Generally, can people in the UK name a few Australian states in the same way they could probably name a few American states?
Posted by Gazza_s_89@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 439 comments
Do people know much about the geography down under?
Without looking; Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Australia Capital Territory.
With looking; I missed South Australia, I knew Adelaide was in a different state but couldn't remember the name.
I find it really interesting that you have them memorised in a clockwise order from top left. It makes sense, logically, but if you ask an Australian, usually the list would start with a state/s on the East Coast because those states are the most heavily populated.
Eg I would say QLD, NSW, VIC, NT, SA, WA, TAS, ACT. Not sure why that order, but when I think of the states and territories, that's just the order I think.
Someone who lives in the West Coast would probably start their list with WA.
I knew the others but I never heard of ACT has anything notable come from that region?
ACT is the Australian Capital Territory. It's a small territory with its capital being Canberra. It's where parliament is, as well as a bunch of other things. I guess it's kind of equivalent to Washington in the USA.
Ah ok thank you. is curious I’ve never heard of it despite having a passing familiarity with the other territories but I guess I don’t follow Australian politics so I wouldn’t cheers
Don't worry too much - a lot of Aussies forget it exists, too!
Oh no idea why I did it in that order.
It's because Westralia is Bestralia.
Memory goes backwards down under!
(The NT and ACT aren’t states, they’re territories.)
Queensland.. New South Wales… err… Queensland…. Queensland…nope! I’m done! Shameful.
The old Al Murray pub landlord line doesnt work anymore: "Narrow it down, mate - it's ALL the Queen's land".
To be fair, having lived in Queensland, it is very much a Queenslander attitude to believe only Queensland and NSW exist so it’s not as shameful as you think.
New South Wales, New North Wales, New East Wales, and New West Wales. Easy!
New Newport Port
New Swansea Sea
New Newcastle castle
Nope. From north east then going clockwise the 6 states and 2 territories are:
Queens New South Anglia Charles Tanzania South territories of Northern Australia Western Jakarta The Bininj/Mungguy collective
You forgot boganville and shooieland
Apologies you are correct but they are pronounced Guantanamo & Mr Bankrupts
You missed New mid Wales.
You forgot New Zealand
Isn't it New South Zealand
South Australia and Western Australia are also easy to remember 😂
Victoria should be called "Even Souther Australia"
I wish they were consistent though. Why not Southern or West?!
Erinsborough, The Yabba, Denmark, Tasmania, Les Patterson
Forgot the other one
Tasmania has to be one.
Same two for me, can probably name 30+ US states
Isn't Victoria one? I forgot Queensland
Less than nothing.
Other than New South Wales that famously looks nothing like the old south wales.
In general no idea but I’ve been and can name a fair few
I'd be fairly confident I can name all of them. That probably comes from being a cricket fan. Also helps there's only six.
but can you name the remaining 2 territories
Are there not 3?
NT, ACT, JBT? Or is there a technicality I'm not aware of?
The JBT thing is a weird technicality that no one really acknowledges in australia or even knows about - in any case just an internal territory.
New Zealand (North and South Islands) ;-)
And Stewart Island
Northern territory, ACT, Jervis Bay Territory?
Damnit. There goes my PIN, my wife's birthday, and what medication I take!
Jervis, I think, is considered an exclave of ACT, it was a part of NSW originally.
Jarvis bay is its own territory like ACT & NT but the ACT governs its laws
"Although the Jervis Bay Territory is not part of the Australian Capital Territory, the laws of the ACT apply, in so far as they are applicable and, providing they are not inconsistent with an Ordinance, in the Territory by virtue of the Jervis Bay Acceptance Act 1915."
Tasmania and mumbles
Mumbles is in swansea i think :P
I reckon I can stretch to remembering 8 things, just about.
Everyone forgets Tasmania.
It’s a devil of a place to remember.
The devil is in the details!
Yeah, I'll see myself out....
And the Australian capital territory. Canberra has it's own little "state".
Trying to be important like Washington in the USA.
No. Other cities have surpassed you.
Washington DC is just the seat of power, from a time when it actually was the centre. It actually still makes sense, the alternatives are New York or La really, maybe Chicago or San Francisco could make an argument, but everyone hates DC equally.
I think la had some problems over the last couple of weeks
Welcome to the land that's way under, down under, The sky's always yellow in rain or shine. Down in Taz-Mania, come to Taz-Mania.
Is that the Tasmanian devil cartoon?
No, it's the state anthem.
Hahaha. I'm Scottish and I'm sure that Tasmania sees it like I see groundskeeper Willie
I haven't seen that since the 90s!
The Tasmanian devil actually exists. Once found in the rest of Australia, it is now only found in Tasmania.
It's western and south Australia that I forgot about, because they are so lazily named, like "is that a state or are they just taking about that area in general" they rest of the states have actual names
Practical names though. Victoria is not so practical
And yet you forget to be humble about this amazing memory of yours
Technically there are three territories in Australia.
Unless we're counting an unofficial province then that's news to me
Jarvis Bay Territory.
It’s part of ACT, not a separate territory.
Even though Jervis Bay Territory is administered by the ACT (cars have ACT plates and if you encounter a police officer they will be AFP), it is actually a completely separate territory.,actually%20a%20completely%20separate%20territory.
That's the kind of petty territorial distinction that you only really get by being descended from the UK.
Ah ok yeah - I'm actually from that area haha. Obviously not really a territory and most aussies don't know about it, but defo a good pub quiz question.
