Am I an idiot for not leaving Spirit?

Posted by Intelligent_Tie_655@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 188 comments

Hey guys/gals,

I just wanted to get an outside opinion before I made my final choice because I'm at a bit of a crossroads. Lately, I think all the news and information has been getting to me and want to get some clear opinions.

Background: Spirit FO, 1k+ turbine SIC, lives in base (unaffected by upcoming furloughs), with a CJO on the table from Endeavor (going in as FO w/ immediate upgrade to CA), No other CJO's at this time. Class date is March 2025. (Kalitta and Frontier told me TBNT). Endeavor is unwilling to push my class date past March so I have to make a decision soon.

Am I a fool to still stay at Spirit, reject the CJO, and see what happens? Even if that could mean I could end up on the street without a job? If I take the job with Endeavor, I am guaranteed to commute to NYC (really don't want to live there) and will be at the bottom of the seniority list for 3 years (or more if all the hiring stops). Pay DOES NOT matter much and the TPIC would be helpful in boosting my app at a legacy as I have none.

My mentor I talked to (who is a long-time United CA) has encouraged me to stay at Spirit and see what happens and I know commuting for a long time can really degrade your QOL and happiness over time. I was also considering NetJets/Avelo instead (Im aware I have no CJO for them). Just want to get some clarity from others and trying to make the best decision possible for myself. I know no one has the right answer but getting your guys' opinions definitely helps, thanks a lot!