How often do you get chatted up?
Posted by artetoile@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 435 comments
In just everyday places like say a supermarket or cafe?
Was reading a thread about Americans with good looking friends who can just walk into a a supermarket or go to a restaurant and come out a collection of phone numbers
I’ve never really heard of anyone getting openly flirted with like this in the Uk (unless it’s a nightclub or pub with a lot of alcohol involved)?
I am 46, so I assume once every 50 years or so
Club 46 checking in, can confirm.
43 and still waiting so your logic is sound.
45, never happened to me. Either that or I'm to dumb to know when it happened, I suspect the latter.
I'm not far off, however I started back at the gym 5 years ago and improved my physical appearance. As a result I get lots and lots of compliments about my physique... from other men. My wife on the other hand couldn't give a damn.
Similar situation. Can confirm assumption is accurate.
You got chatted up at least a couple of times, you just didn't notice.
Fingers crossed.
At this stage in my life, all I want is someone to scratch my back, take me on long walks, and occasionally tell me I'm good.
Are you a labrador?
If he was a Labrador he would've said "scratch my arse".
And feed me gravy
I'm 53, and can verify the accuracy of this assumption...
So that means, it does actually happen around age 50?
51 I second this
I will soon be 53... I used to get chatted up all the time but I noticed that when I started to gain weight in my 30s, it stopped. I knew I was finished when I went to a gay club and no one tried to pick me up (I'm not gay but from my teens to my mid 30s, gay men were always trying it on with me)
this happens at 25 and 75 so only another 29 years to go. Hopefully u still have a full set of teeth by then.
Not long to wait, hope the excitement is building
Never. The one time I thought I was being chatted up turned out to be a Jehovah's Witness buttering me up before dropping the conversion talk.
She was hot too 😭
In 2000 I was chatted up on the street by this adorable woman who had a really adorable, slightly hippieish vibe. Except she wasn’t chatting me up, she was signing me up for Greenpeace direct debits.
It’s 2025 and they’re still getting a fiver a month off me.
That’s how they get you.
Flirt and convert
Squirt and convert.
Spray and pray.
This new approach to baptism is really showing an excellent conversion rate.
So, how is being a Jehovah's Witness going for you?
Lol. As soon as I clocked the name badge. I got off the bus.
I would have at least waited for it to stop.
I really hope it had stopped first.
That's a funny mental image.
That’s a bit extreme
Jehovah’s fitness
One of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life started talking to me outside a tube station once.
I ended up giving £5 a month to the RSPCC for three years.
Must have been the same woman signed me up for the NSPCA?
You got off lightly. The other chap lost his house.
I've had this. Her name was Storm.
I was like how the fuck do you have a name like that and you're a Jehovah?! What happened?!
You should’ve Jehovah her Witness ;)
Same. Hot girl asked me if I wanted to go out with her on Saturday. Turns out she was evangelising and needed a sidekick. Noped out early on.
"Come let me show you my G-spot.
God spot that is!"
Classic honeypot
i’m 19. all the fucking time - rarely if ever from people either my age that i would like attention from though ;-;
33 male, never. I did get my first compliment about 4 months ago though. Until I get the next one I don't believe them.
I lived with a girl who was exceptionally attractive when I was at university and she was always getting chatted up, free drinks, taxis and even offered jobs. I have since lost contact with her but sometimes I wonder if she was still able to cruise through life just using her looks.
Had a admin work in our office, went out into town after a event for a few more beers. I was gobsmacked, it was literally flies like a honey pot. She couldn’t shift for blokes round her. Now she had asked what to wear and I’d said dress as if you was going out, and girl in the office tipped me off that she was going to be practically naked, so I told her to wear what she would wear going to her grandads funeral. So she was still practically naked with her boobs hanging out … but she was dressed in black. However back to your comment, it opened my eyes how a female can go out for a night and really not spend a penny. Bonkers.
Nothing really to do with what you’ve written, but do you know where this thing of referring to women as ‘females’ came from?
RIP... Absolute legend
Damn! It was dad all along!
Genuine question.. isn’t woman and female the same thing?
I wouldn't have said so. Rather than try and define the words myself I've just gone to the dictionary for these. Woman: an adult female human being. Female: of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs.
I couldn't find a definition for woman that doesn't include the word female, but that does help highlight the distinction: all women are female, but not all females are women. You can have female deer, dogs, trees (if they're dioecious), but none of those are women.
Yeah makes sense. But in a story clearly talking about humans, isn’t female and woman the same thing?
Not really. The other person who has replied to you saying that female is shorthand for 'a female human'. I would say that if you are justifying the use of a word based on its use as shorthand for a phrase, that phrase should actually sometimes be used. Have you ever heard or read a woman referred to as 'a female human'? Examples of sentences I haven't heard or read include "I think it belongs to the female human over there' and "I met an amazing female human last night".
The issue I am trying to get across isn't the social justice one that u/TimeToNukeTheWhales seems very animated by. I would say that the language we use comes with connotations that convey meaning beyond providing basic comprehension sufficient to follow a story, and that those connotations can matter. That can be tricky for people who struggle, for whatever reason, with non-literal interpretations.
No, my main issue is simply that using female instead of woman sounds a bit weird and affected.
In your given examples, yeah female sounds weird. And I don’t hear people use it like that. But there are so many instances where it doesn’t sound weird, so it gets used interchangeably, and correctly so in my opinion.
Do you have any examples where you don't think it sounds weird? I can't think of an instance where it hasn't sounded very, very weird to me, but I'm also always open to the possibility that I am wrong.