Even though Jervis Bay Territory is administered by the ACT (cars have ACT plates and if you encounter a police officer they will be AFP), it is actually a completely separate territory.,actually%20a%20completely%20separate%20territory.
Yup on paper - in real life not quite like that but again its a cool fact (Lived there for 8 years, family all still live there).
It’s part of ACT, not a separate territory.
Even though Jervis Bay Territory is administered by the ACT (cars have ACT plates and if you encounter a police officer they will be AFP), it is actually a completely separate territory.,actually%20a%20completely%20separate%20territory.
New South Wales
New South by south west Wales
New South west by south West Wales
Six!? I count two: shit cunt and good cunt
Cricket for me too but also football knowledge helps
I've never been to Australia but I'm confident I could name them.
New South Wales, Queensland, Perth and the only other place I know of is Bendigo...
There aren’t exactly many of them to name.
Can an average American or Aussie name more than a handful of counties in the UK?
Counties are not the same as states. They are more similar to UK countries
My point was that US states are like counties are in the UK. Sort of.
Not at all. States are like our constituent "countries". Our counties are like American counties
Friend, that’s exactly what the guy you replied to was saying…
Nah, he said our counties are like American states, not countries
Well, counties aren't nearly the same as American states. How many of the roughly 3600 American counties can you name?
Gazza_s_89@reddit (OP)
I always forget Rutland
Easily done.
I don't, thanks to Eric Idle.
Yeah think most would be able to say New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territorres, Tasmania would be part of Australia just from cricket knowledge etc.
Gazza_s_89@reddit (OP)
Cricket knowledge is probably the most obvious answer actually, ditto for county cricket going the other way.
Great answer!
I dunno why cricket would lead to people knowing? I know nothing about Australian cricket except that they generally beat England, but I know the geography reasonably well.
Do they play as states/territories in a league, like the English & Welsh counties? Or are the sides based around cities, more like English football teams?
Historically, cricket within Australia has been state-based. But nowadays, the red-ball competition between the states is much less followed than the T20 “Big Bash League”, which has city-based teams, with one to two teams per state capital city.
Cricket on a state level is one step down from the national team. The territories aren't included.
That sounds as though it should be pretty watchable. Do you happen to know whether any of the interstate matches are available in the UK?
Aussies will be able to answer this best but I believe I’ve come across YouTube streams of their matches. Similar happens with our County Championship.
State cricket isn't well attended or broadcast much.
Yes, but factor in that cricket is a far far far smaller sport in the UK than it is in Australia, so the amount of people who know that will be small.
Gazza_s_89@reddit (OP)
Yeah its bizzare I would have expected both cricket and rugby (both codes!) to be far more popular than they are.
Cricket is quite regional in the UK. Hardly anyone cares about it in Scotland for example.
Rugby is a bit different, it's more of a class thing Rugby Union is traditionally the preserve of the upper middle class and above. Rugby League not so much but again, only popular in a particular region.
Football dwarves everything else.
Is there a bigger sport in summer than cricket in the UK?
Depends. County cricket is poorly attended and not watched. T20 probably on a par with rugby league. International cricket still very popular.
What organised sport do the kids play in summer?
Basically football is at least 10 times more popular than any other sport. There was a Murdoch saying to sell sky tv that the 3 most popular sports in England are Football, Football and Football.
Kids still play cricket but it’s becoming very rare for common or working class kids to play. Freddie Flintoff actually made a documentary about this, where he went to Preston to make a cricket team to try and get working class kids back involved in the game. Freddie Flintoffs field of dreams, it’s a good watch. The second series is the first thing he did post car crash, so is also “interesting” to see him coping with the aftermath of that.
We play football of some flavour in winter. We play cricket in summer.
We play football year round. During summer the leagues pause, yes, but kids don't go to anything else.
A very very small minority might play cricket, but of that small minority, most are playing through schools, and obviously the summer holidays stop that. Some will play village cricket, but that varies hugely by economics and area.
Cricket is a long way down the list of priorities in the UK. I'm a very average, very typical man who grew up in Yorkshire. I never played organised cricket. My school didn't have a team. Only the private school in the city did. I think I played it a grand total of 3 times in PE classes at school.
Aussies always completely underestimate the level of popularity the sport has here.
Yes, football.
To an extent, but the counties used for cricket are out of date now – Old Trafford isn't in Lancashire any more, Edgbaston isn't in Warwickshire, and Middlesex doesn't even exist!
To an extent, but the counties used for cricket are out of date now – Old Trafford isn't in Lancashire any more, Edgbaston isn't in Warwickshire, and Middlesex doesn't even exist!
Those are the ones I can name, but I have next to no cricket knowledge 🤔
I don't think anyone outside of cricket fans would know this
I don't think many people have that much cricket knowledge! I certainly don't and could only get NSW and Victoria
I very much doubt the average Brit would know which countries the UK consists of let alone that many Australian states
Isn't it just Estuary, and Oop North? XD
I do tend to overestimate the general knowledge my fellow Brits have, except when I go to pub quiz and seem to be surrounded by savants.
So true.
Northern Territory (singular, not plural) is a big chunk of Australia, but not a state.
You got five out of six though.
Not bad eh?
That's why I know them, but I don't think 'most' people in the UK have much knowledge of the Sheffield Shield.
I can but I lived in Australia for ten years and I’m also dual citizen. My husband father was a farmer manger who worked on several different farms between 1960’s to 1980’s. As a kid my husband’s family were always moving. He’s lived in every state a territory apart from Western Australia. We did a lot of traveling when we lived there. It’s a beautiful country.
