Worried about Bird Flu?
Posted by Roosterboogers@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 150 comments
I follow some epidemiologists on Substack and their weekly newsletters have been very enlightening and jam packed with all kinds of science. Caitlin Rivers and Force of Infection is my fav. Her latest FAQ is a honest look at what H5N1 aka bird flu is currently up to
More concerned with food supply issues rather than human to human sickness, but the prepping is pretty much the same. Following for others opinions
I read that Covid’s mortality rate in humans was 1-2%. Bird flu is over 50%. I am worried about human to human transmission.
Roosterboogers@reddit (OP)
Covid is 3% same as influenza
When people get it from cows, it does not seem as lethal. The bird to humans transmission seems worse. Viruses are constantly evolving, so if it really jumps to people we will not know what to expect.
not sure on that, so far, we are zero deaths from cow source, and 1 death from bird flu source, but, we've had over 30 poultry cases so far. So, ya its worse, but, its not horrible.
Your point is great on "evolving and not knowing what to expect". This is why we have a vaccine (more than 3), but, not mass produced it yet, because we don't know exactly what to expect IF we get a mutation that makes it h2h.
But we are sequencing the heck out of every case in the USA, looking for new mutations, so we know ASAP if its mutates, AND if we might need to modify the vaccines.
66 cases confirmed by CDC, 1 death, 1 hospitalization, so currently in USA, this isn't even making people sick enough to go to the hospital most of the time. No way CFR is 50%. HISTORICAL CFR is 50%, especially if you go back before 2015.
And we have several vaccines ready to go if it mutates to H2H. So we would vaccines available at scale to the public months and months faster than we had for covid.
50% of known cases. It’s likely significantly lower as people with mild cases don’t seek treatment. Your point is taken though. If the mortality rate is 1/10 that it would be a tragic disaster.
This. I'm terrified about supply chain disruption impacting food and medicine. Ugh. I hate this timeline.
And cat food. During the Covid years cat food was scarce and hard to come by for some of my cat's favorites. Yes, I identify as a cat lady. 😂😂
It has now been confirmed to be in a cat food, and has infected some. :(
I try to keep a couple of large bags of dry cat food in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. Usually use them within 6 months but feel they would be okay for a year considering how long people food lasts in mylar. Also try to keep about 6 months worth of canned. I eat outdated canned food all the time so figure it will not hurt my cats.
Good thinking! I don't stockpile any dry food but I have quite a collection of canned food I rotate through...
I hear ya. Cat and Dog food (dry form) go stale pretty fast too, so timing a buy to last awhile puts a hit on supplies too, on exacerbating the problem. Hard to find a win, here.
Mee toooo.
Do we predict food and essential supply issues? Last time wasn't a walk in the park but it was doable
Impact on food supplies is already happening. In the worst hit areas, eggs are either unobtainable or as high as $11 a dozen. That will impact baked goods, and any food that includes eggs or milk.
If it moves to H2H transmission (and it already has a number of mutations that lead to that, it’s very close), there will be massive supply chain issues as truckers, warehouse workers, etc start to get sick.
Had this discussion over on the Costco sub. Reports of egg outage there. Outside of Denver yesterday our Cco had at least four large pallets full to waist-high of AA. Not doubting, but this is some sort of localized thing.
Agree, egg $ up at local Costco. But plenty of pasture raised at a decent price.
I’m planning on wateglassing some, mainly to use in baking and dog treats.
20 MILLION egg-laying chickens died in the last 3 months, more than at any time in the outbreak
Seriously. Snowed recently, and in the lead-up and day afterward, I couldn't find a bag of bread at any grocery store nearby. It wasn't even that bad, like, less than an inch and barely any icing. People need to chill the fucccck out.
Well, I lied slightly. The expensive stuff like whole grain, keto, Hawaiian (which I do like, actually) was in abundant supply. I imagine the same was applicable to Fiji water.
Really reminded me of COVID, so God forbid if we have something as or more serious than that again.
