ULPT: spike your kids’ first alcoholic drinks with laxatives
Posted by King_ChickawawAA@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 324 comments
This came up in a conversation with some friends… figured it fit well here.
Considering that effects that alcoholism has on individuals, on families, on society, every parent has to navigate this subject with kids growing up.
Say your kid is 15, and they haven’t had a drink yet. You decide to let them have a glass of wine with the family. You spike their drink with laxatives, which causes them to have explosive diarrhoea. You say “huh, that’s weird, maybe you’re allergic to alcohol…”
If you can do that a couple more times, they’ll get the impression that alcohol makes them have violent liquid shits, and it should hopefully steer them clear of drinking moving forward.
Unethical? Yes. Dishonest? Yup. Will it be good for them? Yup. Will they have a greater chance of success and happiness in life? Yup. Will they be better off financially, physically, mentally? Yup.
Would never actually do this, but it was an interesting conversation about the greater good and ends justifying the means…
Dawg some of you should never be parents and it really fucking shows. This kind of behavior has no place in raising a child.
Just talk to you kid like a normal person, you don’t interact with them as if they are some experiment you should dabble with.
This is a really great way to kill your relationship with your children or really any damn person.
I would really think about this “tip” for a while if I were you cause this is more revealing of your own personal wellbeing and mental status than you understand.
I don’t know if you’re a child dealing with some hard times right now thinking of this being funny but this is just down right concerning.
This is not how you curb a behavior.
When your kid figures out that you did this, they are going to realize you are the absolute dogshit parent that you are.
This could work the way you think but will most likely lead to the kid distrusting and being alienated from their parents when they inevitably learn the truth.
My sister in law did this with her son by telling him he was allergic to caffeine from a young age so he wouldn't want cola. It worked for a few years until he was given regular Coke at a friend's birthday party as a teen and now he guzzles an unhealthy amount of the shit.
I've been telling my kid they're allergic to glitter and not to touch anything with glitter. Sadly, it only worked for three years.
Oh you're about to go through years of finding the shiny sand everywhere without any good explanation. Just hope they don't move on to the hard stuff and start bedazzling everything.
Not only this but if their kid thinks they can't use alcohol to party they might just jump into harder drugs because they aren't 'allrrgic' to them.
People don't casually just do hard drugs.
Uhhhhh... Yes they do.
No they really don't.
Unless we classify alcohol as a hard drug.
You can show me all the studies you want, but I was a backpacker for pretty much my whole 20s and I've seen people taking hard drugs casually on almost every continent.
Yes, even things like heroin and meth. And yes, people casually took it even if they never tried it before.
Trump's America has already begun, eh? Fuck facts and logic..my feelings and anecdotes are more real than any study will ever be!!
Fuck Trump and fuck you, not mutually exclusive
When and where babygirl
Learn to reference relevant studies properly and we’ll talk
Sure anecdotal evidence doesn't constitute fact. But as far as feelings... I feel like you're the one who's putting up the blinders here.
Even just looking at America, in pretty much all the major cities there are parties with all kinds of crazy shit. There are absolutely people who go to those who have never taken any drugs before who, when surrounded by people enjoying themselves, don't feel nervous and engage.
Drugs are still mostly illegal. And a lot of people still place a lot of stigma on any drug use. People lie when they would be shamed/arrested if they told the truth.
No study is going to have accurate information about drug habits among average people. The majority of data comes from asking opinions on the street or from heavy users who make their addiction known.
To state "it doesn't happen" and call everyone dumdums (especially on a topic you clearly don't know that much about) is extremely ignorant. You can't just blindly follow data it must be presented in context and reinforced with observations in the relevant environment.
Humans are curious and persistent fucks. There is no such thing as "never".
Alcohol is a hard drug.
Correct. But nobody treats it as such. Look at how casually we're talking about teens drinking alcohol. Fuckin psilocybin isnt even a hard drug but so many people think it's spoopy but alcohol? It's ok for teens to have a little sip apparently
Alcohol should be classified as a hard drug because of its effects but regardless I've seen people try hard drugs casually just because they were offered. Shit I've done it myself so just because you have a study saying otherwise doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
I agree it should be a hard drug. It's more dangerous than things like cocaine. That said, studies show people do not casually go from "no drugs or any kind" to "heroin" in one party after a single day. Someone who would do hard drugs would have already tried something else, legal (pain killers as example) or illegal, or lateral (someone who would try hardcore drug right out the gate will have other personal issues in their life that would justify things like self mutilation, which is a type of addictive behavior).
They might not go straight to heroin but they sure as fuck go to MDMA or cocaine or ketamine or meth. Also people used to pop oxycontin like skittles when they were easily available before everything had fentanyl in it. Unless you want to classify oxycontin as not a hard drug (which it most definitely is). Since they're pills I've seen people who have never even smoked weed try them back in the day.
i do hard drugs casually shut up nerd
Congratulations? You're an idiot who can't read. Maybe putting down the pipe and picking up a book might help.
He said a teenager who was denied alcohol would casually pick up a hard drug at a party do you have any idea how fucking dumb that statement is lmao if a kid can't get alcohol, he's sure as fuck not pickup up heroin.
what LOL
No they really don't.
Unless we classify alcohol as a hard drug.
I had a friend who only smoked weed because they didn't want to be an alcoholic like their dad. They ended up smoking weed 4x a day every day
So the became a bricklayer?
Four whole times....