I didn't even know Austrailia had states
During the pandemic lockdowns, our states were treated like different countries . Eg you couldn’t travel from NSW to QLD etc even if you lived on the border
States: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia
Territories: Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory (which is a tiny area set aside to contain the Capital city of Canberra).
8 States and Territories to cover a landmass the size of Europe.
Perth , Brisbane, Sydney, that's your lot.
I know three for sure, NSW, Victoria and Queensland, and if I remember right they’re all coastal states along the east. I get confused with Tasmania, that’s a territory right? And the west is just “western aus” or “western territory” I forget. Can’t think of any more off the top of my head. My memory is dogshit in general btw
I used to watch the Australian border patrol program on Dave years back
A few, there’s only 6. More challenging would be to name the provinces in Canada or regions in New Zealand.
Let, right, up, down and the middle bit
Queensland New South Wales Western Australia ACT Tasmania
I feel like I’ve missed some.
I lived there, so I could name all of them, but no: in general Brits can't name Australian states.
There's four administrative units in the UK similar to Australian states
Not technically correct. Within the UK, you have England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But in terms of administrative powers each of those is made up of: Authority Areas; Lieutenancy Areas; Non-Metropolitan, Metropolitcan and Unique County Types; Preserved Counties; Two-Tier Council Areas; Unitary Authorities; Non-Metropolitan Districts; Metropolitan Boroughs; London Boroughs; the City of London; the Isles of Scilly; Principal Areas; Council Areas; Districts, and Parishes.
Yeah. So England, Scotland, Wales and N I agree similar to Australian states.
I’m not confident I would have even called them states. Might have gone with counties if you hadn’t told me
Upbeat, sunny and drunk
Sleepy, Grumpy and Dopey
Dinner and Blitzen
You forgot Sunburnt.
You forgot ‘whinging’.
And ‘cheating at cricket’, of course!
Hey, it's not our fault Bairstow went walkabout!
You're a fackin peanut mate!!
As an Australian citizen born in UK I think I might just be able to name them all . Probably all US states as well but I don’t really give a feck about that joke of a country anymore wouldn’t waste my time
I thought I could only name New South Wales and Victoria, then I remember Quantas stood for Queensland and Northern Territories. I’m guessing there’s a special area around Canberra, plus Tasmania maybe? Thats it from me. I can name all the US states though.
I didn't even know Australia had states.
Totally guessing without looking at the comments
Perth Queensland There’s got to be a New ______ in there - Foundland?
I think the average Brit might be a bit unsure as to what constituted an Australian state, but most would probably know New South Wales and Queensland.
Asked to name US states they'd probably get California, Florida and New York state...maybe?
If you tried this with Canadian provinces though you'd probably get mostly blank expressions abd a shrug of the shoulders.
Can Americans or Australians name the UK counties?
Can you name all the American counties?
New South Wales... that's about it. I'm planning on going on a working holiday in the next year, probably should brush up.
Yeah, there's only 8 or so, no?
I can also name all the US states though, so I might not be the person to ask
Yes. I can name most of them with a bit of thought. Likewise, apart from Yorkshire, can Australians name many of the 48 English counties? Of course, Scotland and Wales have their own too.
You only have a few, it's a big ask to expect us to remember all of them.
Central Australia
Western Australia. Tasmania. New South Wales.
Any of those right?
That's three of the six states and territories.
6 states 2 territories
I’ll take that
I bet most Australians couldn't name 50% of British counties
I couldn’t name 50% of British Counties tbf 😂
Haha take the win 😄
Well there's Bruce, New Bruce, New South Bruce, and err Bruce?
I can even name ACT's sea port (Jervis Bay).
Fwiw I've been to all the states and territories bar 2 (wa and act). My cousin's are born and raised in Aus and have only been to 3 states.
Erinsborough, Summer Bay, that's all I've got
Probably, I watched a lot of Steve Irwin content growing up. I'm pretty good with the US states from playing endless crosswords on a very unimaginative app about a decade ago.
I get a bit lost but I’ll give it a go.
Queensland, Perth, Darwin, Victoria, NSW, Tasmania(?).
Unsure if Darwin counts as one or if that’s “Northern Territory”
50 for USA but I lived there. A few for Oz.
Without reading other comments, off the top of my head: Queensland, NSW, Tasmania?
Queensland - Bogan State
South Australia - Adeleide and a big load of hot desert
NSW - populated and expensive
Victoria - Same as above but more so
ACT - Dude Weed Lmao
Tasmania - Webbed feet and 6 fingers on each hand
NT - Sweet FA
Western Australia - see South Australia but with Perth and even more hot desert
I'd say more than a few, especially American states. Come across it so much in the media.
... TIL that Australia has states
You'll likely be familiar with them, just unaware they're states.
New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territories, South Australia. Idk the others
But wait. There’s more. Australia also has state law and federal law much like the USA. As well as this they have state governments and federal governments each with their own congress and senate afaik.
United States of Australia
Is New York a state or just a state of mind?
It's a state bigger than England, with a single park bigger than wales
And who says that Yankees can't understand humour?
We do, generally, why?
Oh, no reason.
A state of anarchy these days.
Well there aren't many of them, so it shouldn't be too hard.
Err Victoria, NSW,Queensland, Tasmania and Western that's about it for me.
Queensland, Victoria, NSW, Western Australia, Tasmania ?
Without Google,
Ta ta ta taz taz taz-mania, New South Wales, Victoria Northern Territory where crocodile Dundee lives and I want to say Perth? But that might be a city.
