Pickpockets were a real problem for a brief fashion period.
Posted by OkPie8905@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 233 comments

I only got my bike stolen. Lots. But hey, still had an empty wallet on a chain.
The chain was really handy for pulling your wallet out of a 3ft deep JNCO back pocket.
It was like pulling up a crab pot
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain...... you might be a redneck....
We were crab people
Kind of like that, but a crab pot may actually have something in it when you pull it up.
Well, more than just a funky smell, anyway.
And the VELCRO rip
Or SNAP SNAP, if you had the black leather wallet!
Might have had a fraying roach attached every now and then.
Typically empty and unusually smelly?
Dangerous catch lookin ass
Came here to say this is why I started wearing one. JNCO and Levi Pipes required a chain, especially at lunch time!
I was gonna say...I don't think I've ever seen one of those belt-chain combos on a pair of pants so...high.
And shirt tucked in
Who tucks in a t-shirt anyway!?
That was the fashion in the eighties.
Wallet chains are 90s
and it is currently in fashion again
One doesn't buy a belt like that just to hide it underneath a shirt.
Personally, I don't tuck my shirts, but I don't buy interesting belts.
Someone who wants to show off their wallet chain.
It’s been 84 years….
I miss carrying a couple of hardback books in my pocket for when I got bored... my other pocket had a brick of a cellphone
I remember stealing a loaf of bread from the dining hall in my pocket. Yeah I was still wearing ridiculous pants as a freshman in college.
Mine didn't survive to college. Too much water damage.
Wallet didn't even reach the bottom of the pocket, just dangled
wallet chains were the shit, and this picture is a terrible example.
I used to go way overboard. I had 8 in total; 4 on one side and 4 on the other, with one being a bike-lock chain that went past my knee, and it was incredibly loud. I was referred to as "Jacob Marley" in high school.
Now though? I'm not about to be a 43 year old suburban dad with a wallet chain.
I LOL'ed IRL when you said "Jacob Marley". Thanks for cracking me up, dude.
I fucking wheezed.
Ok, that's pretty over the top.
I had a couple friends who used those colourful plastic loops for shower curtains as wallet chains.
Halloween is the perfect time to wear a wallet chain at 43 though! Especially in the overly conservative Christian suburbs of NC! 🤣
Man what kind of magnet high school did you go to where the kids all got the reference to Jacob Marley?
You forgetting this guy??
I should specify, it was from teachers haha.
Husband is 41yo suburban dad who hasn't been chainless since one brief period, in which he promptly lost his wallet.
Looks great with the cargo shorts rofl
I understand. Some off us never grow out of the mittens on strings phase of life because we just lose our shit, mysteriously.
I commend him for his fortitude.
He's certainly a man of uncommon commitment.
Damn, he might be one of the last. I haven’t seen a wallet chain in the wild for a long time.
Traded in the wallet chain for a cell phone clip on your belt, eh?
NEVER. I may be a suburban dad but I have limits. Tucking a casual shirt into denim is also a major dad move, which I refuse as well.
Tucked into khaki shorts with a belt is the worst.
How are the New Balances working out for ya?
I'm learning to manage the pain in my lower back just fine, thank you.
I will never feel cooler than the day I got my wallet chain.
We used to go to the pet store and get long choker leads, some of them would drag on the ground. We thought we were so cool.
I do wearine on occasion, mostly to gigs though. Or on holiday when I genuinely dont want to be ripped off lol
Lollll Jacob Marley
Never seen more than one at once, but I remember it being coolest to have them longer, so rightttt above the ground length was best
LMAO! I didn’t have more than one, but still went way overboard. I’d go to Home Depot to get large chains cut & use a carabiner to hook them to the belt loop.
Wasn’t until the very end of that fad that clubs started treating them as weapons (was a raver, most of my clubs weren’t violent at all.)
that's a point I should have highlighted: these accoutrements weren't considered weapons. I went to school and concert venues with chains, spiked bracelets, and those ostentatious claw rings they sold at Hot Topic, and no one thought twice about them.
I knew tons of guys who did this 😂
Ouch. This forced me to realize that my wallet was, in fact, usually empty when I was in my wallet chain phase. Except for the expired condom that never ended up getting used.
