What used GPU to upgrade from 1050ti
Posted by biwllu@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 14 comments
Current specs:
i7 10700f
16 ddr4
Mini ITX case and motherboard
500/550w EVGA power supply from 8 years ago, makes worried about the wattage on some of the parts
1050 ti
GPU upgrade options (all cad $)
3070 used for mining - 280
2070 (super) - 250
6600xt - 250
5700(xt) - 200 -225
2060 super 180
5600xt - 125
Or I get one of these and wait for 5000 series launch
6500xt - 80
1660 ti/super - 100
You need a CPU upgrade….
biwllu@reddit (OP)
I'm out here running a 1050ti and bro said I need to upgrade my cpu
I didnt say dont get a new gpu, I just stated you could use a cpu upgrade.
biwllu@reddit (OP)
if i get a new cpu that would mean new motherboard which would most likely mean new ddr5 ram just tell me to get a new pc at that point
I was trying to subtly tell you that.
I’m Canadian (Vancouver) and am familiar with what used GPU prices are around here. That’s a decent deal on the 3070 (though prices could come down a bit further after the 50 series launch), so I’d go for that if your PSU can handle it. The 2070S and 5700 XT are too expensive. The 6600 XT is worth about $190, and the 2060S about $150
If thats your budget there is no reason to wait for 5000 series. Id look for a 6700 or maybe an intel card.
If that's a EVGA 500 W1 model it's commonly referred to as a bomb waiting to go off. I had one years ago.... and bit the bullet and got a Corsair RM850x Shift which is ATX 3.1 and PCI-E 5.1 certified.
Power supply could be an issue, like you said. I’d personally recommend the 6600xt, but I’d be more comfortable with a 650W PSU to go with it.
biwllu@reddit (OP)
I think 6600xt should be fine cuz my cpu is only 65w
Would buy a new reasonably priced and or intel gpu new.
There is a PC in my school that has a GTX 1050 (non Ti) and it also has an i7 Processor 6700 (non K)