"A few"...? You only have a few... There are seven Aussie states vs 50 in the US
NT (Darwin)
QLD (Brisbane)
WA (Perth)
NSW (Sydney)
VIC (Melbourne)
ACT (Canberra)
TAS (Hobart)
That do...?
New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania.
Northern Territory isn’t a state. It’s a territory.
Mostly just commenting so I can smugly say I've been to Jervis Bay, but there is someone outside Aus that knows it exists!
Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck,
All I can think of right now.
Sober and intoxicated
North South East West.
I’d get all of them
Yes, but as a child I had a plasticised maps of the US and Europe with stuck on labels for capitals and state/nation names, so Oz isn’t much of an additional challenge. Plus I have a lifelong obsession with maps.
Queensland and New South Wales, oh and something territory maybe?
I defintly learnt them but I wouldn’t be able to remember their names as easily as I do some US states.
But I swear it’s like I DO know them but my minds gone blank. I’ll see someone mention them on here and go “of course!” Then get angry at myself for not remembering 😅
I’m lucky in that I’m a cricket fan. Otherwise I reckon most couldn’t confidently place them on a map
Probably not, to be honest. I could but that’s because I’ve been a few times.
I doubt many Brits could name many US states either. Maybe California and Texas and a couple of others. It’s absolutely comical that Americans seem to think we all know not only all the states but their abbreviations too!
Actually, as an American, the cliche is that Brits know California, New York, Texas, (maybe Florida), and then, "Everything Else".
I can rattle off 90% of the us states, I couldnt find 90% of them on a map though
Yes I’d agree with that, and again it doesn’t apply to me as I’ve been to 35 of them so I’d like to think I could name at least those ones!
I’d tentatively add (because maybe others might disagree) the caveat that most Brits wouldn’t know New York is a state. They just think of the city and not the state when they say New York.
Same with Chicago...they know the city, but not the state.
QLD, NSW, Victoria, Western Australia, North Territory, Jarvis Bay Territory, Tasmania, ACT, South Australia and a few random islands
Except that Northern Territory is not a state. Confused me and still looking in to that.
"A territory is an area that belongs to a country but does not have the same rights as a state."
I mean, the Northern Territory is more than twice the size of the united kingdom, yet only has 232000 residents.
and 140000 of those live in 1 city.
tis a crazy place, the NT.
Cooks (Keelings), Christmas, and Lord Howe Islands as some of them.
My best guesses below.... I Refuse to look if i got any right.
New south Wales
you got 2 out of 8.
Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, & Tasmainia are the ones I could name off the top of my head as a Brit.
Forgot that Western Australia and South Australia are actual states, not nebulous, poorly defined and often disputed geographical regions
Unike the North of England, the South of England and the Midlands.
I can name a few I can name more American ones.
that's easier since the contiguous 48 states of America are the same size as Australia with only 8 states and territories.
you got heaps more to choose from!
You said Nevada twice
Nevada, Nevada TNG, Nevada Deep Space 9, Nevada Voyager...
Utah? Stop making stuff up
Probably helps that USA has more states then Australia.
Not looking at the comments and giving some ones I think I remember:
New South Wales, Victoria? Is there like a state named after one of the major cities?
New South East Wales
Irwin Territory
New Zealand.
Yes I'll have you know I watch a lot of bluey.
Queensland, Northern Territories, New South Wales, Central Australia, Tanzania
I know I'm missing at least one massive one... but How'd I do?
Bitey, stingy and chewey
Just tried it, named five states (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia) and two territories (Northern Territories , and the Capital territory). So now looking it up it seems the only state I couldn't name was South Australia and the only "internal territory" I couldn't think of was the Jervis bay territory which I don't think I've ever heard of.
New South Wales Western Australia South Australia Northern territory Queensland Tasmanian ACT (like the brumbies)
How'd I do? I feel like I'm missing one
My wife is aussie, so I think I'm at an advantage. But I think most Brits wouldn't have a clue. I think a decent portion would be able to get NSW and Queensland, but I think WA, SA, NT would all get forgotten for just being geographical. Victoria might show up depending on how clued up they are, and I doubt many have heard of the ACT. And honestly, I recon most Brits think Tasmania is a separate country, if they have heard of it.
I base this on the fact a map of Australia was the table round at our pub quiz a few months back. Some very interesting answers. I liked the guy who had labeled each state 'New (relevant direction) Wales', e.g. NT was New North Wales, WA was New West Wales. Funnily, NSW was New South East Wales, and Tasmania was NSW. I admired his strategy, even if it gave 0 points.
I could probably name about 3-4 places in Australia. Couldn’t tell you if they were states or not. I have zero interest in Australia.
I can tell you all 50 US states and their capitals, though. Animaniacs taught me when I was a kid.
Off the top of my head: Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales. Is Tasmania a state?
I don’t know for sure how many states there are. Not many though, I think maybe 5/6.
I don’t know that much amount about the geography. I know Australia is huge, and the majority of it is uninhabited.
I think they'd be able to name a higher percentage of Australian states than British counties.
As a person who moved to Australia, I can confirm that most of them think we all live in England or London. It’s quite annoying as a Welsh person.
Off my head:
Victoria, Canberra, Northern Territories, New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia
Canberra itself isn’t a state, it’s a city in the Australian Capital Territory.
Northern Territory not territories.
they’re also not states but territories (which is different bc they’re run differently to how states are)
Ah, yeah, ACT. Not bad though.
Queensland, northern territory and that's as far as I know lpl
The Australian ones are easier to name since there are so few.
High hopes, a lot of Brits struggle with remembering the capital.