Just-in-time grocery delivery goes out the window when the trucks can't get there or nobody to fill them, drive them. Why we are poking around this sub. Pandemics, like earthquakes and fires will happen again, eventually.
Mmmm I would be highly concerned about this becoming a pandemic
Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. Plenty of potential pandemics miss the special cocktail of luck needed to make it.
Human panic, however, is evergreen.
Not at all downplaying the risks. An airborne pandemic should be something you prep for.
Just not the main thing. Always prep for panic.
How do you prep for panic?
Panic is essy: make a "Bug-in" bin for your home.
If you had to stay inside for 2-5 days, what would you absolutely essentially need? These are usually the items that get panic-bought.
That's why water, pastas, meats are usually stripped from shelves for hurricanes and snowstorms, and more recently, TP. Batteries, firewood, other energy needs are also usually on the panic list as well.
Make a list of what you'd need to camp in your house for 4 days, and that's your panic prep.
Think of 2020. What did people hoard?
Fair, I am prepared either way
I'll obviously keep around preps that are useful for a pandemic but I'm not gonna lose too much sleep over it. Unlike when COVID first hit, there already are vaccines for bird flu. They're just not widely available because bird flu hasn't become enough of a problem but if it does become a problem, I'm confident they'll be able to roll out vaccines soon enough.
Vaccines are strain specific, just like the flu. We don’t have vaccines that would be effective for H5N1.
yes we do have several H5N1 strain vaccines, and have for over a decade with a newer mRNA soon to be available / in final testing
from wikipedia
A "candidate" vaccine is one which has been developed to be safe and effective, but has not yet received marketing authorisation.^([25]) As of January 2025 the following vaccines are available or under development:
Some older H5N1 vaccines for humans that have been licensed are:
But they'd roll one out quick once the human strain is identified. It would be available for testing in a matters of a few weeks using the mRNA process like COVID.
Hopefully, for all our sakes, you’re not putting too much faith in the incoming president and his administration. Unfortunately, I’m not expecting much. A malignant narcissist doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.
The vaccine will happen with or without the incoming administration. It will also happen internationally as well.
The administration is in charge of the rollout, and we’re already seeing what’s happening with how they want to treat California. Not all of us animals are equal…
I’m pretty sure we do already. Just not in the quantities required. Thankfully mRNA tech means we can upscale production much much faster than w traditional vaccines. Still wouldn’t be fast, and there would need to be lockdowns etc, but we could start rolling waaay earlier than we did w covid, which was a novel disease to vaccinate against.
How do I join substack? I would love to read and stay updated on H5N1.
also r/H5N1_AvianFlu has some good info
Roosterboogers@reddit (OP)
Download the app and you can search for whatever theme you wish
Thx you
It’s a website. Once there, you can search for authors. The OP mentioned a couple they follow.
Thx you
Currently more worried for my chickens that are like pets to my daughters. But worse outcomes are definitely on my radar
Same. Chickens and cats.
So with the cats, it’s just been those who have eaten food with raw meat in it, correct? Like if I have bird shit on my shoe and come in my house that’s not going to transmit, right?
I don’t think we have enough information honestly. But the information that we do have points to possible exposure to contaminated surfaces which to me says, contaminants being dragged in on shoes. I personally am being super vigilant and removing shoes in my house, washing my hands when I come in, and masking up and wearing gloves when I am tending to the chickens. I have 6 cats and if one gets sick I can count on them all getting sick and I would honestly be done if that happened.
Ughhhh I hate this so so much. My husband has leukemia so if shit hits the fan we’ll probably have to re home our baby. Trying to not spiral, but goodness it’s hard sometimes. We don’t have kids because wildly gestures at the world, so our fur babies are everything to us.
That makes no sense. If your cat is strictly indoors, their exposure risk is low and in case of wide community spread, it’s far more likely you would give it to them, not the other way around.
I know now it’s mostly just coming from raw meat and milk. Was just saying IF it came down to bringing potential infected bird shit in on your shoes and that causing transmission between them and your feline, it would be a problem for us. Hypothetically. We would never re home her unless it came down to something like this since we’re an immunocompromised household. Hopefully it will never be an issue.
