I went to the shooting range for the first time yesterday.
Posted by magicfitzpatrick@reddit | Firearms | View on Reddit | 102 comments
The range was indoors and even though I had earplugs and I’m guessing generic earmuffs that you get for free when you go to this range. Just wondering if anybody could suggest the best earmuff noise reduction headset. The guys next to us were shooting something that made the entire place vibrate every time they shot their gun. I’m looking for the best over the ear sound protection. Thank you in advance.
I can’t really recommend good muffs, I use basic champion muffs which are cheap. What I can recommend is also wearing ear plugs under the muffs. This will noticeably help dull the sound and might help with shockwaves.
Get some cheap foam ear-plugs and put them in, then put on some decent over-the-ear hearing-protection. Doubling up works wonders.
I went with passives before I knew of the active ones, but have never felt the need to change. They do the job even with all the AR’s shotguns, 357’s etc that my range has thrown at them. Check the performance specs and go from there. https://www.midwayusa.com/s?searchTerm=Passive%20earmuffs
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
What are the differences between the passive earmuffs and the active earmuffs?
Passive just blocks everything.
Active do electronic noise reduction tricks and allow you to hear voices at the same time. Good for teaching situations and situational awareness.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Does anybody make something like that with 30+ DB protection?
You can find a bunch at 30nrr. Foam or plugs underneath will help if you still twitch.
Some will give you sticker shock so shop around. Mine cost more than some of my guns.
Look out for weird battery requirements. There are some that you will not find at Home Depot.
Any foam microphone covers that are supposed to cut windnoise will get rubbed off going in and out of your range bag. Once they fall off just put a bandaid over the hole.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Thank you for that one. This is the kind of nitty-gritty stuff I’m looking for. I will definitely make a note before buying.
Check Midways sale and clearance section. They discount last years models heavily just to get them off the shelf.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Looking it up now
To simplify (for my sake!), with passive the ear-pads and filling do the heavy lifting. Think of Active as electronic noise canceling. It just feels like unneeded tech for my use.
Best approach is properly inserted foam ear plugs AND good muffs.
You want high Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) in each case. These are not additive.
Good foam ear plugs, will be 28-30, even cheap Walmart Winchester brand ear muffs will be over 30.
I cannot emphasize enough inserting the ear plugs properly, spin them in your fingers, make them tiny, use both hands, pull up on ear while inserting plug. You should feel it expand and hear sound drop.
Walkers on a Budget
Sordin's if you are a baller.
Any good ear pro is going to show it's attenuation on the package. Most muff style ear pro will be rated around 23\~27 db of attenuation, Standard in-ear 'foamies' will provide 25\~32 db or attenuation. You can wear both at the same time, and I actually suggest it for indoor ranges if you're sharing the range with a rifle or particularly large handgun.
However as others have pointed out, your flinching was probably caused the the concussion of the rifle blast against your body and no amount of ear pro will change that. But if you keep going to the range you'll get used to it.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Thank you for giving me this info. Specially how to look up and understand the DB scale range. I shot a Glock for the first time yesterday and that wasn’t really too bad. The instructor told us because we’re inside a metal box. It sounds 10 times louder than normal. I’m not gonna lie every time my next-door neighbor’s gun went off. It made me jump like a motherfucker. I was also irritated by how bad my hands were shaking trying to figure out how to hold the gun correctly. I figured I will eventually get used to the noises at the range having a super earmuff would make my life easier. It would probably make me a little less anxious as well.
This part of things makes me feel bad for people. This is something no one talks about.
For people who've NEVER shot a gun, the last place to learn is at the gun range. Allow me to explain.
As you experienced, gun ranges are LOUD, and you can feel it. If you're just trying to get acquainted and familiar with a gun, you dont need all that distraction of guns going off taking your mind away from what you're trying to learn.
Ideally, you could be given a gun in the privacy of your own home where you can manipulate it, and handle it without people watching so you don't feel dumb (that's how I felt not knowing much at first). Leaning how to properly hold it can be a chore it itself.
It's what I did. I bought my first gun, then watched a lot of youtube vidoes of how to grip a gun. I knew how it felt before I ever fired it.
So once I got to the range all I was focused on was what the recoil felt like, I didn't even care if I was hitting the target. I wanted to get used to feeling recoil and the gun cycling.
Once you're totally comfortable with recoil, then you move on to accuracy.
But ideally, before you ever go to the range, you should know how your gun operates, how it feels, know how to grip it, know stance. The range is not the place to learn all that.
Doubling up and using high rated ear plugs and ear muffs is the way to go. Many people have mentioned good electronic ear muffs, the walker razors are pretty popular and slim profile.