So anyways
If you think a healthy functioning adult can smoke weed first thing in the morning, last thing at night and twice more during the day without it negatively impacting them in some way that's crazy
lol they certainly can. I’m not one of those people, but other people can and do that for years without much problem. Sure, they’d be better off not smoking but it’s possible.
Those are rookie numbers gotta bump those up
I mean I’d argue that smoking weed 4x a day is much healthier, physically socially and psychologically, than drinking every day. But I guess it depends on the individual
Yeah but the choice wasn't between smoking 4x a day or drinking 4x a day. They just replaced alcoholism with weed dependency.
..I am allergic to beer, so I can't have one, thank you. But heroin sounds interesting...
Sounds like the beginning of a hero princess adventure!
“Left with no other choice, she chose the path of hero in life…” as little break makes all the difference.
But I'm allergic to heroin too. Time to hit that good old LSD.
Do you think LSD is harder than heroin
LSD and Heroin aren’t even on the same level. I’d go so far as to say LSD is physically safer than alcohol.
Don't ruin the joke with logic!
That isn't logical!
There is NO DOUBT that LSD is physically safer than alcohol! Alcohol is a poison to the body, I'd argue that alcohol may be worse for the body and society than heroin... At least on par physically, but because alcohol is a socially acceptable drug, it has the ability to cause SOOOOO much more damage!
I would 100000000000000x prefer my child use LSD over heroin! In fact, I hope my child someday tried LSD, I hope they never touch heroin!
100%, you know the person you replied to knows absolutely nothing about drugs if they think LSD is worse than (or even belongs in the same category as) heroin.
And 17 people upvoted?! Like even if they don't have a nuanced understanding, they have to be aware enough to have heard of the "Opioid Crisis"... Never heard of any Psychedelic Crisis!!! Come on people! Heroin is a highly addictive drug, Fentanyl is a synthetic Heroin (not exactly but in simple terms, we'll go with it). You know, that drug that is killing 200 people a day in the US? In the almost 100 years LSD as been around, it is responsible for 0 deaths...
Haha, right? It's like comparing eating a bag of Jolly Ranchers to eating a salad but thinking the jolly Ranchers are the healthier option!
At least LSD isn’t addictive
Rfk, is that you? 🤔
I knew someone who tried heroin once.... for 8 years.
‘The heroin helps me stop shitting myself!
The cocaine made me shit myself worse!’
Far more likely to stick to weed than to start using hard drugs out of the blue. The societal shift from alcohol to cannabis has already begun and that is an objectively good thing.
Tbh this is my favourite argument for druflg legalisation/regulation. Drug dealers don't ask for id...
Look on the bright side! They might do heroin and then be on the shortlist for head of the FDA! Or become an alcoholic, get crappy tattoos and be nominated as SecDef lol
Thats why you dose their first spoon with laxatives too. Won’t be doing drugs either.
Something similar happened to me with prescription meds. My dad withheld my medicine from me after knee surgery, because everyone who takes them gets hooked/in general bad for you (opinion). When I found out, I took anything I could get my hands on just to prove to myself it was “at will” and that I was in control. We have high pain tolerance and I was prescribed two medications. One was a giant anti inflammatory and the other was for pain. He just told me I had been prescribed the one medication, and I didn’t complain about pain for several days because, as far as I knew, I was taking what was prescribed, so mentioning pain at that point would just be complaining. After that I took a lot of medications, even after my knee pain had subsided.
The last sentence you said is key. There will be retaliation. My mom drugged me to make me hate alcohol? Then I'm bringin home a 6 pack every day
Backing this as the child who was never allowed to have ANYTHING unhealthy. When i got older and was able to buy food for myself in college, I gained about 75 pounds eating everything I could never have. Chips, Lunchables candy, soda, you name it.
What did she use? Just going by what I know about prescription strength powdered laxatives from several surgeries: they aren't very potent unless you are consuming a lot of fluids, have a really strong taste, and require enough stirring/shaken that any soda would be flat af by the time it dissolves.
It just seems weird they were able to get the effect from giving the kid a soda and not like a twelve pack or having them drink a half gallon of water afterward.
I think she just told him that he’s allergic.
Similarly, the kid might already be experienced with drinking alcohol without their parents knowing. Then when the kid gets spiked alcohol from a parent, the distrust can start immediately.
Does she now at least admit it was a stupid thing to do, or does she try to defend it still?
It's not really something that's brought up. There's plenty of other shit parenting going on in that kids life.
I had a friend whose parents told him he was allergic to alcohol when he was a kid. He accepted it as he was allergic to a bunch of stuff. I forget how he figured it out but he was pissed. I think it permanently damaged his relationship with his mom.
This is a terrible idea. Don’t poison people dude
Every post is written by a 13 year old with no real life experience. It's crazy how many of you are out there.
I think the better way is to start with something not tasty. A "gross" beer, a botanical drink that seems more like a cologne/perfume. Having the first drink give hand sanitizer or poopourri vibes would be repulsive enough.
Malort. Lol
Keep Yourself Safe
Or maybe just maybe teach them how appreciate alcohol without being a drunk. That way they will be able to act appropriately in any number of different social occasions throughout their life.
Just give them some cheap red wine their first time and that hangover will deter them
This isn't a pro tip at all, just unethical and really fucking stupid
British Gen X here. I completely subscribe to the European culture of a soft introduction to alcohol consumption from a young age in a safe and supervised environment. With company and food, hugely watered down, learning to respect and appreciate it. Etc etc.