Well this whole conversation started because someone used female like this: ".. it opened my eyes how a female can go out for a night and really not spend a penny." .... that doesn't sound weird to me. So many people start their Reddit threads like this: "Me (22F) and my boyfriend (22M)...".. that's not weird to me. Asking where the female toilets/changing rooms are, not weird. Saying you went out as a group of females/commenting about a group of females, not weird, especially if they span a wide age range. I often refer to myself as a female rather than woman. If I'm describing someone I might say "female and tall" rather than "a tall woman"... however, everyone's entitled to their own opinion so I'm not claiming to have the "correct" viewpoint here, I'm just making the argument that it's not "wrong" to use female/woman and male/man interchangably in the majority of circumstances, even if someone else finds it personally offensive.
Starting with the two I have no issue with, and first let's have 22F. I think this convention is derived from the shorthand of age/sex/location. This is therefore F used for female as an adjective describing the person's sex, rather than as a noun. The difference is between being 'female' and 'a female'. That is not weird to me, as conventional as the choice between male and female on any form asking what my sex is.
'Female and tall' also doesn't seem weird to me, because again that is a description of a characteristic: female used as an adjective not a noun. It strikes me as a bit contrived though, I imagine the sentence would be more like 'she is tall' or 'the woman is tall'.
Neither of these uses is the same as using 'female' to replace 'woman' because 'woman' is not an adjective. 'Woman' is a noun.
Female toilets sounds really strange. This gives the impression that the adjective 'female' is being applied to the noun 'toilets', as if the toilets themselves are female. Weird. I've never heard them called anything other than the ladies' toilets/loos. Note the apostrophe indicating possession.
Lastly, on to 'female' used as a noun instead of the word 'woman'.
'A group of females' sounds very weird to me, like something Attenborough would say in a documentary about some lions or gazelles. 'Group of women' sounds just fine though.
I wouldn't say I find it any more offensive than any other instance of poor English. I might feel differently if I were a woman, but as it is I just find it very weird and jarring.
Yep and that’s fair enough, we all have our own opinions/experiences. It’s not weird or jarring to me to use female or male as a noun, it is for you, and that’s ok. But I’m from Yorkshire and we definitely refer to them as male and female toilets, even if it’s grammatically incorrect 😂 And a group of females can’t be a group of women if some of them are children. But other than that, neither of us are wrong. Wishing you well.
Yes, it is.
It's basically shorthand for "a female human". You don't need the last word because we know we're talking about humans and not chipmunks.
Not the commenter you replied to, but I have always used females (and males) my entire life. I’m assuming from how naturally it comes it was school taught.
Me too! The words males/men and females/women are equal and interchangeable to me.. I’m so confused!
It's a weird thing that promulgated from whatever wave of feminism we're on now.
When actual misogyny is extremely frowned upon by the overwhelming majority of society, you kinda have to invent things to get upset about to continue the grift...
"The grift". Blimey!
Yes, feminism is actually big business. Look at how many clicks websites can get by pandering to people's fears. Look at how many people actually make their living being some kind of feminist in a professional capacity.
If society is pretty much equal, all of this disappears.
Username checks out.
Me too. And I am a female, and refer to myself as such quite happily.
I do not assume I am subhuman.
I am not convinced it's a gender / sex issue. It's an age thing.
The English language. Unsurprisingly, because of this, I see and hear it being used a lot. As an example, many Reddit posts start “Me (22F) and my boyfriend (22M)… “
I read that as not wanting to say "girl" because that's a bit demeaning, but also she was really young and "woman" doesn't really fit. Not everyone is an incel, even on Reddit.
If you’re using man as a descriptor then woman is fine
Genuine question.. aren’t these words equally interchangeable? I frequently switch between males/men and females/women.. is this wrong?
A lot of people of all genders find it very reductive. It's also not ideal because it's a biological term when you're probably really talking about gender. Unless you're talking about farm animals or cables it's just generally gauche. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that a man is an incel because he referred to me as a female, but I'm not sure I could ever take him seriously again if I really tried.
That is interesting. To me, doing the mental gymnastics to read that much into someone using interchangeable words interchangeably, is gauche and hard to take seriously. Unless someone’s overall actions scream “I’m a twat!”, there’s no way I’d ever bat an eyelid if they used males/men or females/women. But it’s good to know what other opinions are out there. Wishing you well.
The main issue is when a man talks about "men" and "females" especially in the same sentence.
Men and women are human. Males and females apply to various animals, plants, even technology.
Referring to men as men and women as females is kinda dehumanising, and you'll find that the men who do that tend to be horrible misogynistic tossers.
Perhaps. But nothing else in his comment makes him read like a misogynistic tosser, so I’m going to assume in this instance he’s just a person using interchangeable words interchangeably.
Luckily, you're not the language police though, so whatever correct word they wanted to use is also fine.
yeah except he called her a girl and a female
Probably from this weird language called English.
I’ll definitely agree with you on peoples’ brains rotting from social media.
They also referred to her as ‘a admin’ lol. Tells you all you need to know
Good point there.
Big bladder I guess.
Even better when you get your taxi home paid for, to make sure you're safe, and realise the next day you have more money than you left with
How an attractive female can not spend anything. Fugly twats like me? Not a fucking thing.
When I was in uni halls I was one of two blokes in a group of flats with about 15 women, I was a few years older than everyone else and always ended up looking after someone at the end of the night. But I also hardly ever paid for a drink, random guys would buy a girl a drink and they would just walk straight over to me with it.
Was she genuinely dense though? People always say this about attractive women, they can't all be daft...
Well she was smart enough to get into university and graduate but she did think tuna was made from dolphins.