If you're not used to ear plugs, look up how to put them in, and get smaller ones if needed. Lots of people don't know how to use them and think they're junk. They're almost always higher rated than ear muffs, and DB is measured differently. 33db rating is twice as good as 23db protection
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I saw some 30db+ earmuffs made by 3M. They’re bulky but I don’t care. I heard stuff like that can get in the way of shooting rifles though.
Traditional style stocks especially. You're usually trying to get your cheek against the stock and your eye low enough to see the scope or sights. The slimmer styles help, but for pistol it's no big deal.
If you're shooting a rifle and really don't like the shock wave effect, look for something with no muzzle brake, or with a linear compensator. That'll help direct the noise and wave forward more.
Muzzle brakes help reduce recoil by pushing everything backwards and off to the side. Good for the one shooting, but quickly annoying to bystanders, especially indoors.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Thank you for explaining what a break was.
Indoor ranges are the most aggressive on your senses. The best you can go to is an outdoor pistol range, then outdoor rifle range, then indoor pistol range, then indoor rifle range. (Indoor rifle ranges are NOT fun)
So i do a lot of shooting. I wear in ear and over the ear protection. I’ve recently discovered the decibulls ear protection and I love them. They’re kinda like a retainer, you soak them in hot water for 5 minutes and they get kinda soft and squishy, and you fold them to your exact ear for the best seal. I spent the money and got the “passive” hearing protection ones that allow me to still talk with a percussive filter on them but they still block almost all the high DB noise. 10/10 recommend.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
What brand?
The only thing that really makes the scare from the concussive blast (what others here are calling a shockwave) of a round going off is more exposure to it. Your second time at the range you won’t have nearly the same reaction and it will ease over time.
I’ve been shooting for close to 20yrs now, I’ve worked as a range safety officer, and even still from time to time if someone is on a bench near me with a big boy caliber and I wasn’t paying attention when it was brought out I’ll still jump. It happens but it lessens and gets easier to deal with the more you’re exposed to it.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I was nervous as hell going into it. And I was trying to listen to the range officer give us instructions, and it was really nerve-racking with them, blasting away and learning how to handle a gun for the first time. I was shocked that I would feel a breeze from the next stall over, even though I was completely inside the stall.
It’s not just the actual gasses you feel, the conclusive blast is a pressure wave that you feel throughout your whole body. It’s not abnormal or wrong to feel scared your first time. It’s not abnormal for the brass from someone’s gun next to you to hit you when then shoot. There’s a lot of jarring firsts when it comes to shooting. One thing I highly recommend is electronic ear protection because it allows you to communicate a lot easier both in hearing people you’re speaking to hear yourself and your surroundings while still being protected. Training and more exposure helps to get passed the issues your having it’s that simple.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I think I’m starting to understand the electronic ones. A lot of people have been suggesting that. Thank you for being helpful. I appreciate it.
earpro doesnt block shockwaves. for max noise reduction any of those super thick earmuffs will work. you can get reputable ones for less than $30
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
You nailed it with the word shock waves. No joke it made me jump every time they shot it. I was having a hard time paying attention to the instructor because I was just waiting for that bazooka to go off. If you could give me five earmuffs to look at, I would appreciate it.
Over time you get really use to it. Think about it like sneakers squeaking on a basketball court, obviously that’s much quieter but as time goes on it just becomes normal.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I get it.👍
Yep, that's an AR15, probably in 5.56 being shot.
Every time I go, there's at least one next to me.
The concussion is extreme indoors.
Yet, the AR fanatics will tell you these are their home defense weapon choice... they're insane.
Instant permanent hearing loss, possibly tinnitus after just the first shot, 3 shots, likely ruptured eardrums, and extensive permanent hearing loss... yep, go ahead and shoot all 30 indoors without ear pro... cause you want to make sure the house across the street is also holy.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I think that’s what the instructor told me they were shooting.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
A lot of happy reviews on Amazon with these☝️ thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
Those in the above link are just earmuffs versus if you're taking a class and getting instruction or in a competitive match or somewhere else where you need to be able to hear others and then you want to get a pair of electronic ear muffs. I prefer my gun club since they have both indoor and outdoor ranges. I prefer to shoot at the outdoor range and I typically go when they're not busy. I think commercial ranges are more likely to be busy on Friday nights and Saturdays evenings while my club is pretty much deserted most evenings.
Honestly try to find an outdoor range. The indoor ones are always loud and have shockwaves. I use both ear plugs and over ear protection and it’s still too loud indoors.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Thanks for saying this. I wasn’t sure if it was just me.
Honestly I want to be able to hear when I’m 50 so I avoid indoor ones like the plague. Not to mention the confined space with so many chemicals. Not a good environment to be in for long periods or regularly. Hopefully there’s a good indoor spot near you.
also, many indoor ranges are really only designed for pistols, so taking any kind of unsupressed rifle makes it seem significantly louder than it really is.
even my .243 hunting rifle was almost painfully loud at a range, even with dual ear protection.