Was brought up like this and did similar for my children who now, as young adults, enjoy a social drink as appropriate. I see nothing wrong with this and it's a hill I would be happy to die on.
I cannot articulate how dishonest and wrong the ULPT as described by OP is to me. I understand the hypothetical nature of the question but seriously, no. Just no.
They’ll just become addicted to laxatives instead.
Showing your kids that it's okay to spike their drinks is some fucked up shit.
Child soldiers and "brown brown". No thanks.
It can work. My mother told me from a very young age that I was allergic to Novocain, lidocaine, and anything related. I never got anesthetic at the dentist (fillings, root canals, everything). I just held on tight to the chair and did it.
About two years ago, I was thinking of how crazy my mom has been my whole life and I had a new dentist and an appointment coming up. I didn’t tell them of my allergy and just went for it. Everything was fine. Turns out I do not have an allergy to novacain and moms just a bit touched. I was 48 years old before I realized the truth of the matter.
Very unethical but there's a decent chance it'll backfire. Let's say the kid already had their first drink. They'd know they don't usually react that way to alcohol and might get suspicious of their parents. The biggest risk is that the kid won't trust their parents and won't come to them if there's a big problem
The biggest risk is kid getting dangerously dehydrated or worse from being Poo-Roofied
America is so fucked up. The heaviest stuff my friends and people i know did was Marijuana and it was hard to get.
Another big risk is the kid ends up leaning too heavily into other drugs instead (opiates, cocaine, etc).
The biggest risk is kid getting dangerously dehydrated or worse from being Poo-Roofied
An ultra helicopter homeschool mom who was briefly in my mom’s group fifteen years ago told her only golden child he was allergic to candy (she told me she lied), so he was six at the time and had never had a single piece. We always trick or treated in their neighborhood which is known for absolutely insane over the top fun for decorations and hoopla, and it was so, so sad to see him every year handing out candy in street clothes at the door and never dressing up and joining in the fun. Kid really missed out. I wonder what will happen when he’s an adult in a couple years. Dude’s going to be Willy Wonka.
Or just be the adult and have an open and honest conversation about what alcohol is and can do. You can gain your child’s trust and hope you guide them as best as possible.
Set the example that in moderation, alcohol can be fun. You do everything you can and trust they will make the right choices.
And if they don’t and have a drinking problem, you do what you can to help them.
This is just bad parenting and if you want to run the risk of ruining the relationship forever, then go ahead.
An incredibly asinine idea from a moron.
How about you be honest and simply educate them with facts and providing a good example?
My parents don’t drink alcohol, so my brother and I never were inclined to drink alcohol much anyways. I drink like between 0 to 3 times per year. My bro like once a months perhaps.
Education and example is way better than manipulation and lies.
lollapalooza at 15 was a great lesson about drugs for my kid. she got to watch girls be a complete burden to their parents, a guy flip out on a security guard in a psychotic rage, and a person passed out on a side walk surrounded by 10 people. the effects speak for themselves if u help your child espy the right lesson (and they listen). doesnt mean my kod never experimented. but i do think it prevented glamorization of it.
OR, hear me out, you just let your progeny get a little drunk in a safe and controlled environment and let them discover the natural consequences of over indulgence where they can be properly supervised by a safe adult
Keep some “weed” around as well for them to find. (It’s actually salvia, and they’re going to have a bad day)
Just do what my family did to prevent a lifetime of alcoholism - encourage them to drink as much liquor as possible so that they get alcohol poisoning and then leave them alone and don't check on them at all to see if they learn a lesson!
The lesson is that your family hates you and you can drink more alcohol than god.
My family did this and it actually worked - I am 32 and I almost never drink. I remember going to school wasted at 14 and puking in my history classroom’s floor
Where I’m from, the school would’ve called CPS if a 14 year-old was vomiting booze all over the place at 10 AM. that’s fucking crazy.
Yeah had a friend who's life was arguably ruined by going to class drunk one day
Lol then there’s me at 13 on heroin at school. Only thing that happened was I got sent nurse’s and came back the next day not sure if I was suspended or not, saw the teacher who sent me to the nurse and he goes “Hey Ethan, feeling better today? Haha, yeah, you were pretty messed up man”
Las Vegas is not a place to raise a family :D
Just a normal day in rural Appalachia
Did similar with my son at about 9 yrs - with chocolate. He'd had a huge Easter egg and hated the thought of "only a little bit a day", and asked if he could have it all. He made such a fuss I agreed, then sent him out to play in the street (dead end, no traffic). Within 10 minutes he was standing over a drain, throwing his toenails up. Lesson learned!
I wish that didn't happen to you. Your outcome is not the common one. It's really funny that my family with alcoholism on THAT side (my dear drunkle), and knowing about the alcoholism on THE OTHER SIDE of my family (dad) thought they were actually doing anything at all in particular. At least I didn't pick up alcoholism until I was an adult 🤷♂️
Did the same in my geography teachers class.
Are you okay? 🫂
I didn't die, everyone involved kind of silently agreed it was fucked up and it DIDNT happen to the next generation, I can drink more alcohol than god, and am extremely undedicated to any addiction I have because I am lazy af like. I literally can't make myself do anything I don't want to do. What the fuck.
do u have adhd by chance? that’s a huge part of adhd that isn’t talked about enough
Probably, maybe autism, maybe both. I can't get anybody to really diagnose me because I have a waaay bigger cooler diagnosis anyway and it's basically pointless at this point in my life because I'm functionally retired and I'm not going back to school. (I actually never graduated high school, I just lied about having a GED to get shitty jobs before I was too sick to work. Nobody checked.)
