With parents being pretty high on the list of reasons why people choose to an hero, this post must have killed more people than it has saved. Just saying.
Idk parents are pretty high on the list of reasons not to as well. If you don't hate your parents, thinking of how it will affect them is a major deterrent.
I always think if I were at a point where I wanted to off myself, I’d first do anything that I wanted. Like, take out a credit card and max it out travelling around the world. Who cares? May as well if the other option is to end it. And it may end up changing your life for the better.
I dont know about that, everytime i see this post i think it would be pretty great to be able to inflict such torment on my father. Only reason i didnt is i wouldnt be around to witness it.
I assume this type of hatred can only come from the worst thing a parent can do to their child which I'm very familiar with so, I'm very sorry Anon and I hope you can live a plentiful life and manage your traumas.
That’s why I'm planning to kms after my parents die of old age (also when I have the money to get a gun license, a gun and a ticket to the Altai mountains ((i want to see some beautiful nature before shooting myself))) ((((this plan will be implemented if i fail to acquire anything or anyone i'd like to dedicate myself to))))
Don’t stain a spot with such a horrendous act for someone to stumble upon you and be traumatized and thus ruin the spot for another. If you really wanna do it toss yourself in a river or an ocean, if you have the stones for it.
In any case summoning the will to die should only come when you have an ultimatum to make, not just cause you’re feeling little bad
I think those mountains would be big enough for nobody to find me. And, well, I'd prolly go off the beaten path there to find nature and not just tourist sights.
If you're still standing by your point, we can change the Altai to… Kolyma for example? Almost nobody lives there.
Look man, life sucks, I wanna die as well at times, but there’s plenty of beauties in life worth living for, I think submitting yourself to the dark thoughts you have is not optimal, unless you have no one or no thing you like, no talents, no intelligence, and no options or any prospects it’s not worth doing.
Things can always change (and they do) as such, it’s not worth doing at all. But if were to do it id do it in the ocean, so that way my body may be claimed by the closest thing there is to a void on earth. But of course, the difficulty in going about doing that makes it so I probably wouldn’t do it at all, and so if you feel like you must, create a long task that would take much preparation and time, so that when you set out to do it you realize that it isn’t worth doing.
Many people are living in active war zones, with their entire families dead and their homes destroyed, and yet they continue to press on. If they can, anyone can, including you and me. Be strong
I'm sorry if I don’t reply to everyone because I don’t want to look like I'm doing this “omg i'm gonna kms” shit to gain attention. I'm not planning on doing it anytime soon, this is just a “plan X” if my life doesn’t get good
Meaning can be found in the smallest of places. We tend to think of dedicating our lives to something big and epic, but it doesn't have to be that way. I had a friend (military buddy) who was having an incredibly difficult time after his second tour. He found peace in a simple string bean plant. He cared for it and took pride in its growth. It was not much, but it made him genuinely happy.
I'm not saying to grow yourself a string bean... But keep your eyes and mind open. Sometimes the smallest of things can be enough.
Remember this: The incredible thing is that YOU did those things. The kitties may have needed you, but you were the one who found the strength in yourself.
Trust, it is. I went out in the woods in the UP Michigan once with that intention. Ended up just sitting on a log for about 4 hours soaking in the beauty, then finding a bar and a cheap hotel room before driving back home the following morning.
Man. Every single time I see this, the guilt of wanting to be dead eats me from within. Makes me want to die even more but less because I need to be alive, but more because of the guilt and on goes the circle
You just want the pain to stop, right? In all its form? I can’t promise that it will… but you’ll get stronger. And you’ll get better at bearing it. The cycle of shame and feelings of inadequacy are symptoms of being human. It’s impossible to do everything right, to feel good all the time… but there are moments that make everything worth it. Maybe only a few in a lifetime, but they do happen.
No, not all parents do. However, there are still friends, pets, and people you might not even know who care about you. Take it from someone who had both their grandfather and best friends little brother take their lives. I cared deeply about both of them and understand that it might not feel that way from their perspective. It hurt a lot. Took years for me to suggest it's not my fault. That I didn't cause them to do that, and I was doing my best. I've had the same thoughts they did before but have to remember that even if it I don't know if someone cares or think someone doesn't, I don't want to risk anyone going through the same thing I did. Yes, emotions are hard to bare and you might not want to burden others, but completely removing yourself from those around you is far worse. I hope you're doing better in life and try to keep in mind that it will get better at some point. It'll take a lot of patience, but you won't only get start to feel better, but it'll make you stronger to help others who go through the same or similar thing.
ive had a lot of reoccurring daily suicidal thoughts over the years and i think at a certain point its kind of hard to keep thinking about how your loved ones would cry over it. you just give up eventually. ive seen my parents be completely crushed, crying beyond belief and baffled by some of the things ive wrote and done to myself but i am still suicidal; so maybe thats why thinking about how they react doesnt affect me much anymore.
Sounds like you got some crisscrossed wires upstairs. Those feelings are real but you are more than just your thoughts and feelings. Your mind is capable of incredible things, both positive and negative. Learning to accept the suicidal thoughts as a part of your programming might help you learn to adapt to their existence and hopefully mitigate their presence and influence in your life, but that just takes time. I wish you the best.
My parents kicked me out of their house after coming out and haven't supported me. They wouldn't care if I died. The only reason I'm not dead is because my fiance said he would kill himself after finding out I killed myself.
I know me saying this won’t change how you feel right now, but your parents feelings towards you do not dictate your worth. Neither does you fiancées. You are inherently valuable, a one of a kind manifestation of the human experience. I hope you can learn to live out of love for yourself.
I feel really sorry for the dad, if the post says the truth. Must be one of the worst feelings in this world. No parents should ever bury their own children.
That being said, if it were me who's dead and my parents the ones sobbing for it, not my fucking problem. It's their problem for not aborting me when they had the chance, now I HAVE to live through this for decades because another person demanded so? Hell fucking not.
I'll be dead and they will have to cope with it just as I had to cope for years by living a meaningless life, just doing what I was told with not a single purpose. Never wanted to be here, have no business being here still and if I ever get a ticket out, it's my fucking right to use it.
You can create your own meaning. It is difficult, but even facing the difficulty of creating a meaning can become a meaning in itself. Have mercy on your parents, if they would mourn you it means they love you. That love is precious and many spend their lives wishing they had their parents love. That being said, there is always a ticket out. Dying is not hard to do. Living is. You are choosing to live, whether you realize it or not. You are stronger than you may think.
