What will happen to my friend? (Housing)

Posted by ClockworkSkyy@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 20 comments

I have a friend who's privately renting through an agent however a few months ago they lost their job and for the last three months haven't paid rent. Legal action has been threatened but the council have advised her to remain in the property until baliff eviction. (She has a kid). Her partner is contemplating boarding the doors/windows up to stop the inevitable eviction. Realistically what will happen to them other than eviction? They're penniless currently and have zero assets worth anything.

Other than eventual court eviction what else is likely to happen? They're riding on the back of the councils advice to remain and the partner has took it as a message to board up the house with only upstairs window ladder access. They're in full belief that nothing will happen and if they board up the house really well then that will prevent eviction.

The partner has recently gone down this 'adverse possession' rabbit hole and I'm convinced this has a part to play in their choices.