ADHD treatment isn't just for work/school, it helps in basically every part of my life! And unlike autism there's actual medicine to help with a good chunk of the symptoms you can get prescribed (and I know for me once I'm back on the meds it becomes a LOT easier to deal with my other addictions, to the point where I basically start/stop the substances in time with stopping/starting treatment for the ADHD).
Hey man, I'm sorry that your family felt that was the way to treat you. You deserve better, and you can be that better man. I love you homie.
All is forgiven basically. Everybody learned whatever lesson was intended. I don't hold it against them. I know what made them that way and everybody got what they deserved.
You alright, bud?
on paper, no. In real life? I do arts and crafts all day and go to bed whenever I want
/dryalcoholics if you wanna join the rest of us.
I mean, he’s the Taint Master, which sounds like a important position
I agree. Just the alcoholic in me recognized the cry for help.
Oh yeah! This is a great idea!! Lying to and poisoning your children could NEVER turn out badly in any way!!!
This will lead them to binge it when they know the truth tho plus they’ll hate you lol
The actual unethical hack is to keep your house so well stoked on alcohol it becomes unattractive. My parents raised me so well that I literally at one point had like 40 bottles of their wine in my student apartment for ~2 years and only drank like ONE glass, closed the bottle and left it in the fridge. It was so uncool that I literally begged them to take it back since it was getting in the way. Don’t make alcohol a forbidden fruit, make it what it is: a mildly tasty substance with already unpleasant side effects. Being drunk is really not that fun tbh, there are better ways to spend your day
Violating trust of your kids is terrible.
Just because it's unethical doesn't make it a good idea
People take this sub too seriously. I think it’s funny
Look at OP's post history including contemplating forcing daughter to drink until she pukes and suddenly it doesn't look like this person is joking and it does have legitimate potentially lethal consequences.
ULPT doesn't have to mean illegal, abusive, dangerous, etc.
You ah.... don't have children do you sir? Please say no
Please check the subreddit. We only post unethical stuff here.
Jeez, I see people forget to write /s after their comment and get downvoted in this sub and think it'll never be me. Turns out the unwashed masses came for me, and I was not ready.... I could never have been ready. It was time.
Unethical ok but it has to be useful, it has to be smart.
This post is idiotic.
Why would that change anything?
I must've missed the punchline
And you know…tampering with a drink, including putting medication in it without the consumers knowledge is just flat out illegal in many places. So this tip is better classified as an illegal life pro tip.
Everyone is pointing out why this is bad parenting, dangerous, and quite possibly illegal.
I'm also going to point out it's pretty impractical. I take laxatives on a regular basis because one of the medications I'm on makes me constipated. It's going to be hard to hide a dose high enough to give someone explosive diarrhea in a glass of wine.
explosive diarrhea in a glass of wine? No-one's gonna drink that!
If this isn't a bait post, op needs to be locked up.
It’s only January, but this might win the award for most fucked up Unethical LPT this year.
I thought it was being clever watering down the hidden bottles of vodka in the teenage boys bedrooms. Years later I found out that they couldn't understand why they got drunk so fast when at someone else's house. Doh. Fail on my part.
Imagine thinking spiking your own kid is going to make them do better in life.
Op, go to therapy.
Please be aware of the subreddit. We share only unethical stuff here.
Oh fuck off with this "Lol ItS UnETHiCAl BrO", it's not unethical, it's just fucking stupid.
'DoNt LiKe YOuR GuesTS?? JUst Put bLEaCh In TheOR dRiNKs! Its unetHical Bro'!!"
"caNT gEt Laid BeCausE uR ugly? jUst UsE a DaTe RapE Drug!!! ROfL I'm So edgy aNd UnEtHiCaL"
its a joke subreddit dude, did you not realize this?
No its not? Donyou even read the topics here? Its about actual unethical solutions to obstacles in your life.
Yeah, and that shit isn't funny.
eh thats the part thats subjective, the absurdity of it is kinda funny but i would never advocate anyone do anything like this
OP is trying to stop their kid from drinking the tasty poison, though! it's the thought that counts.
Gave way too many lazy parents something to work with...
Is this Anne Bronte's alt account?
Not only unethical, but I suspect it is illegal
I usually get diarrhea, along with headaches, fatigue, vomiting and a general desire to die and it hasn't put me off.
My dad is an alcoholic. He took us to AA meetings and events. I was afraid to drink. I did learn at 16 I was not an alcoholic or an asshole when I tried alcohol. It also still makes me feel bad physically. My feet burn/itch, my stomach is painfully a mess, and I in general don’t like it. I drink probably 3 times a year. But me and my sisters didn’t become alcoholics. But my dad still is very much so. It’s sad how much his life is affected and how many relationships destroyed. So I think taking your kids to AA & NA meetings is great. We heard all the stories and did not want to tuen out like that. We loved going to the events. But we were going when I was a toddler to adolescent. Then he began drinking again so he stopped going/taking us.
Alcohol dehydrates you and laxatives do as well, if you do this you’re risking causing dehydration and electrolyte imbalances to your child. Not to mention causing them to mistrust in you as well when they find out.
Don’t lie to your kids
Or maybe just tell your children of the risks like a reasonable person? Drinking doesn’t immediately guarantee you to become an alcoholic.
