need a passport
Posted by billythebeefpuppet@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 60 comments
I got news that I won a trip out of country and it's going to require a passport. First time ever getting a passport. I have my documents ready but scheduling an appointment has proven to be challenging as non are available any time soon. Any tips of suggestions would be appreciated. I feel like I'm not going to make the time crunch and going to lose out on this trip. Trip is starting feb 6th.
I was able to bring all my docs to this office no appt in Oct and got my passport in 6 weeks. Nobody was there for their appointments. If you can’t get one just walk up here. 600 Commerce location.
I saw they’re appointment only but was thinking about just showing up tomorrow early morning… i need a passport for my son!
I did mine here and got it in less than 3 weeks
Oh sorry didn’t see your time crunch. I would still go talk to someone there and they can tell you what to do. It’s def possible to get a last minute passport at the federal building if needed.
UTD has a new passport office across from campus. usually empty! No appointment needed. Easy parking right in front of door. Super clean and pleasant. In and out in 15 minutes including photos. I still can’t believe it. Sent friends there and they had similar experience.
Thanks for the info Bruv, will probably go there next week 😃
Did you go?
Unfortunately not yet, been super busy 😞
I just got separate appts at the Passport agency in the federal building downtown though online scheduling and there were many available appts in Dec and again Early Jan. Super easy and great experience I was honestly dreading. The only thing is you can't schedule there until 14 days before your flight but it all works very well unless you don't bring all required documents or follow all directions. I think it's too late to go any normal routes with your date so close.
Do yourself a favor. Get an appointment in Frisco. The public library runs it at Stonebriar Mall. They have a million appointment times and we were in and out in ten minutes for my son. It was worth the drive compared to the headache of trying to get a reasonable time anywhere near Dallas. Just did it two weeks ago.
If anyone else is reading this, Frisco does NOT do renewals. Less of an issue now that you can do them online again, but it was an annoying shock last year when you couldn't.
Can you really do renewals online? Mine expired last November and I need to renew it :(
Just did mine last month
Yes! This is the way....same with drivers licenses and such....go to a rural lines..
Seconding this, we had an easy time with our son’s passport at Stonebriar.
UTD has a great passport office as they have many international students. Sign up online. Very quick and great service!
Funny! International students has nothing to do with it cause you know they are international
I was also coming to recommend the office at UTD!
I just did before I found this. 100% yes!
I was able to get an appointment at the Dallas Passport Agency for tomorrow. There were plenty of appointments for this week as of Friday of last week.
You can do an emergency passport at the downtown federal building you have to call a number and set it up for 2 weeks before your trip
There is a service called I have no experience with it myself. I just saw that Clear Plus members get it for 15% off. It says it's $119 + government fees and you get your passport in "days" but doesn't specify how many days.
Public universities usually have a passport office and next to no wait.
You can get one expedited at a US Consulate, but it’s under some specific circumstances. It’s a pain to do because there’s only 3 in Texas from what I remember from having do this in 2017. But I was able to get my passport within 48 hours. You’ll need some documentation and proof of citizenship, then find an appointment at one of the consulates. You may have to drive to a different city.
I mean, I think what you're saying is possible at a certain office, but there are no US Consulates within the USA. Us Consulates are to serve Americans in foreign countries.
To follow your advice, people need to figure out what kind of office you're talking about.
Maybe it's a State Department office?
Those aren't consulates, just federal buildings.
There are no consulates for the US in the US, they're like a smaller embassy basically so there's no need to have them within US borders.
My sister in law just did this in Houston, where one consulate is and they luckily live.
She didn't realize her passport had expired, the flight to Mexico was the next day.
She went early to the consulate and got the passport same day, and took a later flight.
That was a renewal though, dunno if it's harder if one is getting the passport for the first time.
Mine was replacing a lost one ( I found it after the trip fml). I remember 3 options, but there might have been 4. There’s a consulate in El Paso, that’s what I went to. Houston for sure, and I think Dallas or San Antonio.
This was all pre-covid but you couldn’t just go into a passport center to get it expedited. I think it’s easier with renewals cause they have your stuff on file. I also remember there were third party services that would do it for you but they were 200+ dollars for that and I instead chose to drive to El Paso
Two months ago, I went to Tarrant county office (address below) without appointment and I got the application done quick. No wait time early morning.
