Excruciatingly Boring Dystopia - Our lives are the most mundane lives ever lived—and that is becoming a problem.
Posted by Toni253@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 410 comments
That hit me hard. I've been on the fence about leaving Reddit as my last social media. Lately, I've been thinking about how I wish I could bring myself to read a book, do random little house projects, spend more time in the real world rather than looking at screens quite literally all fucking day.
Try going a week without it? Same with giving anything up - either it's easy, in which case no great loss, or it's hard in which case it can act as a wake-up call as to why it's so hard to give up.
I did it recently with Reddit & YouTube. Gotta say I was feeling pretty good after 10 days or so, but relapsed and haven't quite found the impetus to try again yet.
This is how it was for me and Facebook. Took a few intermittent breaks but was finally able to fully pull the plug and never look back.
One day, about 10 years ago, I was scrolling through my feed and I just realized that I felt sad, and I always felt sad every time I opened Facebook.
Seeing people I know doing activities that I didn't know about and wasn't invited to, even people I'm not close with, and always the same fakeness of acting like it's the best thing ever. I'm not a social outcast or anything but the whole thing makes me feel bad.
Haven't looked at it since.
There was a (thankfully) short period where I got addicted to Facebook. So much so I was checking every 20 minutes for status updates. Then it hit me on just how empty and vapid it all was. Cheap "inspirational" quotes, people braying on about every little thing in their mundane lives,cats.. so I closed the account. At the time Fuckerburg made it so you couldn't outright delete your account because the pusher wants people to get rehooked on the product, but I managed to let the account lapse and die out. Good riddance. It was the most unfulfilling, unproductive time sink I have ever dealt with.
Reddits the only one I'm keeping because anonymity fuels the sort of dialogues that we just don't have in person anymore because everyone's tired of fighting about shit. Any social media where a person can be IDd is a straight up front (I'm just as guilty as the next person)
👊 Me too. Most people I meet are NPCs.
Ain't that the sad truth.
I’m still on the Livejournal replacement and reddit, and that’s pretty much it. Old school internet ride or die.
I'm on Geocities and Lumen
One of the nice things about camping when you don't have a cell signal, is that you're forced to unplug for a bit. (But it also makes me antsy to not have emergency services, or the ability to text a friend, at my fingertips.)
Im at the point where camping without service is near literal emotional torture
I never hike without a personal locator beacon now, it's a fantastic anxiety reducer and should really be essential when you're out in places with no reception and deadly snakes. They're not that expensive vs the risk you're mitigating, highly recommend it.
I've been doing the same rotating between housework, socializing, working, and gaming. Honestly, I feel a little better but given the state of things, it feels like we're in a stage of history where we must embody the idiom from the US military "Hurry up and wait," prepare, but wait for instructions.
ONE of US! One of US!
I mostly just use reddit when i have a problem needing solved, but ill admit ive been scrolling more lately. This has helped me put things into perspective. thanks
I have managed to successfully confine 99% of my reddit time to when I'm at work, or on the shitter. Though yt shorts usually wins when it comes to the shitter, as that is the only time I allow myself to watch short form content.
Even with that though, I still feel this need to leave this website behind, yet I can't find better places to news/interesting things about these various niche communities I'm into, even this one.
That said, a large part of the appeal is getting an idea of the zeitgeist, yet this site has increasingly become both an echo chamber, and full of bots. I expect both of those things to accelerate exponentially by this time next year, and I might actually be able to walk away completely if that happens.
Dang they wiped out your whole profile too :/
Would it kill you to read the Introduction or first Chapter of a book? You dont necesarily have to quit other habits to make room for a new one. Just make some time to read. It doesnt have to be a long reading session, start off with a few pages then put the bookmark in. Each time you do that it will be easier to do it the next time. We form habits not by wishing but by doing the thing in baby steps. Good luck and i hope you do begin reading.
I used to be a voracious bookworm. Staying up all night to read a good book in 24 hours kinda thing.
Nowadays I find it hard to sit and read for more than half an hour before I need to scroll.
Its no wonder kids these days have the attention span of a gnat and have trouble learning.
Maybe start with audiobooks? That helped me. Also I picked thrillers at first because they got me sucked in quickly because I wanted to know what would happen lol.
people really underestimate how draining cognitive work is, I've spent the last year thinking I had some sort of serious chronic fatigue issue like long covid or pre-diabetes. I took a week long vacation and all of my energy problems magically disappeared. Thought it might be burnout so was careful easing back into work when I came back and..
I legitimately have no idea how tf I was carrying all this shit in my head before I went away??? I work in indie game dev, with small teams that means wearing many hats. I do art, marketing, game design, some of the bizdev stuff, documentation, producer things etc. In order to be able to keep track of all that, I simply never stopped thinking about work. The second I did - poof, all the information is gone. It now takes me 2 hours to do a task that used to take 20 minutes. Because, which folder did we used to keep that asset in? What resolution do I export to? What am I even supposed to be working on today? - I genuinely used to have all of this stuff memorized????
After we ship this game I'm probably peacing out, maybe I can worm my way into something outdoors like landscaping IDK. Anything has to be better than this.
Aren't books just the iphones of 50 years ago?
If you really want to get away from it, you'll do it. If you can't then you're an addict.
Getting an e-reader changed my life! I read so many books now.
It’s still a ‘screen’ but it’s ink and reads like paper. It can store so many books and you have your own personal library in one device. You can easily read at night in bed, which was a game changer for me. There are no apps either, so nothing to get sucked into accidentally.
Highly recommend a Kindle or a Kobo!
I went for audiobooks because I'm already staring at screens all day. Obvious benefit that you can listen to them while being on the move or doing chores. But it's also relaxed to just lie down and listen.
Audiobooks were forced on me when the screens gave me advance dry eye lol and it’s been life changing. I didn’t have the attention span for tv but I can get in the cleaning zone while listening to an audiobook. I also play a lot of games on my ipad while listening, so not sure how much it’s helped my eye problem.
The chores I can do with audiobooks…10 out of 10. They are the best for boring chores and road trips.Also helps drown out the world when commuting to work.
Go Kobo! Kindle is Amazon which we should avoid when possible and you have to be extra to not have ads. Fuck that shit.
Switched to a Kobo libra color this year, never going back!
I leave at least an hour a night to read. It takes a bit of time to enforce turning off the phone but is worth it
That's a really good idea!
Yeah, it took a while to change habits.
I was always a reader but slipped into the bad habit of having a smartphone and just doom scrolling
You can do both. For a while now, I allot a specific portion of my day to a hobby or something I've wanted to do, away from my phone or laptop. It's usually an hour or two and what I do varies every day. As I've gotten older, I can definitely say it's helped me break the monotony with some whimsy. We all need a little bit of whimsy.
Audio books will save you from staring at a screen.
Hardest part is starting.
If you have a book that’s been on your wish list (regardless of genre), then try to read just 1 chapter a week. I did that and the book quickly pulled me in, and am chewing through a few chapters each time I sit down to read. Is a few times a week now.
For projects, try to give yourself a small goal. For instance if you like to paint, then do a min 20min each week of painting. If you want to be more active, a min 30mins walking / stretching / gym each week.
Give yourself a push and accountability. I found it’s helped with my burnout and made me look more forward to evenings after work, giving me more energy
When I read a book, I'm still looking at a screen.
I installed an app blocker on my phone. Now I have only a certain amount of time on each app, and times and days when they are completely blocked. It's been a huge help.
so how do you take all the daily trauma of existence without escapism? you must do drugs or something. sober reality is not recommended unless ultra privileged and or lucky. where i live everyone is fucked 24/7. trying sober walks around town is soul destroying.
Find projects to stay busy. I work in animation, and now that I've got more time in my day from not doomscrolling, I'm doing push-ups, 3D modeling, designing a game, thinking about starting a fish tank, sleeping more, all kinds of things.
Can you share the name of the app? I'm thinking I should do this.
I'm using AppBlock at the moment. It's a bit expensive, but extremely customizable, and you still get a fair amount of utility with the free version.
If anyone has another app that they like for this purpose, please reply.
This has worked well for me too. I wish I had the discipline to not need it, but it is what it is.
this is a great idea! I really hope people think more deeply about the necessity of using social media-none of this is mandatory. At the very least, maybe people will start going back to Lo-Fi vs spending hours on phone scrolling. I just bought a turn table to listen to albums I haven't played in 40 years. Now, I listen to an album in the morning instead of scrolling.
It's an addiction, and like all addictions, the first step is to admit there is a problem.
Audiobooks match well with all those projects :) I know it’s not “reading” reading, but modern problems require modern solutions. I average a dozen books a year and it’s great. I do it while driving, house projects, waking the dog at the park, etc… The one thing it DOESNT pair with is social media consumption, so yeah, if you can’t limit your exposure then perhaps quitting outright is the play.
I just started using audiobook on Libby for free. It takes a while to get used to. I’d zone out & frequently rewind. But it gets easier & I’m glad I finally opened up to the idea after being against it for many years.
Oh yeah, lots of rewinding and relistening of chapters. The mind does tend to wander off on tangents, but that’s ok.