Some people shouldn't have kids or be anywhere near children and that includes you and your friends
This is definitely unethical but I wouldn’t really call it a “life pro tip”
Or you could like, just have a conversation with them about alcohol and hope that if they try it they use it in moderation. They might not even like it that much to begin with. Slipping laxatives to your kid is just fucking cruel.
Or maybe you could help your children to develop a healthy relationship with alcohol by teaching them harm reduction
Just give them a drink of Malort at there 16th or something. Will turn them off alcohol for ages.
Instead of that, get your amputee friend that has one prosthetic arm...
Alcohol already induces diarrhoea in most people as it is a diuretic. Spiking it only exacerbates the digestive issues associated with the consumption alcohol.
Unlikely to work in the long run. It can encourage them to move on to something worse, and I know if that happened to me I would've had massive trust issues with my parents later. The best way is not to drink yourself.
People don’t realize how bad this is until ur kid is on their own for their first time and blackout off a single twisted tea tall boy in a field because they never learnt how to drink
Just for fun, I told my kids that weed makes you shit your pants👍
This kind of feels people I know who were raised Mennonite. Then they finally got a real taste of the world and had no idea how to handle themselves in it; but they wanted it all!
They thought, "everything my parents told me was bad is actually great. What else did they lie to me about?"
Ethical Life Tip: don’t poison children. Even if you “made them”
Illegal? Yup.
"I cannot go 💩, I guess I'll have some wine."
(2 hours on)
"I guess I'm not allergic to alcohol any more, and I still can't go 💩."
Let them drink normally and don’t be weird about it.
Unintended incentivisation. This is not a UPLT; this is how to destroy children. It's also likely American. The rest of the civilised world teaches kids by not pretending they're all idiotic lab rats.
If your gonna go this route just give the kid enough to get the spins or they puke. But if you think spiking them is gonna do anything your insane. Yeah man wine makes me shit really bad. Their “friends what the fuck? How about vodka? “ Cant prevent kids from experience the world you have to teach them how to.
My mom just likes to drink extremely dry wine, so when I asked to try some she was like "sure!" I didn't like it because kids generally wouldn't, so I was convinced for a very long time that I just didn't like alcohol.
As a former addictions specialist and child/adolescents therapist, the quickest way to create a future alcoholic is to abuse them like this.
Buy a fucking parenting book. This isn't just unethical, it is abuse.
While your idea stems from a place of concern for your child’s wellbeing, using deception and causing discomfort, even with good intentions, can undermine trust between you and your child.
If i was the parent, I would use open communication about the risks of alcohol which is more effective and ethical.
This is excellent advice on how to become an estranged parent.
Just let them watch a documentary on effects of alcohol.
Give them Malört instead. The flavor is enough to not want to do it again.
Felony food tampering.
when I learned that adults were lying to me and smoking 1 weed wouldn't instantly kill me, I wondered what else they had been lying about and if heroin is really that bad.
I mean the adults in my life told me that pot would immediately give me schizophrenia and kill me and now I know that was hyperbole so what reason would I have to think meth is as bad as I was taught?
Breaking your child's future trust with you in 3 easy steps!
Dad let me drink his Jim beam and coke but I had to finish it within 5 minutes. Threw up after the second sip. Both parents were alcoholics but I’ve somehow avoided the gene. Hope this helps.
Shitting LPT
Drugging your children is always the right choice
Considering all those child sleep aid medications exist, probably
I was in Morocco and bought dried poppy pods from spice store. They were asking do I have a baby who wont sleep… Yeah
This is amazing for the simple fact it still exists as a practice. How in the world would you administer something like that to a baby??
Through the feet ?
Orally, i hope
Haha i guess i meant how is it processed from the dried pod to be a usable product for a baby. I did Google it and only one article came up with anything relevant but it wasn't in relation to its modern day use in morrocco and didn't explain how they would process the pod.
In my country (Belgium), they used to wrap the pod in a piece of cloth and give it as a pacifier. There is an old saying in my city when you think someone is an idiot: "he was raised on poppy pods"...
Amazing. Do you mind if I ask how old you are, for context?
Weird that heroin is bad for babies. Who wouldn’t think of that.
I am in my forties, but the expression is from when my parents were young, and the practice even older, so my guess is it was done in the early 20th century...
You make it into a tea.
Very interesting! Do you give the baby like a whole bottle of tea, or just a little? How is dosing figured out by the parents so it's "safe"?
It’s dangerous because it’s not a perfect dose.
Makes sense. Thank you for answering.
You boil them in water and make tea. It's bit rocket science.
I used to use them to avoid withdrawal. I would soak them in water with lemon juice, shake it up, strain, then drink. It tastes wretched but is pretty effective.
I kinda started liking the tea. Acquired taste by the feel good effects probs.
You mean people pumping melatonin into their toddlers to get them to sleep isn't a good thing?
Melatonin is endogenous and more or less has no sideaffects does that change the game a bit?
"Strap them kids in, give em a little bitta vodka in a cherry coke, we're going to Oklahoma!"
For the... faaaaaamily reunion it's the... first time in years
It’s up at uncle Slayton’s cause he’s getting on in years
You know he no longer travels but he's still pretty spry
He's not much on talking and he's just too mean to die
Banger song
I like it.
My dad caught me trying to get into his can of Copenhagen Wintergreen snuff. I was worried about getting yelled at, but he offered to show me how to do it...by telling me to take the biggest pinch I could and putting it under my tongue.
