How reasonable is my plan?

Posted by 38077594@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 116 comments

How reasonable is my plan?

I did some research on what’s needed to be a pilot with a frozen ATPL and me results are as shown below

As you can see ChatGPT said that it will cost an average of £77,500 but let’s round it up to £90,000.

I also took an average timeframe to complete the trainings and got 7 years and 6 months.

I also calculated how much I can save ( the lowest) in those 7 years and 6 months and got a result of £90,000.

Now, for those who know more than me and would like to give the advice for a beginner, how reasonable do you think my plan is ?

Feel free to tell me anything else that I may have missed.

Thanks in advance