So a son with an accomplished carreer in a pretty respectable job? Can't relate, my parents would cheer when their useless parasitic failure paints some field red
What do you know about anyone else’s pain? You only know your own. Anon only knows theirs. Pain is common. Death is guaranteed. We are all ignorant of each other’s experiences and all we can do is hope to understand by sharing them. Joy, pain, triumph, defeat, hope, despair. They make us human. By sharing we might find others with similar experience and find fellowship. Our ability to communicate is what got us this far. It’ll keep moving us forward if we continue to bear the strain of misunderstandings and ignorance until they are overcome.
What if you are the third party? What if the person in the mirror is secretly hoping, believing that you’ll have a good day? Hell, what if you are the first, second, and third party? People live and die and it’s all fleeting, but nothing is permanent. This thought can equal freedom or doom. When things are going well, you know it won’t always be that way. Thus, you can assume the converse might be true. The die have been cast, and I’ll assume you got a shitty roll. But you only get one chance to play the game, and the person in the mirror deserves a chance at happiness.
Life in itself might not have an inherit meaning but I think it’s possible to make your own meaning. And if that thing you’re fighting for might never come into being, it has an equal chance of doing just that. 50/50 rule. Half of the world is terrible and evil, half is beautiful and good. Know which half you want to contribute to and the rest is the journey. I hope that things get better somehow.
Typed it out, deleted it, typed it out, deleted it… just keep going guys. A chance to keep going is a chance for anything. Rage against the dying of the light.
Yeah, that's exactly the same with mine as well. Found ut better to just cut all contact and talk to any relative that ask why. Deny him the sob story and have him have to explain while I live my own life is so much of a better revenge.
I put a knife in his hand once as a kid and told him to kill me if I was such a burden on his life (as he always said) and he didn't even react, just kept on yellig at me for whatever his problem was at work and how my existence made it so much worse... Made me understand at that point that hurting myself to hurt him would have next to no effect.. as a 13 year old.
Building a strong life tgat makes you happy, while denying them tgeir attention is a far better revenge I've found and I hope you get/have a much better life!
Shit man thats fucked , glad you escaped by the sounds of it. My case is milder and more deserved but got an abusive mom whos obviously untouchable. She tries to be as incensing as possible (like when im ill or tired, the screaming attacking and smashing starts) to play the victim card. If i grab her arm she desperately looks for a mark to try and get me arrested and tells me she lives in fear despite seeking me out to fight.
Family are all women who she's abused and lied to... Guess who they excuse and side with...
Yeah, though took me a few years to realize. I have stared down the barrel of a rifle several times as a child... thankfully I got out and into therapy.
None of that shit is ever deserved! A survival mindset can make people do the craziest thing that may be counterintuitive to their own overall well-being. But I highly recommend finding a way out of there as soon as you can and don't look back unless it is on your conditions and your conditions only. It may be terrifying to begin with, but it will be far better than being stuck in a home like that.
Just don't engage her as best you can and build whatever resources you need to get out
Shit like this destroys me. It's these moments where I truly feel doomed and unloved. I grew up with a family that despised me and Abandoned me after I turned 12. I had to do a lot to get where I am today, and still, as I walk the streets, I see countless families with so much love, and if we're to die today, no one would even know.
My dad thinks I'm a failure because I don't earn six figures. Meanwhile, he thinks the world of my drug addict whore wannabe crackhead half-sister. It's pretty unbelievable what standards men have for their kids.
There was this idea forged in the generational traditions from the medieval times all the way to the early 20th century, that the firstborn being the one with the most responsibility, who has to be almost a second dad to the other children, has to work the hardest etc. My dad being not only old at my birth, but also old fashioned for his age made me suffer for that idea of his.
I was last suicidal on Dec 31, 2023. I decided to rearrange the furniture in my bedroom if I wasn't going to KMS. After that I got a new therapist and met with him a few times until late spring when I decided therapy was part of my depression problem and quit it and my meds. I was on a low dose so no withdrawal thank God. I started working with a VA dude and I would write a fiction book and he would read it as I wrote it. Over the summer I wrote worked and did community theater. After the play I dedicated at least an hour a day to the writing until late December. At a certain point I realized I love writing, and I'm kinda good at it. I haven't been depressed in almost a year and I'm aiming to get published or self publish by the end of this year.
I failed at a bunch of things, I have no gf, haven't had one in like 5 years, average looking at best, short, working a dead end job. Logically it's not surprising I was depressed back then, and not a whole lot has changed except one thing. I think/know I'm a good writer. And if I stick with it long enough recognition and money to improve my life will come. And I know I can and will stick with it. It's my goal, my purpose, and now my life I guess. I have something to live for and thus I don't want to die anymore.
Maybe, not saying for sure, you have a purpose you need to reconsider or even search for to realize once your pursuing it that actually you wanted to live all this time, just not what you think you need or should have been living currently.
I'm educating myself on the writing process until Feb which is when I start the second draft. Just had an epiphany about one of the characters and the urge to just start writing now is very strong.
Purpose really is the answer. And it’s wildly problematic that we’re taught our purpose is to have a life that looks good on paper; attractiveness of ourselves and partners (and the idea that we need to have one), the money we make and the labels we adopt from our job titles.. all this empty fucking shit that people brag about at dinner parties is the reason people want to die. There’s no fulfillment in any of that but we’re all forced into the rat race, so where tf are we supposed to find it?
It may not be the typical epic battle, but i believe there is true beauty in this world and our fight is to hunt and gather it in this world of toxic plenty
this post helps me remember my "anchors". I always said my family and best friend were the ones anchoring me to this world....so that I don't just drift away.
I have only one anchor left, my father. My mother, best friend and grandparents are all gone. After my father is gone, I'm going to be utterly alone. I'm trying to find more anchors but I feel time will run out before that happens. It doesn't really matter because I'm too much of a coward to actually go through with it.
I don't really know why I posted this, just wanted to talk. it helps I guess.
I would break mentally if either my kids suffered like that. Even though my oldest daughter is mature and social. doing teenager shit... deep down she will always be an innocent baby who needs her daddy.
Once you have kids, it changes your whole world view. Shit that matters 15 years ago doesn't even cross my mind anymore, and shit that never mattered when I was a kid can be world ending.
I had to put my dog down a month after my grandpa who raised me died. I've always been weird with my emotions and I even though I wouldn't cry in any occasion, I actually didnt' cry when I heard either of the news, I didn't cry when I went to the funneral for my pa, I didn't cry when the priest spoke, I bawled my eyes off when I went to his casket (open with a glass) and I just saw him there, cold, with nothing inside, I went with my grandma and sister and it broke my heart, I'm actually tearing up while writing this.
I was with my Drako when was getting put down, I hugged him and didn't let him go from the moment I was told he was to be put down, I hugged him all the way feeling his heartbeat kissing his forehead holding and carressing his ears, until I felt him stop moving, and I heard a last breath come out of his mouth, jesus christ why does life have to be so fucking sad I want my doggy.
