any other. Especially given the standards in their culture.
You obviously thought this was a driver high on his own supply. And, judging by the comments. Many know who this man was. It's OK to ask questions.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
No sorry dude. I was actually genuinely curious. Why would I think he was impaired for putting a memorial of someone on his truck. I wanted to know why they did it. That’s all. I wasn’t trying to trash this guy at all. I just like to ask questions. And the stereotype of what? Being curious about shit and asking about it? What do you know about their culture?
I read your words as Canada and Alaska didn't count. Leading to me assuming you believed outside 2pac, Dre, Eminem or Snoop Dogg that nobody rapped. So, I got defensive. I'll admit they're more flamboyant. I may have jumped the gun. I can admit it. As a driver, I'm probably over defensive given the state the profession is in.
I've had the pleasure of working with some people from India. From Engineers to business owners to dock workers. That's how I learned who Moosewala was. I've attended events and a couple weddings as a guest. I've never met a more welcoming group of people.
That being said. All parts of society have good and bad people. Unfortunately, the bad get more of a spotlight. I assumed you were trashing him.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Haha I don’t shit on people unless they deserve it. I wasn’t trying to put this guy on blast. Just wanted context. Don’t blame your profession on being flamboyant with me. 😂 I’m just kidding. It’s okay… just don’t do it again….😃
Lol, I.meant their culture. They tend to tune up their cars, lots of flashy colour's. Gold etc etc. I wear jeans and work boots with a flannel shirt.
Wabash got successfully sued for someone else's issue. 4 wheelers blame trucks for everything. Recievers are always saying drivers are late. After a day of that it's hard to keep in your mental lane for some.
It honestly surprised me what happened to him though. I being here I never heard of him. I just heard David Hasselhoff is a rock star in Germany for his music career. Always learning lol
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I drive LTL so if people do t want their shit I say okay. Bye. Zero stress. I did get an OTR Russian guy get pissed at a receiver last week because he unloaded me first. They give LTL priority almost everywhere I go. Which I get why he’d be upset. But giving the receiver literally told him to get the fuck out of his face or he’s gonna kick him out. I was like damn bro cause he was so nice to me. I never give receivers a hard time. Even if I don’t like what they say or do. It ain’t worth it because I’ll probably see them again.
Exactly. I let them do or say what they like. I'm paid hourly. They can take all the time they like. I might get upset if I was paid miles, even then, it doesn't help you to get a reputation. If you treat the recievers good, they'll usually help you out. I saw a Pepsi guy loose it. He's bumped to the back of the line now.
I've literally seen this same guy too lol
he died
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Oh really? Always wondered what RIP meant before someone’s name
you learn everyday
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Typical broker behavior
thats the worst thing anyone has called me !! and i hate you for that !!
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Haha I’m sorry man. Please don’t take more of my percentage off the top. I love you
Fuck the government over here. Fuck the government over there. Fuck the government everywhere.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I’m gonna have to respectfully agree with you.
Idk but I can smell the inside of that truck through the picture
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Someone literally already said that. Come up with something new.
Sowwy twuck dwiver
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Now your trying to sound like that guy from boneheaded truckers🙄
Trucks cars you name it this guys picture is all over Canada. I was pretty sure he was the King if Brampton.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
He’s the king and your the grower?
I saw one in Sunnyside Wa. The people in the truck stop were talking about it. I had actually read about him shortly before and was able to explain about him .
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah I seen it before then today I was like fuck it let’s see what Reddit knows about it. And holy shit it sparked some conversations to say the least.
It was a pretty heated conversation they were having in the truck stop. Pretty sure he was just passing through. Stuff like that makes life interesting.
Moosewala Jatt Legend! Tochan!
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Is that you in the picture brother?
I like seeing pictures like this on vehicles, it lets me know who are the potential terrorists.
India has been an ally to America since before its independence from Britain. There’s a reason why people like you dont like having background checks and testing before being allowed to own a firearm
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
What’s the reason?
In the Second World War many Indians volunteered to help the allies. Once India got its independence it was split between Muslims and non Muslims, the Muslim part of India became Pakistan (that country that they found Bin Laden in). This is way oversimplified but you get the point.
Currently India is trying to counterbalance China’s influence in the region, which the US fully supports. And has always had high tensions with Pakistan, including fighting multiple wars with them. So India is the United States’ natural ally in the region
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
😂 I can already imagine what you look like…
I’m starting to think these guys are spies I’m seeing them all around the country an they are starting to become the majority of truck driving them an people from Eastern Europe are flooding the trucking industry, I suspect they are scooping out key points in the country to help their country launch an invasion
Damn dude, you gotta get the truck for a little bit. Turn off that podcast, delete the YouTube app, and start reading beyond just the headline of articles.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Well they aren’t being very covert. And why the hell would the Indians infiltrate the United States to just run into shit with a truck.