I got sick, threw up, and experienced my first dry heaves. Know what I didn't do? Rub snuff ever again. 🙏
I actually knew a guy who was genuinely intolerant to alcohol in some way. His solution was to get wasted super fast and enjoy it before the inevitable puking and shitting. Then he would rally and do it again. It was terrifying.
Just giving you a heads up you could actually accidentally kill somebody especially a kid doing this. Don’t ever fuckin do this
Goodness me! Are you apart of the Woman's temperance movement! All of these just seem like American puritanism!
Just introduce the stuff casually at a young age, and demonstrate healthy habits...
I have never seen such an alien conception as this? And they say Americans are culturally close!
My parents let me get obliterated in Mexico when I was around 16 with the same goal in mind.
I don’t drink much, and when I do, it’s only for a buzz.
My parents did something like this with chips when I was young. They told me weird stories and sacred me from eating them, when i got my own money and moved out, I ate an ungodly amount of chips and gained 60 kgs
Don’t do this
Spiking anyone’s anything is fucken brutal, dawg.
if they try alcohol again and realize what happened, they’re going to definitely become alcoholics, if not just to spite their parents and their own feelings of wow I was lied to
Lying to your kid for an extended time is not a pro tip. Santa clause is one thing, but they’re going to grow up and find out and think you’re shady. Just be honest about the dangers of alcohol and other things idk I’m not a parent and hope for the best.
Yeah, don't try to trick your kids into doing what you want unless you want your kids to think you're a dishonest POS later in life when they figure things out for real lol
Until your kid is smarter than you.. "Nyquil has more alcohol than wine does dad. Why doesn't that make me shit myself?"
Yeah dehydrate them with alcohol and then make them even more dehydrated while they shit their brains out. All to teach them a lesson that could’ve been taught successfully so many other ways as other parents have done.
I would go one step further and spike the food they eat hours before their first drink with Antabuse. Antabuse is medication for alcoholics to force them not to drink. When they do drink their body can’t handle the alcohol and will respond with an instant worst hangover ever. You’ll feel like you’re dying and will probably never touch alcohol again.
Ps. Obviously don’t do this. This medication is only to be used under doctors supervision and there are some serious risks involved for users.
Shit idea. Antabuse + alcohol can = permanently blindness.
Bullshit. Show me one reliable source that shows this as a side effect after drinking alcohol.
It took maybe a couple seconds to find one; I'm not sure why you couldn't, say, search this sans my assistance.
Perhaps your knee jerked so violently you skulled yourself.
Fyi, the reaction was recognized long before 2023 (you can search that, yourself).
However, if this, to you, is not a credible source, I'm sure you're welcome to have at it with some Antabuse and alcohol.
So you googled “disulfiram blindness”, ignored the first 10 results that actually see it as a potential cure for blindness and then found an article (from a reliable source I give you that) describing one case of a guy who went blind. Good job buddy.
I did not search, "disulfuram and blindness."
Antabuse is currently in a two study, forty person Phase 1 and\or Phase 2 clinical trial. The studies are not guaranteed to succeed let alone progress to Phase 3, or Phase 4.
So far, efficacy has only been demonstrated in mice.
The fact Antabuse + ethanol can cause blindness has been established for decades.
You apparently have an internet search bar. Try to further utilize it.
This is beyond not worth my time.
Have an excellent life.
Nooo let’s keep going! 🤣 If it is so well established as you state, why isn’t it listed as a side effect?
Imagine just raising kids properly without having to drug them?
What a horrible thing to do
OP (according to his history) briefly contemplated forcing his stepdaughter to drink the entire bottle of Baileys as a punishment for sneaking into it.
not condoning op's actions - how would you handle that situation?
Gross. I knew there was something wrong with this dude.
I'm not saying child warefare should look into this.
Unethical? Yes. Effective? Probably not.
They'll eventually have a drink that you can't drug, then they'll realize you've been lying to them and then they'll think if you lied to them about alcohol, you probably lied to them about heroin or meth.
Not to mention the absolute ballache it will be when it comes to doctor/hospital stuff, being allergic to alcohol means you're allergic to alcohol and alcohol is a constitue of a ton of medical stuff. It's not just a drink.
Put fentanyl in their weed, that’ll teach them…something
In the spirit of the sub-crushed up piss discs?
Good fuckin lord. Imagine having a shitting drunken teenager puking about the house....
Here’s how my dad did it: When I was 5 I asked, and he gave me a sip. No kid likes the taste of a strong beer. I immediately scrunched up my face at the taste. And he says to me: “Tastes like horse pee, doesn’t it?”
Now idk what horse pee tastes like and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t either, but it left such a lasting impression that I didn’t drink beer until I was in my mid 20s.
That’s so fucking stupid
I think that’s a straight up crime against minors OP lol. Thanks but I don’t need no more smoke from the young bucks. Just remember, wet poo ain’t coo.
Poison your kid to prevent your kid being poisoned 😆😂
5 years later: No thank you, I’ll have bourbon. White wine gives me the shits.
this is beyond unethical. this is poisoning your children.
my mother fed me cheese which i was allergic to for years by mixing it in with food like mash because "the doctor said it will fade with time" and to this day i struggle eating creamy food without feeling unwell.
This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, so many things wrong with this approach. Building a relationship of lies will never work out well for any parent.
This is called ‘poisoning’ and it’s kind of super illegal.
Because clearly everything on this sub is supposed to be legal and amazing... not advocating for it but man, this is the sub of piss discs. I don't think many are being serious on here.