I lost my pup of 14 years to a sudden seizure, likely from the medication he was taking to help him heal his back. It was a traumatic scene to start with, and while trying to rush to the vet, we hit traffic and were stuck. it was an agonizing 30 minutes to his vet. He cried the whole way and I just wanted to comfort him and hold him but i couldn't. All I could do was sob uncontrollably and curse at everyone for being in my way of helping my son.
I'm sorry about your grandpa and Drako, man. Sounds like your grandpa did a good job raising you, and Drako got to experience that with the love you had for him.
This one almost got me to tear up. I'm so horribly incapable of crying in any controlled sense. I haven't been able to cry in years unless it's a full blown mental breakdown and I think about disappearing a lot... but I don't. Stick it out fellas, and find something worth fighting for. Friends, family, pets, hobbies, passions... just something.
Man, I do feel for the parents. Or any parent in general that loses their child. But on the other hand it feels a bit like peer pressure. Sometimes a life isn't work living.
I think it's easier for us to see this when we imagine someone old, with a broken body, currently in the hospital and just kept alive by machines. Then it's easier for us to see and agree that we should "let them go".
And not always when someone any age is suicidal, is it the same. But life is also not this holy thing that should be preserved at any cost, when said person does not want that.
So, killing yourself and not thinking about your family is selfish. But telling someone who wants to kill themselves to not do it, cause it would hurt your feelings, is also selfish.
Lifehack for the parents. Be the parent, that threatens ur kid with killing him. This way the kid will live even through the shittiest time just to anger you seeing them alive. /s
my dad had to find my little brother after he killed himself. among many other wishes and regrets, i wish i couldve at least been the one to carry that burden
I hate when this post comes back it’s actually just this vile fucking just sadness. It’s not even funny channer being sad it’s legit dark real gritty truth and it’s fucking painful even if it was fake.
I only have daughters. But I am a son. Even before becoming a father, there are few moments in cinema that move me more than this scene near the end of Goblet of fire.
The F40 is the posterboy of classic Ferraris. Everybody who knows it, either likes it or loves it. It's just a very common opinion, while the F50 is less liked. People thought it didn't live up to the F40 at first, but have started to like the way it looks in the last couple of years.
I read a detailed post from an emt about watching a father find his son who died from something related to diabetes. That fucked me up in the head for weeks after. It was one of those things that makes you look at everything in a different perspective.
I assume it’s a career you wouldn’t recommend to others correct? I’ve seen many people suggest it as a career but usually the more years a paramedic has, the more adverse they are to recommending it to others.
Worked in the ER for a bit, youll experience things you never thought possible. I got in for a shift once and it was eerily quite in the ER. I asked what was going on and a girl we all new lost her newborn to SIDS. The mothers dad gets there and is banging on the ambulance bay door to get in. Im close by so i activate the motion sensor to open it, and he comes running in. His face is in complete panic, and all he can repeat is "wheres my baby, wheres my baby at" I point him to her room which was directly in front of him, he goes running in. I couldnt see him once he went in, but the door to the room was open and the sound that came out of that man was the worst thing ive heard in my entire life. I dont think it can be replicated, I cant even describe it, its like seeing a color you didnt know existed. The first responder life is not for the weak.
Please please please I swear to God take care of yourself. My friend was a paramedic for a few years before she cracked and killed herself. You're doing good work but don't let it consume you.
I had a friend exactly like you and I went through the same exact thing. I sought help. And it helped. Please consider seeing a professional. It's difficult to see what ending it takes out of the world when you're in that stage.
I've been in ems for about 12yrs. I had a young girl who took a gun and shot herself in the driveway. Her dad was sitting by the car begging me to do something, anything to help his daughter. I had to look him in the eye and tell him there was nothing I could do. That day fucking sucked.
Peace to you and your family, one way or another. Good on you for protecting your mom from that pain. I hope you find something to protect you from yours
tangential but relevant - I worked with a fire dept bro who said nothing shook him up like rolling up on a car of hot 17yo girls mangled and torn. seeing them dressed to the 9s for a night out laying in the dirt with their shirts up and scalps in different locations got to him more than other call outs. said this 1 girls arms and legs were folded back and her lipstick smeared but eyes wide open just staring into the abyss. tldr. dont drive drunk or ride with someone who has been drinking. he lost sleep over that incident for years. im sure ugly people hurt are sad too though.
This is the only greentext that I remember word-for-word. I've struggled in the past with stuff but I could never do that type of thing to my mom, dad, and younger brother.
I'm going to sound like an asshole, but maybe if those people showed that same love and care when the dead were alive, they wouldn't have killed themselves.
People only start showing how much they care about you only after it's too late.
Remember bros, go and show love to the ones you care about, as you never know...
My dad didn't give a fuck about me until my mom left him and I went with her.
After they got back together this "new appreciation" for me came in. I was 17 then...and I remember thinking, "Yeah, this is nice and all...but where the fuck was this for the first 17 years of my life?" And, for context, we had only left him for a month.
He wanted to get close to me and be there for me but I simply didn't know him. He wanted to be the father I always wanted him to be, but by that point he was unfamiliar, and someone I didn't feel comfortable sharing my problems with at all.
George W Bush lied and sent thousands of young people to brutalize other people for oil profits. Everytime you see something like this story, remember that all blame lies on GWB and his allies.
I don’t have a good relationship with my dad, I always wonder how he would react if I ever did it. Part of me hopes it would be like this. Is that selfish?
Hard disagree on this. You should find a reason to live that makes life a worthy experience, not to stick around miserably and barely hanging on just cause someone else will be upset. How is them being upset if you died making your life better, now? Not at all. Only one who can help you is you.
Sometimes I'm still around just because I'm curious how I'll deal with shit tomorrow, other times because I just don't have a civilian gun license. It is what it is. Since I know feelings like this fluctuate, it's worth waiting til tomorrow.
I'd probably want to kms too if I had taken part in the Iraq war. Putin's out there doing the same shit right now, and people are calling it war crimes, especially Americans, when we just fucking got done doing the same shit for worse reasons. Idk, I'm just learning about this bad Iraq stuff now and it's breaking my little dingus brain
Then you see the adult manchildren who OD, have their mums do cpr on them and then shit their pants in front of a crew of medics after naloxone and the dad is checked out upstairs because he is sick of hos kids shit.
Paramedics are criminally underpaid and overworked, go into dangerous shit with no gun or vest, keep a mangled body stable enough to get to a hospital while on a 24hr shift
Happened to my uncle. His nephew got hit with a coke charge and was looking at 20+ years. He went out to the fish cleaning station and blew his head off with a shotgun. His dad just couldn't.