For years, i used the cheap headset from Bass Pro Shop. i only upgraded to one with a built-in coms system when that pair finally broke. jusy make sure that it covers your ears completely and seals to the sides of your head.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Thank you for all the info. I definitely want something that completely sealed in my ears.
That’s a normal experience to have. With time you’ll feel like you forgot to drink your coffee that morning even if you forgot to add the muffs and only have earplugs in when next to someone shooting something with “shockwave” oomph. It’s becomes normal and nothing you batt and eye to.
I agree with cheaper muffs and make sure you’re looking up how to properly fit earplugs as there’s a right and wrong way and possibly part of the issue.
If you want to go big but at a reasonable price, I highly recommend the Sordin Supreme Pro SFA specific model with the extra addition to the ear muffs along with the gel inserts for comfort. The SFA portion helps increase decibel reduction for when shooting indoors. I will still add ear plugs if shooting some serious hot stuff through a short barrel when indoors. Outdoors, a lot of the sound is tamed in comparison to when it reverberates off the concrete/walls at indoor shooting ranges.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I definitely drank way too much coffee before doing this. I was super amped. I was more nervous about how to handle the gun, where to put my index finger, how to cup it, and how to push down the switch to let the magazine out of the gun. I also wanted to make sure I didn’t point it in any direction that was not safe.
FWIW, It takes a bit of time and experience to get acclimated with gunfire, especially in enclosed spaces.
Even if you've been around it for years you'll still inevitably come across someone using something extra loud and it can still induce a flinch.
I like to wear foam earplugs underneath my 3M Peltors. You can turn up the noise amplification on the Peltors and hear what's going on, but still have the best of both world for hearing protection.
Good luck. Welcome to the addiction!
Shooting indoors sucks. The end.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Thank you for saying that I thought it was just me being overly sensitive.
Some of the pressure wave will come through your nose..
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
It was the craziest feeling. I could feel the breeze from their gun. Like the whole range vibrated every time they shot.
It's great isn't it?
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Now I understand that lingo you guys use…..BOOM STICK
Head to the woods friend. Much more enjoyable.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I believe you. But I think I’m gonna have to stick to the indoor range for a little bit longer until I actually know how to handle a gun fairly well.
Walker Razor's. $80 and they're amplified noise canceling. You turn them on and can hear everyone talking around you. I'm sure the gun shop you went to probobly had some on their shelf. They're pretty common.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I will look into it thank you my man
Double up your ear pro. 3M in ear foam plugs with a pair of Walker electronic muffs outside work well for me.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
It seems like a majority of the people like walkers.
I always have the Walker muffs with either headphones or ear plugs under. Really helps at the indoor ranges.
I use Walkers when I’m shooting outdoors. They have a really nice ear plug and are rated at NRR 28. One nice thing about them, my tinnitus symptoms go down after wearing them for a couple of hours.
Inexpensive and they work well
If you are using foam ear plugs, learn to use them properly.
The number of people I see with a chunk of foam hanging out of their ear is disturbing.
I use plugs in my ears AND earmuffs. Indoor range is loud.
Yes I use bluetooth earbuds [ https://shop.mrcolionnoir.com/products/blackout-wireless-in-ear-hearing-protection-with-bluetooth-by-akt1 ]
Yay music And then these Walker's Razor Slim Electronic Ear Muffs - Low-Profile Protection https://a.co/d/8suMjPq
You can use 1 or the other
I also use reycon earbuds too.
I double up, plugs and muffs even though I'm mostly outdoors. It makes it more pleasant, lowers the risk of damage but also when someone has a muzzle braked 300 win mag next to you, just plugs or just muffs isn't going to cut it.
Some people scoff at doubling up but they're idiots. I'm there to enjoy myself.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
If I could triple up, I would
I would pay to see someone duct tap a pillow to their head
I use Walkers, they’re cozy when you break em in
I hate going to indoor ranges because, inevitably, I'll get stuck near some idiot who thinks it's funny to bring a "pistol" with a brake on it and rattle the walls with each shot.
One of my ranges recently banned .223 on the pistol range. If your gun shoots .223, you go to the rifle range now.
Agreed. When I'm on the pistol range, I don't want some guy next to me blasting a rifle. A couple of years ago I was sandwiched between two AR shooters and just left instead. Enough people complained about the number of people coming onto a 25 yard pistol range with rifles that finally, finally, you can't do it anymore.
Maybe someone said this earlier but the biggest factor in that is you were shooting inside. Shooting outside is 1000x more enjoyable because you won’t deal with that concussive force unless you’re standing somewhere you shouldn’t or the guy next to you has a muzzle break.
The go to headset for the money tends to be the walker hearing protection. Bought mine for like $35 and they have active pass through so you can still hear but they cut out loud noises.
There’s obviously better options but the walkers work great.