So disinfect your shoes. There are easy basic safety protocols that would address any potential risks.
If it ends up being that simple, we absolutely will. That being said, there’s a certain level of risk mitigation during a pandemic that you have to take in a cancer household that most people don’t understand or have to think about.
We are an immunocompromised household as well. We never wear outdoor shoes indoors. We don’t pick up or handle the cats right when we come home either. We change our clothing first. We also scrub our hands after we change clothes and then we can touch the cats. Our cats do not have access to our dirty clothes.
It’s obviously extremely important to us that our cats are never outside - without being with us and on a leash. We don’t want to risk them coming into contact with a bird or other wild animal.
We have also increased all rodent prevention efforts. We are constantly vigilant. We spray a natural spray in the basement, we have properly plugged any possible access points into the home and we do not keep potentially attractive food or housing/bedding materials around the garage or basement.
It will never be an option to give up our feline girls, so we are practicing now how to best protect them and us. In fact, our efforts have already become routine and are proving excellent for our health - not just that of the cats.
That’s great for y’all! However, if we choose to let trusted friends or family keep our cat for the duration of the potential pandemic to be extra safe, I think that’s our decision to make.
I’m also immunocompromised and don’t leave my house without an n95, so I get it. Since influenza viruses are easy to kill and disinfectants are very effective, even as terrifying as a bird flu pandemic is, I don’t think rehoming cats is a realistic concern or solution
No it’s not just raw food and milk, there’s been multiple other cases where they don’t know for sure how they got. Theories include catching infected mice, but there are a lot of unknowns and tracking it in on shoes is definitely possible, it lives on surfaces for quite a while
I'm not too concerned. Was it bird flu or swine flu most Healthcare workers received the vaccine for early 2000s?
Roosterboogers@reddit (OP)
H1N1 was swine flu and that was mid 2000's? Maybe 2005?
2009 I think
And in 1976. I remember it being a big deal, but was too young to fully understand. Adults were lined in my elementary school for the vaccine.
They halted that vax because it killed people. Also many side effects….id suggest looking into it but I’m not sure you’re into actual facts.
Sounds right. I got that when working in a public health setting with HIV+ folks. I am pro vaccine and would not object to the development of one for the bird flu going about.
2009 was the swine flu. I got it in college, got it in May and the health department was giving us masks and delivering food because it was still new. I was too feverish and nauseous to eat but I was a poor college student so I kept asking for food to save for later. I was not allowed to get tamaflu yet as it was being rationed. 1/10 for that experience.
Honestly even at 20/21 when you think you’re bulletproof it was scary enough we all slept in the living room together. We never said it out loud, but a small part of us did not want to be alone, especially at night, in case things… took a turn.
We got bribed to donate blood a few weeks after recovering. I can only remember getting really fancy shaving razors and rockstar energy drinks.
I’m worried about the turtle flu
“PCR is not meant to diagnose illness. If you cycle it enough you can find anything in anything “ - Kary Mullis, Nobel prize winner inventor of the pcr test.
Keep telling yourself you know better than
Shit, you better tell the hospital I work at. I use PCR to diagnose illness all day long.
Well that’s guesswork you’re doing then.
PCR only detects the presence of…not the load.
You should really look up the interview. It’s still on YouTube
Search Kary Mullis on fauci and pcr
I don't need to look up anything. I went to medical school, and I've done actual research.
You read paid for research and think you know better than the inventor.
This is why our medical system sucks so much right here…
Was that supposed to make sense?
I said I do ACTUAL research. Are you dense?"
Read it slowly….argue with yourself.
I somewhat wonder if you're taking that out of context.
I am. Because that’s what quotes are. I’m not typing the entire interview here for you.
From my previous post here I found that 80% of people believed bird flu or some other virus could happen and is something to consider. About 10% thought it's nothing to worry about. The last 10% were total nutjob Wacko's claim COVID didn't happen and viruses are released by any pheromones and people don't get sick.