All I know of the story is my uncle so bing hard as he had to clean it up. Fucked shit man.
Post lives in the back of my mind, not because I have a tight bond with my family but that I wouldn't want them to see me dead. My dad probably wouldn't have much of a reaction other than being pissed off at himself or his typical stoicism. Mom on the other hand...
The pain they feel is that which those who left laid down. Don't shame those who were not strong enough to bare it just because its someone elses turn to hurt now.
Thanks for bringing this post up every few months when I'm having a nice day
Tbf it's also a nice motivator when you feel like ending it
With parents being pretty high on the list of reasons why people choose to an hero, this post must have killed more people than it has saved. Just saying.
Idk parents are pretty high on the list of reasons not to as well. If you don't hate your parents, thinking of how it will affect them is a major deterrent.
both my parents have cancer, I know it's only a few more years, I always tell myself I'll wait until after then.
I always think if I were at a point where I wanted to off myself, I’d first do anything that I wanted. Like, take out a credit card and max it out travelling around the world. Who cares? May as well if the other option is to end it. And it may end up changing your life for the better.
Try meds and every other option possible first. I know it's exhausting but think of how much you have to gain if you get it right.
That's a pretty big "if" bro
ik it's hard to comprehend if you're on that side but the majority of people (I'd like to think anyways) don't hate their parents
Ultra soy comment.
Family is the best and the most important thing in life.
If someone hates their family then there is a 90%+ chance that the person in question is soy and has a sad life.
ya know not everyone hates their parents
That's mean!!!
Not me
I dont know about that, everytime i see this post i think it would be pretty great to be able to inflict such torment on my father. Only reason i didnt is i wouldnt be around to witness it.
If your father loves you, why would you want to inflict torment on him?
If your father doesn't love you, why would that inflict torment on him?
Because my father loved me a bit too much throughout my childhood
if you hate him just beat his balls with a baseball bat or something why would you off yourself instead.
I assume this type of hatred can only come from the worst thing a parent can do to their child which I'm very familiar with so, I'm very sorry Anon and I hope you can live a plentiful life and manage your traumas.
Is the feeling mutual between you two? If so, he may not really be all that tormented. Might even use it for attention.
It would fuck him up
This pic turned my smile upwards again.
Hey it's giving me encouragement again
GradeyDickBotAccount@reddit (OP)
Mom said it was my turn
Fuck you. Now I gotta cry again
That’s why I'm planning to kms after my parents die of old age (also when I have the money to get a gun license, a gun and a ticket to the Altai mountains ((i want to see some beautiful nature before shooting myself))) ((((this plan will be implemented if i fail to acquire anything or anyone i'd like to dedicate myself to))))
I'm not sure it'll be easy smuggling a gun there.
why? do they have like make you undergo a security check or what?
Don’t stain a spot with such a horrendous act for someone to stumble upon you and be traumatized and thus ruin the spot for another. If you really wanna do it toss yourself in a river or an ocean, if you have the stones for it.
In any case summoning the will to die should only come when you have an ultimatum to make, not just cause you’re feeling little bad
I think those mountains would be big enough for nobody to find me. And, well, I'd prolly go off the beaten path there to find nature and not just tourist sights.
If you're still standing by your point, we can change the Altai to… Kolyma for example? Almost nobody lives there.
Look man, life sucks, I wanna die as well at times, but there’s plenty of beauties in life worth living for, I think submitting yourself to the dark thoughts you have is not optimal, unless you have no one or no thing you like, no talents, no intelligence, and no options or any prospects it’s not worth doing.
Things can always change (and they do) as such, it’s not worth doing at all. But if were to do it id do it in the ocean, so that way my body may be claimed by the closest thing there is to a void on earth. But of course, the difficulty in going about doing that makes it so I probably wouldn’t do it at all, and so if you feel like you must, create a long task that would take much preparation and time, so that when you set out to do it you realize that it isn’t worth doing.
Many people are living in active war zones, with their entire families dead and their homes destroyed, and yet they continue to press on. If they can, anyone can, including you and me. Be strong
I'm sorry if I don’t reply to everyone because I don’t want to look like I'm doing this “omg i'm gonna kms” shit to gain attention. I'm not planning on doing it anytime soon, this is just a “plan X” if my life doesn’t get good
My plan is to randomly take a vacation and do it while I’m really far away so I’m just a missing person
who knows you might even find that on your way to the Altai Mountais, tho I hope that you find it much much sooner. Never lose hope.
Meaning can be found in the smallest of places. We tend to think of dedicating our lives to something big and epic, but it doesn't have to be that way. I had a friend (military buddy) who was having an incredibly difficult time after his second tour. He found peace in a simple string bean plant. He cared for it and took pride in its growth. It was not much, but it made him genuinely happy.
I'm not saying to grow yourself a string bean... But keep your eyes and mind open. Sometimes the smallest of things can be enough.
Man, the things I've done for my kitties...
Remember this: The incredible thing is that YOU did those things. The kitties may have needed you, but you were the one who found the strength in yourself.
Yup, some folks can find real value in having pets. Who is gonna feed them if you can't?
you would be a good hotline worker
Thank you. That feels very kind of you to say.
Don't use a gun. Imagine missing, ending up paralyzed, and dying of dehydration over three days while in pain and unable to move.
Ur gonna get there and think “it too beautiful to end it”
We'll see
Trust, it is. I went out in the woods in the UP Michigan once with that intention. Ended up just sitting on a log for about 4 hours soaking in the beauty, then finding a bar and a cheap hotel room before driving back home the following morning.
Ambitious plan. Honestly, if you applied that ambition elsewhere, you might create that which you seek.
This life is what you make it.
I needed this. I’ve been angry at my dad for too long
Man. Every single time I see this, the guilt of wanting to be dead eats me from within. Makes me want to die even more but less because I need to be alive, but more because of the guilt and on goes the circle
You just want the pain to stop, right? In all its form? I can’t promise that it will… but you’ll get stronger. And you’ll get better at bearing it. The cycle of shame and feelings of inadequacy are symptoms of being human. It’s impossible to do everything right, to feel good all the time… but there are moments that make everything worth it. Maybe only a few in a lifetime, but they do happen.
Damn, man. You gonna make me cry but lol I can't seem to haha
Thank you for the kind words 😊
I believe in you
Yeah it’s a repost but unironically this post has kept me going ever since I first saw it. Cant do that to my old man.
If I were to ever do it I’d fuck off deep innawoods first, they’d never find me, less traumatic that way
People should start doing a Luigi instead of offing themselves, it would make them beloved and famous.