Are you talking about Ruzzians?
I also wondered the same thing. Then, I realized that I don't care about Indian politics in North America.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
So you knew he was a politically motivated man when you saw him holding that AK? That’s why you didn’t care cause you already knew
I didn't know it was political. I meant political in a sense of disagreement amongst people, i.e., "Office politics." Idgaf about what happens in India.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I already know you’re smarter than me because you used “I.e.” in context. I ain’t gonna even try with you😂
Imagine a white dude had a picture like that of Rambo on his truck.🤣
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah and I’d be like “what’s the deal with this guy?”
He was probably slapped to death.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
This is definitely a Russian trying to generate misinformation. Remove this man…
Trap Lore Ross did a very good video on Moose Wala who's the guy pictured. I saw a Peterbilt 379 a few weeks ago with his picture on the side just like this. Alot of Punjabi people see him as their version of Tupac.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I just never seen Tupac on anything other than a hologram or a t shirt. Never on a semi. So I was curious to why the semi trucks.
This gets asked every month. I feel like I am a Sidhu Moose Wala expert at this point. Wish I understood his gangsta tho
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Every month it’s been asked?
Always wanted to put Rambo on my rig but I didn't want to look stupid
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Good call. But if you Ike it fuck it who cares. 😂
Saw this on i5 in OR last month lol
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
And you wondered the same right?
He drives with flip flops...
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Good one. Very creative
Brown Taylor Swift
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Really? That’s was your best joke?
You know it smells crazy in there
nothing like tikka masala from someone else’s ass
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
What’s wrong with that?
nothing really, it tastes good, just don’t look at it…
Even the middle eastern rappers look like OGs.
India is in Africa not the MiddleEast!
Uh, wrong. India is not in Africa, it is in Asia. Before you correct someone, try getting the correct information
This thread is teaching me how much people don't know shit.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
You’re welcome friend.
Lmao yooooo I see this on just about every India guy truck, either that or some guy with long hair blowing in the wind with a sword 🗡️ 😂😂😂😂
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
That’s not what he’s blowing
“Legends never die” the dude is dead. So clearly not a legend
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Not his legacy. Ain’t no one gonna have a picture of you holding a dildo on their trucks when you die.
You are correct. I have told my friends to put me on the side of their trucks with two flesh lights in my hands.
Damn what’s up with some of the comments on here tho?
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
God damn savant here huh? “Hmm yes, simply ignorance in the truckers subreddits today”
Actually… this topic has been brought up evety time that emblem on the side of that drivers truck doesn’t sit well with those who don’t take the time to find out why it’s there. It’s part of his religion and beliefs.
I don’t see many of you making a stink about an offensive bumper sticker on Bubba-Truck-Drivers rig.
The history of this emblem has been explained many times. If you kindly ask “those ones different than you” about it, they are usually kind and gentle, as are most Sikh.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Idk but I love it. Is it really 12 inches?
Oh that guy. He is an up and coming terrorist and country singer
He’s Sikh dude
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Gotta do better man.
Any luck getting some iowa housewife pussy that’s you’ve been scavenging for?
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Got emmmm
Please learn the difference between Muslims and Sikh
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I think he wants to Sikh his cock.
You can't expect much out of people who failed the comparative religions unit in social studies in high school.
Hahaha 🤣🤣
Pajeets at best.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
What did you call me?
He's the patron saint of people who don't know how to drive trucks.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Haha okay you made me laugh😂
That’s the New Breed of trucker. Get used to it boys.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
What’s that even mean? You’re driving now. So that includes you ya dingdong
You mean guys. I'd bet money there are 6-8 of them in there.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
How much you wanna bet?
He wants you to send him $700 worth of Visa gift cards or he’s gunna let the AK spray
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I only have 900.
What's your deal with that guy?
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Nothing I’m just curious to know why he’s plastered on semi trucks. I know he’s a rapper in the Middle East.
You should start a convo with your fellow trucker next time.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah I’ll talk to the guy with picture of a scarier guy holding an Ak47 about why he has it on his truck. I like you guys on Reddit better anyways.
Middle east? Really? Lmao people really dont know where anything is unless theres a war and even still....
Most Americans couldn’t find Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Ukraine or Vietnam on a map. There’s probably people that think Hezbollah is a country.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Shit. I thought they were from hezboll-land
In Asia. Fuck man. Wrong continent.
Do you think the Middle East a continent?
No. I think it is a colloquial name for a region. But India is not part of the middle east. It is a part of SE Asia. Goddamn.
...South Asia.
Indian, not middle eastern. Btw sikh drivers are usually awesome people.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I figured If I said middle eastern I’d be pretty close. I was gonna say Indian.
