Realistic timeline
Posted by itauditneed@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 37 comments
Is 3 years a realistic timeline to go from 0-1500 hours working a 9-5 office job where I can fly before, after and weekends
Posted by itauditneed@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 37 comments
Is 3 years a realistic timeline to go from 0-1500 hours working a 9-5 office job where I can fly before, after and weekends
I’ll go against what everyone else is saying…disco June 30, 2021, and I just got 2200 yesterday. I work a full time job completely unrelated to flying. I CFI’d to build the large majority of my hours after 250. It’s definitely been a massive commitment, but it’s doable
itauditneed@reddit (OP)
Are you at 2200 with no airline job?
Hot dog. Do you fly 6pm to midnight every day?
lol there are plenty of times it has felt like it
No. Even for a full time person who went to an accelerated school like an atp. In 2/3 years flying once a week youll probably get to a place where you can get a low time job. Then you have 1100 hours left to build
First flight was 2/14/22 Currently at 1200 hours
itauditneed@reddit (OP)
Is this while working full time?
No my entire life became flying for 2 years
That’s the way. I did it in 3.
You have to be obsessive though. It became what I did, thought, studied, and daydreamed for those 3 years. Makes you loathe it towards the end so it comes with its consequences.
No my entire became flying for 2 years
5 years if your lucky
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Is 3 years a realistic timeline to go from 0-1500 hours working a 9-5 office job where I can fly before, after and weekends
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While working another job? Hell no. I did my first flight in a small plane to 121 right seat in 2 years but that was a grind
Probably double that…. 6 years.
3 years is for a full timer
I had a full time job while earning ratings and hours. It did indeed take me 6 years from 0 to regional.
I kept my office job while hitting the flying pretty hard. I just checked my logbook, I had 700 hours after the first 3 years. Maybe I could have flown more, but I was already making pretty big sacrifices at work and at home. It would be a pretty big stretch to more than double that amount of flying.
I flew 400 hours this year and it's my full time job. You really think you're going to go from 0 to 1500 hours in 3 years while ALSO having a full time job? Lol
Going to be very difficult with a full time job. Took me just over 3 years in the north east while working part time at dicks Sporting goods and was a grind. Started flying January 2020 started at a 121 carrier April 2023.
Been flying almost 3 years and about to finish my certs. Let alone I’m at 300 hours. Unrealistic sorry to say
One thing I didn’t see anyone else mention is the job market. Nobody can tell you what it will look like at the end of those 3 years.
Don’t bank on starting now, getting to 1,500 hours in 3 years, and a regional picking you up immediately. The people getting CJO’s right now that I’ve talked to are all waiting ~6 months for a class date, at least.
Keeping your full time job and progressing as fast as you can manage while not getting into debt is a good plan.
It took me nearly 5 years. Worked full time in finance. Started Aug 2017. Regional April of 22, fractional in late 22 now at a major in late 2023.
I was pushing hard. Totally blowing off work sometimes burning the candle from both ends for sure. I think it would be really tough to do it any faster.
An important piece of information you're leaving out is which region of the country do you live in / plan on completing your training in? If you're in FL or AZ you should be able to fly mostly year round. Where I live training grinds to a halt during the winter.
itauditneed@reddit (OP)
In in southern California
Pretty sure right now in California people are waiting like 4-6 months for a check ride
I worked full time while owning my own plane and flying pipeline part time. The most I have flown is 400 hours in a year, which does not include commute to airport, preflight, post flight fueling, etc.. The hardest part will be getting your CFI and I could see that taking over a year since gaining the knowledge will slow down progress. I know some CFIs that teach after work and on the weekends. Anything over 6-10 hours is tough just due to weather and finding students that need to work around a 9-5 job.
Your mileage will vary significantly based on location, funding, and your ability to learn.
I started training in November of 2020, CFI in June of 2022, and got my airline job in January of 2024. So that timeline was about 38 months. I was working a full time job and had breaks between checkrides. I did however take advantage of training stipends and grants where I could. This was all in a part 61 school and I have ZERO debt from flight training. All was “pay as I go”. No degree and 1500 hours for my R-ATP.
If your employees as a CFI and get lucky
I got a 10 year plan to go from zero to hero while working full time, that I started in 2021. I seem to be on track, but I'm in europe and only aiming for 250 hours.
If you quit your job, fly or study most days, with the occasional few weeks off every now and then you can get CFII in a year. You can skip ME and MEI for now.
Then a year and half of instructing to get to 1500.
So 2.5 years with minimum breaks and a year off from work until you begin working as a CFI.
Just doing some napkin math, that’d put you at 500hrs/year, or around 10hrs/week of flying.
Is that possible? Maybe…if you have a flexible job, you could do an hour a day, the stars align, and Manwè blesses the winds for you…
But to do that everyday for 3 years? Not a chance. Aside from exhaustion, you’re going to run into weather and mx delays…soon your “1 hour a day” hypothetical quickly turns into 3hrs…then 5…then 27th a day to stay on pace.
This is very dependent on multiple factors. Speed of learning, instructor/plane availability, DPE availability, how many hours/month as a CFI, weather, etc. In a perfect world, I’d say it’s possible. 1500 hours isn’t a magic ticket to the airlines anymore either. What’s the rush anyway?
Not even close.
I started 2022 January, full time job throughout. I now hold CMEL: Instrument at 500 total hours. If I can get a flying job soon, may be I'll be able to hit 1500 in another two years.
Once you get your certificates, what is your plan to build time? 0-1500 in 3 years is certainly possible, but it depends on which path you take.
There are courses which allow you to get your ratings quickly, but if you plan on instructing, a 9-5 office job might make that difficult.
Not realistic. You’ll need to commit to earning ratings full time and then CFI/time build full time to accomplish that timeline. Even then…. It will be tough.
Nope. 3 years is basically min for someone that eats, breathes, and sleeps this shit. And it still requires a bit of luck
Absolutely not