Lmao well since your allergic to alcohol well just snort coke or percs instead( friends of kid)
how about dont poison your children??
Nah, this is mild. Bigger LPT- take your kid to a morgue in town and ask the funeral director about alcohol related deaths. Call ahead to know it’s a scares straight conversation. See if they’ll give gruesome details.
Just give them alcohol on an empty stomach instead.
Definitely a form of abuse
This will have the same effect that the D.A.R.E program had on an entire generation of children.
Why not just provide education instead?
How are you gonna spike pot with laxatives?
You could also have a conversation with your kid and talk to them like they’re not stupid. That really does go a long way…
Wouldn’t work…
Actually low probability of working. It’s not impossible. Imagine spiking your kids laxatives… the thought of it makes me sick.
Why should it be spiked?
No I don’t think this is a good idea. My parents let my brother and I try sips of their drinks when we were in our early teens to help get rid of the taboo. Once we got older, around 17, we were allowed the occasional glass of wine or beer. Both my brother and I grew up to be comfortable with understanding our limits with alcohol and how to consume it safely thanks to our parents. Comparing this to some of my peers whose parents banned any alcohol whatsoever, I’ve seen how some of them really struggled to limit themselves with alcohol. I think parents should be honest with their kids about alcohol and help them understand how to be responsible with it as opposed to banning it altogether
And when they figure it out and never trust you again because instead of discussing the dangers of the alcoholism they're predisposed to like an adult, you drugged them and made them shit themselves? You've come up with a terrible solution to a problem that can be fixed by talking to the humans you created.
Real life pro tip: if you can't even be bothered to talk to your kids about an addiction to which you have predisposed them, you're not cut out to be a parent. If you think drugging kids is a good alternative to parenting, you shouldn't be around kids at all.
Unethical is one thing, stupid and incapable is another.
Add a laxative to a diuretic and give it to a minor. Great idea.
Then they look up alcohol allergy on their phones because it's not the 20th century anymore, and discover that diarrhea is not one of the symptoms....
Enjoy your prison sentence
Yeah, don’t drug your kids. This is fucked up.
Thats weird Dad, when I drink beer with my friends this doesn’t happen. Maybe I’m just allergic to wine!
Some people shouldn’t have kids, Jesus Christ. If you can somehow mentally warp yourself into believe this is a good idea, you are insane.
Teach your kids the dangers of alcohol toxicity, behavioral effects, logic impairment, so that they understand the risks 🚫
Give them the shits and when later in life they find out it doesn't, they start binging ✅️
I started drinking at 14 in my parents presence, got drunk for the first time at 15, projectile vomited and have never got that drunk again.
i would genuinely make your life a living hell if I ever found out you were doing something like this to me. not everyone is as dumb as you think.
Gee how about having honest conversations about mistakes you made because of alcohol or other things in your life. I mean you probably respond super well when you find out you've been tricked into believing something.
So as a parent of 3 adults. My husband and I had honest, age appropriate conversations about what alcohol addiction did to people in our lives and our relationships. About their chances of becoming addicted due to grandfather's, great grandfather's, etc all being alcoholics on one side of the family.
Heck we even talked about how we wished we could have made different choices when it came to our sexual experiences.
As a result our children respected our honesty, talked openly about choices they were facing, asked for help or advice. They are in their late 20s to early 30s and while not perfect. Alcohol and drugs aren't an issue and teenage pregnancy wasn't either.
Who knew?
That's not how alcoholism works.
Damn, that is unethical. Couldn't you simply let them try red wine with a meal that pairs better with a white?
Alcohol has plenty of downsides, there’s no need to invent one to prove to your kid to stay away from it. Not a pro tip
Ha reminds me of something my parents would do. Which is why we have a horrible relationship 😂
no this doesn’t make sense
This ain’t it. You as a parent, it’s your job to make sure your kid understands the real world which includes what alcohol does to them. You need to help them understand positive and especially negative consequences for most things that could pop up before they’re in their own. I’m not saying make them your drink buddy or let them throw ragers but a place to experiment in a safe environment. But parent don’t parent nowadays. This “trick” won’t work. If they do attribute shitting their brains out when they drink, it’ll be to the thing they drank the first time not alcohol in general. But by all means be a shitty parent, if you thought this up and thought it a good idea to post it online I’m sure you’re doing much worse shit to your kids.
And another note. Controlling your kids is the worst way to try to correct behavior they’ll rebel against it even harder. You need to teach them consequences so they make the right decision when the time comes. I deal with college kids way too often and the sheltered ones that had no room to make mistakes and learn from them. Are the absolute worst with underage drinking and drug abuse. Source: way too many times cleaning vomit from my car( I drive uber)
I've heard of putting tons of salt in a beer so that it's nasty, and that way the teen thinks it's disgusting (or, more than most beers are, anyway).
Highly prosecutable - good way to lose your kids. social services or funeral services.
I'm not taking the shitpost as far as you, but you made me think about how alcohol AND laxatives are dehydrating. It's a double whammy.
Great for the kidneys- we're talking kids, kids who could have undetected underlying organ dysfunction yet to manifest. Hell of a diagnostic approach.
Mf this ain’t unethical this is straight up ILLEGAL
Ah yes. Everyone knows that kids drink their first drink with their parents.
This could be debated as ethical if you have utilitarian values, because as you mention, it’s possible the ends justify the means.
I’m not saying I personally agree with it or that the average person would see it that way, but there are a variety of ethics systems out there.
