How to dispose old guns
Posted by thehidden_user@reddit | Firearms | View on Reddit | 131 comments
I have an old Mossberg maveric and a that doesn't work and ria 1911 that's broken. It seems unethical but can I just throw them in the garbage? I know it seems counterintuitive but Is it illegal or are there restrictions on just throwing them away like any other garbage?
Unless every part is fucked people will buy it
Dm sent
Yeah whatever you do, DONT throw them away. People love buying gunsmith specials, I love to do the same. Gunbroker is your friend.
Are they unable to be repaired? If not give (or seek for the best offer) them to someone who wants a new project to work on. I’d probably bite on one of them if I hadn’t already blown my discretionary budget on other shit.
Buddd-ggeett, nope sorry bro never heard that before. 🤷♂️
I think it’s a kind of pet bird…
Its what us broke people constantly go over and try to keep within
Or I say it's an old gun I've owned forever and just don't shoot to try and hide the fact I bought a new 1.its worked twice so far
It means spend money more
Unless you are gov then it means spend all of someone elses money and then spend some more.
Our government seems to think so.
I’m pretty sure you’re right.
I keep hearing things like “watch my/our/the budget” right before my friends and family members spend money so it looks like it’s something you say as some kind of ritual or tradition.
Step 1: Find something to buy.
Step 2: Look slightly concerned at the register while pulling out your card or cash and say something about how you shouldn’t spend money, or needing to “watch the budget”.
Step 3: Spend the money anyways.
I’ve started to do it to fit in with my friends, and I think it’s working as they just nod and encourage/reassure me that I’m making a good choice.
Bud get? I think they meant get a Budweiser.
It's Latin for "Less than you spent".
That's the thing from the meme! Budget means $250 or something like that.
I think it's a type of Parakeet.
🎵 My axe is my budget 🎵
I think it's what you do when you're trying to move something heavy but it only moves a little. Did it move? I think you budged it. Must have typed it wrong.
It is the point of having a wife or not having a wife. And where you feel the most comfortable sleeping big budget blown sleeping alone spent grocery money on guns sleep on the couch spent all yiur money sleep in the bed alone because the wife left.
It’s this new thing people are doing called “not being in debt”.
You can do that?
Yeah. Some dude called Dave Ramsey is pretty good at helping people by giving advice. Problem is, I don’t take advice well 🤣
lol not in this subreddit. Expensive hobby.
It’s usually mentioned by wives and indicates it’s time to let them know you paid way less than you actually did for said items pertaining to your hobbies
Jan 14th. All discretionary budget gone 2 weeks into 2025 lol
That was the monthly budget. I like knives and can’t stop myself from impulse buying them when I see one I like.
The only budget I know of is “bud, get”
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
That seems like the best option: one man's junk is another man's treasure. I'll probably reach out to some friends to see if they'll take it. For some reason I didn't think of that. Kinda just annoys me to look at them and know they are the most expensive paperweights ( in my opinion) I own
Definitely sell them. Just mention that they're not working. Plenty of people will buy intending to repair them.
The last Mossberg 500 I bought "broken" literally was fixed via bending a part. Didn't even have to replace anything.
Depending on the nature of the failure, it could be a spring or pin that's $3-10 to fix.
Unless it's something like a cracked frame that needs to be welded, it's possible that it can be fixed cheaply and easily.
This. Sell them as “gunsmiths specials” I got a great deal on a s&w 66-8 that just n ended a new spring.
Yep I buy lots or gunsmith specials half the time it's just missing the mag lmao
Where are you located?
Give them to a gunsmith and let them dispose of them
I would definitely grab a nineteen eleven working or not
It’s harder to break a mossberg than it is to fix it.
I personally sell many gun parts on Ebay. It is pretty damn profitable and other than broken parts or serialized parts both of these guns are allowed to be sold in parts on the platform. You can likely make some of your money back especially on the 1911 parts if they are in good shape.
So you run a firearms chop shop? 😁
Not usually, mostly I take incomplete or firearms with some damaged parts that I get cheap at yard or estate sales and sell those on Ebay. They have restrictions on what types of gun parts you can sell. I parted out a Winchester Super X model 1 with a cracked receiver a while back. Had 2 barrels and they sold for about 275 each, the bolt sold for over 100 and stock for about 250 also. Plus still have things like small parts listed for sale. The serialized receiver was all that was broken and the old man sold it with both barrels for 100. I've ran across a bunch of random bags of gun parts and a box full of all kinds of parts this last year to. It's pretty lucrative if you are able to ID the model parts go to and clean them up a bit.
Wait for a buy back and make them the government's problem..... For money
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
They buy broken guns?
The way the buy backs work is. They will buy ANY gun without questions no matter what condition or how you came into possession of the gun. There are some that won't even run serial numbers.
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
So could I 3d print a bunch of lowers and get money for them?
Unfortunately, you aren't the first person to think of selling them cheap 3D printed guns. Most of the buy backs these days do not accept 3D printed guns.