Sometimes there's nothing more regenerative than some slow jazz, a good book and a good single malt on the rocks with a twist of lemon. It works for me.
That's a good idea
I'm right there with you. Lately, my wife and I have talked quite a bit about getting off these damned screens this year. Luckily, I do construction work so I'm not looking at screens all day. But I still spend way too much time on them instead of more fulfilling things. Good luck to you in breaking away.
Life is a screen
The author is, I think, correctly identifying symptoms but somewhat misdiagnosing what the problem actually is.
Life has, for almost all humans throughout almost all of history, been banal and routine be they a medieval serf or a modern office worker and it has always been an infinitesimally small number of individuals that actually got to live interesting and eventful lives, outside those that got to live interesting lives because outside events forced peril on them. The real difference with modern developed societies I believe lies in two things.
The first, which is touched on, being the destruction of strong extended family bonds and strong social connections (the village) under capitalism's ever advancing project to turn the human into nothing more than a production & consumption machine that can be exploited for profit by the capital-holding class. There have always been efforts in this direction, but modern efforts have been extremely efficient & effective in this, with it really taking off in the post WW2 US with vehicle-centric suburbanization, the promotion of "individualism" & self-reliance (a cultural problem arguably going back to the founding of the US), and isolation of the "nuclear family" at the expense of all other social connections, a culture which was rapidly exported to the rest of the soon to be developed world.
And the second being that the medieval serf didn't really know how the nobility lived. They may have caught a glimpse of it on occasion, but for the most part their worlds were separate. Thanks to modern media however this is no longer the case and we serfs are continually bombarded with reminders of how lacking our lives are in comparison to our betters and because of our ever increasing isolation, this is increasingly all we have to compare our own existence to and all we have for stimulation. There is no heading down to the tavern after the days work is done to meet with people that you grew up along side to talk and play music on whatever instruments you have. There are no neighbors that have known each other their whole lives and can rely on each other for whatever they need. There is no strong shared life experience to connect people to those around them. It's part of the reason that often people talk about their teens and college years as being so much better, because those are the times where they had these strong bonds and shared experiences.
A thoughtful comment! Something came to mind while reading the first part; it's more my particular expanded thoughts on your first point which I agree with:
They had stories which they told to each other which created entertainment, passed down wisdom, and which encouraged human interaction. The stories varied across cultures and were largely arbitrary: it is the social exchange, cultural imparting, and so on that define the value of the story. It is true their occupations were mundane, but they owned the necessary social space to create an interesting counterpart. They had the time and third space to dance, to tell stories, etc etc.
Today the mundane exists, but the majority of stories come from a very different and far off place. They are largely told by hierarchically powerful entities; news media, advertisers, movie studios, publishing companies, HBO, video game studios, politicians, suits, etc. And as you would expect with this being the case, the stories become part of a commodified third-space: to connect to the stories, you must pass through a paywall. The paywall is increasingly expensive in terms of time, attention, and money. Now, even AI (or at least what we call AI) is generating a third-space social slop. Everything that paywalls or muddies the third-spaces that remain results in a cognitive dissonance in the mind that must be rectified either by anger or apathy; pathologies multiply (drug abuse, depression, suicide, mass shootings, etc being manifest) .
I think the end result is that individuals are alone even when right next to others. I think that the stories told might provide dopamine hits from the various parts of storytelling which we have evolved to understand as important, but the stories themselves do not serve to connect us to one another nor do they allow us to communicate all the nuances of more local in-person communication forms.
Your second point adds gasoline to the "cognitive dissonance" that must be rectified as well. These (as you say) "reminders of how lacking our lives are in comparison to our betters" screams hierarchy in storytelling format.
I agree with your comment very much.
It’s the way human beings are discouraged from engaging with natural curiosity. I’m not the most eloquent person to post here, but I think there’s a connection with the lack of ability to pursue creative interests due to time constraints or not being able to afford the foundational education or the supplies to pursue a curiosity and the deep existential boredom seen I min society.
When you physically lack the ability to explore a curiosity, consuming stories from far off places is the next best thing. But it’s always going to be second best. So yeah, it doesn’t feel fulfilling, but I can’t help but feel empathetic for all of us when so many of us are restricted from having innate curiosity at multiple stages.
I think I’ve seen studies that talk about curiosity being a motivating factor in terms of dopamine as well, though I might be misremembering the specifics.
Curiosity is a hugely important human trait! And it feels like it’s being squashed at every turn sometimes.
I cannot agree more with this- curiosity is absolutely a casualty of our attention-dominating time-capturing neoliberal system.
A good example (at least IMO) is the over-structuring of childhood- not just school but afterschool activities and extra training, and of course the glowing rectangles which capture and constrain. Childhood curiosity often goes hand-in-hand with childhood imagination: kids need unstructured time where they are not in a system of rules governed by others but rather by their imagination.
Like so many things, I think their "solution" for more profits/control is self-defeating: by constraining curiosity and imagination, you kill the engine that can solve problems in novel ways; without the ability to solve problems, the system is destroyed by them... including the system they rely on for profit/power.
Personally I think this is why we are trending towards fascism and autocracy.
Not just childhood curiosity, adult curiosity as well.
I don’t know if I believe it’s intentional or whether it’s a byproduct of a society that encourages consumer-driven behavior, though I lean towards the latter- the determination of neoliberal capitalism seems to be determined to strip us of and then sell back to us every aspect of our humanity, including curiosity.
When you lack the means to explore, the next best thing becomes secondhand stories from far off places. It becomes “what’s the next post when I scroll down.”
Though, again, I sometimes feel like this stripping and selling of human nature, at least with regard to curiosity, is deliberate (or at least convenient) because the powers that be can regulate the types and topics of our curiosity to ensure the questions we pursue are ones that are acceptable curiosities rather than ones that lead us to question the structures of the world we live in.
Yeah I don't think the writer understands that "boredom" isn't the same as "existential anguish" XD
It's like those who think sadness is depression. Big fucking difference there and a big fucking difference in what's being said here.
Or when you're depressed because something is wrong with your brain chemical production vs. serious situational reasons to be depressed
Yes that too.
Yes. We actually "need" boredom, the act of not filling every single moment with something. May it be productive or unproductive. Just boredom itself.
Perhaps it's how we can reset our standard for joy and contentment. As of now, the we have set the bar high for appreciation. Even the most amazing luxury is considered "meh" and expected.
I mean, can you imagine eating the entire time you're awake? Munching on snacks, having meals, drinking, bingeing. And yeah, you can avoid feeling hunger completely. But oh my goodness, you would lose your appetite, no food would taste good, you're just satiated and full the entire day.
How can you ever appreciate an amazing dish then?
Cannabis has entered the chat
I’d love for you to post your content in my new community, it looks just perfect!
The place is r/longexchanges
the third is that they had more hope. hope that their children would lead better lives, because life was (very slowly) improving, generation after generation. we millenials are the first to be worse off than the generation before, in every respect. most cant even afford children let alone provide a better life for them, given that climate change, war, and the collapsing economy are well outside our control.
I bet the generation of 1325-1345 (who grew up with the Black Death) had worse lives compared to the generation of 1305-1325.
And that’s just one example.
Eh, maybe not
yes, there are some examples, youre right. though none with people living through something as final and irreversible as climate change. we have been given a terminal illness as a species. science has said it is far too late. the planet is dying and were all here fighting over little green pieces of paper like they mean anything if we're all dead. and there's no shortage of other disasters... human rights being rescinded, wars, famine, homelessness, invasions. the average person cant afford rent let alone a kid. it is large scale unprecedented loss that we are all hyper aware of and largely incapable of healing. no one in history has experienced anything quite so... overwhelming. brutal, yes. but this is something new and its no wonder we are so incapable of enduring it.
Back then, we all thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe.
They didn’t have any concept of Deep Time in the 14th century, let alone climate change.
This is an insightful, under-appreciated comment.
Yeah, but I think its a bit more than just that. There have been plenty of points of long and significant regression in history after all. But for the most part no one actually knew what was going on to any significant degree outside their immediate community. It was much easier to have hope when you didn't know how bad things were. We're the first where the average peon, if we want it, has access to all the data, all the models, all the projections, and all the individual evidence from others like us all over the planet of how bad things are, how bad they can and are likely to get, and we have a pretty good idea of who and what is responsible for it, and what could have been done to prevent a lot of it but simply wasn't. On a long enough arc, assuming we don't get something like an anoxic ocean event leading to outright human extinction, I do believe things will improve again, but there is every indication that the next century or so will be some of the most difficult times our species has faced in a long time.
yes.. the human mind has barely adjusted to consciousness, we are not ready to actively participate in the collective consciousness of a globally connected communication system. we were meant to be contemplating death in small villages, not diving into the deep well of corporate greed and several wars before breakfast. it's no wonder we all have serious mental health issues. we are living in the total perspective vortex.
Been a while since I've read such a resonant comment! this jives with my own conclusions earlier in my life (ironically when I had more time and energy to devote to thinking about this stuff...) which sank into my subconscious long ago
I'm reminded of the picture from years ago now, of a TV set sitting on a vegetable crate. On-screen was "The Lives of the Rich and Famous' or similar.