Easily, but there are only a few!
the few main ones and then fuck loads of outback
New South Wales, Queensland, Northern territory, western Australia, Tasmania, and the other one
New South Wales was the only one I could think of.
Looking it up, I've definitely heard of Queensland.
South Australia & Western Australia are logical but I wouldn't have guessed them.
Tasmania - I though this was a different country.
Victoria - I thought this was a city.
Without looking at the comments. New South Wales? Queensland? I may have embarrased myself if either of those are cities lol but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
I'm sure a lot of Brits have better knowledge than me though, or at least around my age group (I'm 28). I know about 20 people who have moved to Australia for "only 6 months" and then never come back because they liked it so much. I also know more people who want to move there.
I can names all of them and the quasi not really a state up the top to boot.
It’s not exactly a stretch when there is only a handful of them
New South Wales Northern Territories Western Australia Tasmania
I'm outand I'm not even sure about Tasmania
I can name the vast majority of US states though
Yes I think I could
Yes, but I’m also Australian.
Australia has states?
I know New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and Tasmania.
It is very much helped by the USA producing so much film and TV. Whereas Australia, I have only really seen Neighbours and Lego Masters.
With america, Canada, and Australia, I have no idea if I'm naming cities/provinces/states/counties.
I know some names of some things but I'd not say with any great conviction I know the US states more than other countries. I ask Google when I need to know for whatever reason.
Adalaide Sydney Perth Neighbours
I missed South Australia and Victoria. I knew SA was there but couldn't remember the name. Sounds silly, I know but with WA and NT I didn't believe it would be so obvious! At least I knew ACT!
South Australia?
Is there one in the middle as well?
Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Sawackchawtanwanaan
Hmm, New South Whales, Queensland, New Zealand? That's about it isn't it?
Half your states are just directions which is helpful
Ones named after the best part of the UK
The other shares it's name with a lovable devil
Ones cheating because it literally says "my capitol is here in this bit I've called the capitol bit"
The other two have something to do with queens and we do love our queens in the UK so sorted
I can probably name 4+ on the spot and I reckon most can name a few 2-3.
Most people don't know that Canberra is the capital though because it's such a non-entity in global culture - it would be like Coventry being the UK capital.
Pretty well. I was obsessed with Australia as a teen and determined I would move there (I never did but maybe one day)
No Google cheating:
There’s at least one more but I’ve reached the limits of my memory.
Think I’d get a higher % of US states. Where it’d be around 90% of them. Top of my head can only say I’m absolutely certain on 50% (3) Aussie ones.
New South Wales since I was a kid, Victoria because of the Monty Python joke about Eminent Victorians, Western Australia because it shares an initialism with somewhere I used to live (Washington State, USA). Is Tasmania a state?
I could have named New South Wales and Tasmania but not the others.
I can probs name more states in America than Australia tbh, America has more media coverage than Australia, well for me anyway. Also in friends the said all the states in that one episode where Ross did all the states lol. Australia just seems like a fantasy country as its so expensive to get to.
New south Wales, Victoria and Tasmania off the top.of my head. I'm not actually sure if Tasmania is an actual.state. that's just a guess because its an island. I think of the others without checking.
I think most people when asked wouldn’t even get the capital right and say with blind confidence that it is Sydney. (Poor Canberra always gets forgotten)
Most Brits don't even know Australia has states
Off the top of my head:
Northern Territories
Western Australia
New South Wales
Capital Territory?
Sure! Wales, South Victoria and Northern Territories. Do you want more?
Well there’s Hot and Really hot. Fucking Dangerous and Arrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh
I think so but I also think it's pointless as except Queensland they each have one urban area that we have herd of.
I suppose most Amrican states have zero with 2 to 4 having 2.
New South Wales and Queensland is all I could come up with. I also said Gold Coast but I now know that’s a city. I’ve heard of Tasmania, Victoria and Northern Territory but I wouldn’t have been able to name them.
"probably name a few?"
I'll have you know I can name all 50 and accurately pinpoint them on a map with no borders showing. This man Sporcles.
Queensland, NSW, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia (I think). Territories - Northern Territory, ACT
I think I got it right, but not sure
All for both.
I can name the new fucking FUNNEL WEB bastard you lot have just found. "Big Boy"!!!?!? "Big Cunt"! more like! Jeesus help us.
NSW ans Victoria. It's all I got
There's only six. I can name them all
All I can tell you is the toilet flushes the other way (thanks to the Simpsons)
"in the same way" – no, we consume almost no Australian media (I'm not sure if Neighbours is still on or if that had any geographical references)
but people will have more geographical knowledge of Australia than they will most African or Asian countries probably
I could probably reel off all but one.
We did a Project on Australia in year 7. I made a cover cut to the shape of Australia (Tasmania attached by string), and devoted a couple pages to the giant random statues like the Big Banana and Big Lobster.
almost none lol. queensland is the only one that comes to mind. embarrassing 😔
Ayr's Rocks?
Queensland, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory
But I like geography, so..
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria (? I think?), Tasmania assuming that's a seperate state?... then I'm struggling
After googling I forgot the cardinal direction states, Northern Territories, South and Western Australia
Well, thanks to this post I'm more likely to remember them all in the future
northern territory, not territories :)
Noted 😅
not sure about states tbh. I will tell you what my ignorant little english brain does know about Australian geography.
