ULPT Request: What can you do during a boring seminar or lecture where you don't need to pay attention?
Posted by NardNardSee@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 50 comments
Besides leaving the room, what can I do to fill my time? And bonus points if it isn't so obvious or like I'm not paying attention
Can you all please send (678) 702-3766 “Happy Founders Day 🩷💚🩷💚” she’s a nasty skank who would hate it because she was denied membership.
Record a 5-minute clip of yourself sitting, looking bored, fidgeting, and try to end the recording in the same position as you started. Use OBS Studio to set that video to loop as a webcam source. Configure Zoom to use OBS Studio as your camera source. Join the meeting. Leave the room.
Something tells me you have history with this method
Pay attention anyway, you might learn something.
Uh, here are a few tips from the various tactics I used in church
I would wear one earbud and listen to a good audiobook. I made sure the earbud was not in the ear facing my wife.
Some people take notes during the service. I used the Google docs app to edit my ongoing project of writing the ultimate guide to DNA cloning. It's either that or working on my comedy routines.
Sadly my wife objected to me making so many notes during the sermon so I had to resort to the most old school tactic of all. I would leave my body looking at the preacher while I send my mind elsewhere. I reminisce about the past, I plan my next shenanigans, or whatever I think of. I used to use the same tactic when I used to use the elliptical exerciser at the gym - leaving my body working out while I went on a reverie.
I bet you could get a hearing aid and listen to audiobooks or music. They used Bluetooth now. And I’m pretty sure you no longer need a prescription. It’s an expensive solution but maybe worth it…
Wait, your wife was upset that you were making notes in church? It’s a lecture, what’s the problem?
She makes notes too, but they are actually which bible verses they are referring to. She even uses her phone to take the notes.
Yes I realise how weird that is. I am sure other people thought I was making the best notes ever.
It's a shame she cracked down on it as I made amazing progress writing a new section each Sunday.
“Plan my next shenanigans” lol this is the way
Being in church makes it a perfect time for reflection as there is zero chance my wife will ask me to go take out the garbage or unload the dishwasher or take care of the laundry.
I always have multiple shenanigans on the go. This gives me the chance to slow down and remember what stage they are at and if any of them need checking on.
My kinda dude lol what kind of sheninigans?
Endless exploiting of online offers to get beer money.
Playing mobile games for money (companies hope I will spend money on micro transactions but I am way too tight with money for that).
Also I am endlessly on the lookout for discarded or unwanted electronic or computer items. I love tinkering with them and repurposing them.
Also finding fun stuff to spend my earnings on at AliExpress is a hobby in itself.
I wrote short stories, scenes for novels I never got around to writing, and sketched (badly). Usually by the end of a semester my skills in each had solidly improved and I'd absorbed much of the information passively.
Learn to sleep with eyes open
Holding you pillow tight.
Exit light!
Ennnnnnnterrrrrrrr niiiiiiight
We're off to never Neverland
Learn to write upside-down. That's how I used to entertain myself in class. Upside-down and backwards was also marginally entertaining, but you gotta walk before you can run.
Practice playing the banjo
Literally came here to post this.
collect your piss in a bottle so that when you get home later you can freeze it and make some piss discs
Take my upvote immediately
Don’t forget water balloons with liquid ass in them
That's the answer to everything it seems.
thats the spirit!
Carve a hole into a notebook, use a pen with a stylus and do AFK activities on Old School RuneScape.
Did this at several jobs where I had significant down time but wasn't allowed to use a phone.
Take it a step further than not paying attention, actively distract and detract from the seminar/lecture in a way that you can't be blamed for disruption. Try bringing 4-5 bottles of various soaps, household cleaners, corrosives, etc. That you have thoroughly cleaned/sanitizer and ensured are free of all residue, etc. and use them as drink containers throughout the lecture. Start at "confusing" before working your way up to "alarming". (Ex: start with a bubble wand container or small clay flower pot, end with a bottle of bleach or Drano). Avoid eye contact with anyone, don't act in any way out of the ordinary, try to sell being REALLY engaged with the lecture even if someone is trying to get your attention. Have fun!
Very creative!
Knit or crochet
None of these tips that follow are unethical… Knit, crochet, draw, learn to write with your non dominant hand, practice cursive, write a letter, write a play or book, create a scavenger hunt.
Visualize and repeat your martial arts techniques in your head. Otherwise, picture a rotating cow, it keeps the mind busy. If the meeting is too long, you can progressively add accessories : put a Superman cape on the -still rotating, it’s important- cow or a little hat for example.
Daydream and doodle
I was just gifted open air bc headphones, game changing 💋
Stream an audiobook through my hearing aids.
Ik you said not obvious, but my pals and i used to play the penis game.
Take turns shouting "penis"
You have to shout louder than the one who just shouted before you.
The first one to get thrown out loses.
I get drunk and piss myself.
. I may be in the wrong room.
Sorry bout that...
If you haven't already, when I need to zone out, I pretend I'm a secret agent or something and start to scope out exits, areas of elevation, cover spots and hiding places, potential weapons, etc. And more-or-less mentally prepare myself for what I would do armed robbers/kidnappers busted into the place. I've done it ever since I was a little kid in Sunday mass.
Masterbate, but not obviously.
let loose a few silent but deadly
Let's see.... pretend to take notes but doodle on the margins. Poke holes in your eraser with a pencil. Disassemble a pen and make a mini launcher with it. Fold paper airplanes and throw them when the teacher isn't looking. Make spit balls and throw them at the cute girls head. Carve your initials in the desk with a pocket knife?
If there's no grade/incentive for participation, you might as well take a nap. Alternatively , you could just do your other work during that time.
I used to tape the daily crossword into my notebooks and complete it during seminars