Looking for life experience.

Posted by mustachedmarauder@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 25 comments

I believe this is allowed here. If I'm wrong delete please. But to the point.

I'm a 27 year old man who has led a relatively boring life. Gratituded highschool starting working. And that's pretty much it. I live in Michigan where I was born and raised. Moved around in Michigan but thags the extent on moving. I've visited Canada and Mexico. As well as other US states. Driven from Michigan to Florida been to California.

But I want like more life experiences I would absolutely love to live in a different country. And my experiences with the places I have been and living in Michigan I know that I HATE being to hot(I'm going to use Fahrenheit). But here in Michigan it can get well below Zero in the winter. And it can get into the 100s. I don't mind the cold but it limits the amount of time I can do the one thing I love most in the world. Riding Motorcycles.

So here is my ask. Input on places where I could live for a period of time find a job (I have experience in manufacturing with welding and working with CNC equipment and working on vehicles but open to anything really) and with that job have a simple life somewhere else in the world just ride motorcycles and explore where I'm staying at that time.

So this place ideally wouldn't be to hot. (Again Fahrenheit) Like 55-75 is ideal temperature for me.

I struggle with languages but immersion helps significantly.

So, main asks a place with a forgiving and understanding population that wouldn't mind a "dumb American" hanging around and had weather and environment cohesive with riding motorcycles. Also getting a Motorcycle and riding it ideally wouldn't be impossible or extremely difficult. And able to find a job and make a living.

Almost Everything about Spain is super appealing to me. But I hear it's difficult to get in. And the language would be a huge barrier. Portugal as well. Maybe on the hot side for both of them but gorgeous countrys. I'm just thinking about riding a motorcycle along Spains Southern coast.

I thought about new Zealand I read that they had a labor shortage and it looks like a gorgeous country to ride in as well.

A big limiting factor for me is my financial situation has never been amazing and I don't have any degrees or certifications to allow me to make tons of money and my education isn't the best. I'm not stupid by any means and willing to learn just not easy where I'm at.

Long winded post asking for input on something I've been thinking about for a while hopefully it's allowed and hopefully I get some input. (Obviously if I decide on a place I'd visit for a short period fitst before jumping in)