Incels especially, women love a class concious king.
My dad called me a pussy because of a failed attempt- not all dads and moms want us to live
Your dad is an asshole but not all people are like that. I hope you can find some more loving souls to be around.
No, not all parents do. However, there are still friends, pets, and people you might not even know who care about you. Take it from someone who had both their grandfather and best friends little brother take their lives. I cared deeply about both of them and understand that it might not feel that way from their perspective. It hurt a lot. Took years for me to suggest it's not my fault. That I didn't cause them to do that, and I was doing my best. I've had the same thoughts they did before but have to remember that even if it I don't know if someone cares or think someone doesn't, I don't want to risk anyone going through the same thing I did. Yes, emotions are hard to bare and you might not want to burden others, but completely removing yourself from those around you is far worse. I hope you're doing better in life and try to keep in mind that it will get better at some point. It'll take a lot of patience, but you won't only get start to feel better, but it'll make you stronger to help others who go through the same or similar thing.
ive had a lot of reoccurring daily suicidal thoughts over the years and i think at a certain point its kind of hard to keep thinking about how your loved ones would cry over it. you just give up eventually. ive seen my parents be completely crushed, crying beyond belief and baffled by some of the things ive wrote and done to myself but i am still suicidal; so maybe thats why thinking about how they react doesnt affect me much anymore.
Sounds like you got some crisscrossed wires upstairs. Those feelings are real but you are more than just your thoughts and feelings. Your mind is capable of incredible things, both positive and negative. Learning to accept the suicidal thoughts as a part of your programming might help you learn to adapt to their existence and hopefully mitigate their presence and influence in your life, but that just takes time. I wish you the best.
My parents kicked me out of their house after coming out and haven't supported me. They wouldn't care if I died. The only reason I'm not dead is because my fiance said he would kill himself after finding out I killed myself.
I know me saying this won’t change how you feel right now, but your parents feelings towards you do not dictate your worth. Neither does you fiancées. You are inherently valuable, a one of a kind manifestation of the human experience. I hope you can learn to live out of love for yourself.
I feel really sorry for the dad, if the post says the truth. Must be one of the worst feelings in this world. No parents should ever bury their own children.
That being said, if it were me who's dead and my parents the ones sobbing for it, not my fucking problem. It's their problem for not aborting me when they had the chance, now I HAVE to live through this for decades because another person demanded so? Hell fucking not.
I'll be dead and they will have to cope with it just as I had to cope for years by living a meaningless life, just doing what I was told with not a single purpose. Never wanted to be here, have no business being here still and if I ever get a ticket out, it's my fucking right to use it.
You can create your own meaning. It is difficult, but even facing the difficulty of creating a meaning can become a meaning in itself. Have mercy on your parents, if they would mourn you it means they love you. That love is precious and many spend their lives wishing they had their parents love. That being said, there is always a ticket out. Dying is not hard to do. Living is. You are choosing to live, whether you realize it or not. You are stronger than you may think.
Why would they call EMS if the dude has no head left?
What else are you supposed to do?
So a son with an accomplished carreer in a pretty respectable job? Can't relate, my parents would cheer when their useless parasitic failure paints some field red
They would cheer when you become strong enough to stand on your own and succeed in your own right as well I think.
What the fuck does Anon know about anyone else's pain? Ignorant individual.
What do you know about anyone else’s pain? You only know your own. Anon only knows theirs. Pain is common. Death is guaranteed. We are all ignorant of each other’s experiences and all we can do is hope to understand by sharing them. Joy, pain, triumph, defeat, hope, despair. They make us human. By sharing we might find others with similar experience and find fellowship. Our ability to communicate is what got us this far. It’ll keep moving us forward if we continue to bear the strain of misunderstandings and ignorance until they are overcome.
"Continue living your miserable life that is devoid of any joy and happiness because a third party will get sad otherwise".
Always "loved" this message.
What if you are the third party? What if the person in the mirror is secretly hoping, believing that you’ll have a good day? Hell, what if you are the first, second, and third party? People live and die and it’s all fleeting, but nothing is permanent. This thought can equal freedom or doom. When things are going well, you know it won’t always be that way. Thus, you can assume the converse might be true. The die have been cast, and I’ll assume you got a shitty roll. But you only get one chance to play the game, and the person in the mirror deserves a chance at happiness.
Don't be selfish
This specific post is what keeps me from doing it. I really hate that it works.
Sick of trying to find meaning.
And sick of trying to fight for something that might just never come, as if live is dangling a carrot infront of my face.
Continue to live, or don't. None of us will stop you, but you and everyone else will have tried to live, at least.
Life in itself might not have an inherit meaning but I think it’s possible to make your own meaning. And if that thing you’re fighting for might never come into being, it has an equal chance of doing just that. 50/50 rule. Half of the world is terrible and evil, half is beautiful and good. Know which half you want to contribute to and the rest is the journey. I hope that things get better somehow.
Typed it out, deleted it, typed it out, deleted it… just keep going guys. A chance to keep going is a chance for anything. Rage against the dying of the light.
Almost be worth it as a revenge on my piece of shit father...
No don’t do that. Pick up and put down heavy shit until you can beat him up.
Don't worry, I won't. Managed to build a good enough life to leave him behind. But I greatly appreciate it ❤️
goals fr.
Problem is that the more the father deserves it the less effective a revenge it is. My family would just get a sob story to exploit.
Yeah, that's exactly the same with mine as well. Found ut better to just cut all contact and talk to any relative that ask why. Deny him the sob story and have him have to explain while I live my own life is so much of a better revenge.
I put a knife in his hand once as a kid and told him to kill me if I was such a burden on his life (as he always said) and he didn't even react, just kept on yellig at me for whatever his problem was at work and how my existence made it so much worse... Made me understand at that point that hurting myself to hurt him would have next to no effect.. as a 13 year old.
Building a strong life tgat makes you happy, while denying them tgeir attention is a far better revenge I've found and I hope you get/have a much better life!
Shit man thats fucked , glad you escaped by the sounds of it. My case is milder and more deserved but got an abusive mom whos obviously untouchable. She tries to be as incensing as possible (like when im ill or tired, the screaming attacking and smashing starts) to play the victim card. If i grab her arm she desperately looks for a mark to try and get me arrested and tells me she lives in fear despite seeking me out to fight.
Family are all women who she's abused and lied to... Guess who they excuse and side with...
Yeah, though took me a few years to realize. I have stared down the barrel of a rifle several times as a child... thankfully I got out and into therapy.