Sikh are awesome people.
Yeah I work with Sikh drivers all the time, they are are generally excellent and respectful. Russian drivers...meh, that's a one out of three.
I'm sad to say I've only met a couple Sikh people, but each one was very polite. Even invited me to dinner. I couldn't go but the thought was really nice. We had just met and he already was trying to bring me into his home to feed me and make sure I was ok. Class act.
Welcome to Ontario have a Punjabi day!
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Ahh okie dokie
He is just asking who it is and everyone is getting so defensive 😂 probably the same people who made other drivers quit using a CB.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I never use a CB. Our trucks don’t even have them. But you’re probably right. I’d be annoying the shit out of people on the CB if I had one. 😂
These explanations made sense but got derailed very quickly
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Haha I know it’s fun trashing the people that made no sense or made it out to be a race issue
He is Legend!
For those that might not understand the joke he is legend.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
cricket noise
Everyone just saying "Indian Tupac" but not the dude's actual name. Sidhu Moose Wala https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Sidhu_Moose_Wala
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah no shit bud. Why would a Punjabi rapper name himself Indian Tupac? Like what did his parents name him that?
I think if more people looked at this as a point of interest instead of point of conflict this might be a stitch to help a country heal or mend a tear
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Merely asking out of curiosity. And I’m a walled off psycho and don’t like human communication so I asked you guys😃
I was at a truck stop parked for the night. My tarps needed some work and it was a windy day. Driver parked next to me came over to give me a hand. He had the same decal on his truck. I didn't ask him about it, didn't care. Just a driver helping another driver. Turned an hour job into a 15 min job. I offered to buy him dinner at Denny's but he declined.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Okay but that still drew your attention. I didn’t ask the guy either. I just took a picture of him and posted him on the internet like a good American does.
Ive had conversations with some of these "punjabi" guys. Was corrected by the sihks that there is a huge difference. The stories of the warrior sihks and the undocumented shit they did in war time would make a navy seal blush in enjoyment. Very humble and very friendly guys. Just cause they wear flip flops doesn't mean they aren't human like you and me
Shit be ready for a 100 million more and for trucking wages to continue tanking.
The days of owner operator are quickly disappearing. Im a company driver making close to 85cpm as a 2nd year with them. Great mileage. As many miles as I want. All sorts of bonuses. Home time when I want. No touch d&h dry van
You got it good but screw the next generation am I right?
I worry about some of these new guys who don't speak English. The whole point of bringing then here was to help with the shortage. But by help we should have gotten skilled people. Not all these dudes that can't speak any English and think bumping into my trailer is somehow not a big deal. They are a huge reason for so many shippers and receivers having short fuses for truckers now. Its crazy.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
That’s like us driving tractor trailer in china. Just imagine trying to read those god damn signs. I’d hit 50 bridges and take all the wrong exits. And be like “Fuck, I was using Wingdings for translation.” Then I’d have to take the Great Wall china all the way back around again.
Yeah but that's not how it works. The whole thing was a racket to continue driving down wages. Any skilled worker is going to stay in their home country because chances are they're already successful there. Very few "skilled workers" come here.
If only we could do what canada did and make it work. Maybe that was the big reason of saturating the industry with these guys. They will keep working no matter what albeit shit job at driving. There is somewhere between 1.5 and 3 mil truck drivers in america. It would only take about 40k of them to shut down america. But since only owner ops can get away with that it won't happen. Companies would fire the driver on the spot if they tried then call the cops to have them removed from the truck. We can't win unless a meteor strikes somewhere important AND aliens show up and make us science fair projects with probes up our butts.
Canada isn't necessarily doing that well either. Just recently an illegal truck driver in Canada killed 16 semi pro hockey players. That isn't good at all and it's sad western governments are selling us out just so they can make a few dollars.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
With who?
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the clarification on the flip Flop and human debacle. Only though NHI wore flip flops.
Go call him a Muslim, see how fast you get your ass kicked.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
What are they gonna do beat me with their flip flop?
Could you imagine the personal humiliation of having your ass kicked in a truckstop parking lot by a guy in flip-flops?
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I use the Rex Kwon do. I break the wrist, walk away. You think anybody wants a round house kick wearing these bad boys… forgetta bout it
He was a rapper that was gaining a giant following. In his songs, he would often shed light on the degeneracy that is the Indian government, hell he was starting to dabble in politics.
He was killed under extremely questionable circumstances. Shot by a fuckin AN-94, and a couple of 9MM pistols, stuff that no citizen can own in India.
That’s sikh as hell
Damn 😂
I can't take anyone wearing a turban seriously
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I feel the same way about people with mullets
Same. Mullets are stupid.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Yeah it’s like dude. We get it your way cooler than all of us cause you forget to cut the back of your head.