Crazy how 3D printed gHoSt GuNs are such a problem in the media but the police refuse to buy them "back" for sAfEtY.
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
I live in Texas tho so I do don't think I'll be able to find any near me. I'd think Austin would be the only place
Austin hasn’t had one in a while but they do have a gun surrender program that’s ongoing. You won’t get paid for your guns though.
San Antonio had one a few months back. Check out Brandon Herrera’s YouTube channel to see the shenanigans that he got into with that.
you could make 10$ slam fire shotguns out of pipe
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
Oh, that's actually a cool idea. Better than using a pipe from home depot
People have done that in the past
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
Tested the gun at the buy back?
People have sold broken guns and sold a bunch of shitty homemade lowers
It depends, different buybacks have different rules. But in general they will not test guns for their operation. If it looks like a gun, they will take it.
they bought this
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
Insert what? Noo waaay shop guy
Gun buy back program
Wish you lived in sw arizona
To properly dispose of a gun, you need to destroy the regulated component (receiver on long guns, or lower receiver if the gun has an upper and lower receiver, and frame or Fire Control Group on handguns) because legally speaking, that single component is the firearm and everything else is just an accessory. Once the regulated component has been destroyed, then you can dispose of it however you want because it’s no longer a firearm. That being said, you could probably sell your broken guns to someone willing to either fix them or salvage the salvageable parts.
What is wrong with the RIA?
I would never throw away a 1911. You can sell gun parts on eBay, sometimes they bring good money. You can’t sell the frame but sell everything else.
Take them to a gun shop and see what they will offer. Or take to a local police station and they will take them off your hands, (call first, before bring a gun into a police station).
OP did you buy these or were they given to you? Take them to a gunsmith and see what it will cost to fix them before deciding to just get rid of them. Unless you just flat out don’t want the guns around.
Part them out, sell to a gunsmith, or at the very least wait until your area holds a gun buyback and take advantage of it.
Sell at gun buy back if they are broken and buy a new gun to offset the gun control effort
You absolutely cannot throw them away like garbage. According to the ATF (if you want to follow the “rules”) they must be cut by torch through a few spots. Theres an info graphic on the ATF website. Better off giving them away or donating them somewhere though.
How bad is the damage? Send pics.
Hang it on the wall
Rock Island has a "limited lifetime warranty." I'd send it in and see if they'd fix it. What do you have to lose? I love my rock island 1911.
Don't throw them away! At the very least, give them to a gunsmith or something. But otherwise, with used firearms, you drop them down a sewer grate or throw them in a large body of water. Duh.
I hate that I feel like I need this ^/s
Someone will buy them.
Find a gun buy back and get a gift card or even cash at some. Go buy new gun with the proceeds 👍🏽
I’ll buy them. What do you want for them? Hit me up
What doesn't work on them? Both are typically reliable, if unremarkable, guns.
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
The lock lever doesn't catch on the mav and the 1911 got ran over so now when it's racked it either won't go into battery or catches and has to be hit to completely in battery.
Ok, the 1911 sounds pretty much shot, but the mav might be fixable
Do they do gun "buy backs" in your area? That would be a great way to unload the 1911
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
I live in Texas so I'm going to have to say no
Surprisingly, there are buy backs in TX. Most of the larger cities have more liberal leadership that are or-buy-back. Obviously in Austin and San Antonio. But I've seen them advertised in Fort Worth and Dallas as well.
Lol. Yeah, I'd guess not
Give the mossberg away to a lucky redditor
Mossberg will repair the shotgun and RIA will repair the pistol.
See Hunter Biden about throwing away firearms.
You could give them to an FFL Dealer or Gunsmith.
I just bought half of a trashed revolver the other day, if rebuild broken firearms. To be honest, I enjoy rebuilding them more than I do shooting them.
"Gunsmith Special" is the term you want to use if you sell them on Gunbroker. Without seeing them, you might be able to sell the shotgun for $100 to $150, I'd think the 1911 might be worth $300-$400 on Gunbroker.
Just take good pictures, give an honest description, and take them to an FFL to ship them when they sell.
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
It's a ria 1911 so it's only worth Abt 400-500 new
Wait for a buy back and sell them there
Wait until the local government has a buy back event. You will at least get a gift card for them.
Bought a Charter 44 spl, disassembled, in a box for $75.00 cause, "it don't work and I can't fix it". Pulled the diagram on Numrich website, saw what I needed, called Charter to get p/a, they sent me the parts for free. Fixed it, shoot it, still got it.
If you really just don’t want them, find your local pawn shop/gun store and see if they will give you anything for them. Disclose they need work, and then ask for their offer. I’m sure they would give you something for each as they are repairable. If they don’t want to buy them, ask if they would take as a donation.
I kept a bucket of broken or nearly worthless guns for the gun buy backs. At the last one I turned in 19 paperweights at $200 each.
Donate them to a gunsmithing school
This is the best option if money isn't a desire from disposing of them. Let the next generation learn from it.