Now in all fairness there was a time when every tuna can had “dolphin safe/friendly” written on it to do with responsible fishing practices, so I can see where that confusion might have come from
Tuna is "Dolphin Safe" so there is that
She wasn’t stupid, she was doing it on porpoise.
Some tuna tins come with a free dolphin.
She must have been really fucking confused by the dolphin-friendly label on some cans of tuna.
Maybe she thought they were like free range chickens.
That's how it came about, she saw the little dolphin friendly logo on a can of tuna and asked fellow flatmates how can it be friendly to dolphins to eat them
This is the best thing I've heard all day
I, for one, appreciate what you did there. 😉
Graduation from uni doesn't necessarily make you smart
I used to have a really good (female) friend who would always get people buying her drinks whenever we were out. She was a stunner, ex-model the usual.
She's also wangle the bloke to buy me a drink too for the privilege of talking to her.
I know a few girls like that. One bird used to get pissed up without spending a penny. Then somehow she got in a long term relationship, lost 90% of her good looks, then recently broke up after attempting polygamy
British people are always nervous to do so, they expect people to react negatively to any form of communication, which personally I’ve found if you speak to people they’ll be warm and friendly back
I worked with a girl like this once, she was gorgeous and fun and got hit on constantly, free drinks, fancy gifts, meals out.
A guy I liked who was an artist saw her out with me and asked her to pose for him which was like a gut punch but she was so nice to me about it.
We lost touch after changing jobs but I saw her a few years ago and unfortunately it seemed that one of the things she was given a lot of for free was drugs. Scabs everywhere, lank hair, so skinny, missing teeth. It only took a few years to get from a to b. I think about her a lot, I hope she's OK.
I had a good friend like this. She died.
I'm so sorry. That's awful
A to Z you mean.
I meant it more point a to point b but a to z works too
your a to b makes more sense
Ye and you weren’t the boyfriend evidently
I knew a girl like that about 30 years ago - blonde, pretty, very sweet but seemingly not too bright.
These days she makes a living as a journalist writing about global finance.
I knew someone like this from Uni who was also exceptionally nice and intelligent, although not especially talented (creative degree). She managed to live in London for free and go on to work in film in LA. I do know more talented people who didn't get anywhere, but life ain't fair like that.
This is what she was like, we were friends and lived together for years but it did annoy me a little how doors just opened for her. She got one job with a software company despite having no interest in anything the company did. She got chatting to a guy in a bar and mentioned she needed a job for a few hours a week to pay her through university.
She knew though. She often said "I know how to use my tits".
Yeah I think that's how the friend I know managed to live in London for free, got chatting to some rich older guy and just got offered a room as long as kept the place tidy, wasn't expected to pay or do any other 'favours'.
100% there was hidden cameras in the bathroom
Before I dated the wife, never lol. I remember once I asked a girl in a bar if I could buy her a drink. She looked at me and said “I wouldn’t shag you if you had 50 johnnies on” 🤣 sorry the topic brought back that memory haha
don't know why people have gotta be so harsh. just lie and say they already got a bf or something why they gotta do you like that fml
Yeah but then men threaten to kill us when they find out we lied. Can’t really win
😂😂😂😂😂 oh no!!
I’m sure I bought her AND her friend a drink too!! 😆🤣🙈 honestly I laughed then and it still makes me laugh now, the audacity! 😂
"Jokes on you, that increases the risk of a condom breaking"
That was a confidence boaster then😂
Men - somewhere between rarely and never.
Women - somewhere between occasionally and regularly.
There you go...
yeah if ‘chatted up’ meant to be creepily stared at or have gross shit said to you as you walk past
If that's what I meant the frequency would've been higher.
Yeah I’m taking it as people asking for your number or saying they want to take you out or if they propose (once this happened but he was joking obviously)
i just feel like this isn’t a regular occurrence for women! not this generation anyway
I was sat outside Costa coffee a few years back with a friend. After a little while a woman on the next table passed him a note with her number on it and asked him to call her.
He was extremely embarrassed by it and never did call her. I didn't blame him either as I know his partner and it really was a case of why have a hamburger when you have steak at home.
Never! Unless drunk men on a night out count…
About 2 years ago an older very visibly gay gentleman told me my overcoat was "dashing", and when I was 18 working the night shift at McDonald's two drunk women in their 40s told me I looked "tasty". Other than that, not at all really.
Should have said “I put the D in McDs 😎”
“Oh hi officer how can I help…”
I don't think I've ever knowingly had a girl come up to me and chat me up, but I did get asked if I had a light once - mid apologising that I didn't, a pissed up mate, who is just under a foot taller than me, came over and started raving at her in his finest Brummie accent "BrokenZyzygy is brilliant, he's lovely (hugging me), just brilliant (etc)" No more words were said in the conversation with the girl.
Top quality wingman. 🙄
I got chatted up or whistled at a fair few times while I was a teenager. Now I’m in my 20s and don’t at all
yeah it’s disturbingly true for me and all my girl friends that we got catcalled significantly more when we were in our early teens
As a young teen 13-16 i got cat called and had grown men be creepy and try advances on me more than any other point in my life (I'm in my 20s now) I knew it was wrong and gross then but as I get older I think it horrifies me more and more.
yep, now i’m older i know that there’s absolutely no way these creeps don’t know the girls are underage. even uni freshers all have baby faces so don’t tell me you didn’t know she was 14
That's weird as a male, maybe it's because these men believe an early teen is less likely to give push back
Yeah I think children are less likely to tell you to fuck off so they see them as easy targets.