This is absolutely the correct answer.
Sucks to be some people then, hey!
You HAVE to get a hobby, pick up an art or trade and DON'T DO IT FOR SOCIAL MEDIA. Do it for yourself, or for your friends. Best if it's something you can do with other people (ttrpgs are my go-to). You have to lead a creative life to avoid this mundanity, do not let yourself fall into the spiral of thinking that art isn't for you to make. Make it anyway.
thank you. After reading and watching both videos it made me pick the acoustic guitar I've been neglecting for months (or more like years).
That's awesome to hear. Colville got me to pick up running ttrpgs years ago and has been a wellspring of motivation and inspiration from me since.
I've had to interrogate myself regarding making art in the face of collapse, I don't really have a clear answer. Despite that, the desire doesn't diminish and the alternative of being effectively braindead and passive was more terrifying than collapse itself.
I hope your guitar playing is fun and going well! Are you learning to play anything specific?
Never done that, maybe I should try...especially since I realized I can talk for hours about things, in seemingly entertaining enough ways that I've some people stick with me for 3-5+ hours in various occasions while musing about existential topics and what not.
TL;DR for below paragraphs: Art is a weird thing humans do which can be useful or detrimental for survival. Some people are more inclined to it than others, and artists still need someone to do a lot of work for them (farming, tools, etc) or else they'd have no time for complex art forms. And every art piece is an exercise in futility in the context of this universe, as everything will die and be forgotten eventually.
Making art has always been a weird thing. It's not essential per se for the body to survive. I don't think that NOT making art means being brain dead or passive. If you have the spark, use it. If you don't, well, you'll have to do something else. Most artists do need someone to make them their tools, food, etc. or else they'd have no time for making art. But as a whole, art still presents either a net benefit or a disadvantage for your own survival (and that of others) depending on the context. And considering collapse, there will be conflicting views. I suppose an artist might lift up the mood in very shitty situations, but it'll also be a resource drain for some. I guess only the most skilled/naturally inclined artists will get the resources, and any person who doesn't have the required skill to please the most people will just get denied and forced to do something else.
In the massive context of this universe, art still means nothing in the end. We all die, and all art we make will absolutely be forgotten after a long enough time frame. Regardless of what we do as a species, in the face of collapse of species/civilization, the death of this planet is pretty much guaranteed once the sun goes through its cycle. And then there's the whole thing about the heat death of the universe. So everything has always been double fucked and no art will survive forever. Because of that, I think art was always about the process rather than the misguided legacy some artists desperately focus on.
I believe some people do have an inherent desire to make art for whatever reason, in whatever shape. Others not so much. Is it genes? Brain shapes? Upbringing? I barely have that spark/creativity. Was this, in my case, stifled by the environment? Or do I just have a small "creative spark generation" region in my brain? I'm not sure. I still enjoy music and visual arts, though.
It went okay. I was just playing random melodies I remember, and doing improv with whatever comes. Definitely not in the mood to try to learn songs, scales, chords, any complex stuff right now. Also, I lost the calluses on the left hand after years of neglect. Back to the starting point it seems.
My hot take: if social media makes it difficult to read a book, maybe books were never that important to you.
Because it was always difficult. Possibly the vast majority of humans who ever lived has never read one. Bread & circus was always more convenient, and the hard physical labor in the fields was arguably more exhausting than the white collar work of today.
If anything, if you want to read any given book from the vast libraries left to us from the past, there's no better time than now.
Same applies for everything else - it's easier now to get started with anything than at any point in the past. Specially if you are in the first world, but not limited to that. It does mean it is easy. But then again, it never was.
What a poor argument. So many screens and social media does change you. Growing up I had a teacher ban me from the bookshelf. My mom would only let me checkout the amount of books I could carry from the library each week. I tested as a college reading level in 5th grade.
Yet reading is still extremely difficult nowadays. Every time you get a little immersed your phone buzzes. If you turn it off now you have anxiety that someone is trying to contact you with an emergency even if there's like zero chance of that. We feel the need to be aware of everything all the time.
Having anxiety over turning off your phone is wild to me.
Yet you can still walk into your neighborhood library and pick any volume of your choosing, right now.
Pre-industrial folk could only dream of that, if that ever even crossed their minds. Putting the phone down is a much lower hurdle than coming across a single volume in the past.
The battle is in your mind only.
Your own mind fights you harder than anything else
Perhaps, but your mind faces a fierce enemy: itself
Try living in Ukraine or Gaza, not boring at all, although ut might qualify as dystopia.
We are sleep walking into collapse
Wait 20 years when 80% of the country is on UBI and are effectively shut ins.
Huh. Reddit really is filled with the most miserable, self-indulgent personalities.
This is so silly. A serf toiling in the same field for their entire existence for generations was definitely a more mundane existence than your modern person. They never left the place they were born and raised. We have the ability to travel around like no civilization before us. We are eating foods daily that would have been a rare luxury for even the royalty in the Middle Ages. Life is certainly different today, and in some ways harder, but it’s only boring if you choose to let it be so.
Life was quite variable to fieldworkers. You have planting time but after that it's different maintenance tasks. Before winter you have hunting and food preservation tasks then during you focus on keeping warm, cutting firewood, and making clothes.
Sure, but it’s the same tasks for generations. You don’t ever get a change of scenery, you don’t get to hear stories from people living in places you couldn’t even dream of.
Depends on how much money you have.
Idt 200 yrs ago people had the access to food we have nowadays and you don't need to be rich to access it either. There is a Mediterranean market next to a Korean market next to an Asian market next to a Halal food market next to a fish market next to a butcher etc etc in my city and I can spend $20 a month at any one of them an experience something I've never tried before...
Ugh...another cosmopolitan cesspool.
I'm guessing that the wealthy, privileged dude deciding that his ennui is the same as death of culture is just struggling with his first bout of existential dis-integration.
Boring is different to different people. Personally, I’ve come to realize that I get bored if I’m not involved in activities directly related to my survival. Like pulling weeds is truly exciting if I believe it’s going to result in my goal of a happy productive garden. Chopping wood to have heat is exciting. I’ve gone winter camping in the snow where all I did was gather firewood and collect water and read, but I felt fulfilled because I was ensuring my survival. Almost like we evolved to fill our day with certain tasks, and it feels good to do them.
Modern life is designed to take away those things. I think some people struggle more than others to find meaning in a sanitized life.
I think this is why people are spoiling for a civil war online (i dont think anyone really wants on pe they just talk smack online) , attacked the capital, etc. they are bored out of their damn. Inds
Nuke everyone. Glass the planet!
We are the creatures in The Back Rooms
Which is pretty funny and telling for the animal surrounded by marvels they've normalized to a point that without a fraction of them they'd freak from their sense of entitlement.
If tomorrow we no longer had TV no doubt there would be grown adults crying their eyes out in frustration the next day for months to come
And all these marvels have been reduced to nothing more than pacifiers for the majority of the population. We have the entirety of human knowledge and culture at our fingertips, but we watch thirst traps on tiktok, formulaic, forgettable TV dramas, listen to unchallenging bubblegum pop, order bland, overpriced meals from food delivery apps and cheap slave-made fast fashion, all to soothe the unconscious understanding that something is deeply wrong with our lives.
We need to retake technology as a medium of education and cultural enrichment, but that will never fucking happen.
Formulaic dramas man I'm at the stage I'm watching 8 hour YouTube videos of an AI voice butchering manwha levels of bored.
This is probably the saddest thing about modern life. I've learned so much from youtube and chatGPT, and reddit too (not to mention the rest of the internet).
Had so much musical enrichment from Spotify and youtube (e.g. I was reading a book about the history of the blues, and every time they mentioned some artist or recording, I was able to find it and sample the music while I was reading about it. It really brought to life the descriptions in the text.)
I don't understand the appeal of rage bait, and obviously fake stuff, and all the shallow click bait, and stupidity that is out there. I'm thankful for ad blockers, lol.
Reminds me of the people who lost their damn minds about going 3 weeks without a haircut during early pandemic.
He said it himself, we were never meant to live like this. Soon, we’ll exhaust our resources and our collective consciousness’ will to continue and be plunged back to a more primitive state. It will probably be for the best in the grand scheme of things.
Well, at least he’ll have something to do. How noble his suffering will be. Christianity loves to place suffering above all else.
Seems like a decent gig until you can't stand it and have no marketable skills. Look up the clergy project it's a whole support network to help deconverted pastors figure out how to afford to leave.
My theory for a while has been the collapse of techno society and a return to agrarian societies. Most of the easy minerals are gone. Most of the skills and knowledge will be lost in 25 years. Bootstrapping technology isn't going to be easy a second time.
Once this tech is gone, we won’t get it back. There won’t be another industrial revolution after collapse. This is our one chance at being anything more than our ancestors 1,000 years ago were, and we’re completely squandering it.
Yep the easily accessed coal is gone now same with oil
with depleted soils and climate disasters, I think it will be a rough time.
I never said they would live happily ever after.