None of that shit is ever deserved! A survival mindset can make people do the craziest thing that may be counterintuitive to their own overall well-being. But I highly recommend finding a way out of there as soon as you can and don't look back unless it is on your conditions and your conditions only. It may be terrifying to begin with, but it will be far better than being stuck in a home like that.
Just don't engage her as best you can and build whatever resources you need to get out
Shit like this destroys me. It's these moments where I truly feel doomed and unloved. I grew up with a family that despised me and Abandoned me after I turned 12. I had to do a lot to get where I am today, and still, as I walk the streets, I see countless families with so much love, and if we're to die today, no one would even know.
This post always makes me so fucking sad. I love my dad.
tale as old as time folks
My dad thinks I'm a failure because I don't earn six figures. Meanwhile, he thinks the world of my drug addict whore wannabe crackhead half-sister. It's pretty unbelievable what standards men have for their kids.
There was this idea forged in the generational traditions from the medieval times all the way to the early 20th century, that the firstborn being the one with the most responsibility, who has to be almost a second dad to the other children, has to work the hardest etc. My dad being not only old at my birth, but also old fashioned for his age made me suffer for that idea of his.
I tell my sons every damn day that I love them and I'm proud of them. I'd die before I could consider disowning them for anything ever.
not all dads are like that
I know and I want you to know you're lovable and I'm proud of you.
Ngl I feel like my father wouldnt even care if I did it lol, he considers me a complete failure.
If only we could prevented that
I was last suicidal on Dec 31, 2023. I decided to rearrange the furniture in my bedroom if I wasn't going to KMS. After that I got a new therapist and met with him a few times until late spring when I decided therapy was part of my depression problem and quit it and my meds. I was on a low dose so no withdrawal thank God. I started working with a VA dude and I would write a fiction book and he would read it as I wrote it. Over the summer I wrote worked and did community theater. After the play I dedicated at least an hour a day to the writing until late December. At a certain point I realized I love writing, and I'm kinda good at it. I haven't been depressed in almost a year and I'm aiming to get published or self publish by the end of this year.
I failed at a bunch of things, I have no gf, haven't had one in like 5 years, average looking at best, short, working a dead end job. Logically it's not surprising I was depressed back then, and not a whole lot has changed except one thing. I think/know I'm a good writer. And if I stick with it long enough recognition and money to improve my life will come. And I know I can and will stick with it. It's my goal, my purpose, and now my life I guess. I have something to live for and thus I don't want to die anymore.
Maybe, not saying for sure, you have a purpose you need to reconsider or even search for to realize once your pursuing it that actually you wanted to live all this time, just not what you think you need or should have been living currently.
Update us when you are ready to publish. I wanna read it
I'm educating myself on the writing process until Feb which is when I start the second draft. Just had an epiphany about one of the characters and the urge to just start writing now is very strong.
Purpose really is the answer. And it’s wildly problematic that we’re taught our purpose is to have a life that looks good on paper; attractiveness of ourselves and partners (and the idea that we need to have one), the money we make and the labels we adopt from our job titles.. all this empty fucking shit that people brag about at dinner parties is the reason people want to die. There’s no fulfillment in any of that but we’re all forced into the rat race, so where tf are we supposed to find it?
It may not be the typical epic battle, but i believe there is true beauty in this world and our fight is to hunt and gather it in this world of toxic plenty
this post helps me remember my "anchors". I always said my family and best friend were the ones anchoring me to this world....so that I don't just drift away.
I have only one anchor left, my father. My mother, best friend and grandparents are all gone. After my father is gone, I'm going to be utterly alone. I'm trying to find more anchors but I feel time will run out before that happens. It doesn't really matter because I'm too much of a coward to actually go through with it.
I don't really know why I posted this, just wanted to talk. it helps I guess.
Ha! Jokes on you! My father abandoned me before I was born.
Thank goodness I don’t have a dad
But I have wonderful children now, so. Can’t do that to them either.
I would break mentally if either my kids suffered like that. Even though my oldest daughter is mature and social. doing teenager shit... deep down she will always be an innocent baby who needs her daddy.
Whenever I see this post I get choked up
Damn dude I was only thinking of me as the son, not the father in this scenario...
Once you have kids, it changes your whole world view. Shit that matters 15 years ago doesn't even cross my mind anymore, and shit that never mattered when I was a kid can be world ending.
Well I have some and quite old so that changes the orignal story...
I wish the best for you and your family. You sound like a great dad. World needs more people like you.
I'm a dad to a 5 month old boy. If he goes I go.
You sound like a good dad 🙏🏻
Fuck man I just had to put my cat down a few hours ago and now this gets reposted wtf
I had to put my dog down a month after my grandpa who raised me died. I've always been weird with my emotions and I even though I wouldn't cry in any occasion, I actually didnt' cry when I heard either of the news, I didn't cry when I went to the funneral for my pa, I didn't cry when the priest spoke, I bawled my eyes off when I went to his casket (open with a glass) and I just saw him there, cold, with nothing inside, I went with my grandma and sister and it broke my heart, I'm actually tearing up while writing this.
I was with my Drako when was getting put down, I hugged him and didn't let him go from the moment I was told he was to be put down, I hugged him all the way feeling his heartbeat kissing his forehead holding and carressing his ears, until I felt him stop moving, and I heard a last breath come out of his mouth, jesus christ why does life have to be so fucking sad I want my doggy.
I lost my pup of 14 years to a sudden seizure, likely from the medication he was taking to help him heal his back. It was a traumatic scene to start with, and while trying to rush to the vet, we hit traffic and were stuck. it was an agonizing 30 minutes to his vet. He cried the whole way and I just wanted to comfort him and hold him but i couldn't. All I could do was sob uncontrollably and curse at everyone for being in my way of helping my son.
I still cry when I sit in that car.
I still sometimes hear him cry when I'm in there.
I want my puppy back, man. I miss him every day.
I feel like I failed him that day.
It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could do, and if you cared for him for 14 years, he had the best life a dog could ever want.
I'm sorry about your grandpa and Drako, man. Sounds like your grandpa did a good job raising you, and Drako got to experience that with the love you had for him.
Sometimes life can be a real fucking bitch, I'm sorry you had to go through that my man.
This one almost got me to tear up. I'm so horribly incapable of crying in any controlled sense. I haven't been able to cry in years unless it's a full blown mental breakdown and I think about disappearing a lot... but I don't. Stick it out fellas, and find something worth fighting for. Friends, family, pets, hobbies, passions... just something.
Sorry for your loss man. It's hard, but I know you've got it
Fuck off dont tell me what to do
Ngl, this nearly made me cry.
Man, I do feel for the parents. Or any parent in general that loses their child. But on the other hand it feels a bit like peer pressure. Sometimes a life isn't work living.