Same, it's why I had to find a new church.
I'm a bloke, we normally realise that someone of the other sex was interested about 5yrs later when we're having a shower one morning.
On that basis about 5 years ago I reckon about 6 times a year. Probably less now.
I have that too and it's always in the shower at least 6 months later. "Hold on, she was flirting with me". I'm just so oblivious to it. I often just walk off thinking "well, she was quite friendly". Although I'm sure it's only happened 2 or 3 times to me ever.
Arghhhhhhhh I'm happy with my life, partner and child now but oh god the regrets of so many opportunities in my youth not taken for simply not recognising the signs.
Yes. I am quite tall and this used to happen to me on the regular when I was in my teens. A girl would walk up to me, very close, look up and say "You're tall" in a certain way. I would think "well, yeah I am tall."
Doesn't happen anymore.
She probably wanted you to get something for her from the top shelf.
Agree with this. Completely happy with my wife, but the amount of times I couldn't read and register what was happening Infront of my eyes at the time, severely increased the amount of opportunities I blundered
Bro sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about moments like that
My wife says I’m oblivious to it.
Once had an argument with an ex who was annoyed, I was talking to some girl at a party because she was "blatantly" flirting.
I had no idea this girl was flirting. At all. Until about a week later when I had the Usual Suspects "cup shattering on the floor moment".
Did you realise the girl flirting with you was Kevin Spacey?
I recently had this realisation when thinking about a situation I was in around 10 years ago, had not given it much thought until now but I am pretty sure that these two girls I knew were hinted at a threesome whilst over one evening.
You knew, you were just scared
The subconscious mind
Either that or you dodged waking up in a bath of ice minus one kidney
I bet that was a long shower
On the upside, at least that is where we can tend to matters.
That got me chuckling. A fine choice of words.
No we don’t
It's probably the same, but you won't realise it until another five years. lol
Oh god hard relate.
It took me 10 years to realise that Anna and Kate don't normally talk to men about how erect their nipples are in a club...
Yes I am that clueless.
TBH. I think the last time for me was 20 years ago...
As a man? Never, unless it's gay men unfortunately. Not that I struggle for women, but it's always be making the approach.
On the other hand, my cousin gets women throwing themselves at him. It's insane. I've never seen anything like it. I'm talking about multiple women every event. Concerts, nights out, that sort of thing. He doesn't do anything, they just come to him.
We were once in a gay bar and a stunning blonde girl came over and asked him if he would be interested in her mate. When my cousin said that he isn't gay, she looked him dead in the eye and said, "well how about you take me home instead then?" I have honestly never seen anyone else who isn't a celebrity have women throw themselves at him.
Probably once or twice a week (outside of the usual bars etc.) Met my now ex in sainsburys car park.
I used to get chatted up all the time. Public transport, shops, gym, sandwich shop etc. Most were polite. I also got followed and cars beeping constantly, cars stopping which was scary. This was in the early 2000’s (early 20’s) Now I I have a superpower which makes me invisible. I am old and fat, it’s great!
It's been a while. I'm 46m. I used to have girls approach me in my twenties quite regularly. I feel like I am completely unattractive to the opposite sex now. It's weird I don't feel I've changed that much physically
At 46 you totally have changed physically (I'm well over that). It just isn't noticeable to yourself because it's a slow process.
I know I have really but I'm physically fitter than I've ever been. I did go grey very prematurely. It's maybe that. I think it makes me look older. I refuse to dye my hair though. Truth is I'm happy single. If the right women comes along, I welcome it but I'm not that bothered.
That hamster in your bottom probably doesn't help
You are right, probably not helping. Although it's been a while since I've had anyone intimate enough to find that out.
Hahaa if it makes you feel better, you're not the only one!
Hopefully we will both end our dry run this year eh. All the best and good luck!
52 here. At a gig (Tori Amos, 1998) a young woman bounded across the bar area to chat, and asked for my number afterwards. Hasn't happened since, or before.
And now you’re married to her?
It was Tori Amos
There was no way I was ready for that! Thankfully.
27yo here. When it happens I’ll let you know 👍
Do you come here often?
Well yeah, it's a Greggs
Never. I’m totally plain and unremarkable looking, that’s probably why. I’m okay with that.
happy cake day!
Yes, it did and now, I reside with Lucifer in HELL.
32f. Never.
Weirdly, and surprisingly to me, fairly often. Even when I'm out with my wife. I think it's possibly because I look different, but have a friendly face (according to my wife) so people find me easy to approach, despite the initial appearance of big guy with beard, tattoos, piercings etc.
It's actually been awkward on occasion. Once I was in a supermarket and a staff member basically followed me and kept telling me how 'beards and tats were a 'thing'for her'...
Another occasion I was with my wife at a spa day and the girls basically ignored her and gave me LOTS of attention.
I find it baffling!!
If we ever split up, I'd be so terrible at dating again!!
From male persective, I've only had this in pubs (like 3 or 4 times ever, currently 27). I have 1 friend who had waitress at cafe give her number without him asking one time, that's the only example I know of 😆
I'm 27. It's never happened, and I doubt it ever will. So I've made peace with it 😆
When I were a fresh faced 18 year old in my local pub a waitress once complimented my hair and asked what product I use to which, with all my wit, i responded, 'whatever me mum buys from Aldi.' And then walked off. Safe to say I may have got my gleaming mane from my mums side, but I got my charm from my dad.
And that's about the time she walked away from me...
Funnily enough i was about as skatepunk as you could get, it was the style at the time to have a mop of hair and a straight fringe so its no wonder she was impressed... 😏🤣
The UK does not work like America does.
