How good are you at avoiding cans of worms ?
Posted by LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 63 comments
Posted by LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 63 comments
I see nothing wrong with keeping cats indoors...
I'll kick cans of worms online and irl.
It's one part lacking social awareness and two parts not caring.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
Do you open it before you kick it ?
Rattle them around, poke holes in the sides, slightly open the lid and punt the can.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
Not a big recycler then
Nah, recycling is pointless anyway
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
So true, i don’t even shit in the same toilet more than once
Everything is single use.
May as well add more to the garbage pile.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
Tell me about it, I’ve tried to explain this to people complaining about airplane prices
Gotta get new planes every time, that can't be cheap. Not to mention you can't recycle a place, so every time you go to Spain or wherever, they make a new Spain and bin the old one.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
Some people just don’t get it. I know I know I’m on my 12th Poland nothing like the 1st one don’t know why I bother
Never admit on Reddit that you're a happy, stable and secure person who looks forward to whatever tomorrow brings you.
They don't like it.
On here? Never, ever mention that you're doing ok in life. If you're moderately successful with your own home, a nice car and a few foreign holidays a year then you're a pariah. I can acknowledge that some people aren't doing so well and have it much tougher than me but it doesn't seem to work the other way around.
to add to that never say your house thermostat is set to anything above 18! people on reddit are very proud to announce that they never put the heating on and live in 15c weather
Tbh, 15c is fine for me, but then again I don't walk round the house in a t-shirt and shorts (unless it's summer and it's boiling). I don't 'proudly' announce the temperature; it is what it is.
I had the radiator on a couple of days ago for hours and the thermometer still read 13c. Had my sleeping bag over me which kept me warm enough!
Fuck that. 20-21 when it’s cold and I’m not sorry!!
Our is at 22 most of the time when we are in and 18-20 when out the house.
18 at night, now it’s warmed up. 17 just doesn’t cut it and it cold when I come down stairs. I do have a heated throw that I have round me when working but if my hands are cold, I’ll whack it on to lift the temp. Am not being cold for anyone
Yeah 18 at night for us too! Used to be 20 but its way to hot for us when sleeping
Waking up like you’ve eaten a greasy kebab 😂
Pretty much😂
Or that you're on disability/UC. I mentioned it and got a bollocking because I have a little bit of money at the end of the month to buy a book or a magazine.
Or god forbid, I get gifted a game and post about being excited to play it.
"I work xxx hours a month and make less than you!"
Basically you have to be working just enough hours to survive, or you're too rich or a scrounger.
Someone (with adhd) asked why a person with adhd would need pip apparently in genuine faith I (also a person with adhd) gave some suggestions and they went off on a bootstrapping boomer esque rant about entitlement
All units, all units we have a privilege here that needs checking, over
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
You’re doing ok ? Blasphemy!
I've learnt on reddit not to get into "but some people are poor!" discussions.
So a statement like "I went to Moor Hall and it really lived up to its reputation" will invariably attract the "but you know some people are poor right?" crowd as they seem to think it's an important comment in all circumstances regardless of the topic.
Any suggestions you aren't eating out of Greggs bins or you have the heating on is leaped on as a sign you are completely out of touch.
ANY comment you make, particularly on those kinds of "britishproblems" subs or whatever... will ALWAYS get some contrarian who wants to be a bloody martyr and devil's advocate.
I made a comment in britishproblems about how it's annoying that many foods are designed/stored for use as a single meal (e.g. many cans of soups), but the serving suggestion and nutritional info is for a "serving" which is inevitably half the product. I acted in a very over the top manner, as a joke, about why cans of soup are "intentionally" overfilled this way, since it means it's designed to either only be consumed by couples who want to have the same soup at the same time, or it's intentionally designed to be only half-consumed and then refrigerated to be eaten another day.
Holy shit. What a moron I was. Of course I had my inbox filled with people saying "I mean, poor people might choose to spread 1 can of soup over 2 days" or "actually, for my lean grandmother and I, one singular can of Heinz soup is a hearty meal". Holy fucking crap shit bastards, I hope you all choke on your soup
I mean... J/k
Seriously, though, some tins of soup you can make do two meals. For example, tonight we had minestrone soup (SO) and I had pumpkin. They weren't in tins though. Mine was smaller and I ate all of it; his was bigger and he ate half and froze the rest. We did have a baguette with it, so that was super filling.