I think it's easier for us to see this when we imagine someone old, with a broken body, currently in the hospital and just kept alive by machines. Then it's easier for us to see and agree that we should "let them go".
And not always when someone any age is suicidal, is it the same. But life is also not this holy thing that should be preserved at any cost, when said person does not want that.
So, killing yourself and not thinking about your family is selfish. But telling someone who wants to kill themselves to not do it, cause it would hurt your feelings, is also selfish.
And this is why I keep going, if not for me then for others. Gonna die eventually anyway so may as well ride it out
After 10 years of regular reposting this one never, ever stops making me upset.
Fake, gay, whatever, this is one of the most hard- hitting things ever written
It's dated March 2021
Don't sass me
Which was 10y ago what's ur point exactly
Lifehack for the parents. Be the parent, that threatens ur kid with killing him. This way the kid will live even through the shittiest time just to anger you seeing them alive. /s
my dad had to find my little brother after he killed himself. among many other wishes and regrets, i wish i couldve at least been the one to carry that burden
I really needed this. It’s a daily battle man
Stay strong, be vulnerable, people love you
Look at this cat
the only times i've heard that my dad cried were when his father died and when I tried to off myself
Nothing more noble and grand than winning a battle every day. Keep up the fight my friend.
Win streak still going
I’m sorry to hear that man. Hope your week at least gets better.
Currently doing okay
Hello penguin
Very cute
ah, cats. Wonderful little heart devouring demons
They don't destroy hearts, they take over them. As is their right, the cute little furry fuckers.
It doesn't end pain, just passes it on. Keep up the good fight my man.
I hate when this post comes back it’s actually just this vile fucking just sadness. It’s not even funny channer being sad it’s legit dark real gritty truth and it’s fucking painful even if it was fake.
I only have daughters. But I am a son. Even before becoming a father, there are few moments in cinema that move me more than this scene near the end of Goblet of fire.
F40 >>>>> F50
Oh wow what a controversial opinion....
Could you explain the reason behind this being a common opinion? I don't know anything about either so I'm curious to know.
The F40 is the posterboy of classic Ferraris. Everybody who knows it, either likes it or loves it. It's just a very common opinion, while the F50 is less liked. People thought it didn't live up to the F40 at first, but have started to like the way it looks in the last couple of years.
Turbo, no assists and it's classical design...
Even though the F50 has a V12, no assists and a damn good looking design.
Could you explain why you prefer the F40 over the F50?
I think it looks better
This post is one of the reasons why I didn't do it. Granted after so many years its edge has dulled, but still, it's there.
I sometimes wonder how many lives this post has saved. I see it so often and always with loads of upvotes. My guess is possibly over a hundred.
I read a detailed post from an emt about watching a father find his son who died from something related to diabetes. That fucked me up in the head for weeks after. It was one of those things that makes you look at everything in a different perspective.
Haha jokes on you. My dad left me when I was 7 and is apparently dead.
this post is in the back of my mind like my very own guardian angel, the visual of the dad breaks me every time.
GradeyDickBotAccount@reddit (OP)
Im in training to be a paramedic, this the type of shit im gon see 😫
Good luck
Did it for 10 years. Best of luck.
Yep. I wanted to have a bunch of exciting stories to tell, got plenty of them stories I never want to tell.
Thank you for your service, if you ever need to vent or want to tell some of your stories reddit's always a fantastic place.
How’s your body? Heard a lot of paramedics get back and gastrointestinal problems
I quit because I was holding an impaled foot on my knees for an hour. I was in tears after that and now have chronic knee pain.
It's been about 6 years since I was on the ambulance and the phantom tones finally have stopped about a year ago.
I’m really sorry to hear that.
I assume it’s a career you wouldn’t recommend to others correct? I’ve seen many people suggest it as a career but usually the more years a paramedic has, the more adverse they are to recommending it to others.
How were the shifts?
Terrible pay.
Terrible hours.
Terrible for your health and no room for growth.
Just be an RN, more pay, better working conditions, same trauma inducing stories to tell at parties.
I see.
If I may ask, are you currently employed now?
Work in oncology.
Lot less stressful.
Can't imagine why.
only did it for 5 but still. would not recommend.
Worked in the ER for a bit, youll experience things you never thought possible. I got in for a shift once and it was eerily quite in the ER. I asked what was going on and a girl we all new lost her newborn to SIDS. The mothers dad gets there and is banging on the ambulance bay door to get in. Im close by so i activate the motion sensor to open it, and he comes running in. His face is in complete panic, and all he can repeat is "wheres my baby, wheres my baby at" I point him to her room which was directly in front of him, he goes running in. I couldnt see him once he went in, but the door to the room was open and the sound that came out of that man was the worst thing ive heard in my entire life. I dont think it can be replicated, I cant even describe it, its like seeing a color you didnt know existed. The first responder life is not for the weak.
Wait, her dad? So the dead baby's grandpa? And she wasn't dead, just the baby?
yeah, babies grandfather. Baby died of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
Oh so he had previously met it, like it wasn't an actual newborn, she'd been home at least?
Don’t forget about fat people with diarrhea!
Do your best bro. It aint gonna be easy, but people need guys like you.
Please please please I swear to God take care of yourself. My friend was a paramedic for a few years before she cracked and killed herself. You're doing good work but don't let it consume you.
GradeyDickBotAccount@reddit (OP)
I promise i'll be fine, but thanks bro 👌
Sometimes yes. Often you’re dealing with people who shouldn’t call 911 for trivial shit
Hardly, you’re gonna be picking up meemaw off the floor at 3-4 when all the blue hairs get up to pee and you’re gonna like it.
Good luck, youre going to build a great sense of humour though
It does break your sense of what’s funny to most people though. Ruined a lotta dinners.
Massive respect to you, my guy
few have the courage to do what you will, good luck in your (exams?) whatever you have to go through.
May you save many lives, bro
I mean my dads a dick so it’s nice to know where I’ll do it
Same here, he would probably more mad at me than sad xD
Do you want to talk?
Nah I’m probably not gonna actually do it any time soon, I’m just in the casual ideation stage
I had a friend exactly like you and I went through the same exact thing. I sought help. And it helped. Please consider seeing a professional. It's difficult to see what ending it takes out of the world when you're in that stage.
Passive suicidal ideation, yeah?
I get you.
If you want to ever talk, hit me up.
And have you ever tried therapy?
If he's really that bad, he might just use it for attention instead of being traumatised and broken up about it.
Trouble with spiting a parent is the worse they are affected the more unjust it is. My mom would just get a social boost from the sob story.
This post is the reason that I'm still alive. I can't do that to my folks.