Bootstrapping current technology will be impossible. So it'll have to be entirely new technology.
This reminds me of a recent take I saw on Reddit about late 90s “my life is so horrible” movies “but I have a job and money” (office space, fight club).
Both can be true?
Both can be true, and conditions have deteriorated enough since then that mere stability is seen as enviable.
Current jobs just feel like they aren't worth it. My last w2 job was IT with the most involved idiot owner for only 13 an hour pay your own benefits.
100% agree on deterioration. Wage rate vs inflation…
Even back then Capitalism was a soul-sucking way to live, but the misery was buoyed by treats and consumer pleasures, even the occasional vacation. As the treats become less and less accessible to more and more people there's nothing left to salve the wound.
We would have been at this point a long time ago if it weren't for a steady stream of cheap consumer distractions flowing into our country from all over the world.
Maslow never falls out of style
I am jack’s total lack of surprise
Speak for yourselves. More people than in recent memory can’t pay the bills at the moment.
Capitalism deprives everyone but the rich of the chance to live one's own best life and to become the best version of one's self one can be.
You're not entitled to other people's money.
you are entitled to go read books...so go do that.
I don't believe in Marxism.
it's not a religion. If you knew what Marx wrote, you'd believe what he had to say.
Quite. Hence we should tear down the contemporary relations of production whereby stealing other peoples money by offering less for their labour than it's worth to you (and using the surplus to grow and accelerate this process indefinitely) is tolerated.
It's not stealing. No one is forcing you.
It's not like there was a concerted effort to enclose the commons for the express purpose of proletarianising peasants who were capable of living off the land or anything.
Do you have any political opinions that don't rely on total myopia and ahistoricism?
I keep seeing people on this sub say this but what is your alternative? Idk, I think capitalism is by far the best system we have invented. I can type on my laptop five days a week (for my "evil corporate overlords who don't care about me") from the comfort of my own house and live a life of luxury that was unimaginable even just a few decades ago. What other system would enable this standard of living?
I always wonder about people like you who can't help themselves and brag about their fortunes on anonymous social media, especially in discussions about income inequality in the USA. It is so vulgar.
Capitalism is when ~~iphones~~ laptops.
Nevermind these things are invented with public research funds until they're ripe for some brilliant entrepreneur to slap them together and extract profit from them.
lol...no, capitalism is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. The alternative is Communism, but by your comment you're ignorant about what it actually is. Go learn about it and disabuse yourself of your capitalist brainwashing.
BTW, you can connect to the internet because the people paid for it. The microchips on your laptop, again, society paid those costs to develop them. And if you don't produce profits for the rich parasites, they will leave you to die in the street...you have a "standard" of living under capitalism because you are wage slave with Stockholm Syndrome.
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Yeah but the life of luxury and comfort you are praising and privileged to comes at an immense cost, right?
Pollution, environmental destruction, global heating, and etc. are the price we are all paying--not merely humans, but pretty much all life on the planet--which our "evil corporate overlords" are more than willing to ignore and neglect in order to keep most people sedate enough not to do anything about the travesty of it all.
The system that killed humanity.
One of my biggest existential sorrows is knowing that most brilliant thinkers, artists, and geniuses have lived and died without realizing the full capacity of their talents and gifts because they were unable to escape poverty or oppression
I forget who and I will butcher the quote but there's an oft repeated one about how we should be "less concerned with the folds of Einstein's brain and more concerned with how many geniuses lived and died without any opportunity"
a well deserved extinction, humanity failed itself
I understand the thought process but I’d extend that existential sorrow. Virtually everyone lives and dies without fully realizing the full capacity of their talents and gifts.
how much better would humanity have been if it were not for a handful of the worst monsters hell can vomit up who drink all the water and leave everyone else to die of thirst?
We would grow and populate until someone drank all the water.
Perhaps just as bad is the opposite - mediocre hacks who've been raised to prominence by the opportunity their wealth affords.
This is not strictly exclusive to capitalism, you cannot be a free person as a member of a large scale society
You're working from an implicit premise of "freedom" as defined with the intent to uphold the freedom to dominate others.
Not true
This. Hunter-gatherers were free.
While hunter gatherers lived much more fulfilling lives than we do now, their lives were often brutal, short, and hard (which I guess isn’t necessarily a bad thing). IMO, living in the Middle Ages would be best. Everyone would have more individual freedom, more fulfilling work directly contributing to their own survival, and a chance to break away from society and live however they want if desired. Living as a hunter gatherer is better than what we currently have tho
Even the rich are miserable. The reason they hoard money so desperately is because the existence of that money has robbed them of the ability to have family and friend relationships without constantly and rightly suspecting that those family and friends are only there for the money. The only thing left for them is an ever increasing black hole of mindless consumption, greed, drugs and sexual fetishes (why does every billionaire seem to be connected to Epstein?). It is truly a world where no one is happy.
1000%. They've escaped the singular misery of precarity but in a way which utterly alienates them from everyone around them forever. I think this is why they become so fucking weird. The more you see videos of Bezos or Zuckerberg interacting with people the stranger they seem. They're permanently stuck in this smiling zesty coworker persona with fake laughing, like they're stuck in a commercial forever - certainly behind closed doors they're absolutely miserable.
What a ridiculous take. Before capitalism, you were either a noble or you were property. Capitalism has a lot of problems, such as destroying civilization, but you can't seriously think the average person would have more freedom or personal potential under something like feudalism.
Actually people in history generally had more time to themselves.
Ah yes the amount of time people had throughout history to browse Reddit and bitch about capitalism was plenty more than in today’s time where fossil fuels automate the majority of work for us
Keep licking them boots.
I’m not licking any boots LMAO. Sad to see this subreddit adopt the r/antiwork rhetoric
Huh. TIL that basic knowledge of history makes one a bootlicker. What a weird bunch of people you are..
The two systems: capitalism or feudalism.
”It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism”
Two cheeks of the same arse.
And aside from the red scare, feudalism is likely the only other way of social organisation covered by their history classes.
That's myopic thinking. There are more than two ways to be
Capitalism is just feudalism with extra steps.
In fact, capitalism is feudalism where the people at the top don't even have any type of duty towards you. You slave away for them with literally nothing in return. At least in feudal times, the lord had some specific obligations towards his peasants.
While it is incredibly difficult to be upwardly mobile in today’s capitalist system, it was 100% impossible in a feudal society.
You gonna win the lottery? Come up with a billion dollar idea? "So what you're saying is, I still have a chance?" I hope you know what you sound like making comments like you did.
A very low chance is still a chance, or would you prefer to continue back down the path where your blood (and literally nothing else) determines what you do in life?
You'd have a better chance at impersonating a knight and getting really good at jousting so you can win the hand of a lady
I’d rather have everyone provided with housing, healthcare, education than a “chance” at being rich.
Same, I’d love to have socialism and no rich people. Just pointing out one of the few good parts of capitalism is that it removed the divine right of nobility and added a dash of meritocracy to society.
Nonsense, feudal history is rife with people being granted positions and land for various reasons, even ridiculous ones like Roland the Farter. History isn't as simple as you imagine it, and honestly there's been no feudal lord ever who could have imagined the vast powers and influence over their subjects that are wielded by modern capitalist societies.
Yeah and feudal peasants often didn’t leave a 5 mile radius around their homes. Everyone enjoys a much more lavish, influential life than serfs did.
What a ridiculous simplification of human history, it's not even partially on point.
What a eurocentric take.
Thanks for making the point for us
I think the point is not to go back, but to move forward.
“The less you eat, drink, buy books, go to the theatre or to balls, or to the public house, and the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc. the more you will be able to save and the greater will become your treasure which neither moth nor rust will corrupt – your capital.”
“For as soon as the distribution of labour comes into being, each man has a particular, exclusive sphere of activity, which is forced upon him and from which he cannot escape. He is a hunter, a fisherman, a herdsman, or a critical critic, and must remain so if he does not want to lose his means of livelihood; while in communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic.”
Although, really, if Musk or Bezos or many other of these hyper-wealthy fucks are the "best version" of themselves, then, holy fuck, I'd hate to see what lesser versions are like.
"We are bored we're all bored now, but has it ever occurred to you, Wally, that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating unconscious form of brainwashing created by a world totalitarian government based on money, and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks? And it's not just a question of individual survival, Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say no." - from My Dinner With Andre
And if I remember, the movie framed this character as being crazed and wrong?
Which would make it another brick in the wall.
Neither was wrong, that's the beauty of it.
I didn't see it that way. I think I generally sided with Wally's prioritization of the personal over the political and his focus on individual experience and needs rather than Andre's obsession with systemic forces and global conspiracies. However, I felt that that was just a personal bias of mine and that another person might well connect more with Andre's point of view. I didn't necessarily feel that the film itself tried to suggest to the viewer that one point of view was superior to another, but I don't know for certain.
Find that passion and never let it go. That’s one of the only things that keeps me going. Do it for the love and for yourself.
Yea this was the start of my bad trip on shrooms.
Just the full-brunt, utterly devastating, macroview that we will literally just sleep, eat, shit, and piss until we die and in that view it is very easy to lose a sense of meaning and purpose.