I see a mullet and I immediately know the poor life decisions they've made
Dude has many great songs with hard hitting beats. I don’t understand a word he says but it’s very hype, makes u wanna run or do something energetic and active
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Probably killed a family in a crash and successfully fled the country
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Hi this is moosewalas lawyer. This is not true and only alleged. Please cease and desist or face legal action…
I have a friend who is Sikh and she told me the Sikhs love their AK’s
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Just like we like our m16s. We aren’t so different haha
Boliwood ?
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Go to bed
lol I actually saw this passing by in oklahoma
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Hopefully not today cause that muthafucka is hauling ass😂
i just needed 2 seconds on google to realize that that’s just another piece of shit, no one to be honored
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
In your opinion…
Fuck that guy
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Fuck you.🤷🏼♂️
We're not all terrorists! What can we do to end this stereotype?!? I know! I'll put a picture of a guy wearing a turban holding an AK-47!
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Literally only one person said anything about terrorist. But if he fought with the insurgents in the Middle East I’d shit my pants😂
From what I know from Chinese whispers and me making shit up is this:
Its typical "We want to carve out our own land!!". Some tribal shit back in India. Those weird Alien circular symbols On top of the tractors is the Sikh Indian flag symbol.
They want to carve out a section of India for themselves. This guy in the pic was like a leader/ activist in Canada so the Indian Government put a hit out on his ass... now the sikhs are pissed off. I think the US was gonna put on some sanctions but left it as Indian domestic issues...
My personal take as an half Indian dude?. Who gives a shit. Fuck everyone.. is my pessimistic take in life.
His name is Kerpal. Your daughter, she come to his house, and kicked his dog. And now he's going to fuck you (up). Don't like to him, fucking guy.
I see these on the back of black Honda civics all around Brampton /mississauga
I’ve seen this dude before😂
Read up on it.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Jesus, why would I read up on it when I have Reddit? If I read up on it I wouldn’t have been privileged to get such an intellectual response from you.
Ah yes bc I have so much time to scribe for you an explanation of the nuances of Indian cultures and sub cultures.you want me to come take out you trash too. Can't promise you won't be in the can with it.
I'm guessing he was asking for an answer from someone who might know. It's ok to not know an answer to a question, you don't need to get defensive...
Sorry I got trauma from ppl jaqing. It's not as if the answer isn't a Google search away. Sikhs are persecuted both in India and abroad so they become the fuck around find out people of the east. I didn't know about it til Canada tried to prosecute an Indian national for assassinating a sikh. https://www.npr.org/2024/10/15/g-s1-28245/canada-expels-indias-top-diplomat-and-alleges-wider-diplomatic-involvement-in-crimes
Sidhu Moose Gwala. Indian political activist and drill rapper. Makes some decent music too. Dude in that truck might just be a music fan.
Sidhu Moosewala
I see this shrine on a lot of trucks across the US.
Saw him 2 weeks ago in Austin Texas 35s
Oh, you mean the guy in the poster, not the driver of that truck? Try being at least a little specific as to what you're asking about.
As usual for this sub, show a pic and expect everyone to understand what you're referring to.
To be fair, you are coming across as someone just looking to complain. Lol.
There’s no individual in said picture, just the truck. There’s zero caption to make anyone believe he’s talking about the driver of said truck specifically.
So using deductive reasoning, he would be talking about the poster on said truck considering it’s a zoomed in photo of said truck.
Have a better day brother.
To be fair, people post pics of trucks all the time and complain about what the driver did. Just look at any, "He parked in the fuel lane for 30 minutes" post.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
I wouldn’t have blacked out the mic and dot numbers then😂
If someone posted a picture of a truck in the fuel island and all the caption said was “What’s the deal with this guy?” We can all collectively agree that he’s referring to the driver hogging up the fuel island. Time and place is important. The fuel island being the significance in determine what they are talking about here.
Referring back to this post: There’s absolutely zero significance to anything in the background. The truck is not at a fuel island. There’s no driver in this picture. The photo is even zoomed in on the truck (which gives you a hint as the reader that whatever he’s talking about is on the truck). The biggest thing that stands out here is the poster on the truck. We all know what he’s talking about here. We know what he’s questioning. My statement still stands that you’re just looking to complain. Hence why i said to have a better day brother. Lol
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
You can’t see the driver in the truck. Thought it was pretty clear what I was talking about
India’s version of 2pac.
I imagine he shows up if you don't buy the extended car warranty.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
He maybe single. I don’t know. You should ask him.
Conscious_Grass_853@reddit (OP)
Is that secretly you and you wanna go on a date?
I guess the legend died.
What’s the deal with my eye?
I've always thought the same when I see him over the road