I had American House-mates at University and they were blown away by UK men. Either too Passive or too obnoxious.
They didn't understand why it was weird to just go up to someone and say "Hey, I like you're style, wanna swap numbers?".
One of the girls CLEANED UP though as she realized she could just take on that role herself and UK guys would bite every time. Lost count of the number of guys she had come round.
I must give off a gay vibe because I do tend to get gay people hitting on me.
Other than that, never, not that I'm aware of.
Although I'd imagine the wedding ring puts up a bit of a barrier.
A receptionist I used to work with though was constantly getting creepy guys offering her stuff. One was a middle aged property millionaire in Manchester who randomly invited her to his birthday party. He had his driver pick her up from Wigan in a Bentley Bentayga.
I have to say actually, it usually was middle aged men hitting on her.
My wife does very occasionally get stopped in the street by creeps saying stuff like "I just wanted you to know that you're beautiful" and such, as if that's going to be the start of some sort of romance.
I think anyone who's vaguely attractive as a man is just shagging girls off Tinder, so not much need to be chatting up these days.
Some guy followed me around Morrisons recently, if that counts.
I apologise but you had just picked up the last multipack of quavers. I was just looking for an opportunity to do a run by trolley mugging.
On this subject, I hate leaving my trolley unattended because I have a deep fear in my mind that someone is going to grab my items because they're too lazy to walk to the other side of the shop
Though it's probably not an unfounded worry lol
No, the security guard doesn't count
Almost never now and even when I was younger it was an extremely rare occurrence. I'm not offputtingly hideous, so I'm not sure if that was because of my +3 shield of fuck-off or that I was just oblivious. Could be either, really.
Once in my life.
I was on a train going for an interview in the big smoke.
A girl moved seats to sit next to me. I was prepping for the interview and she kinda imposed on my space with her drink.
She offered me a drink and struck up a conversation about the interview. I was so confused what was happening and went into instant "do not offend" nerd mode, it never once crossed my mind she was flirting. I had to get off one stop before her and she gave me her card with her number on it and everything.
I think about it almost hourly.
Erm never. Or I don’t know it’s happening?
It happened once in a club when I was 18. A girl came over with her friends who told me she thought I was cute. I'm now 30, and I don't recall it happening since.
There's a fine line between chatting up and harassment.
British people are always nervous to do so, they expect people to react negatively to any form of communication, which personally I’ve found if you speak to people they’ll be warm and friendly back
Not at all. It probably happened more at uni 😅 But honestly, I wouldn't click on if someone did unless they told me they were chatting me up!
Not since I was 16, haha. He must have been alright because we've been together 22 years now...
Happened at uni a couple of times, usually something along the lines of "we could form a study group". I used this line successfully a couple of times, met my wife that way.
Apparently the only time I'm attractive is when I'm pregnant so 3 times in umm 40 years.
When I was in my 20’s maybe once a month or so someone would actually ask me for my number or give me theirs. Otherwise it was creepy staring or weird unwanted conversation regularly. Now, nada. And I prefer it that way.
I’ve been married for 20 years but prior to that relationship I was only ever successful in chatting women up stone cold sober and in the light of day. I met my wife in the supermarket for instance
Never. But then again, I hardly speak to women so…
Am woman. The last time I was chatted up was about 10 years ago at a train station. He seemed nice, I'm not sure why I didn't go for it.
That's a smashing blouse you have on...
A few times a week.
I get it pretty regularly however I have bright and colourful hair and I think this is what does it. I am not good looking, I’m perhaps average at best, I’m overweight, not massively but I am certainly not slim. I don’t wear makeup or put that much effort in to how I look and I don’t dress nice. I think some men are just attracted by my colourful hair which I never expected to happen lol.
A good few times where I’ve been chatted up in a pub it’s quickly turned out to be a couple looking for a +1
Not sure if it’s random or I give off “watch me screw your missus” type vibes I dunno
Almost empty train carriage at 10pm. I sat down. A guy who was sitting at the far end of the carriage walked over and sat next to me.
"You smell nice"
Does that count?
24 year old woman. It depends where I am. When I lived in a big city, it was most times I left the house.
Nowadays, it tends to only be if I'm out alone, and wearing an outfit that shows off my figure. I can avoid it if I wear no makeup/baggy clothes/tie my hair up and stick to a smaller town.
never happened, or if it did i didnt realise
im 40 fat, bearded and clumsy
If they are chatting me up, it’s subtle and I’m one of those people that’s like ‘me? Does he like me’? So I’m not sure of the answer. My inner romantic would like to think it’s possible to chat to someone in the supermarket and leave with a phone number
I'm 49 and even if someone chatted me up I doubt I'd believe that's what was going on. I'd probably suspect they were trying to trick me or something.
Lol never.
I have no idea
25m, for the first time ever I had someone ask for my number a few months ago. We were at a social music-based event and I had played with one of her friend before, got chatting as we were more of a similar age than everyone else there. I was genuinely just being polite and exchanging pleasantries and then she said “I’m going to ask you something and you absolutely can say no” (at which point I was thinking she was going to ask me if I’d accompany her playing a specific song) then she said “can I have your number” and I politely declined due to having a gf. I was well and truly shocked as i had never had that happen before
I (50M) have this happen occasionally, maybe once or twice a year. I am not that good looking, but I am aging well, so by comparison to other men my age I guess I am now more attractive than when I was younger.
I feel uncomfortable with it, I am married and not interested in changing that status, so I just brush it off. Sometimes women feel really hurt… sorry!
I am fairly certain it has happened but I'm clueless about how to respond. I never know how to continue the conversation..