Always wear ear plugs AND over the ear protection - especially when shooting indoors.
The foam plugs are a 33 NRR (noise reduction rating). Used properly they are the best. If you had muffs as well that should have been sufficient.
Seems like you were next to someone shooting a firearm with a muzzle brake. If you are shooting a firearm with a brake it is not terrible. If you are adjacent to one it can be an issue. It is not necessarily noise but the concussion that can be an issue.
Also indoors you get more of the noise and concussion than you do outdoors.
If you can move away and be aware if someone is shooting a firearm with a muzzle brake. Shoot outdoors when possible. Use foam plugs properly. Double up with muffs.
My muffs are the Walkers Digital Razor Xtrm. Those are only a 21 NRR. They do fine for me. My hearing is going anyway. The higher the NRR the better for protection.
Look for the highest decibel reduction. 30+ is good.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
PELTOR X5 Standard Earmuff: NRR 31dB These things look huge and uncool, but it might fit the bill.
Be a chad and rock some Comtacs or Sordins
For indoor ranges I double up. Muffs and plugs. An AR or shotgun in an indoor range can be outright unenjoyable if they’re next to you.
I use these and foams
Like everyone said, tinnitus is a bitch. Protect protect protect.
You have one set of ears and they do not grow back. This is what I use when shooting indoors. They are rated 30NRR.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
These look awesome. Price is not too bad either.
I use a different set of hearing protection when shooting outdoors. The monster hearing protection makes shooting long arms difficult.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Next time I go to range I’d like to shoot a shotgun and I’m sure that’s probably even louder than the gun. I was listening to next to me.
I dislike indoor ranges for the reverb and the air quality. I shoot almost exclusively outdoors.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
Look it up now
I had the same problem when I started out. Always double up, always.
My go-to is Peltor Tri-Flange (27NRR) earplugs and Walker electronic earmuffs (23NRR) for pistol ranges.
Around rifles, I switch to Peltor Sport Blast earplugs (32NRR) with the same muffs.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
BOOM👍…..looking them up now.
I double plug. Foamies in ear and ear muffs over top when indoors.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
That’s what they had us do. I put the earplugs in along with earmuffs. But they felt like generic ear protection, and I wasn’t sure if the rating was bare minimum or not.
I use Walker over the ear muffs, and some soft ear plugs underneath. Here’s a tip, I like the soft earplugs but sometimes they creep a little to far to pop out with your fingers, I bought a $5 pair of curved Hemostats from Amazon to pop them out.
I only have access to indoor ranges, and the hillbillies in my area LOVE to shoot short barrels unsuppressed - so I just double-up on ear pro. I use foam plugs inside, and then have a set of Walker Xcel over the top.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
After asking on this thread, a lot of people pointed me towards the Walkers.
I've been shooting for a long time and a big rifle next to me at an indoor range still makes me flinch. I always wear plugs AND muffs indoors, but you can't do much about the shockwave, as others have said.
I have shot a 50bmg indoors. Fun, but NOT fun.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I was glad when they left. The people shooting Glocks on either side me didn’t bother me a bit.
Walkers, Howard Leights or Peltor over the ear slims can be had under $75, and i always throw a pair of soft under. Bonus points if you can get electronic set that amplifies DB’s under a set amount and blocks out DB’s above, then you can double up on over and unders and still here people trying to talk or warn.
I dont remember my cheaper ones anymore. Do the walkers and/or howard leights drop sound when there's a loud noise? I remember one of them doing it which drove me to Peltor that simply minimize it... then Sordins so I can be Ballin on a budget.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
My man…thank you!
Hmm earplugs with generic earmuffs should be plenty effective. Maybe step up to some higher quality plugs.
I would get some electronic earpro so you can hear people talking though. If you turn up the volume you can still hear people talking when you have plugs in.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
They gave us earplugs, plastic glasses, and ear protection. I wasn’t sure if it was some kind bare minimum ear protection, or not. I wouldn’t know the difference because I’m so new. Again yesterday was my first time ever shooting a gun.
They probably were shooting something with a compensator on it. Makes the gun way louder and the perceived blast way more intense, especially for people to either side of you. I don't do indoor ranges, but even when I go to the outdoor ranges I specifically try not to bust out my ar10 unless the table beside me is open. I got the ultradyne Apollo on that thing and it definitely breathes fire.. but it cuts so much recoil I can shoot a .308 one handed. No ear pro is gonna help with that blast, again that's why I prefer outdoor ranges in general.
magicfitzpatrick@reddit (OP)
I live in Jersey I wish suppressors were legal. It would definitely make me less jumpy. The instructor told me those guys next to us were shooting some type of AR 15 thing. After they left, the range was less noisy. When I stepped back, it looked like everybody was shooting some type of Glock in all of the stalls.
I agree muffs + plugs are best, and fit matters. Read the instructions and get them just right.