Saying you "Would never actually do this" kinda goes about the whole point of ULPT.
If YOU don't even believe in the tip you're offering, why bother ?
This sub is about "LIFE TIPS", not about discussing ethical dillemas....
Also, this tip is literally shit, and almost guaranteed to ruin trust and chance of decent relationship with your children.
Unironically a better idea for this sub
Is this a joke lol
My dad gave me a non alcoholic beer as a kid, I was so excited thinking it would be fun. Tasted like ass, I didn’t get drunk, and I didn’t figure it out it was fake for years. It did discourage me from trying alcohol insanely young but I did finally try a real drink at 17
The best gift you can give someone for their 21st birthday is a hangover so epic that it takes days before they can even hear the word "beer" without feeling queasy.
Or give them Foster's. It worked on me
The majority of kids aren't having their first drink with their family, probably.
Syrup of ipecac works also
Alcoholism and diarrhea already go hand in hand.
Whiskey shits and what not
Gut rot
This would maybe work in Springfield, but it wouldn't in Arlen.
Illegal? Yes
Jokes on you, I actually do get the shits when I am hungover, instead of throwing up. And I still drink lol
Alcohol destroys your gut fauna; almost all alcoholics and heavy drinkers have horrendous bowel problems.
All these butthurt people with kids out here with pitchforks. This is the unethical sub for a reason.
Go even further, spike their chocolate too /s
why stop there?? spike their partners, their bad influence friends, their cars, their weed, their cumsocks, their piss discs, their hot topic (do kids still shop at hot topic?) clothes, their makeup, their social media profiles, their favorite pair of shoes... SPIKE EVERYTHING!!
spiked cumsock sounds like a torture device
No kink shaming, please.
Instructions unclear. Dick is stuck in spikes
alternatively, and weird given the sub, you could just have a conversation about your kid about peer pressure and offer them subtle, no-judgement outs when they feel like they're being pressured to do something they don't want to (texting parent something, parent calls with "emergency" or faux "get back home right now", child gets picked up/finds taxi home out of situation)
Plot twist: it's your kids first drink of alcohol and you find out that your kid actually is allergic to alcohol. You just threw flame on a fire and fuck your kid up for life.
The amount of laxatives in a glass of wine to cause this effect would be a ridiculous amount, it wouldn't even be wine at that point. This is the real world, not cartoons OP.
So they learn wine tastes horrible at the same time. Seems like a win-win situation to me.
At that point you've already got the dumbest 15 year old in the world I guess, so why not go for the trifecta?
That's a gateway drug to roofies!
This brings back memories of my mother lining up me and my three siblings every night to give us each a spoonful of grape Dimetapp cough syrup, just to make us sleep. Looking back, it was an awful parenting choice. Even now, at 42, I can’t stomach anything with that artificial grape flavor—it makes me gag every time. The memory of that nightly "sleep aid" still lingers, and not in a good way. Please, don’t do this to your kids.
More of a pro tip on how to ensure your kids never come to visit when you're older, although maybe you've already crossed that point
This is the kind of creative parenting we need nowadays!
When you offer your teenager their first cigar are you gonna put dynamite in it, like the Wiley coyote
You know they're going to switch the glasses.
Or get them drunk enough to have the mother of all hangovers the next day. That did it for me 😂
Why don’t you just teach them how to properly drink? My dad thought me at 15 I can say I’ve never been blackout drunk and hate the feeling of being drunk, also, I don’t get tipsy very quickly either
This sub seems like a bad idea.
Listen Mr Cosby, spiking drinks is a terrible idea.
How long before they figure out that you did it? Not long. And they'll remember that, not in a positive way. I'd be furious at the deception and (technically) poisoning.
Expect unexpected spiking of your own food and drinks when you're old.
Whats wrong wirh you hope u aint got kids
Read the very first word of the subreddit
Read the rest of the subreddit - it should have a benefit and not traumatize and break any trust with your kids.
If you don't like them give them up for adoption or send them to another country. Like this you don't benefit at all
Well to be fair this is going a little beyond being unethical
No man. Fuck you.
I think this is horribly inaccurate. I've heard the less controversial opinion to give kids alc so it's common place and they know what's up. It's when they don't know what will happen that makes it dangerous.
Lead by example. Not by words.
Also, I'm pretty sure this could cause lethal dehydration if done wrong. Both the squirts and alcohol is double whammy anti water retention.
One potential outcome - say the kids found out and resent you for the rest of your stupid life, for being dishonest and manipulative.
Not everyone will grow up to abuse alcohol though…..
Not with that attitude
Terrible idea.
The only advantage is letting your kids know you are an unsafe parent.
Way to give your kids a weird kink, OP.
Don't want your family to get in a car crash? Burst their tyres so they can't drive!
So, your assumption is that Every Teenager in the World is Constantly Just Dying to drink? That's....weird. YOU might have always been obsessed with when your next drink would be during high school, but I wasn't. None of my friends were either, as far as I could tell. I was aware of some people who did drink a lot in high school but they were the exception, and they weren't the kind of kids I was hanging out with.
Having diarrhea will not keep an alcoholic from drinking. It's not as simple as you're trying to make it.
My first alcoholic drink was the beer my dad was drinking
Or just tell them beer and wine mix just great. Oh, hangover? You must be one of those people who shouldn’t drink at all.
This is evil I love it
Seems like a very easy way to have unintended consequences for a hypothetical strategy, just teach your kid good drinking habits
Slow clap