New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland... Ummm that's all I got sorry guys
I think these are cities, not states, but I know them - Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth
I also know there's a place (Town?) called Dunt and a big rock called Oolaroo (thanks Chris Lilley)
How did I do?
states are correct, so are the cities (however there are more of them than you mentioned) and uluṟu is the big rock
Off the top of my head, Queensland, new south Wales, Tasmania, northern territories, western Australia.. theres probably more than that .. I think there's 6
northern territory, its a singular territory :)
Australia has states?
Queensland, NSW, Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory and one other?
Without looking at other comments or Googling
Brisbane, Melbourne, Victoria, New South Wales
That's all I can think of, but I bet i'll kick myself when I see the others
Not lots. I'm not sure I know what's a state, what's a city, what's a county, etc.
Victoria? Queensland? North Territories? New south wales?
I'm pretty sure melbourne is a city, not a state. I know Adelaide's a city.
Queensland. New South Wales. Western Australia. The Northern Territory. Tasmania.
And I know there are more hit I am drawing a mental blank.
Now do the 10 Canadian provinces and 3 territories...
Nunavut. Newfoundland. Nova Scotia. Manitoba. Quebec. Ontario. New Caledonia? Errrrrr....
A bit stuck after that and not even sure they are all right.
Newfoundland was renamed Newfoundland and Labrador.
Some have changed names/consolidated in the past 100 years, so no worries. You did pretty well, though. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, Nunavut (formerly part of...) NW Territory, Yukon Territory, Newfoundland & Labrador, PEI, Nova Scotia. I think I remembered them all.
Oh, and New Brunswick.
To quote Al Murray “IT’S ALL THE QUEENSLAND”
I can do quite well but I like cricket : Northern Territories, ACT, Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania.
The first two you mentioned aren’t actually states, and it’s Northern Territory, not northern territories.
Like I said quite well…. It’s a vague measurement
Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania?
Just kidding. I think there are only six states (and two territories), so it's pretty easy, I think. (From East to West:) Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, and the Northwest and the ACT (Canberra) - I think Jervis Bay is part of the ACT technically.
Northwest Territory - ha, you're doing Canada too.
lol. Yep, I'm 'murrican, so that's where my brain goes.
Also, there are federal territories like Cocos (Keeling) and Lord Howe Island and Christmas Island...god knows if I can recall all of them - Oh, and Aus claims a bit of Antartica as well.
But then, the USA has the 50 states, 2 commonwealth territories (PR and Guam) and the Federated Micronesian States, which I cannot bother to remember them all.
The advantage of Australian states is that there aren't that many to remember. No way am I making the effort to remember 50 American states.
Yes. It’s mostly from following the Ashes and Sheffield Shield cricket.
I can name New South Wales, Queensland.
Personally, all of them, all the American ones and all the Canadian provinces. But I struggle with Irish counties. Right now blanking on one NI county even, dammit, now I'm going to able to do nothing else today until I remember (Antrim, Down, Fermanagh, Derry, Tyrone, ah jeez, no hints, I'll get there)
New South Wales... after that I think most people would struggle.
On the whole I'd say US geography is better known than Aus geography.
I still like the ones we named ‘Queensland, Victoria, new south Wales’ vs the ones they named ‘north, west and south’
Gazza_s_89@reddit (OP)
Yeah but even the ones we named you still managed to get Perth, Adelaide and Darwin in as the capitals, so there's still the overbearing influence
Here’s my initial attempt. Without looking them up and in the order I remembered them.
Ok so looks like I completely forgot about South Australia! I was thinking of Queensland, but couldn’t remember the name. And didn’t quite get the right name for the Australian Capital Territory.
As for the USA. I got 32 / 50 states. Don’t think I made any mistakes as far as i can tell. Although this is Reddit so I’m sure someone will be quick to correct me!
Australia has less than 10 states, if I'm thinking of the correct areas. I could name some of them. I could probably name most American states, the ones I'd struggle with are the ones that have got compass points in them eg I think theres a North and a South Carolina? And N and S Dakota ....?
Population size is the difference between the states and territories. There aren't enough people to give them equal representation in the Federal government.
Ok ... I don't know if I named states or territories!?
States, until you said 'North' = Northern Territory.
And West Virginia.
I used to be able to do all the US states tried again recently and forgot Nebraska and Missouri, and tbh I still don't believe they're real
Oh, they are real. Kansas, however...
Yeah is there a virginia and western virginia? I don't think there's an east V?
Correct, and two Washingtons far apart from each other
I was in my late 20s when I realised that Washington where the white house is, is in North East USA. I'm good at geography. I thought the White house was North West USA.
a territory is governed more by the federal government than the standard state.
Sunburt, intoxicated, and 'shove yerTam tams up your arse!" (Angry) are they states most commonly associated with my mates Aussie Mrs.
I was pretty rubbish at knowing anything about Australia till I became a tour guide and noticed how many Aussies we got visiting. I’d still struggle to map them but I know at least a couple though haven’t got details. I know cities better than I necessarily would know American cities though
"Struggle to map them" - made me laugh. We have a crude joke about the map of Tasmania.
Yes, but not Tasmania
Without looking at the comments, from my school geography.....
New South Wales is where Sydney is. Western Australia - Perth
Queensland - Brisbane
Northern Territory - Darwin
Victoria has Melbourne and Adelaide?
Then the island off the south coast is Tasmania.
The capital is Canberra, i think that is in a separate state?
How did it do?!
I'll always remember the Northern Territories because their tourism campaign C U in the N T lives rent free in my head. I wish I had merch.
Also, Adelaide, because I have family over there. I think. Is that a state? Or a city? I think it's a state.
I can't remember the others off the top of my head, but I'd know it if I saw it, kinda thing. I'm getting old. It just took me almost 2 minutes to remember the word "tourism" to write this post, let alone places I've never been. Lol.