Unused expired condom, school ID, and the little cheat sheet me and my friends used for beeper codes. That was it.
I would hope the wallet condom wasn't a used condom...
Recycled condoms, turn it inside out and you're ready to go
hahaha, I meant "condom that would never get used"
Never used condom that left a permanent indented circle in your wallet.
Oh I know, I just couldn't pass up the joke
School ID? I had a key card in college, but highschool ID sounds unthinkable
Nawh, Lifetouch photos started doing them, but that might've been the last two years? (Class of '99). But was hokey, no school photos, no ID. I think.
I’ll have you know I also got to hold onto the Blockbuster card sometimes as well.
I had one on my key chain
A condom?
Yup, then someone pointed out that it looked pretty old and was expired.
It was gone later that day
I feel so called out.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Or that one note that really meant something once
The one that mom gave you that said she was really proud of you
She was not proud of it being kept next to the unused condom however.
Better than being next to a used condom
She gave me one too.
Dude in the picture has it clipped belt loop to belt loop. Can't even afford the empty wallet (probably the expired condom, though).
Holy shit I feel personally attacked
Just to add extra insult, the wallet also makes that broke ass Velcro sound when you open it up lol
The unused condom is only slightly better than the time my best friend pulled one out with his cash to pay for a couple of CD’s at a local music shop. Guy handed it back telling he might need that. Hilarious.
Yeah expired condoms are gross. Definitely better to eat them fresh
Based off of Victorian women's fashion . . The evolution of the purse chain.
More often people would just break into my locker to steal my stuff. Hard to avoid prying eyes while opening your locker when it's in front of the Cafeteria because Yer a Building Trades student. Fun class despite the scars.
They’ve been back in style again the past couple years. I bought one online for the hell of it. Haven’t used it yet, but when I do, it’ll be with way more swagger than those kids doing it now.
that "wallet" chain is just attached to the belt loops.
Who gave my stepdad a gift card to Hot Topic?
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Wait till you see the hello kitty backpack!
You laugh but I totally came upon a guy delivering fists to the face of a long haired dude in the pit at a Tool concert one time. Guy had him by the hair and dude was screaming “It’s my wallet MY WALLET!” and he totally had a wallet in his hands so I broke it up and lo and behold, the wallet was attached to a chain and it was connected to Mr. Punchy Man. He said “it’s actually my fucking wallet dickhead”, then proceeded to push the long haired guy (Mr Thief) at me who stood up in front of me (still holding the other guy’s wallet). Mr Punchy Man threw a fuckin haymaker and Mr. Thief ducked. And that’s the story of how I got knocked out in the pit of a Tool concert.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Took one for the team!
I'm pretty sure the chain in that picture is just connecting two belt loops.
This just makes me think of this big goth guy I hung out with in high school. He always had chains like this (often more than one) and would try to hide them whenever campus security came around. You could hear him coming down the hall from a mile away, so he often got caught.
Before graduation day we went to Home Depot and got a cubic fuckload of chain and rigged them up so he was wearing something like (IIRC) eight or nine chains of various thicknesses under his graduation robes. He was about 6’2 and 280 lbs, so he could carry a lot, but his pants kept falling down so we tried to make chain suspenders … that went about as well as you’d expect. He said wearing it was insanely uncomfortable but worth the two seconds where, as he was about to walk out onto the stage to accept his diploma, he flashed the campus security guard his hidden chains and had a good chuckle.
Man, doing stupid shit without feeling the need to film it was awesome. Fuenc
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
That is hilarious!
Poser chain
Glad someone else saw that.
Maybe this is why they got their bike stolen a lot, they didnt know the bike lock went through the bike frame
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Probably a false alarm
I still wear my chain wallet. Never stopped, really.
I’m still a sucker for a guy with a chain wallet. I never really got over my bad boy phase.
they banned them at my school very quickly.
Definitely had a wallet chain. Loved it too.
Gadzooks has entered the chat
Gadzooks was awesome! I got my first JNCOs there.