Between my teens and late twenties it would happen on the regular. I’ve never liked being cold approached, particularly when I’m on public transport or doing my shopping so I’m happy that now in my thirties this has stopped. The wedding ring definitely helps!
In a bar, all the time.
Out in 'real life' very rarely by 'normal people', but pretty often by creeps.
I think it's a social norm to not go up to people when they're just trying to go about their normal days, but to save that for times when they are in socialising settings.
Maybe once every couple years?
Will I have been chatted up before? Probably Will I have only realized a week later when thinking about it, thus missing the whole opportunity? Definitely
When I worked in a factory it was relentless, I was one of very few women though. And the things these men would come out with were SHAMELESS. Some of them verging on stalking.
Also at race meetings, it was constant until I got with my partner. Some still try it now but it's much less so.
Just out and about....very rarely. Sometimes get creeps in bars trying their best but other than that, no.
These days? Very rarely. Although tbf I never go out. 20 years ago? Every time I left the house.
I prefer it now.
I remember at uni a girl said she was bored and asked if she could come over, she then said she wanted to watch a movie, so we did, then she said she was cold and so I offered her a blanket. She then told me she missed cuddles and so I said she should try dating apps to find someone. She then watched the end of the movie and left.
Years later I was speaking to a mutual friend about her and they said she liked me back then. That was when the realisation hit. The problem was not that i didn’t find her attractive, it was that i didn’t think she saw me that way. So in honesty, probably far more often than I’m aware of. As I’m still oblivious now to any of it.
But not in a restaurant, people are usually there with their family or on a date etc. Supermarket, yes. Or just on public transport
I'm 40F.
I am not a candidate for the cover of Sports Illustrated (thank God) but I'm reasonably attractive, I think.
I am an intensely friendly & talkative Midwesterner living in a peak Midwest friendly place. It isn't unheard of for me to have a random short conversation in any of those places, but no one has ever hit on me in those places, and I have never hit on someone in any of those places. If I ever get back into dating I'll give it a whirl.
The closest thing is a very weird man in a grocery store parking lot asking me for my number when I was trying to get him to sign a political petition. I declined as I was only in the area for the petition. He seemed to take it like a champ, until he started saying weird things about kissing me in the parking lot. Thankfully, I do not recall how weird. It was weird. He did sign my petition though.
Men don't get chatted up, we get subtly-hinted-at.
Right guys?
... G... Guys?
Never but last year I got co at uni I got called cute and then attractive by two different people within the same week. It hasn't happened since, no matter how much I try to replicate that week! First one was by a flatmates friend when we first met and second after meeting a coursemate of my cousin's, who apparently said afterwards that I was attractive. My cousin now takes the piss out of me for it.
Don’t even get looked at twice, forget spoken to.
slick your hair back and wear a haiwian shirt
I lived in the USA til I was 25 and then moved to UK (I am 40). I have never been approached here, but was hit on all the time in the US and no doubt would be again if I went back.
It just does not happen here. Even if you go to a club/bar it doesn't happen. Instead men do this weird thing where they stare at you, almost like asking permission to come over and chat? And even then often don't do anything.
I assume most people meet their partners online at this point.
yeah most use dating apps these days. I wish both parties would be more direct like the old days. like how hard is it to let your feelings been known there and then, pose the question of "hey do you wanna go for a drink sometime" and go from there it's literally so easy.
everyone is so clamed up now its actually really sad to see tbh.
This is probably men unsuccessfully trying to read the signals, getting confused and abandoning quest.
Let's be honest, we are confused these days. Flooded with conflicting information from different sources and subscribing to the norms our particular tribe accepts, which in large cities with so many cultures mixed is getting somewhat difficult to decipher.
It doesn't happen, it's just a TV thing, even in America. Oh, you saw it on a reel? They're actors.
everyone's too glued to their phone screens nowadays when out and about. all the chatting up is done behind a screen now like we are all robots. I hate this society we live in now. there's now organicnas about it anymore.
24F in London, perhaps once every few weeks.
people often think that people who get hit on more have hit the jackpot and should be appreciative...but actually it can be really annoying as well as daunting especially as a women knowing there are so many crazies about out there.
like the saying goes the grass is always greener.
Personally I've had plenty of relationships and don't struggle getting with people but at the end of the day I like to have the bed to myself at night with no one bothering me, there's just something about the peace that is addictive.
I like to be my own boss.
Once when I was 16.
I was so shy and awkward I walked away. I still get shivers of embarrassment to this day when I think about it.
A security guard called me “young lady” about a year ago?
I’m counting it.
Ok, so how do you know when you're being chatted up? I was at a birthday bbq and talking to a man. He was telling me about his kids and about having adhd when he suddenly blurted out "I may be way out of line, but can I have your phone number?" It came as a complete surprise to me because I was sat next to my bf and it didn't follow from the conversation imo. But later on, my friend said to me, "Did you honestly not know he was chatting you up?" And honestly, I did not. I thought it was just a conversation, so how do you tell? Is it just went someone talks to you because that would be a crazy definition.
Rarely, except it happened four times in one night recently and my ego hit the fucking roof
Maybe it was the same person with a stutter.
I’m a woman, 37. It used to be fairly regular. I have made an active effort in the last few years to dissuade men from showing interest and in turn feel more comfortable in my own skin. I got a septum piercing, I wear more masculine clothes and avoid makeup (unless I am going to be in the presence of women I may want to fuck). My hair is shorter than it was but I refuse to cut it short.