If you intend to discard a gun in such a way, then it is necessary to destroy the frame or receiver utterly so that it cannot be used again without significant repair work. As Hunter Biden found out, it is illegal to just randomly toss a gun in the trash. The best possible solution is to sell the gun to a smith, or someone else for the value of the parts so that even if the gun is totally unusable, the parts can be stripped from it and used to repair other guns, or the smith can just repair it. I've personally repaired some utterly destroyed guns that no one thought could be resurrected, but will and tenacity saw the projects through. You should not rob someone else of the opportunity to develop or hone skills by tossing junkers, besides you can at least recoup some of the cost.
This is fucked. Rebuild or sell to someone capable of doing so. It makes me sad when people throw away perfectly usable parts.
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
I mean mavericks are like a couple hundred and it was a cheap 1911🤷
Even if you have money, don’t forget that every dime counts. What would you want for that 1911?
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
Nothing, I just honestly don't want have to hassle with figuring out setting up all the shipping and stuff and payment stuff
Just take it to an FFL and ship it 😂 it’s pretty easy. If you did want to get rid of it I’d take it to tinker with or use for parts for my other 1911’s. Same with the mossberg.
Give them to your local police department, gunsmith, or gun shop owner. One of the latter two will take them for parts.
Is the 1911 demilled or something??? Parts can be replaced 😅🤣 my friend have seen the first mauser c96s that were produced being refurbished and in working condition in this day and age.? That's 1896-1915 pistols with extreme pitting, hand produced parts like the p.08 luger so each part has to fit just right. Your firearms are not trashed . The maverick could be parts the ria could be a build. Go to
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
Me and my buddy were out shooting in the mountains and somehow when we were leaving he managed to run it over
Call your local law enforcement office and see what they recommend. I get it not wanting the hassle of trying to sell broke guns.
I’m sure your local gunstore will buy them for a super low price or you could just have them fixed
Someone's gonna want to fix it. You won't get much but many shops/smiths will take them off your hands no problem.
Sell them as project guns or part them out. The barrels are worth something. Stock is worth something. Receiver/frame is worth something. Grips on the pistol is worth something. I bet you could get 200 for the pair. I bought worse for more money for something to do
You could disassemble them and chuck them into the recycle probably. Not sure if that's legal but it's not like someone is going to search the bins for a gun to reassemble.
Not legal. You need to cut them to atf specifications to make them inoperable. Some liberals did a protest where they thought they were destroying guns and wound up catching charges.
If you want to sell them whole shoot me a message I'll make you an offer.
Is it the maverick’s elevator? Easily replaceable and much less paperwork to fix and sell it
I work for an ffl who buys broken guns to strip down for parts. I'm in Ohio, but there is probably someone in your state who does the same thing. Most guns are worth way more as parts than a complete gun. Even though a new Maverick is about 250 bucks, its parts are worth at least that much.
People will pay you for them. Even with the non working condition fully disclosed.
My first impulse was to ask for details and pics, lol. My budget is a bit thin this month, though, lol.
These guys buy broken guns for parts.
No,never destroy the firearm, use it for parts, and destroy the remnants. Fuck the ATF. Fuck this article/link. You can rebuild it make it better.
I agree for the most part but OP asked how to dispose of them. This is the legal manner in which to do so. That said, its a mossberg maverick and an RIA 1911. You'll spend more on parts than the guns are worth to fix them. The RIA is junk but the maverick is best used as spare parts for a new maverick.
Donate the parts to me
Police is the best way. Or if you sell make sure it has been registered under the buyers name.
Put them up on gunbroker. Put them up for auction starting at like $1 and people will bid on them.
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
I'm mainly trying to avoid having to figure all that out with the shipping and stuff that goes along with transferring firearms over state lines
Whats up with the maverick? They are pretty sturdy interested in what broke?
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
The lock lever doesn't catch the slide
I load them and let my kids juggle with them - or at least that's what my Dem friends and family think I do with them. I would try to sell them as-is, but failing that see if a local FFL will accept them as a donation.
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
This made me chuckle, but yeah I think I'm just going to see if any friends would be interested
chop it up with a saw at least
thehidden_user@reddit (OP)
Maybe then it could be considered 80% therefore not a firearm and legal to throw in the trash🤔might be plausible
Sell or gift them to the local gunsmith. Spare parts are always appreciated.
I just did this with an out of spec billet lower I bought a few years ago. They seemed pretty thrilled to have something new to fuck around with for free 😂
#1. Location. In general, where are you? USA?
#2. Gift to tinker, gunsmith.... This is really the best. I would love the parts.
#3. ATF has special rules for destruction which are hard to comply with for many people. Take apart and smash with sledge hammer can make them generally unusable, THEN toss them in a deep lake.
#4. Of course the other option is the explosive one. KABOOM it with a load that will bend it out. Always a good video.
Post them saying you'd trade them both for a pack of beer, lots of people would probably want them for spare parts.
People will buy em for project guns or if they’re really fucked this is like the one acceptable time imo where it would make sense to go to a gun “buy back” event
Take them to a pawb shop