I got my first pleather pants there. Ended up wearing them in my senior picture
My wallet chain got stuck in the folding theater seat when I saw Independence Day and I had to leave it 😭
Both chain clasps are connected to belt loops, not a wallet, though.
I was always fine with the chain wallet and the pants chain. Did both at different points. But I've also leaned more into metal and goth fashion growing up and still to this day, so it works with that.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Yup. picked this pick as a joke cause it’s silly and not dissing goths
I had an adidas wallet with a chain. The wallet was white and it zipped all the way around. I wore it so that the chain would run across the front, almost pocket to pocket. It was very much not cool.
Mine was a glittery turquoise vinyl that I got at Hot Topic. 🔥
I still use the black leather one I got at hot topic in 1997. It refuses to die. The sick skull and tribal flair are long since worn off. I rocked a 3’ stainless bicycle chain that was great at snagging me on things as I walked by and banging against my knee.
I still wear a chain wallet. I don't give two shits lol. Have been for about 30 years. Of course, mine is a really nice Fred Perry with a thinner, brass chain. It's not your typical cheap biker style. I get asked about it all the time because it is so unique. I stopped wearing them for about a week once and immediately lost my wallet. I immediately started wearing it again lol. I'm 43 and will probably go out with one on lol. I'm a heavily tattooed guy so wearing one of these isn't out of the norm for what people know me to wear usually.
I mean coming out of the 80s mugging and pickpockets were a real thing in bigger us cities. Often times our fashion choices are born out of necessity
It was also useful in high school when you had degenerates for friends who would try to grab your wallet for fun. It was also great if you had a nice solid wallet and heft chain and you could use it as a weapon lol
Made my chain with a swivel eye bolt and some truckers chain cut down with a hacksaw. Once that thing got up to speed spinning it by the carabiner it was dangerous
I keep my house keys on a chain like this even today. I just got tired of them falling out of my pocket.
Those chains were useful to me. I kept my keys hooked on a carabiner attached at the front end of the chain & hooked on a belt loop, & that saved me from accidentally locking my keys in my car more than once. Either the chain would keep the door from closing & locking on me if I dropped my keys, or I could finangle them out from the bottom of the door using the chain. 😂
The chain also saved my wallet from getting lost while sliding out of the stupidly shallow back pockets of women's pants.
I would still use one if I wore jeans more often, but I've moved onto wearing boot cut yoga pants that don't have belt loops, or maxi dresses.
That's the rinkiest lookin' wallet chain I've ever seen! Somebody pulled that out of a toilet tank! :D
There’s not even a wallet involved.
Dude just has the chain linked between two belt loops
Its also not attached to a wallet, its just to the belt loops what the hell?
Haha, for real. My wallet chain in high school could double as a bear leash. This thing would break lifting my wallet out of my back pocket so deep you could stash a whole Nintendo in it.
This person's crotch is mystifying
we all laugh, but I had a chain wallet and when i removed the chain, my wallet actually did get stollen :(
It was always funny that most of the people that had chain wallets didn't have any money.
I distinctly remember having 20 dollars to my teenage name, going to the skate shop, buying an alien workshop wallet for 20 dollars, and walking away happy with an empty wallet and no money to put in it for the foreseeable future.
The fashion was real.
I thought it was for when you fell off your bike or skateboard and all the stuff in your pockets went flying. Yard sale! At least you didn't lose your wallet.
I've got a buddy who uses a log chain on his wallet to this day (we are in our 40s). I appreciate it because everywhere we go I just have to listen jingle jangle to find him
I had a genuine No Fear brand one in grade 6. Certified bad ass right here.
I still use the wallet I bought with a chain from the Alley in Chicago back when I was in high school.
Senior trip to Cancun it saved the $20 or whatever my broke a$$ had. I was looking at sunglasses at a kiosk when the store clerk was distracting me on which look best while his wife picked my wallet from behind. I suddenly feel a tug and see her holding my wallet. The one time that thing actually helped me.
Naw they were really handy when you have to make some asshole eat chain when he wouldn't shut up about his damn Nazi beliefs at the Machine shop in 97'
Where I grew up they were mostly to balance out not having legal knives but still having to deal with people who carried knives.