Northern Territory - singular. C U N T is a popular car sticker, you'd be able to buy one.
city, it’s a capital city
Ahh. Oh well. Off to find a map.
it’s in the imaginatively named ‘South Australia’. they also had a tourism campaign similar to the ‘CU in the NT’ called ‘go down south with your mouth’
but also, it’s just Northern Territory, singular :)
New South Wales (because one wasn't enough..) Victoria Northern territory Queensland.... Western Australia..I think...
My knowledge of Australian states comes entirely from Chopper does the weather
I can name all American and Australian states.
Can name them all and point them out on a map. With the US states, I could pick out probably 45 of them, name them all if given a bit of time and work out their locations. Africa, I could name 80% of the countries on a blank map, Asia, 90 of them, South America, all of them, but might label Venezuela as Bolivia or Colombia type thing, Europe, all countries correctly.
What can I say, I like geography and maps.
I think so, but I’ve also visited and have family out there.
New South Wales
Western Australia
Capital territory (is that a state?)
From the top of my head.
South Australia is a federated state.
Australian Capital Territory (where Canberra is) is classified as a territory, as is Northern Territory.
Just like Washington D.C. then?
Exactly. Created out of farmland when Canberra was built from nothing, to stop Sydney and Melbourne fighting over the capital seat.
Very funny, these are all girls names, not Australian territories.
Ah yeah, met plenty of girls called Western Australia.
I’ve only met 2, I didn’t realise it was that popular
Australian Capital Territory, and it's not a state.
You missed one. Hint: Adelaide is the state capital.
That doesn't help. Adelaide is just the city people from Neighbours visit.
I can remember doing Australia in geography at school, because it was part of the empire/commonwealth.
Sure I could name them without google. I'll try and see where I'm wrong..
New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Tasmania.
So. I missed South Australia and Northern Territory is a Territory and not a State. Bit of education required there, especially concering what the difference in nomenclature defines.
A better question, can a Brit name all the counties in England, Northern Ireland, Wales & Scotland??
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territories (and Australian Capital Territory, if you’re counting that)
But I’m pretty sure I can do all the US States too. I’ve travelled a lot and done even more pub quizzes!
NW Territory not Territories - That's in Canada. :D
Damn. I knew that too - I’m going to consider it a typo… was focussed too much on South and Western Australia!
Northern Territory is singular, not plural
Australia has States??? The United States of Australia?
Queensland, Victoria is down south, New South Wales, and then Western Territories? - with Perth, North Australia or Northern Teritories and South Australia, and Tasmania of course although I'm not that sure if it's separate state or part of Victoria?
Western Australia, Northern Territory, and Tassie is its own state and not part of Vic
I could name every American State, not sure about Australia, New South Wales, Queensland... Is Tazmania a state?
Tasmania is a state
I can probably name a few, but put them in the right places? Prolly not. (Apart from Northern Territory, clue's in the name. And is Tasmania a state?)
tassie is a state :)
States: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Territories: Australian Capital Territory, the tiny and rather odd Jervis Bay, and Northern Territories.
northern territory, not territories
There aren't so many
I believe there's only four.
New south Wales, new north Wales, new east Wales and new West Wales. Why they called it Australia instead of New Wales is anyone's guess.
That's only half of them, you forgot about the other 4 states, Old South Wales, Old North Wales, Old East wales and Old West Wales.
Absolutely not, I'm 34 and hadn't even heard of Canberra until last year.
I can name every Australian state and their respective capital. I learnt them sometime in the 1980s but didn't go to Australia for a holiday until 2008!
My History school teacher, and a Great Uncle could name all 50 US states and their respective capitals. The History teacher set it as a challenge to the class one lesson and when I told my Grandparents and Great Uncle who was visiting he got straight to it!
I couldn't name the capitals of each state. I just had a quick think and named 28 states and one dependency in 10 minutes. If I had some more time I might managed a few more!
New South Wales. Such a pretty name. Is it a pretty State with pretty people and no butt ugly mega spiders?
new south wales has the most venomous spider in the world, the sydney funnel-web spider and sadly we also get huntsmans
Sadly it’s where they just discovered a new funnel web spider, the Newcastle Big Boy.
New South Wales and Queensland. Couldn’t name any others
These were my two as well. Must be popular.
These are the rugby-playing states (everyone else prefers Australian Rules Football, everyone plays cricket, and no one plays soccer). Does that have anything to do with it?
Or is it just that these two states are the ones tourists are most likely to visit?
The only reason I am aware they exist is because I used to listen to Case File podcast and they’d occasionally cover a case in Aus; those are the only states I can remember. Never been to Australia, not particularly interested in going as I can’t take more than a week of holiday in one go so a 2 week trip (which I hear is the minimum you want for an Australia holiday) just isn’t on the cards.
Can they name which state the capital is in though (a trick question)
ACT (Australian Capital Territory). Although I'm guessing it's a territory (hence the name) rather than a state.
it is a territory and not a state
Correct! Maybe not such a trick question, but not many people know there are territories, less so that the capital is in one! Kudos to you - come collect your prize!
Yes. I know Melbourne is in Victoria. I used to spend a fair bit of time in Victoria too. ….different Victoria. But we broke up.
Anyway, I also know Tasmania. And also that Sydney is in Kangarooshire, and Perth is in the party state of Wollogongabillabong
All of them, but travelled Australia extensively during my early 20s and I’m good at geography in pub quizzes… ACT, QLD, NSW, NT, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Two of those aren’t states
I only know Queensland and New South Wales, but that's only because I'm an RL fan. (State of Origin)
Off the top of my head
Victoria, Queensland
that's it
Is Tasmania a state on its own?