My bad trip focused around why we bother going into swimming pools. We get wet, but then we get dry. Why? What's the point of it all?
Had too many that time aye lol.
Why do you think neodadaism has been thriving for over twice as long as the original dadaist movement ;)
Eh, this is some Fight Club-ass nonsense. Rather this life than working 14 hours shifts down a coal mine and dying at age 35 of black lung.
What a dumb article
Every day is exactly the same.
Upper middle class and above escape into consumption and travel... and actually don't realy improve on the problem.
People need to write, learn music, engage with politics, play sports, and be an active part in neighborhood development.
Yet they don't do any of it. Social media and TV shows.
this is the biggest thing IMO, social media has decimated the local scene. ALL the local scenes. Music scene, art scene, political scene, whatever. Its all online now.
We need to get back to the local scene man. I am dead serious too.
But for some reason, I hate it. I don't like my neighbours, they probably don't like me. The best day is when I don't see or hear any of them.
I know it's wrong, but how can I change that?
Music scene is still alive for EDM at least. Lot of local $5/$10 party tier going on everywhere. It's not all festivals, thank God.
I think underground hip-hop has a small grip still, but the local band scenes (rock, punk, etc) feel super DOA. Is anyone still driving around the country in a van with their buddies?
no, you can't make any money doing that. In fact it costs money to do that even if you fill medium sized venues all across the country.
Live Nation makes money, everyone else suffers.
recently did this in order to lose money
was still worth it
I can go see 10 bands this week locally in two different venues, in a metro of 300k (the city itself is under 60k). That's not counting bar entertainers.
yeah but those bands ain;'t makingany money
Yup. I have friends who are in big, touring metal bands. If they are very lucky and live frugally, they can do a sell-out 5 date tour and only lose a couple of grand.
10 years ago I was seeing 30 bands a year, mostly small local shows. Nothing good comes through any more.
Some more accessible instruments like ukuleles and tin whistles are starting to get a pretty good following in some circles.
One of the benefits of AI, is soon it will get to a point where you won't be able to tell if that book you're reading, show you're watching, or music you're listening to is a real human or not.
This is going to lead to a paradigm shift in our civilization, because the only way to find truth then will be to witness it live by going to a concert or a play, or touching the paint with your fingers.
This is terrifying to me. Ive already experienced not knowing whether someone i saw online was real natural disaster vids or ai
I hate to sound edgy. But isn't most popular media fairly by the numbers now? Like the amount of survey, demographic analysis, and psych profiling and evaluation for major pop music, movies, tv shows, has lead to by-the-numbers creative process?
I doubt AI can make things anymore soulless then your modern Marvel movie already feels like.
Stan Lee and Steve Ditko are absolute legends, but I get where you're coming from.
I like Feige too and I'm hoping they turn it around with the next phase. Kang being a rapist really set them back.
Imagine the advertisers being decimated because their products will get data driven by artificial interaction LMAO. Dying to see it
The bots will be lying to the other bots.
It would be funny as hell except we'll all be caught in the crossfire.
I miss how much more lively streets felt when buskers were out singing, playing instruments, and dancing, and not just to film content for social media.
Not just this. Holding physical things and products is just... so much better. When I got a new Linkin Park album for Christmas, it was like a holy shit moment. Holding a new CD for the first time in at least 10 years, putting it in a CD player and pressing play... it wasn't even an album I like that much, but there was no urge to skip a song or skip sections of songs. It made me really sad as well.
Digital music has just taken more from me than I ever could I have realised. Yes, it's given me access to so much more, but at the same time... something important has been missing. All I do now is listen to songs, not albums, and even then, I skip portions of the song while also claiming to like it. It's been a depressing realisation. I miss music.
Video game booklets are another thing. Even the backs of video game cases have gone downhill, I feel.
People need to do the things I like to do and not do the things I don't like.
Lord forbid, some people actually enjoy having a beer and playing 1c/2c poker.
I think that part of why everything seems to be the same is precisely because it's become uncouth to just enjoy doing things. Not everything needs to be enriching. You don't have to be a profession getting instagram ready.
Give us bums some credit. We've found all kinds of ways to kill time without breaking the bank that are surprisingly fun and engaging.
I will always shamelessly self promote my r/HFY serials:
Knowings first person urban fantasy
C'Leena Thomas, Prosthetist sci-fi.
Yes. Only with a worsening timeline.
I can see why some feel this way. To have time to be bored is a form of privilege, and it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that so many are struggling around the world.
Work stresses me out. That’s not boredom. I treasure my downtime outside of the workplace. It’s a treat to just not do anything or do something mindless. Bored is not part of my vocabulary, unless I’m waiting in a waiting room for nothing to read, maybe? That’s more of an annoyance than boredom.
The more I think about this piece, the more contempt I have for who wrote it. I want tell him to get over himself and stop bemoaning the lack of critical thinkers. There are plenty of them and more books than anyone can read in a lifetime. Good books, too. And if they’re not your thing, then pick up a classic. By all means, go to better vacation destinations.
It seems the wealthy are the bored ones. They amuse themselves by tormenting others. No material good is outside their reach so they create chaos, stand back, and watch all the people scramble for scraps.
We are responsible for how we spend our time. If he wants to live in interesting times, he can do that from his enviable perch. Fuck this guy.
Yeah, this is a pretty shit take. I always think back to the Kierkegaard quote - "boredom is the root of all evil", guys like this want shit to be "interesting" because for some reason having a stable environment doesn't fit his worldview.
I can't remember the last time I thought to myself that "I am so bored" - maybe a mild annoyance as you stated waiting in line or something. Are you kidding, I have a million things I can do either for myself, around the house, or with/for my family. Is it always "fun"? No, but the point of life isn't to be amused or bemused, it is what you make of it.
This guy is confusing "boredom" with "being boring". We literally live in the most interconnected time in human history, with a thousand things you can learn if you have the time and willingness to do so.
I feel like the writer is bored during the numb time he spends at work, like I am now.
I agree with this take. In the animal kingdom boredom is divine, because it is replaced by fear. Boredom is a luxury for the privileged. Try showing this piece to people in an active warzone, or escaping natural disasters, or worrying about where their next meal will come from - and they should rightfully spit in your face.
It has been shown from anthropological studies that individuals in hunter-gatherer societies spent on average 15-20 hours a week on productive activities. That is for over 95% of human history we worked less, way less, than today. So the whole idea of boredom being a privilege is just horseshit.
This is not a hunter-gatherer society.
Ancient societies had their own problems, but boredom was a privilege for them too.
Tell the people in Ukraine, Palestine, California, or anywhere else with tangible proximal war and/or disasters that boredom isn't a privilege. I'm sure they would prefer to be bored.
When the smug bored imbeciles finally face the inevitable panic and dread from the ramifications of a collapsing civilization during the sixth mass extinction they will look back with longing and shame in equal measure at the times they had the privilege to be bored.
I do like the visual of contented animals just lying about. It is truly divine.
It has been shown from anthropological studies that individuals in hunter-gatherer societies spent on average 15-20 hours a week on productive activities. That is for over 95% of human history we worked less, way less, than today. So the whole idea of boredom being a privilege is just horseshit.
Well said.
BS. there is stress thats healthy actually, like needing to do a job for communal sakes, survival (mustnt be horror scenario. just think about fishing, its actually stress but one u wont realize and at the same time its somehow not boring to do nothing in nature wwwwow!?!?). and then there is the stress that kills ya. slowly. and boredom like real boredom falls under this category of stress. I not only studies psychology but also medicine and philosophy and sociology. so. u must not believe no shit homie but go and read the data. btw not native.
Work need not be stressful. There’s no rule that says it should be. There needs to be a strong safety net and infrastructure to support people should they not be able to work. That could make a real difference in people’s lives. Stress can come from fear of losing a job and having the rug ripped out from under you. It can come from the day to day demands of work. A lot of mine comes from feeling that I’m not doing enough and imposter syndrome. I hate that feeling when I’m doing my best. I slack off sometimes, like everyone else, but that’s very minimal.
I just don’t relate to people who complain about being bored. It annoys me when one of my friends says it. I’m enjoying my Sunday just puttering around the house, and he complains about how bored he is. I’m grateful to have a day where I don’t need to do anything unless I want to. Everyone is different though.
>Bored is not part of my vocabulary
Boredom is under appreciated, if you remain bored for long enough you can achieve a high level of relaxation.
I’m not sure I need to do that to relax. I just don’t go around saying or thinking I’m le bored. I’m content doing nothing and relaxing.
Webster’s Dictionary defines boredom as the state of being weary or restless through lack of interest. I do feel that way when a webinar or something goes on and on. And when I was a child at church. But for some reason I don’t think the word boredom is something that causes issues or deep relaxation to me.
Give it another....30 days or so
This era feels more like the click click click of a rollercoaster up a giant ass hill
God, that's a great analogy. Or is it a metaphor? Whatever, it's perfect.
there is no love here and there is no pain
Cheer up! A little bit comes bleeding through.
There is no you, there is only me
Through my hemorrhoids
Idk, I have plenty of pain.