For me, yes I am worried. However I believe I'll live, I'm good at staying indoors and keeping away from others if necessary. I just fear that 10% will ruin it all and spread it causing mass death.
Spot on. I factor in the 10% yahoo contingent— those who drink raw milk, believe masks steal freedom and scream, “I will not comply” when anyone mentions the slightest of mitigations.
They will be key to H5N1 spreading to the point of no return.
I prep with this demographic in mind. They ensure a worst-case scenario.
Last place I’d want to be is in a packed Costco with these maskless people fighting over toilet paper—when they panic and finally realize they were wrong.
You want to be inside when that mayhem is going down.
100%. My prepping is not just about the catastrophe. It's also about protecting myself from other people. What a bummer, eh
You have to assume there will be malarkey.
*yahoo contingent * 🤣
I’m worried. I’m a physician, and influenza kills. In particular, it kills the young (every year young children/infants die from it). We got lucky with covid, it predominantly hit older folx. If this thing jumps species and starts H2H transmission, and kids start going down? The world is going to freak the fuck out, and it’ll be pure chaos. Esp since your country (I’m assuming here, bc most here seem to be American) has made mask wearing/contact precautions/simple human decency during a pandemic political. I saw firsthand what covid did. We as HCWs have not recovered, and many have pure PTSD and will not step up selflessly to be “heroes” again (as an example, a subreddit was discussing The Pit, and several docs admitted that they needed to stop watching and have a panic attack during the covid flashback). Our health care systems will collapse under another pandemic, unless the whole world stands behind each HCW and each other. And sadly, bc of the aforementioned political nature of doing so, that ain’t gonna happen.
Lucky that old folx died? I'm old. I dont find that lucky at all.
Lucky that old folx died? I'm old. I dont find that lucky at all.
I love your optimism in thinking that we care about children dying. I feel like I lost that after Sandy Hook, when it became clear that we as a country can tolerate 5 year Olds having their brains blown out in their classrooms. Sorry for the trauma you carry, I bet it's heavy. <3
The country doesn't tolerate it, though.
Or how we allowed over 60 million kids be killed in 60 some years so a woman can have a "choice"
Well if the out going party didnt try to let a good crisis go to waste by trying to control the narrative of every thing. For example, show the science that decided the 6 feet apart rule that was shoved down everyone's throats, especially since fauci and the cdc late came out and said it was just a arbitrary number they made up, or make mask wearing make sense, since it came out that n95 mask only truly work in sterile environments like surgical rooms or how wearing it in-between bites while eating will prevent you from getting the virus but your not having to sterilize your hands or utensils each bite? Maybe if said party didn't force their control by saying just 14 days to slow the spread, which turned into 2 and half years with no science backing it, then people might have been more willing to listen to the said professionals
I have seen other HCW’s say that if another COVID type pandemic hit, they would quit.
I was listening to NPR this past Friday and they had two virologists on there talking about bird flu. They were asked by the host if they were worried and they said, professionally, they're moderately worried but personally, they're high alert and a little concerned.
I heard part of that piece as well and wanted to listen to the rest of it, but I couldn't find it online.
It was really informative and in depth.
Here's the link to it. I thought it was thorough too. I stay up on this topic but learned things from this segment. The professionals sound more and more worried.
One says here: "what's going to surprise me is if it doesn't transmit between humans."
It's not a guarantee but that's where we are.
Thanks! That's actually different than the one I heard, but I'm looking forward to listening to it.
I did some further searching, this is the one I listened to. It's a 17 minutes, but they also have a transcript that is quicker to read.
So, unfortunately it might be more deadly. Outbreaks around the world have been. A lot depends on transmission. Covid could have no outward symptoms yet with the flu you know it and don't want to leave the couch. How transmittable airborne would it be? Many factors would be at play. There are vaccine candidates but would need to wait and see the mutations before approval and ramping up production. Provided the prevailing administration approves of such things. Some are threatening to shut down the CDC which would greatly exacerbate the problem imho.
NPR is garbage. Nothing but monotone fear mongering & hatefilled leftist trash.
They couldn’t be further from the truth on most subjects.