This thread is the pick-me-up I needed after that post about Gaiman.
Did chain wallets ever go away? My 71 year old dad has one.
Long story short; it was never about pickpockets. It started in skate culture, where baggier pants also came from, as a way to not drop your wallet and keys during tricks. Then it spread. Many didn't have jeanco but instead Dickies or psycho cowboy,mænd airwalk shoes.
It started with motorcyclists.
Exactly. Gotta make sure you don’t lose your wallet while riding.
🤔 I don't think you're wrong. No.. hm.
I use one now. I dislike purses due to my mom getting hers grabbed and taken when I was fifteen and women's pockets are a joke so I use a chain in case my wallet tries to slide out of my pocket. I typically wear a watered down "trad goth" look in my day to day attire though so it doesn't look too weird.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Women’s clothing has never been conducive to pockets. It’s the biggest fraud you have forced on each other. Embrace practicality, get functional pockets!
i lengthen the pockets in all my pants - i've got fat quarters and the ability to sew and i'm not afraid to make sure my shit doesn't fall out of my pockets when i sit down.
If I had any reals business skills (or money) I'd consider opening up a clothing store for women called "The Pocket Store" or something like this and exclusively sell clothing with good useable pockets. It's a niche waiting to be filled.
'It's a niche waiting to be filled.' -- coincidentally the perfect description of a pocket!
There are no coincidences, only Zuul.
I was thinking a niche alteration business. "Nothing but pockets" you could even have a catalogue of interesting fabrics to choose from.
These days, I pretty much only wear yoga pants or dresses/skirts. But back in my jean wearing days, I remember my husband being absolutely baffled at how tiny the pockets were.
I always thought the chain was for bike riders to tether their wallet in case they slide out while riding. Your use case makes a lot of sense.
That is the origin, yes. I wear a chained wallet and always have. I ride.
I grew up around a MC. Everyone had one because it's just practical.
Was good for crowd surfing
The guy in the picture is a poser. Like others have said: no jncos and a tucked-in shirt
I never wore one but loved it when guys would accidentally pick up their chair with it getting out of their seat. Teacher once said, “I know you’re punk, but you ain’t stealing that chair. “
Lord, the amount of times I got stuck in one of those desk/chair combos because my sick wallet chain was all tangled up in the apparatus…
Maybe it's because I'm from that time, but I still use a chained wallet.
I used to wear 6 thick dog chains attached to my wallet. It was kind of heavy but I loved the noise they made. I did not enjoy them getting stuck in the school chairs, specifically between the legs and the seat. There is one time I think my wallet chains saved me. I was walking home from a friend's house. It was 2am-3am. I knew it wasn't safe (not great neighborhood). I was 17 or 18 yrs old. I had two guys in a van circle the block l was on looking at me each time they passed. In order to go home I had to walk under a train bridge. When I got under there, they passed me again stopped, turned around, drove a little ahead of me. I felt unsafe as hell. The passenger guy opened his door. I took my wallet chains from my pants and wrapped them around my hand. The driver was looking at me doing this with my chains. He said something to the passenger and the door closed again and they sped off. I am convinced if I didn't have those wallet chains, something bad would have happened to me.
Mainly it just made fishing my wallet out of my JNCOs more feasible.
I went to work on my first day as a teller wearing one of those belts and they politely said that I should rethink the casual belt.
I got the last laugh though Washington Mutual went out of business.
I had to hide my chain from my dad. He insisted it was gang related and wouldnt let me wear it.
I mean, I wouldn't use the word "fashion".
My wallet chain is for practical purposes...so I don't lose my wallet. I lost my wallet twice in a year when I was a teenager, so my dad suggested a wallet chain. I've never lost it since.
Besides the bikers and fashion I thought we wore them to keep from losing them when skateboarding or other trick sports
Aside from chain wallets, I was terrified after watching a local news segment on getting your wallet stolen at the mall, and i was maybe 13, and to this day I have never carried a wallet in my back pocket.
I thought the chains looked dumb as hell then and still do to this day.
Brief? Shiiiit I still got a chain wallet lol
I still wear one, but for its original intended purposes. So, it's not long or very noticeable, but I never lose my wallet on the road.