In The Fall
Fellow NIИ fan, I see you.
My people!
I've posted this song in the /r/CollapseMusic subreddit before.
Another suggestion that captures the global clusterfuck of climate change etc is "In This Twilight" off of Year Zero.
“This video is not available.” What a great way to illustrate a boring dystopia.
Also fitting is this super underrated Blue Man Group song: The Current. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD5PiK14Gd8 (wish there was a better quality version)
The theme is having every single person and all of the information in the world at your fingertips but living an isolated and meaningless existence. And this was in 2003 when it came out.
Great song!
Cap. Redundancy is expected in work and routines but there is still time for other pursuits in life, even if you only have less than an hour of your day to devote to it.
Every day is Monday... I fuckin felt that...
...the drones work hard before they die And give up on pretty little homes
The faint, nice! Wasn't expecting to see that here today.
There is no love here and there is no pain
1 day is such a small amount of time in cosmic standards.. what do you expect? Also nobody else but you can make your day different...
This might be a hot take but the mundaneness and “order” the author speaks to is why, I think, both kink culture and non-monogamy are becoming more mainstream. Everything is boring. Sex is one of the few areas completely within our control, where we can let loose, play, and be weird with whomever we choose. We can work that dull 9-5 and then come home and fulfill our darkest, strangest desires. That, I think, is a powerful thing.
Good point, but I also completely disagree with it. I think sex is actually one of the areas where we are most distinctively and obsessively playing out ideological forces. Ideology operates at its strongest precisely when and where we aren't thinking about it. While there's a kind of mythology of sexual experience being a playing out of our true, unrestrained desires, I think in fact we go into sex with scripts telling us what our desires are and should be.
That is, you're never more contrived than when you're horny.
With regards to the growth of non-monogamy and kink culture, I'd attribute that more to the fact that most people's initial experience of sex now is precisely a huge library of sex involving different but interchangeable people and of any variety imaginable - that is, internet porn. That's not a value judgement, just an interpretation.
Sex is exciting if it's subversive. Nowadays, with our brains marinated with porn of all sorts, colours and shapes, we have to resort to ever more extreme and more promiscuous behaviours to make it such.
In reality, more people are choosing to spend their time alone at home. The future will be virtual reality and robot sex.
I think the sex revolution 2.0 is just knowing about it. Used to be you had to go out of your way to find out the barest edge of kink existed, much less how it worked or what the next layer was. Now underage kids make jokes about stepsibling incest because they grew up with pornhub offering them neatly google-able tags full of direct references to specific kinks.
You say this as if most men have access to that. They don't.
It’s giving incel….
Keep dreaming.
Found Neil Gaimen. ☝️😁
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That's fucking disgusting. Don't compare the millions of consenting adults who enjoy more than plain vanilla sex to a rapist. Liking BDSM is not at all related to the crimes he and Amanda Plamer engaged in, and it's actually really disrespectful to their victims to throw this around so casually, with a stupid smile emoji to boot.
Guess we found the person who thinks SA is a joke ☝️😁
Right because a sexually empowered woman is definitely the same as a full-blown predator.
for most of the population on this planet this is not the case.
Most are working to survive. keep/ get food and water on the table and roof over their heads. Lots to work towards. imagined hope for a better future for their kids.
lol speak for yourself. im hand to mouth and i couldnt be more bored, wasting my days at a desk doing monotonous work for the 1% and spending my evenings in front of the tv bc every time i leave my house it costs $100. existential dead is just boredom + anxiety.
I felt that
Toni253@reddit (OP)
From the essay itself:
"(Do not forget that this entire essay is written by a privileged white dude in Western Europe.)"
Someone privileged in Western Europe would only be bored if they had literally nothing between their ears.
It's never been EASIER for someone to write a book and then have it printed, or to put their music out without being signed to a label.... we're sort of in an ironically open golden age of creativity, it's just that tons of people don't have the time or opportunity to create their works even if disseminating them is accessible more than ever.
Im in my late 20s, don't even have a smartphone, spent hundreds of hours listening/watching lectures on all kinds of topics and I often find myself craving the "short content dopamine rush"..
Can't even begin to imagine what it is like for someone who is totally conditioned to that dopamine formula and has a smartphone in his pocket. The desire they constantly have for that dopamine rush must be extremely overwhelming.
“Most mundane lives ever lived” is a real reach
It really, really is XD
"I know this perspective is meaningless for most people on earth and misleading to the privileged few, but I just can't help myself!"
That's like 90% of this subreddit lol
Yes, I see where the author is coming from when he talks about culture, but also this reads like someone who takes for granted material stability and safety. There’s a lot to enjoy about having stable housing, food, weekends, and many of the other things he complains about. I experienced financial instability when I was younger and I’d rather be bored and not struggling to pay rent or feed myself.
Both are equally meaningless existences.
That’s only because all existence is meaningless.
When all your basic needs are met, there’s very little left that’s meaningful besides procreation, and then you just start the game all over again, now worrying about your kids basic needs being met. And round and round she goes.
Don't take this the wrong way but you need to get some hobbies. There are so many wonderful hobbies that fulfill my creative/competitive/just plain fun urges. If I didn't have any hobbies I would agree with you.
Oh I have many hobbies, but those are more pastimes I think than something truly meaningful in life. My social circle and people in my life are what gives it meaning, but thats very personal. So perhaps my statement was bold without first defining what “meaningful” actually means.
Fair enough. My social circle and hobbies are pretty intertwined so it's hard for me to separate those factors but I can see where you're coming from.
This is only true for those who are utterly self-centered, lacking in empathy, unimaginative and willfully ignorant. There is an over abundance of ways in which such a privileged person could make their existence meaningful besides procreation and extending the cycle.
Such as?
In all seriousness, if a person needs to be told, they simply lack curiosity about the world around them. And no, it doesn’t have to just be about other humans.
Ok, let me rephrase. What do you do that brings meaning to your life?
So, as an animal and cat lover, good on you. I’ve saved entirely too many myself (my house is a bit of a zoo). But you do realize this very much falls under “helping others meet their basic needs” that I mentioned above?
It’s more than that. It’s also reducing the number of future homeless cats that will have such needs. It’s reducing the effects that unhoused cats have on small native animal species. But even if it were no more than helping others (even non human others) meet their basic needs, I fail to see how that is without “meaning”. What is more meaningful than that, which doesn’t, essentially, boil down to the same?
No lives matter.
One gives you plenty of time and space to create your own meaning.
The oped linked makes some HUGE assumptions and then treats them as fact and it really, really undermines any relevant argument (i.e., that capitalism drains civilization of its creativity). It's weird to see it accepted so blithely by such a critical group.
You say that as if being a wage slave to the system isn't pretty much the same. Is it the same as starving to death in the middle of A food desert? No. Do they have a lot in common? Yes.
And I like how you said imagine hope for a better future because at this point that's what it is: imagination. If it won't get better for the so-called civilized world, how is it going to get better for the so-called third world?
That’s acknowledged in both the submission statement and the article itself. But it is also the population with a LOT of guns and a big military arsenal and the time and resources to make war.
Toni253@reddit (OP)
Submission statement:
This article explores and discusses the fact that our lives are, for the most part, extremely boring, pre-determined, and structured and how that affects our lives. Most people only do their 9-to-5s and then come home to social media and TV shows. There is no true purpose, nothing to work toward, the world is ending in extremism and climate disaster and economic inequality while we carry ourselves to our meaningless jobs.
This relates to collapse because a bored populace with nothing to hope for can very quickly turn into a violent populace that craves wars and destruction rather than let things remain in the status quo. The surge of the far right in all of the Western world is a testament to that.
Not really buying it. The world was and still is, far more brutal in places where the people aren’t burdened by suburbia and dull 9 to 5s.
You are correct, and it is no wonder why those places are descending into chaos. But I think the more interesting thing is why 21st century westerners, who live objectively more comfortable lives than any other group of humans ever, are choosing to burn down the institutions that provide their stability, comfort, and protection. This is not laziness or complacency that is destroying these institutions; the election of Trump in the US as well as the popularization of other far right parties in Europe is the result of a deep-seeded hatred of the status quo, and many are cheering as the system which has created so much wealth for them is torn apart. I think it is worth examining why such unprecedented privilege that most of the world would kill for, is making westerners so miserable.
The answer to that is everyone wants to live an “American Upper Middle Class” lifestyle and only the top 20% percent of income earners can do that if not less. They want;
1: High income (ideally over $250k) 2: Large house with a lot of land in or extremely close to a fun city 3: Multiple international vacations per year 4: A few luxury cars 5: 2-4 kids who are happy, healthy and high achieving 6: Stable/happy long term marriage 7: Respect of their friends, family, co workers 8: No medical debt, mortgage debt, car debt, or credit card debt 9: Fulfilling competitive hobbies such as golf, skiing ext 10. Fulfilling, challenging, high paying job that offers endless opportunity for advancement and respect
What percent of westerners can achieve this? This is the standard that is subconsciously drilled into us by culture and social media. When most people realize they can’t attain this, depression sets in and they are seduced by the far right who offers scapegoats.