Fauci is a criminal
Why do you claim Fauci is a criminal? What crimes?
Try reading “the real Anthony fauci” for a clear picture
A book written by a man who is an HIV/AIDS denier, who thinks that environmental chemicals cause homosexuality, who believes that COVID was ethnically targeted…? the list goes on. No thank you. RFK is not qualified or intelligent enough to speak on any medical issues and he is going to get a lot more people killed than he is going to save.
You’d rather believe the largest perpetrators of criminal fraud in human history…drug companies love you, sure thing chief.
Many people disagree with RFK. That doesn't mean they are in love with pharmaceutical companies.
But, I'm willing to bet when you have surgery, you get anesthesia, and pain neds after. I bet you get novacaine when you've had dental work. I bet you've popped a Tylenol for pain or fever when you're sick.
Those all come from the boogeyman pharmaceutical companies you're so scared of.
And you make jokes about boosters... you have dozens of vaccines and boosters for them when you were a kid. It's funny... every kid in the 80s, we all got chicken pox. Now? My 14 year old doesn't know a single person who's had chicken pox ever. It's almost like... pharmaceutical companies created a vaccine, and it worked. :)
But it's odd you hate Fauci because he committed crimes, yet... RFK has committed tons of crimes himself. He bought and used heroin for years. He was on vacation and heard a dead whale washed up on shore - and the nut job brought his chainsaw down to cut off its head, and used bungee cords to strap it to the family car. As he drove home, "whale juice" leaked out, running down the car and splattering motorists. That's not a stable person, lol.
He picked up a dead roadkill bear, dragged it into a public park, set up a prank scene, and left it there where children would see it.
He apologized for sexually assaulting his 23 year old family babysitter, while she was watching his kids. He also had tons of porn on his phone from all of his affairs, lots of those pics + video were without the women's consent. He'd send them to tons of people.
He is proud of his history as an environmental attorney, but was fired from every job he ever had, and kicked out of multiple environmental organizations.
He caused a ton of deaths on the Samoan islands - 2 kids died after the MMR vaxx. It was discovered that a nurse had made a mistake in dosage, that caused the deaths. But RFK made a huge conspiracy that vaxx was dangerous, spread rumors and fearmongered. Parents stopped getting kids vaxxed. Which predictably led to the largest measles outbreak in their history. Almost 6,000 infected, hundreds suffering long hospital stays and permanent damage, and nearly 100 deaths, most kids. His disinformation was fake news, and was deadly.
So. You might reconsider thinking of him as an expert on anything. A worm ate part of his brain and died - shows you what a whack job brain he had. Lol.
Didn’t bother to read your vapid condescending garbage born from ignorance….but keep blathering on and go get your 9th booster..it’s working!!!
You used a lot of rude words to describe something... you admit you didn't even read, lol. And every one of them are well-known and easy to fact check. RFK doesn't even deny this stuff.
All of you types use the exact same lines, repeated like sheep. What does it even mean - get your 9th booster, it's working.
Yeah, I've never had covid. I suppose the vaxx helps. Just like I've never had measles or polio, and the shingles vaccine stopped my recurrent outbreaks. Magic. ;)
I have no clue what "it's working" in regards to the vaxx has to do with any convo. You use it like an insult... but it makes you look silly.
These folks are amazing. They fancy themselves the smartest of the bunch, but when you lay out clear evidence, they refuse to even read it lol. Typical. I applaud your efforts, and thanks for the tidbits. I never waste much breath on these folks anymore. My mom worked in the covid ward and she said it was actually heartbreaking how many people screamed to the rafters about how covid was a hoax shortly before they died...of covid. Well, not screaming. They were dying and being hooked up to ventilators. But you get my drift.
I've heard that from a couple of nurses too. It's so sad. The ignorant misinformation, and purposeful disinformation, are literally killing this country. :(
This isn’t a situation where “I’d rather” or have to take either for their word. RFK is clearly unqualified and pharmaceutical companies tend to be solely focused on profits for shareholders. I do however trust the scientific process and peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals.