My fun 90's time was when I made my own out of hemp and wood beads, way longer than it needed to be.
My buddy used to go to Simple Plan concerts with bolt cutters...
Chains were utilized by motorcycle riders, as the wallets would tend to slip out of the back pocket while riding.
I wanted a wallet chain so bad around 1998 but didn't even know where to get one, then my school banned them because they said they were damaging the desks. So much for that, never did get one.
Nothing turned me on more than a boy with a chain link wallet and some long hair 🤣
I can't tell if you are joking or not
My dad told me we all looked like janitors. (Some of us also had keys on the belt loop end).
Is there a problem with that?
Shirt tucked in.
Pants to your nipples.
Weak ass chain.
This is some hello fellow kids shit.
By the time I was in high school the wallet chain wasn’t cool.
Which couldn’t be said for long key lanyards that hung out of the pocket.
I had one from '96-'21. As a kid i lost my wallet a lot and the old man would get furious about having to take me to get a new dependent id. New job working with high voltage lines in '21. Now i have one of them waterproof lanyard cases, but loop it around a belt loop and in a side pocket.
Nah man, it was so it didn't fall out when we were doing Xtreme sports.
Nothing says hardcore grunge/punk quite like a way-too-short wallet chain with a tucked in camo t-shirt!
Your Jencos weren't broke in until the lower portion around the heel was completely worn off.
Aaaah rainy winter day on the California school yard!
One of my obnoxious friends in high school insisted his chain wallet was so secure that no one would even try to take it. So I'd pick pocket him and let him freak out when he noticed it was missing almost daily for a month. If anything, the chain makes it easier to pull out.
In 6th grade my biker dad bought me a wallet with a chain on it and the school told me I was not allowed to wear it. The next year every kid in school had one.
Joke's on y'all; I still wear that kind of chain and belt.
I've never worn my shirt tucked in and pants high like a nerd like that though...
Those were banned at my school
A friend of mine used to torment our other friend (who had the chain wallet thing going) by sneaking up behind him and pull out his wallet every time he wore it. This was a direct result of the chain wallet, not an actual desire to pickpocket.
Look closely.
The chain connects to the front belt loop and then connects in the back to another belt loop.
This is not a chain wallet.
This is just a guy who wears chains.
Afriend of mine had a wallet chain that was an old dog chain and hung to his calf. It was not for protecting his wallet, he would pull it if people were fucking with him and spin it around like he was going to hit them with it and they left him alone.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Was his name Gary?
lol! So close, it was Gerry, but short for Gerald so it was pronounced Jerry. When you posted that name, I had to do a double take.
BTW, that's a great song and I remember buying all those PunkoRama CDs back in the day. I still have a few of them.
I had an awesome one. I miss mine 🥺
Literally saved me from getting my pocket picked at Disneyland once.
I had one:) in ‘96 I went to Germany as an exchange student. I landed in Frankfurt, and the Germans had never seen a thing like that before. They asked my final destination, which was former east Germany and they mentioned the chain was smart🤣
I still have my truckers' wallet from high school. Haven't used it in decades. And it still has a Royal Reserve sticker on it.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Maybe I should of got a bike lock instead that day at Kmart
Have all have the grammar errors I of seen, "should of" is one have the worst.
They used “of” when they should’ve used “have”, and you used “have” when you should’ve used “of”. Was that deliberate on your part??
Have course! Of you got a problem with that?
This made me almost spit out my coffee 🤣🤣🤣
It is, because it makes absolutely no sense. I´ve never seen should of/would of back in school, this must have started at some point in the late 00´s.
Attenzione Pickapocket attenzione!
(Are we allowed to make tik tok jokes here? 😉)
TIL Steve Urkel used a wallet chain
I’m the reason our middle school banned chain wallets
Fuck I miss wallet chains.
Funny enough, I still wear a chain on my wallet. Not for fashion reasons or to prevent pickpocketing, but because I haven't lost a wallet in 26 years. And the chain is smaller than the one shown in this picture.