I don't want kids. 😂
Having all of that simultaneously is utterly fantasy, lol. Even rich people probably don't have one or more of those things. Who has happy kids and marriages?
LOL yeah that’s true having a happy marriage, happy kids, and being rich is less than 1% of the population.
People actually working a job that can support this lifestyle (e.g. doctor, lawyer, software engineer busting ass 60hrs a week) probably don’t even have the time and energy to enjoy it. My parents know a lot of people like this, the “upper 20% middle class” with 500k incomes, and even though they have nice toys, anecdotally they seem like the most stressed, miserable people.
The only people who can afford this lifestyle and have time to enjoy it are the ones with trust funds, or inherited rental properties, maybe they still work but that extra $10,000 a month of free money to mess with sure is nice.
I agree. I see the same as well. I have a friend who makes $250k and he has to routinely work weekends and be on meetings at 6am and 9pm. Not sure how happy you can be when those are the expectations to make that income.
I think that comfort is actually subjective. We work harder and are more stressed than our ancestors. We just have more creature comforts.
It's the downside of human adaptability.
We don't just adapt to negative changes, we adapt to positive ones too, and we always aspire to improve our current quality of life. No matter how comfortable we are, we will eventually get used to it, and eventually want to be more comfortable.
Unfortunately, that comfort has downsides of its own. The easier life is, the less meaningful much of it becomes. The less satisfying. On top of that, ease of living means less cooperation, which means shollower bonds and less trust.
It's easy for comfort to make our lives feel hollow, and we tend to try to fill that void with more comfort.
Fucking love hearing how my life is objectively more comfortable while I’m working outside in a climate that’s objectively harsher than any found in Northern Europe.
I get that most people in North America have cushy lives but they are propped up by people busting ass in conditions you wouldn’t comprehend. You ever have to work in air so filled with exhaust that it’s brown and burns the shit out of your eyes?
Yesterday I was helping a water truck driver fill his truck because he no longer has sensation in his hands from the years of power tools and the years of frostbite, I should have told him how cushy his life has been.
It is objectively more comfortable though. Imagine doing your job 100 years ago lol. And then imagine living in that climate 1000 years ago. "more comfort" doesnt mean free of suffering...
100 years ago my trade would pay enough for me to live well, raise a family, and purchase a home.
just in time to lose it all in the great depression. also no penicillin and smallpox is still around.
When you come home, do you have indoor plumbing? Are able to take a shit on a porcelain toilet? Get a shower, and drink the tap water?
If you answered yes to all these, you’re doing better than 60% of the world’s population.
I do most of my shitting in a frozen porta potty, that indoor luxury kicks ass. You’re right everything is wonderful.
Your home bathroom is a porter potty? Ok, you are not doing better than the 60%. Sorry :(
I don't know - most people want tomorrow to be like today - the rise of right wing (and they aren't far right by a long shot - yet) is pretty much all caused by unchecked mass immigration and offshoring jobs, that is change is happening too fast for most peoples tastes.
They are extremely far right. MAGA is full on fascist dictatorship. That’s what it’s called when the leader blames everything on immigrants, going to such lengths as calling them “Hannibal Lector”, saying they want to kill us and eat our pets, calling everything the left does communism(when the Democrats are barely even center right), and the president rules as a cult leader with supreme power with no checks and balances, and threatens to invade all of our neighboring countries, while spewing non-stop lies about everything to brainwash the population. It’s not even remotely a question at this point. Just because you read about it in a history book doesn’t mean it can’t happen to you.
You need help mate
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Weak rebuttal. Disappointing.
Lack of meaning is not something people talk about much
Maybe neither of those systems is the the right way to live
I think there's some merit to the idea that being far enough divorced from actual violence and it's implications can make us complacent to the realities of actually facing it in person.
Beyond that, yeah, we can bitch about our first world monotony but life is immeasurably safer and less stressful in our "1st world hellholes"
All the wealth, technology, science and knowledge we have, and the best cope we can come up with for the shitty lives we have is ”at least I’m not living in a warzone”.
We will never hold all members of our species fully, equally accountable to fundamental rights.
Despair exists in equal measure in the developed world. It just takes on a different form.
So what you’re saying is, it’s bound to get more exciting. 😑
1st world problem
Your life is just as finite as theirs.
For now. Thiel and the other oligarchs are working on a fix for that….
Third worlder here. Same deal except our excitement comes from the ever-looming threat of sectarian violence, a corrupt and plundering regime, rising inequality, and dwindling economic opportunities.
Right now, I can’t find a job as an engineer. I live with my parents and spend my days watching the world’s morals and institutions become more medieval. The crooks we’ve elected are hiding money in half-empty luxury apartments — they’re cropping up like weeds. More sports cars are cruising around our moldering roadways as the government abducts protesters and our Chinese debt grows. My mom can’t retire — the government garnishes half her paycheck. Austerity for the working class. I’m bored AND scared for my future — a frog in boiling water. Helpless. It’s the worst of all worlds. This is the bad ending and eventually we’ll all be Brazil.
that's the point of those in power letting/forcing (take your pick) the world to stagnate or devolve in this way, it enriches their lives as they hold increasingly more power over us for their entertainment while the mindless drones support their egos and wallets.
But we're allowed to indebt ourselves for a car and house! Totally worth it!!
if you don't house the peasants they die from exposure and then can't produce money for them anymore!!
"War drums beat faster because destruction to some looks more exciting than this endless, suffocating cycle of brand loyalty and mindless productivity."
once bullets start flying these bored a-holes will be the first to cry about how they wish they could return to peaceful times.
"only boring people suffer from boredom"
I wish I had a boring life. I wish my friends had boring lives. What privilege! We are all dealing with a shit ton of trauma—emotional or physical abuse, sexual assault, medical traumas…idk how we all found each other like trauma bonded ducklings but we did. I would love to have an ennui filled life instead of one in which I dig through pain daily just to get to a place where I can function. We’re trapped in a dystopia but I promise you we’re not BORED.
Nicholas Kristof once called people like us the "broken class," and members of the broken class always find each other. It's all we know.
I’m sorry that you’re in this club too, it’s not a great one. I wish we at least got jackets.
im a psych student diagnosed with cptsd, personally i dont find it entertaining, but to each their own. You are conveying that your life is hectic which i get what you are saying, it keeps you from being stagnant, but its not ‘truly’ fulfilling since you are understandably experiencing psychological distress.
The the context of the post is however moreso describing how we generally all have the same routines & live average lives because of how society works & the repetition is boring
"The people here love bureaucracy because bureaucracy is boring."
If people love boring, what is the problem? Are you suggesting chaos, anarchy and war? Ask the ukrainians how exciting it is without knowing if a Russian missile is going to drop on their head at any time.
Humanity spent a lot of effort, throughout the ages, to earn "boring".
Humans made a mistake. Heaven isn't in the vacuum of space or some cubicle. It's when you get to build a village with a family and friends and do drugs and have sex and not worry about how you're going to afford a babysitter and then you die before you get a chance to grow world-weary.
We earned nothing and now we have to undo it the hard way or wait for nature to clean up our mess for us.
Boring is relative. Gee, I have nothing to do. What should I do to fill my time today? That's a boring that people can figure out what to do with. Boring as in g. I have 20 minutes in between this and that that has to be done and there's absolutely nothing I can do within that time frame. Sucks ass. And that's most people's lives nowadays In the west. From what I understand, that's a good chunk of people's lives over in the Southeast Asian market.
Do people just. ... not enjoy time thinking anymore? Twenty minutes to just relax would be amazing. Not every chunk of time needs to produce something. You're not the sum of your exploitable labor.
Nonsense, peasant - you can sit up straight and LOOK busy! Stare intently at your screen. Furrow your brow. Or, if you want some exercise, pick up some papers with stuff on them and stride meaningfully across the office. This is really why people stuck in bullshit office jobs want to work from home, though. During that 20 minutes you could load the dishwasher, start it up, and wipe down the kitchen counters. Instead you're forced to sit in your cell pretending, sometimes for hours at a stretch, while all that shit sits and waits for you at home, to fill the last few hours of the day you would otherwise have to yourself.
Watch the documentary 2073 if you want to see where this all leads us to.
When I was younger, I had exciting times. Most of it not good.
Mundane is good.
There will be more than enough "excitement" for everyone in the near future. MORE than enough.
I blame social media and the internet as a whole.
“Boredom sets into the boring mind” -Metallica
There are a lot of plants and animals in the world to be excited about... human society and culture is disconnected. Wake up early and watch the sunrise, another gorgeous painting... too many sociopaths and psychos breeding and they got all over the place. Oh well. Life is short. And only going to run out quicker by the day... unless you do all kinds of new stuff... these last few years have been stretching out for me because I have no choice but to learn all kinds of new stuff.
Yes unfortunately people suck.. don't be like them
No it isnt
I once asked my weed deler how he was doing, and he said to me 'Yeah, good, everything always same'.
That's a good thing. The last thing I want in my life is a disruption to my routine. I love a smooth-sailing life. I want to wake up every day knowing I'll drink my coffee, eat my müsli, work for 8 hours, eat a heathy meal, watch some anime and kiss my wife goodnight. And I want to do this next day and the next day and the next day.