So then…it should be easy for you.
Find one double blind peer review study proving safety and efficacy of any vaccine ever
Go get your 9th booster then
It’s clearly working on you
What I would actually like to see is that they quickly produce a vaccine for our cattle, poultry, and pets (specifically cats since it doesn’t seem to affect dogs as dramatically) since they seem to be the source of current human transmission. I would personally like to avoid a vaccine if at all possible.
There is no human transmission.
PCR testing is a fraud.
Incidental cases of pink eye do not constitute a pandemic.
There is not human to human transmission.
What are your qualifications?
Nobody said bird flu is a human pandemic yet.
To start, lying under oath
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Lying to congress, Nuremberg code violations that are crimes against humanity, withholding viable treatments to obtain emergency use authorization for an untested experimental mRNA gene therapy.
Being a generally evil piece of shit
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Yea never can tell with folks. Did you know the guy who was originally responsible for protecting Americans during the last pandemic is actually a convicted criminal, dozens of times over. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that guy did!
Oh I know…I saw Dallas Buyers Club, and lived through the era.
I must confess I'm not particularly concerned, though I definitely rate it as a concern.
I'm not a fan of how everyone seems to be gearing up to validate their past opinions about COVID (whether pro-lockdown or lockdown-skeptic).
I am very concerned. The CFR is substantially higher, AND a large group of American will refuse to mask or change their behavior at all which will make things much worse. H2H transmission could also result in the culling or deaths of tons of farm animals (Far exceeding their current deaths to bird flu) which would severely tax the food supply chain for humans and pets.
People need to understand it’s “not the flu” that call kill you. Sometimes it’s just your own immune system’s response.
Yet, they want to drink raw milk and “vaccines suck.” We’re starting to witness it jump from species already. Similar to the “Spanish flu” from Kansas, USA. Downplaying a virus is not freaking out, but being prepared.
I’m worried more about humans not taking it seriously than it becomes a problem. Supporting house cats might be useful to people taking precautions.
With the incoming administration, I think you will get an all-out "attack the messenger" approach to experts who advise common sense public health measures. A new round of the tiresome anti-mask, anti-vax, don't treat on me, nonsense that does nothing but guarantee more infection, more sickness, and more death.
You can go back to the 1918 Flu Pandemic and see mortality rates between Philadelphia and St. Louis. Philadelphia had no mask mandates, very little public health intervention. St. Louis jumped totally on board with masks, quarantines and other public health measures immediately. The death toll in Philly was astronomical. St. Louis weathered the pandemic with far less loss of life.
Absolutely. It’s as if humans have been through this before lol (it’s not a funny topic).
People who don’t believe in science or history but I ask them about a human zombie virus in a tv show or a movie, then they would believe in quarantine or PPE measures. I just don’t understand people that would take a zombie virus seriously but not a an actual virus seriously.
“Would you wear PPE (aka possess a weapon for protection against getting a zombie bite), encourage testing, and/or ensure you would isolate yourself and family?”
“Well, yeah”
“Exactly! That’s what we do if we have a questions!”
If they won’t believe in real science or history, maybe we should try fictional scenarios. Lol
Maybe the “attack the messenger” approach could be just watching ‘The Last of Us’ ‘Walking Dead’ ‘28 days Later’ or ‘Outbreak’.
There's not really anyone who generically doesn't believe in "science or history". But there are people who don't trust your experts and your knowledge and your honesty.
A big part of the Zombie Virus is that it is really obvious that it's happening (and often it's assumed that listening to the government will get you killed). It's a very concrete threat, it's impossible to pretend it isn't happening and more to the point, it's easy to tell what works and what doesn't.
COVID was dangerous enough to kill a lot of people nationwide but not dangerous enough to make it really clear how dangerous on a personal basis. Combined with frankly deplorable government and institution behavior, and a lot of people are just not taking seriously something they really should.
I suspect that, with the incoming administration, more will be inclined to not mask up, which could make things worse
Whether they're more inclined to wear masks or not will 100% depend on if the president tells them to.
