Has anyone here had an actually positive experience on one of these things?
Posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxc@reddit | Autos | View on Reddit | 41 comments

According to literally everything I’ve read online, that doesn’t seem to be possible, this one has had no issues at all (yet), we owned this one since brand new and it’s currently at 89k miles.
I got laid in one once. That was pretty positive.
There's not much positive if you get laid and be positive afterwards?
Me too, best car my sister ever had!
Roll tide
One time I got paid a lot of money to fix one. That is positive for me!
I’m stepfather buys them all the time to flip after repair. Most have broken timing belts. He makes $2-3k off of each for one week of work.
Yeah man these things are good mines! Buy it, OP, and tell your friends they should all drive them too.
My friend who’s sleeps in the same building had an equinox 2014 with 271000miles on it and never seen any breakdowns except the battery died. It has 200k miles on it when he got it and it still hasn’t come any major repair we traveled from Kansas to Massachusetts when it has already reached 200k on it . Dm me if you interested in
Pretty positive experience, I sold it for $3500 with 150k miles.
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Dated a girl that had an LTZ with the 3.6 and a friend's wife had an LT with the 4 banger. Both were hot garbage, sounded like tin cans on the road, had no balls whatsoever, and I hated both of them. Other than that, an alright vehicle.
2nd gen Equinox? Had it's twin, a 2012 Terrain. I liked it. It did exactly what a commuter appliance should, and was enjoyable enough while doing it. As others have pointed out, the 4 banger has oil consumption and timing chain issues. Our local scrap guy was rocking one with like 280k on it, said he was using about a quart every 100 miles when he decided it was over.
We bought ours as a CPO with around 7,000 miles on it. The sales rep and the sticker on the window both pushed doing oil changes at 10-15% life remaining on the monitor. I ended up just doing 5k intervals, which was like 20-25% life remaining. Around 60,000 miles it was using about 1 qt every 3k. Of course GM said it needed to be more than 1 qt every 1k to be considered an issue. By 72k it was rattling, bad. Timing chain guide broke. This is where I got annoyed. Dealer claimed 5k was WAAAAAAAAY too long on an oil change. 3k max. I caused this. And, GM had a service bulletin and extended coverage for exactly these 2 issues (guide breakage and excessive consumption), but only on 2011 and earlier models. My 2012 was improved, no extended coverage.
So a well maintained ride seeing full synthetic oil changes more often than the manual recommended had failures because i didn't change oil often enough and had design changes that meant it wouldn't have those problems it was having anyway. Shelled out like $1700 and left a bad taste.
As an insurance adjuster I’ve totaled many of them. I always felt I was doing the world a service.
I had to do a double-take: I thought I was in r/justrolledinforscrap
I kept mine for 14 years. One of my favorite cars that I’ve owned over the years. The first 5 years were completely trouble free.
So, only 9 years of troubles?
I briefly dated a girl who drove one. She gave me head in the car several times, so that was a great experience.
This sort of thing seems to be the majority of positives.
A pre-2008-bankruptcy GM product? You're fighting a losing battle there, my dear...
I'm positive they are total PoS
Drain and fill the trans fluid religiously. The transmissions are pretty terrible
If it has the 4 cylinder engine, it will have oil consumption issues( burning excessive amounts of oil between changes). My recommendation is to check and add oil every 2.5k to 3k miles if you do 5k change intervals, or you can just change the oil every 3.5k miles. If you can keep oil in it, it's a decent car.
I had a lot of customers trade them in and buy something decent, does that count?
We rented the GMC version of one in Hawaii. That was pretty damn amazing. Truth be told, the car had very little to do with that.
Grandparents had one and it never gave them any issues. They loved it because it was so basic on the inside they actually knew how to use everything.
I have a 2018 and I love the thing.
Had one for 90k miles, no issues other than slooooww
My wife had one and it had a ton of problems around 110k. Different parts and sensors going out, things like that. Finally got an engine code I couldn’t clear so we took it to a dealer. Turns out it needed a new motor. I sold it to a dealership and bought her an Impala.
Impala hopefully didn't have the same engine
Nah. I got her a 2013 LTZ with the 3.6. The equinox had a 4 banger.
Had ours for about 8 years and 120,000 miles. It was a good little car other than the backup camera going in and out randomly after year 6.
I think anyone that has a “positive” experience with an equinox simply doesn’t know enough to understand that they’re driving one of the worst modern cars produced. Pure garbage.
Back when car rentals were cheap I had one for a week and it was one of the better experiences I've had in a rental car.
That’s a stupid comment.
I drove a rental once and it got to my destination. That’s good isn’t it?
I have 300,000 on mine, original engine/transmission, no major issues.. seriously. I guess I’m just lucky.
This guy oil changes
Had a family member do the same.
Please don’t make me look at it