I was born a hobbit, not an adventurer. Sauron may well be coming for us all but I'm not leaving my goddamn hut behind.
Someone came up with a pretty good theory on the alienation of the workers in capitalism
Small part here
So much shit happening these days I feel like I'm slowly moving away from myself and my body like a slow death.
I feel like the end is coming sooner than we think.
Lot of new emotions are coming from that collapse thing It's not depression it's deeper than that.
Oh look, the author has seen Fight Club. No new thoughts here, just a rehash of Tyler Durden.
Aswer : yes, the whole site is banned
Tyler Durden’s rants were at least more entertaining and poetic.
There seems to be some sort of wistful reimagining of the past going on here. As if things were better and people had more “purpose” in the olden days. I think that’s a load of crap. The modern era is definitely the best time to be alive as far as wars, violence and general misery go. We are at the point where it’s up to us to create our own purpose. Just because some or even a majority of people are boring and lack imagination or drive to do so doesn’t mean that achieving that purpose isn’t easier than ever before.
This is it, folks. This is the pinnacle of human civilization. Make the most of it while it’s happening.
If this is the pinnacle then I'm not impressed.
Be happy to be not at the pinnacle, because it's all downhill from there.
This is the thought that keeps me feeling just absolutely devastated. Given all the mental capacity, flexibility, and innovation the human brain is capable of, that we chose to do just…. this…
It makes me so angry and sad. We are capable of so much more. And we’ve been conditioned to believe that we cannot or that it’s not “for us.”
Cole Porter wrote a song about it decades ago.
“In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked upon as something shocking. Now heaven knows, anything goes.”
I wonder if he’s watched the musical this is from? He might like it.
Obligatory video that matches the theme of this post : . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e9dZQelULDk
go bush, hit the hills, get boots made for walking, at least in the interludes of wage slavedom called weekends there are places with free air
Fight club! Fight club!!!
I've always been the weird one and could never get into this routine stuff. So I indeed am like a starving artist, and everyone just keeps telling me to be normal a get a 9-5 job. I can't do that anyway because of my health, but it's so fucking bizarre how everyone keeps framing that advice as "wake up" as if I'm the one sleeping. It's like living in the mirror world.
Mine isn't
"Sometimes when I take a peek outside of my little cage
Everyone looks so asleep, will they die before they wake?"
I'm sure roman mine slaves had very interesting and exciting lives. Likewise the average medieval peasant.
So it's either this hellscape or being a Roman mine slave?
And the difference between none and now is less physical labor? Less feedings?
Difference between a Roman mine slave and a modern wage slave is that one thinks that they're free. Pays all their own expenses. Thinks that there's hope and for a better future.
Yeah okay buddy, the average person who puts in a 8 hour shift to go home to a warm bed, plentiful food and the occasional vacation to somewhere new and interesting has the exact same quality of life to a roman mine slave who will be worked to death before they are 30.
Also at any point you can just leave, go start a farm in Montana. Change your career, go back to education. It isn't easy, but it's possible.
Absolute clown.
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I would argue that on average member of pre industrial societies had more fulfilling lives than we do now…
Schopenhauer believed that life was inherently meaningless. Nothing has changed much.
Good summation of the situation and how it makes the chaos offered by the far right appealing, even if it's just to make us feel a bit more alive before we're extinguished in some conflagration
I wonder how serfs lived during the middle ages. Their lives were probably even more boring and monotonous than ours.
i doubt it. when youre young, you naturally fill the boredom with activities. when youre old, you have too many things to worry about to be bored.
To the contrary, they had dozens of holidays throughout the year (many more than what we have in the US) & had no end of tasks & activities to do (when a task is necessary for your survival & you can receive immediate & direct benefit from the work put in, it is much less of a drudgery). Plus, they lived in communities which shared the labor rather than artificially forced isolation like we have in this nuclear family focused/suburban hellscape. They also had things like storytelling by the hearth & other "frivolous" (by today's standards) activities that were seamlessly interwoven into daily life to the precise reason of helping to overcome the boredom & monotony. The have the industrial revolution to blame when industrialists decided that every second on the clock "belonged" to them so any behavior not directly benefiting the company's productivity was essentially "stealing". Tragically, the courts agreed with the industrialists.
Yes, the developed world has it better than poor countries.
It's the same system, though. The same dystopia has wound its tendrils everywhere -- as has overpopulation and enforced impoverishment, inflated work pressure, and the bombardment of what the effectively-mythic perfect life looks like.
(Even the most gorgeous 22yo influencers don't live the lives they pretend to, folks. They're hucksters, selling fantasy.)
And yes, life in earlier versions of this system was also prone to repetitive drudgery. What's new is how completely Neoliberalism has isolated us.
This endemic destruction of community ties across the developed world is new, and deeply toxic. Replacing it with the banal mass-telepathy of the internet is also deeply toxic.
We're social creatures. We're not meant to live like bugs in a hive. And yes, it is becoming a problem. A terminal one.
It isn't better in the US. It's the same.
Speak for yourself. I work all day and then after work, I do community building projects and make art to help people come to terms with their fast approaching mortality. And I'm not the only one. All of my female friends are running marathons, becoming sharpshooters, making fabulous indoor aquaponics systems and feeding their communities. But when I look at the men I know, they're all so absorbed in entertainment that the house could literally be burning down and they'd say "I can't pause the game it's a live match!"
The scale of abstractions and artificial meaning today almost seems like a desperate attempt at obscuring existential horror. Our tenacity for meaningless conversations also signifies a fear of reality -of death, purposelessness, and emptiness.
There truly is nothing we are supposed to be doing. Its funny to me that I'm now so enveloped in this abstract world system of politics, credit scores, and bills when eighteen years ago (when I was born) none of this existed. It was shoved down my throat and now it's my world.
Imo it depends on your expectations. If you have high ones, due to social media and seeing how the rich and famous live, you will probably feel pretty shite. However if you have low ones and aren't very materialistic, life can be a blast.
If I had billions, the only thing I would change would be having a gaming room with all the best pieces of kit and the best internet connection possible.
My life is still pretty exciting. Almost on the daily.
It's really only boring to those who take being fed their daily schedule (get up, go to work, come home, pay bills, etc) instead of thinking for themselves. If you're bored with your daily schedule, do something else. Pick up a new hobby. Invent a new product. Learn something new. Build something. Volunteer somewhere.
If you're bored....it's your own damn fault.
so true king
This is probably a naively individualist way of looking at it. Your environment to a certain extent circumscribes your psychology. Certain ways of being are just more boring than others, and our ability to break out of that (while never gone) is also circumscribed.
For example, if a medieval peasant came up to me and told me there were bored of their life of farming and more farming, I would sympathise. I could suggest that they take up whittling or fishing or something, but they'd still have cause for boredom from their lifestyle.
It's like a roller coaster that has only a down slope
But also is like a 6% grade and 3mph. And you have to work on your laptop as you ride
but any day now there will be a very big hill
Tuesday from what i hear
But will never go back up again
Despite all my rage ..
I'm still just a rat in a cage ..
not for long lmao
We live artificial lives. I'm attached to a screen all day. So much for evolution.
Thank God things are about to get a whole lot more interesting.
Toni253@reddit (OP)
Are they really? Or will it be more of a slow intensifying of an already boring dystopian on the latter part?
Well that depends on your definition of interesting. If your definition of interesting is gee, everything's going to be tossed all over the damn place because of fascists then yeah it'll be interesting. If your idea of interesting is that regular people will be able to look at their lives and say gee. I'm enjoying myself then probably not
There's a breaking point to everything. it won't be boring because there won't be time for it for more and more people, it won't be a dystopia but it functions less and less. it will be ugly tho, no illusions about that. and there's always the wild card of nukes flying or climate change doing something no one expected (that quickly).
mundane because i can't afford anything other than barely surviving lol
It's like COVID started this paradigm shift. Who would have thought?
Yeah I feel this.
Ancient Chinese curse:
“May you live in interesting times.”
Ancient misattributed quote
You want a life of meaning? Join the climate movement! There’s nothing more meaningful than committing oneself to preserving the conditions for life on our home world. It’s not about winning (cos we’re not) it’s the taking part.
such a pessimistic depressing view.
Do the fucking opposite of this guy and lifestyle, like the fuck?
Did Tyler Durden write this?
America: hold our collective beer.
You want hardship? You got it!
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Toni253:
Submission statement:
This article explores and discusses the fact that our lives are, for the most part, extremely boring, pre-determined, and structured and how that affects our lives. Most people only do their 9-to-5s and then come home to social media and TV shows. There is no true purpose, nothing to work toward, the world is ending in extremism and climate disaster and economic inequality while we carry ourselves to our meaningless jobs.
This relates to collapse because a bored populace with nothing to hope for can very quickly turn into a violent populace that craves wars and destruction rather than let things remain in the status quo. The surge of the far right in all of the Western world is a testament to that.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1i2pg59/excruciatingly_boring_dystopia_our_lives_are_the/m7g8sml/