the cognitive load of explaining

Posted by selfimprovementkink@reddit | ExperiencedDevs | View on Reddit | 60 comments

this is mostly a thoughts post. i have been working as a developer for close to 5 years now. this is the only job i've had - so maybe i have a limited world view. i feel like software engineering jobs involve constant explaining. i don't know how other jobs are and to what degree are tasks simple/complex, but where i work i find that i (or people i work with) are constantly explaining things.

idk, there are various degrees of explaining, but i find that in this job i am always explaining. i feel like its mentally taxiing a lot. because one thing is doing the job, the other thing is condensing it to explain it to a second person- who nearly never has any background or context. i dont know if anyone else feels it

i'm sure an elemnt of it has to do with the workplace, project and culture but wondering if anyone else feels the same