I still get chatted up by men from time to time, but I’m not usually partying in establishments where straight men are. I get chatted up by lesbians every time I go out out. I can pretty reliable get a ONS if I want one.
I reckon it's happened about 4 or 5 times in my life, if you include two weirdos, and an indecent proposal.
First was a girl I went to college with, but she was really drunk and I suspected she'd regret cheating on her bf the next day. Second was a woman who gave me her number after a weekend training course. Third was an older lady who suggested I might want to become a gigolo, "but you'll have to fuck old ladies like me", when I said I was thinking of a new career. She brought it up again a couple more times when we met. First weirdo was a woman who gave me her hotel address & room number at a conference... she was drunk and it was 9am!! Last one, and second weirdo, was a woman who approached me on a train late at night. We were the only two people in the carriage that I could see. She wouldn't leave me alone & tried to kiss me. I got off at the next stop & went home. I'd been drinking that time and she didn't seem particularly drunk.
More than I would like. Respect my bubble please 🤪
Before I broke my neck, it happened fairly regularly Maybe once or twice a week someone would ask for my number. Then I broke my neck and gained 2 stone lying in a hospital bed for six months, and now no more. I’m now able to walk again and am back in the gym so will lose the weight, but I actually prefer not being chatted up haha
I can't even get chatted up on a dating app, let alone in public.
46 M - most the time women don’t openly start chatting you up…but they will make it easier for you to start talking to them…shops, coffee shops etc - a couple times a week on average.
My missus 46, every time she goes to get a coffee, either it’s being handed over free or someone in the queue is offering to pay. Getting petrol, the gym, at work…it’s constant.
She gets asked out at least 2/3 times a day…she sits me down and talks me through them.
Never, never been approached ever.
Once, about 20 years ago. And I didnt realise it was happening until about an hour later.
I'm 32 and I've never been chatted up. I doubt I ever will
Now and again, once every few months maybe
Occasionally, but the vast majority of times were when i was in a committed relationship and therefore not interested.
Outside of relationships, it was mostly commonly women that i didn't find attractive, and I had a few gay men approach me as well. Leaving the above out, that's approx 2 women i was actually interested in that approached me for a chat up. Result!
Nearer 50 than 40 male - not very often although in fairness I don’t usually go that many places with people.
I have been invited round for coffee by a couple of ladies when walking my neighbours frenchie.
My partner is fairly regularly stopped by lads a good bit younger than her in car parks and petrol stations wanting to talk about our cars - especially mine, sometimes when I’m in the fucking car and I’m sure a good few would end up in numbers if she was interested.
Granted she’s way more attractive than me.
If only my teenage self knew instead of going to halfords for a cherry bomb exhaust tip and doing handbrake turns I should have got a handbag dog!
That's sorted for me then my 2 cats are getting donated tomorrow and I'm buying a handbag.
You have a separate car for dogging?
Wouldn’t it be unhygienic not to?
With a pineapple wrap?
Cheery bombs are better
She’s my Cherry bomb?
Not quite the same
50+ year old man and I don't think I've ever been chatted up as such.
The last compliment that I got was a from a slightly older guy in a supermarket, we were talking about Smash instant mash and I asked him if he remembered the advert, he said he did and he thought that I was to young to remember it.
That was about 5 years ago and I still remember the compliment.
It's true, a mass majority of us blokes don't get compliments so when it's something even remotely nice we'll hold on to it forever.
Not since I was a teenager by creepy older people, I'm late 30s now and I can't remember the last time someone flirted with me - even in a club 😅
I mean, when were you last in a club?
March 2024, 2 clubs in one night 💪🏻
Afro Caribbean then 90s bangers.
Tbh I do get hit on in the afro club when I've gone but it's by much younger people and I'm not for that.
I get it a lot from older women, 19 year old me hated it, 23 year old me loves it
I’m very mid but it has happened 3 or 4 times in the last 12 years
I’m 37 maybe when I was like 25? So 12 years ago
After a night out we were in McDonald's... She said I like this guy, I said who? She said you. I'm now married to her.
I can count the number of times I've been chatted up on one hand. I was never the sort of woman to attract much male attention just out and about or in pubs, clubs, etc. even when I was young and hot. I'm 48 and fat now, although still a damn good catch 😃, so no one pays me any attention whatsoever.
Everyday places? Never, in the pub? Also never
All the time. Supermarkets are good places to chat, libraries, cafes, dog walking, neighbours. Thought it was normal, maybe I'm just a randy bugger.
Dog walking is the place once you are over 30...
My dog approached an attractive and very posh looking woman's, and they both buried their faces in each other's back ends.
I said to the other owner "well there are politer ways to introduce yourself"
To which she replied "yes, but that looks like more fun... "
Go on...
Up and down like the ruddy Assyrian Empire!
You being rescued, then?
About once a year
I'm a bartender so quite a lot whilst I'm working. Unfortunately less so when I'm not.
I got approached by women three times in America, which is three times more than in the UK. I've been chatted up by men twice here, which was very flattering but sadly useless to both of us. It's reassuring to read that there are so many other men with similar stories.
However, it's frankly unsettling how many women not only say that they were approached by grown men while underage, but that it happened less often once they were of legal age. Apparently we're surrounded by predators who are constantly on the hunt for victims.
Fuck me, who’s doing that?
I couldn’t be arsed with that when I’m in my own world, just out buying bog roll and that. Fuck that.
Quite regularly, but I am a bartender.
I worked in an upmarket hotel bar in my 20s. Great job for meeting people although there was a strict no fraternising with guests rule.
Room service were always keen for volunteers though.....