I could've gotten past that image with almost anyone, not my dad though. I'm in the same boat
My parents are amazing. It's not their fault that I'm a huge fuck up. My an hero would ruin them. They're old, I'll wait until they pass
Unironically same
This one always gets me. The last time I read this I wasn't a father yet.
And? I'll be fucking dead. Don't care.
Their pain will still exist. Do you just reject any pain or wellbeing that’s not directly tied to yours?
if you ctb and your family is pitying themselves instead of being happy that you are no longer suffering, that's on them
You expect humans to behave like robots.
Do you know how robots were firstly and most primarily described as? ‘Not human’.
I'm only ~~expecting~~ wishing humans to be humane
So edgy
That's so selfish. You should keep suffering and pretending you're not to make people around you happy.
Thanks now I'm crying 🥺
This one still gets me every time
Jokes on you my dad is already dead
Hope the pain for my dad will be close to what he has made other experience
I've been in ems for about 12yrs. I had a young girl who took a gun and shot herself in the driveway. Her dad was sitting by the car begging me to do something, anything to help his daughter. I had to look him in the eye and tell him there was nothing I could do. That day fucking sucked.
I pay my respects to ems a lot and I have a question for you guys, do these tragic situations affect your daily psyche or sleep in particular
No worries, my dad already killed himself years ago, will probably do the same when mom dies
That’s rough buddy.
Peace to you and your family, one way or another. Good on you for protecting your mom from that pain. I hope you find something to protect you from yours
Get this sadposting out of here
As an person who had suicidal thoughts before. I didn't care tbh. I might be degenerate but I am doing that shit for a reason.
How does he know the father went into the basement?
we will all make it, bros.
This is important
tangential but relevant - I worked with a fire dept bro who said nothing shook him up like rolling up on a car of hot 17yo girls mangled and torn. seeing them dressed to the 9s for a night out laying in the dirt with their shirts up and scalps in different locations got to him more than other call outs. said this 1 girls arms and legs were folded back and her lipstick smeared but eyes wide open just staring into the abyss. tldr. dont drive drunk or ride with someone who has been drinking. he lost sleep over that incident for years. im sure ugly people hurt are sad too though.
This is the only greentext that I remember word-for-word. I've struggled in the past with stuff but I could never do that type of thing to my mom, dad, and younger brother.
Fucking heart breaking
I'm going to sound like an asshole, but maybe if those people showed that same love and care when the dead were alive, they wouldn't have killed themselves.
People only start showing how much they care about you only after it's too late.
Remember bros, go and show love to the ones you care about, as you never know...
My dad didn't give a fuck about me until my mom left him and I went with her.
After they got back together this "new appreciation" for me came in. I was 17 then...and I remember thinking, "Yeah, this is nice and all...but where the fuck was this for the first 17 years of my life?" And, for context, we had only left him for a month.
He wanted to get close to me and be there for me but I simply didn't know him. He wanted to be the father I always wanted him to be, but by that point he was unfamiliar, and someone I didn't feel comfortable sharing my problems with at all.
Good to remember I guess
Wtf man, I'm not sure if i needed to see this today T-T
George W Bush lied and sent thousands of young people to brutalize other people for oil profits. Everytime you see something like this story, remember that all blame lies on GWB and his allies.
I don’t have a good relationship with my dad, I always wonder how he would react if I ever did it. Part of me hopes it would be like this. Is that selfish?
Not at all. It's normal to want (implicit) approval/validation/care from your father.
Im sorry that I dared to be happy today I guess OP. This one is never easier to read.
Thanks for posting this. I just had a mental breakdown because I’ve been on the fence for a few months. I couldn’t do this to him
You'll make it, man. Keep your chin up, you'll make it somehow.
Same boat, we'll make it through.
Stay strong dude. Don't allow yourself to lose against those thoughts. You have what it takes to beat them.
doesn't have a dad
Okay where’s the Cat
What if my dad is already dead?
man. i know its 4chan so fake and gay but... jesus that visual of the dad stabbed me in the soul
Can confirm.
Ah well finally not having a dad comes in clutch
Hard disagree on this. You should find a reason to live that makes life a worthy experience, not to stick around miserably and barely hanging on just cause someone else will be upset. How is them being upset if you died making your life better, now? Not at all. Only one who can help you is you.
Sometimes I'm still around just because I'm curious how I'll deal with shit tomorrow, other times because I just don't have a civilian gun license. It is what it is. Since I know feelings like this fluctuate, it's worth waiting til tomorrow.
My father literally wouldn't even notice if I was gone.
Thankfully spitting in the face of that fucking asshole by living my life however I want is reason enough to go on.
Welp, just when I forgot this existed.
There goes my smile.
Unless your someone who keeps reposting this then you can do it your dad would be proud actually
How about you just don't look at the post instead of being a unsympathetic bitch? Thoughts?
thank god I forsake my long ago so these posts don't affect me
I'd probably want to kms too if I had taken part in the Iraq war. Putin's out there doing the same shit right now, and people are calling it war crimes, especially Americans, when we just fucking got done doing the same shit for worse reasons. Idk, I'm just learning about this bad Iraq stuff now and it's breaking my little dingus brain
Then you see the adult manchildren who OD, have their mums do cpr on them and then shit their pants in front of a crew of medics after naloxone and the dad is checked out upstairs because he is sick of hos kids shit.
Paramedics are criminally underpaid and overworked, go into dangerous shit with no gun or vest, keep a mangled body stable enough to get to a hospital while on a 24hr shift
First of all, dont tell me what to do.
Second of all, ok... I won't, but not because you told me.
Guys we gotta stop reposting this shit and torturing ourselves every 2 months
It’s a good reminder for some of us here
All this does is remind me that if I ever lose my boy I'm gone instantly like I won't make it an hour
This one always get to me.
Boooo most common repost on this sub booooo
Happened to my uncle. His nephew got hit with a coke charge and was looking at 20+ years. He went out to the fish cleaning station and blew his head off with a shotgun. His dad just couldn't.
All I know of the story is my uncle so bing hard as he had to clean it up. Fucked shit man.
Father here. Yeah that’s heartbreaking. That would shut my shit down permanently.
we need this, life's precious even if the world isn't
Post lives in the back of my mind, not because I have a tight bond with my family but that I wouldn't want them to see me dead. My dad probably wouldn't have much of a reaction other than being pissed off at himself or his typical stoicism. Mom on the other hand...
Thank you, man. It's been tough lately, been getting closer and closer, but I couldn't do this to my mom
That last sentence
Never do it, anons.
Its never worth it.
The pain they feel is that which those who left laid down. Don't shame those who were not strong enough to bare it just because its someone elses turn to hurt now.
Fake: It's probably real
Gay: It's a repost