Yep, but mainly cos I'm a child and CU in the NT always makes me laugh
I doubt most people in the UK can name more than a couple, if any. The states of the USA are crammed down our throat by American television and media, meaning I could probably offhand name 30+. Unlike the Australian television and media we get, which is both smaller in quantity and not filled with strong references to states. My personal experience is that I hear more about particular, large cities in Australia, rather than states.
There's only 5 or 6 of them isn't there? I reckon I could get 4..
Nope. I got 3 of them.
I would say quite a lot of people can name them, but might be slow trying to place them on a map. As others are saying, following cricket or another sport played at state level might help.
I knew them as a child for sure; but hazy now.
Not beyond maybe Queensland and NSW, Victoria at a real push.
I can. But I lived in Australia so that doesn't count.
Cricket and Rugby league fans definitely everyone else maybe not.
Aren't they just like north, east, south, and west australia?
I live in Old South Wales, so NSW is easy. Queensland, Northern Territories, Tasmania, Western Australia ...ummmm
I've been to Australia, and I can only name Queensland and NSW off the top of my head. I'm pretty bad at geography in general though. I only know so many American states because I watch NFL football.
I think there are quite a few people in the UK that think Sydney is the capital of Australia too.
The Beach -Points to the sea.
The Outback- Points away from the sea.
Australia and the UK are much more culturally interlinked than the US. Lots of people (me included) have family in Australia, lots have friends there, there are a ton of Aussies literally everywhere you go in the UK (even here in bumfuck nowhere one of my neighbours is Aussie). Work/travel in Australia is common for young people. I'd therefore say most people will be reasonably familiar with state names and broad location of the major cities.
NSW, Queensland
Queensland, NSW, Northern Territory is all I can muster atm
I reckon I could
Sure I can:
Without looking at other answers: new south wales; victoria; queensland; northern territory.
That's it and I'm not even sure they're right.
Off the top of my head; New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territories (not a state), Tasmania, ACT.
It helps that there isn’t 50 of them
Northern Territory is singular, not plural.
ACT is also not a state.
Apart from that, you got all of them.
I think I was getting mixed up with the Northwest Territories in Canada
Judging by the answers people have put here, no. I can name several Australian cities though... if that counts for something.
Nope. Queensland and New South Wales is about it for me.
I can probably name most American states but I can only name the two Australian states you mentioned as well.
You know we grew up with neighbours and home & away right?
Yes, I’m Gen X and grew up on TV dominated by Aussie soaps. I know Queensland from New South Wales
Yes. Desert, more desert and where there are people.
Ramsay street and Summer Bay
Well America has 50 states, so there's more to name, In absolute terms.
Without being particularly into geography, nor a fan of cricket, and never having visited or had any links; I could have probably named at least 2 or 3 from memory. The others mentioned in the comments were like 'oh yeah, how did I forget that one'.
I do fall for the generalisations though, that there's a big, fuck-off desert in the middle with nearly all habitation around the coast, and that you have a shitload of deadly wildlife!
In a few minutes i could probably name every US state from memory, I know Victoria, NSW, Northern Territory and Tasmania
They need to come up with and export things like New South Wales Fried Chook (NSWFc) then eventually yes.
But in seriousness, probably not. I imagine most people know US states from tv shows and movies (Friends anyone?), so probably less a case of interested in their geography and more a case of America being a media export powerhouse.
Gazza_s_89@reddit (OP)
Victoria Bitter?
No wait.
Without Looking: Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territories (not a state, but I love the straightforward naming convention of these three), Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory(?)
Perth, Sydney, New Wales, Outback
I can name a few, but only because I have family out there.
Western Australia
New South Wales
South Australia
Pretty vague on whereabouts in the country they are other than western and south Australia though
Based on the quiz we did over Christmas, between us my dad and I can name all the states in Australia, we just can't count to six.
Most could probably name them all I'd think? There's only 6 as far as I remember.
I got them all apart from the imaginatively named Western and South Australia.
I'm pretty sure I could name them all. But that's because there aren't 50, and 2 of them are pronounced completely differently despite there being a like, 2 letter difference in spelling. You don't have Queensland, and Arqueensland
I've heard of the Northern Territories but only because of NT News being a semi-regular feature on the Angry People In Local Newspapers facebook page.
Gazza_s_89@reddit (OP)
Darwin is wild and everyone should go there. I'd go there every couple of months if it wasn't a bloody $400 , 4.5h internal domestic flight.
Victoria and New South Wales
Queenslandshire, Tasmanialand
No, I could probably name a few cities though
NSW, SA, Vic, Mel, WA & Tas
Mel? Do you mean Melbourne? That's a city, the capital of Victoria.
You missed out Queensland.
You will get a lot of people naming cities instead of states. This is quite common with US geography too. Lots of people will say Chicago or Miami for example. So if you ask about Australia they might say Melbourne/Sydney.
I think most people would be able to say if asked Where is New South Wales/Queensland/Tasmania? That they are part of Australia, but fewer would be able to name them if just told to list Australian States.
I can name all of them, but then again I'm a dual citizen and lived in Australia most of my childhood.
I think a lot of people wouldn't know any, a lot would be familiar with the names if you told them and a lot would be able to rattle them off easily. This is the way with a lot of Brits and geography though.
Well there's significantly less and I like cricket
All of them - but then I like cricket so 🤷♂️
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