6551 Granbury Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76133
I think it took two or three weeks to get passport by mail. That's without paying extra for faster service or faster shipping.
Are you sure the prize isn’t a scam? They are very helpful over at r/scams
Do you think OP is an idiot? If they’re posting on Reddit, I’d assume they have the mental capacity to determine whether or not their prize is a scam
billythebeefpuppet@reddit (OP)
it was a work related prize, thank you for your concern
Appointments open every two weeks at the tax county office. I did like and got it less than 3 weeks.
The city of Dallas also has onsite passport events
If you have your flight booked, wait until you're within two weeks before departure. You can then walk-in to the passport center downtown and get it the same day. No appointment necessary but get there at least 15 minutes before they open.
This is the way.
I don't know if things have changed, but last year my wife couldn't fly to Spain on her valid passport because they require an expiration date six months after your travel. She was literally turned away by American Airlines at the airport. We tried to get an appointment for the next day but none were available. She went to the passport office downtown first thing the next day and they turned her away. She ended up flying to El Paso where there were appointments available. She stayed one night in El Paso and got her new passport, then flew back to Dallas (Love Field), took Uber to DFW, and caught a flight to Spain. So I would not rely on walk-in service these days.
That's a Spain thing, and isn't the norm for all of the EU and UK.
That is absolutely the norm for a lot of countries, including many in Europe. You have to have a minimum of six months on your passport to be admitted. Very few places will actually allow you to enter if you have less than six months.
Last time I needed to leave the US on short notice, I took my plane ticket with my date of travel to the federal building and my passport was expedited-- got my passport and flew out 3 days later to France. I think what you and the person I was replying to were referring to were new passports, perhaps? I had an existing one, it had just lapsed by several years.
I’m replying about the length of validity of the passport. You need six months or more of validity to be able to enter into many countries.
Appointments are strongly suggested but at day 14 prior to the trip - you call the main national number, tell them you are traveling within 14 days and have the flight info. They will find you an appt to get the passport. It’s stressful but I did it for my grandson last year
I'm sharing this here because people are telling you to go to the passport office at the last minute, but I don't think thay works any more. This happened to my wife last year:
I don't know if things have changed, but last year my wife couldn't fly to Spain on her valid passport because they require an expiration date six months after your travel. She was literally turned away by American Airlines at the airport. We tried to get an appointment at the passport office for the next day but none were available. She went to the passport office downtown first thing the next day and they turned her away. She ended up flying to El Paso where there were appointments available. She stayed one night in El Paso and got her new passport, then flew back to Dallas (Love Field), took Uber to DFW, and caught a flight to Spain. So I would not rely on walk-in service these days.
Did she have a return flight scheduled before the expiration? That's wild if so
Yeah, apparently it's unique to Spain. I think I wrote six months above, but it's three months. Your passport has to expire more then three months after your departure date. Crazy. Spain International Travel Information
Many other countries also have this rule. It is not unique only to Spain.
I had luck getting a quick appt at the Southlake office. If you talk the online booking appts open up.
Be aware that the Post Office ISN’T the only place to apply. All sorts of government offices offer the service.
Oh, good. I am relieved. My work used to send their “best” workers to a foreign destination, but they changed to USA and its territories, probably because so few had passports.
We got ours done very quickly at the international students office at UNT. They probably have one closer at SMU or UTD.
I got an appt within 2 weeks at the Nevada post office (just north of Rockwall and east of Lavon).
Similar experience, I had to go to a tiny little town a couple dozen miles away to get any appointment within a few months - but Small Town PO could see me with the week. Same thing with my driver's, I had to drive out to Paris where they'd schedule me that same week but nobody in DFW could schedule me within three months.
I would go to a smaller town outside of the DFW area we live in Wichita Falls drove to Seymour Texas went to post office and got mine in two weeks
Try the office in Hot Springs, AR
3 hr drive
Please please please go to the one in Frisco at the library. It will be the easiest government office you’ve stepped into
Go to a post office that handles passports and explain your situation. Hopefully they can take you in. Good luck
You can borrow mine if you want
If you have it all in order, picture, documents, etc. You can go to the federal building in dallas first thing in the morning and get one day of. For a fee.