You had bins! Luxury
We lived in empty sausage roll wrapped in sewer and were grateful.
Wrapper? Luxury. Our dad beat us with the sausage roll and made us eat gravel. We lived in a hollowed out mound of horseshit. But we were happy in those days.
And now, here we are: drinking Chateau De Chatalay.
Very agreeable.
Reddit comments and discussions are meaningless. So what if you open a can of worms?
I don't care if I open a can of worms with a comment and I don't care if I get downvotes. I just write what I think at the time and see what others think in response.
If you really care about what people say on here then you should avoid using it as all just a bit of fun.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
If you like worms, I’d rather open a can of peaches
It's good to have people disagree with you and explain why as then you might learn something new or at least understand a new perspective.
In a client meeting, never try to solutionize on the spot. Just tell them it's a good point they've raised and you'll take it away with you. Come back with a well thought out answer at the later point.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
What happens to a useful solution given on the spot in your experience?
People pick at the details which you obviously don’t have on the spot. You can end up stuck having your ideas attacked whilst they provide nothing positive.
Taking the time to come up with a well thought out solution is 9/10 the better approach. No matter what the client claims it’s rarely life and death that it’s fixed immediately.
Exactly. You just risk derailing the conversation with some thou don’t have full control over.
There was a post about mistreated farm animals and I was replying to a comment that was something along the lines of everyone should be vegetarian then it wouldn't be a problem. I said the world won't become vegetarian overnight so we should improve animal welfare standards in the meantime. They comment got attacked, twisted then attacked some more.
Also, Israel/Palestine. Not touching it.
"Pick your battles"/"choose your hill to die on" are common ones I use with a friend at work.
Okay, I disagree with you, but is it really that important that we get into a heated discussion over it?
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
I prefer advice that avoids dying altogether although I have heard that said too.
Im slowly getting better at this .
Just say you don't like James Corden then sit back and watch the updoots roll in.
It's the UK redditor version of American redditors never shutting up about the rock and how much he sucks
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
Genuine laughter at reading that
Avoid anything to do with immigration even when you're posting links and data to back up your argument
Which is unfortunate because people are shoehorning it into almost every argument and doesn't matter that what they think isn't reality
That’s not just Reddit. You can’t fight emotions and feelings with facts and logic. They don’t care what the truth is they care how they feel.
In person, I think I'm quite bad for opening cans of worms. The main reason being that you can gauge people's tone, body language and how serious they are, so you know whether it'll become a debate or just another argument. Love debating, hate pointless arguing. Online though, I'd avoid it as best as possible. I don't know the person and most likely won't end the interaction with any new knowledge or the understanding of a viewpoint I hadn't considered before. It's just a waste of mental energy.
I am awful at it.
I've mastered 'pick your battles' but still working on 'choosing your audience'.
You can’t win, just say what you want and be done with it. People on Reddit, the ones chronically online, find anything to be offended by.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
Your pets are literally living testimony, it’s not a waste. Feeding them caviar is acceptable in my book if it’s within your means
When the question arose in r/videogames and r/gaming I used to say that I didn't like Baldurs Gate 3. Now I've realised that it just results in a massive surge in downvotes rather than everyone accepting that it's a matter of opinion. When the game is mentioned these days I keep quiet.
I'm really bad at this, but my main advice is if someone is being rude or giving you grief almost at all it's really no harm to just block them.
Makes it easy to resist engadging.
I used to think blocking someone was a really hostile thing, but now I'm way happier having realized it's just as simple as helping yourself going down a rabbithole of arguing you don't want
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
That sounds a little more like throwing away the can of worms once opened, not a bad suggestion but do you ever see the grief coming and think “nope !” Ahead of time ?
True true - yes of course ahead of time is better, and of course that happens daily
There was a time when announcing you hated The Office was tantamount to reddit karma suicide. Even if you were asked specifically "What TV program by Ricky Gervais do you not like" you still attracted downvotes like flies to dog shit.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
So you’re telling me you don’t eat out of bins and freeze to death every night ? The pure injustice !
XKCD 386 will always apply, even if you devoted your life to it...
yeah, just don't post anything too controversial, pander to the crowd, and delete the comments that don't do well. That's how we get a nice self-sustaining echo chamber.
LeadaOfTheEscape@reddit (OP)
Define controversial lol , ah like a terrarium !
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