I remember wearing a wallet chain for a brief period of time. It killed my Grandfather…he mentioned that back in the old days there were “hoodlems” that wore zoot suits too and I was like “oh cool zoot suits…I’d love to have one of those!” Im pretty sure he thought I was going down a questionable path with my life due to my fashion choices!
I would usually have 2 to 4 chains on my wallet, but the high school I went to ban chain wallets because some kid used his chain to choke some other kid during a fight so that was the end of that.
Yes! 😆 🤣 😂
Proud to say I wore chain wallets before they were fashionable because my dad was a trucker / diesel mechanic and so I wanted a wallet like his from when I was little.
By the time chained wallets were fashionable, I’d moved on to pocket watches.
I remember wearing a chain with no wallet attached when I was 7 or 8 to school. I am so glad it didn't end up with me being outed and bullied by the entire school... close call!
Lol no one dressed like this
The redneck kids at my high school loved these. It seems the redneck adults still love them.
I'm not really referring to the individual pieces but the entire high-waisted ensemble.
To be fair I think they were a trend with rednecks and bikers (there’s a lot of overlap in that Venn diagram) before they became a bigger trend for a while, they’ve been wearing them for a long time.
I don’t drive a motorcycle but I would assume it would suck balls to lose your wallet going down the highway, they usually have shorter more practical chains though.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
It wouldn’t be as funny if it was the kid from the sears catalog
I mean I'd argue it would be funnier
A wallet chain with pants pulled up to their chin like Grandpa Simpson? Sure they did /s
Wore mine way too late into the 2000’s
No....was for when we were getting wicked on our BMX bikes or skateboards.
Also came in handy for fights.
Our school banned them at one point, so we started getting creative. I used a phone cord at one point. Someone else used a big ass plastic chain.
I still have mine!!!! It’s respectfully stored in a firesafe box in my home. I like to take it out and look at it occasionally. It has my Blockbuster card still in it. I’m waiting for the day they come back in style. My kids like to laugh at me about it, but you just wait. The time will come.
I just don’t understand why you’d wanna let the pickpocket get all the way around the corner before the chain got pulled tight and let you know
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
It gives you chuck norris roundhouse distance as they run
Good for whackin stuff.
I still use one of these. Not as big, though.
I also have one plus another one so it doesn´t look so lonely. Works if you´re wearing nothing but biker look and ride motorcycles. I barely get any comments on it.
I never stopped… just a smaller more functional chain
I use two: one for my pocket watch and one for my monocle. Just need a third one for my top hat
I bought one (and still use it) a few years ago for the first time since like 97 bc I found pockets were smaller (and pants/shorts tighter/smaller) and I noticed that 1/3 of the time I got off the couch, I found my wallet had fallen out and was lying on the cushion, so I bought it before that inevitably happened, and I lost it, in public
You're a Xennial and not old enough to hike your pants up past your belly button. Come on...
I've had children. All about that tummy control now. 😄
That's what spanxs are for.
Not my wallet, but I kept my keys on a chain I liberated from a dusty college supply closet. Don't have the chain anymore, but I still keep my keys clipped to my pants.
Naw, naw, naw.
Bike chain with a duct-tape wallet.
These chains broke pretty easily, or the the leather clasps on some of them broke pretty easily. I hate to admit it but I was the Asshole that would grab people by their chains and yank on them and break them, but I have obsessive compulsive disorder, and I at that point in my life would repeat the words "yank the chain" over and over outloud or in my head and the intrusive thoughts/repetitive sayings wouldn't cease until I did it. I was a kid, and not understanding of my behavior at the time. My poor parents. I don't know how they dealt with me before I was diagnosed and treated.
OP is waiting on bated breath to respond to any and all comments that may potentially offend them.
Less coffee, dude.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Or chill out I’m joking around
Gotta have something to tie an onion to your belt with.
Was the easiest way to spot a douchebag from 25 yards
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
I bet your jeans never got caught on a box gear
It wasn’t uncommon for the druggies to be the only ones wearing this chain.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
Ya guy in the pic is either selling weed to teens or is a 21 jump street Narc
Shirt tucked in like a greaser
Def must’ve been quite the rash of them in the swing music/dance community.
We had a 'cool priest' who wore this. (University chaplain).