They’re using pcr. Its fraud.
Yeah if usa could shut down international flights quickly in case of, the rest of the world would be grateful.
Inb4 mask is political bullshit
Nope. We've had this annual bird flu hysteria for like 20 years and nothing ever happens except the price of eggs and chicken gets driven up by massive unnecessary culls.
Nobody ever died of bird flu from frying and eating an infected egg.
In the middle of Joe Nocera's and Bethany McLean's The Big Fail. A must read. Both Nocera and McLean have long histories of very credible journalism.
COVID was a broad systemic failure on an international scale. I'm re-reading the chapter on PPE because it simply boggles. Very probably the USG knowingly sacrificed the lives of ER and first responders to accumulate supplies for our military and government officials.
The vast splurge of debt by the government doesn't seem to have included any activity on institutional reform.
Extrapolate from there what a really lethal virus might cause. I'm past worried, I'm digging-in and waiting for incoming.
Sharing this YouTube videos on a ranch that assists with prepping called “Fortitude Ranch”
Pandemics (especially a hypothetical bird flu) is a major concern because it's the most realistic "real bad scenario" because of its widespread capability.
If a city or a state shuts down- it doesn't really change much in the grand scheme because it's business as usual everywhere else, and because of that that- everywhere else can help out the affected area.
Take the LA fires for example. Horrible, tragic. Had friends that had to evacuate. But for me on the East coast- it was just blurbs I read on the news before shutting it off and returning to write work emails & water cooler talk.
A pandemic is massive because it can, and usually does, affect everyone & everything. I can only think of two times in my life when the entire country "shut down"- COVID, and 9/11.
Bird Flu is especially hypothetically nuts because of its higher transmission rate, increased severity, and its ability to affect livestock. It doesn't even have to reach H2H status to devastate the food supply.
I had more safety nets during COVID that don't exist now, and thus Bird Flu is my #1 concern. I probably wouldn't have even adopted prepper ideologies if it didn't exist.
Not in even the slightest most miniscule amount am I worried about bird flu.
Have a few months worth of food and water stored up. Have a propane grill and extra tanks in case power goes down and I need to cook. Have a decent garden where I grown most of my food. Have a ton of extra cleaning and toiletries. And still have N95 masks and gloves, though I will be buying more soon. Probably today.
No, I am not personally worried about bird flu. If there is an outbreak, I can easily hunker down for a few months until a vaccine is ready. I've given up worrying about society as a whole after November, so they can take care of themselves.
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I am not worried, but I have taken precautions, my chicken pen was open and under trees, so was full of tits and finches rubbing feathers with my chickens. So I removed it and put the chickens in the the freezer. They were getting old anyway.
I have also upped my food stocks and bought 300 powdered eggs.
No not at all
Nah not really
I'm 100% convinced we will see another pandemic in my lifetime, now whether it's bird flu or something else, im not smart enough to say.
I think we were very lucky with covid and the public probably learned more than government institutions. We got a dry run and shouldn't take it for granted
Don't be. It's more fear mongering garbage
Not at all. More concerned with the lunatics in some military lab creating another bioweapon like they did with Covid, then creating a pretend vaccine thats probably going to kill more than the lab created virus in the long run.
COVID-19 vaccination greatly reduced the risk of COVID-19 mortality and no increased risk of death from other causes was observed. Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 mortality was > 90 % for all age groups two months after completion of the primary series. Based on reported COVID‐19 deaths, vaccinations prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths.
Not sure why you were down vited. Investigations all came back with the same result. COVID was born in a lab.
No they didn't. Different researchers (and research groups) came up with different conclusions. Many came up with no conclusions. And there's still no definitive answer. Without China's cooperation, we may never know.
Because most are clueless
Worry implies an emotional connection to a (possibly nonexistent) problem. Thus, no I am not worried.
It, and the other "scary" influenza viruses currently out there, are on my radar, but that's about it, since my current preps are (hopefully) adequate to the task of mitigating the problem.
Me too, more so of potential threat to agriculture and our food supply than i am h2h spread though