It depends - I am heavily tattooed so people weirdly think I might be promiscuous? Weird, considering I've been single for a decade. Mostly I get hit on in "hipster" cafés and indie pubs possibly because of that.
I'm a man and a few times a year. And tbh these are the times I'm aware of, I remember this one woman chatting to me in Ikea and then she seemed to get weird and just walk off. My mum starts laughing like "didn't you realise she was flirting with you, it's why I walked off". It's become a lot more blatant since I've lost weight as well, cannot misinterpret now.
Not that often. Happened once on a train but I didn’t realise her intentions until I’d already given her my number. Had to let her down because I already have a girlfriend!
Literally hardly ever now (29F). Around 21-22 was definitely prime chat up time.
I'm not interested in being chatted up anyway so I give off disinterested vibes.
If i have to ask the question “what does being hit on look like?” Would that give my answer away? I just think people are having a bit of craic. I remember a guy telling me I was quite intimidating and gave off a ‘don’t mess with me’ vibe. So yeah, it’s been a long long time sadly.
I get a chatted up in bars but I think that's more to do with my size. I stand out a bit.
I asked my (male) vet out today (he turned out to have a girlfriend) and could use some moral support if it’s going? I remembered a lot of men on Reddit saying men almost never actually get hit on/asked out and womaned up accordingly.
It was something along the lines of, ‘I have a non-cat related question… I’m very aware you’re at work and just being professional, so it’s fine if it’s a no, but would you like to go for a drink sometime?’
Even though it was a no, I’m really proud of myself for asking, and I hope it gives you guys faith that it can happen!
Never. I think the last time it happened i was in my 20s and I was in a long term relationship so I ignored it anyway
38m, I'd say once a month I'll have women make conversation with me at the bar or something similar. My girlfriend will often say they were chatting me up but I think more than half the time it's just friendliness as men will often strike up comverstions too. We're very social so go out a lot which obviously increases social interactions.
Based on that I'd say 5 or 6 times a year.
Mid 30s/M. Scrub up well, tall and funny/disarming (apparently). Confident with women from being raised around mostly women.
Before I started permanent WFH, and was still social/outgoing, about every other month. Usually don't realise I'm being 'chatted up' until they ask for my number/socials.
Ironically (or sadly, depending on your perspective), even more after I had a wedding ring. Makes me sad (also, where was this increased attention when I was single??).
Nowadays, I only really socialise with my wife. But she gets mighty pissed off when women are overly flirty when we're together.
Not a humble brag, but coming from a person who makes a living from how I look and I have to assume I’m attractive by some standard, hardly if ever do I get chatted up. I’m M24
I was talking with a girl that I thought was making googly eyes at me.
Turned out she just had googly eyes.
I believe the last time was 1989.
My 4 old nephew gets fussed and chatted up more than me to be fair he is super cute so I see why all the ladies Chat him up me not so much.
28m, only place it ever happens is pubs/bars, so probably once every two/three weeks. Had both girls and gay guys
I’m from Australia, never had anyone flirts with me ever out side of the club. One I moved to the uk, people were hitting on me at work, as a customer by security in department stores Selfridges. And down the busy streets all the time. I remember feeling off put by it and anxious and I went to ask a coworker what she thinks of it and she said it makes her day and gives her a pep in her step.
I thought someone was chatting me up once but she wasn't.
After working out the misunderstanding we did end up going on a date a few days later and have been married for 20 years so far.
That's the closest I've come to it
I don’t think it’s happened since my 20s. But to be fair I was oblivious and didn’t realise it until after the fact so it may still be happening.
Most obvious attempt was when a lass sat down beside me and made my half drunk pint fizz up a bit. Her line was I looked like I could use some head. Thought it was funny.
Man that’s an amazing story!
I'm a man, I've been hit on by ladies in both a coffee shop and a bank recently.
I was also once told I had a nice ass in a petrol station by another man.
And YEARS ago, I was working on a PC, bent over a desk and the lady behind was pretending to spank my ass.
Lucky you!
As a man, I usually don’t realise it’s happening until a couple years later when I’m driving or in the shower
(33F) In a club/pub/anywhere out at the weekend? Maybe every 30 mins or so.
On my social media platforms? Roughly twice a week. Worse if I post a photo.
Anywhere else face to face during the daytime? Never. But I’ve never known anyone in my friend group to approach someone at the gym or supermarket or anything to ask for their number during the day.
In the UK literally never, however I went to Copenhagen for a few days and had two guys ask my number, and several more give compliments. I think I must have been born in the wrong country!
A girl asked me for my number while I was walking through college on an open day with my mum. It was quite strange , and has never happened since.
Never or never notice it happening unfortunately.
lol never
That was it dude
Or she was a nice person. No way of telling.
Unless someone is being really overt about it I wouldn't know. I was taught to always assume someone is just being friendly and wouldn't have the self confidence for much else!
Ignoring women who I kinda already knew, or was introduced to, or work with, or was a friend of a friend, etc… (which would probably equate to maybe 8x I knew I was flirting and we were chatting up each other).
And also ignoring the occasions where I didn’t realise I was being chatted up… (which I would guess is maybe 5x max).
So genuine, she just comes over to me, says hello, and chats me up, scenarios… I can think of two times.
The previous week I had taken the very late 90’s decision to gel my hair in to spikes and bleach the tips. I went nightclubbing, maybe with my very late 90’s Wayfarer style glasses with the yellow non-prescription lenses, which was the style at the time. Those glasses and the bleached spiky tips. I didn’t pull.
The week after that, I had cut my hair and it was now back to my normal puddlewater brown, with 90’s styling. Think Simon from the Inbetweeners. This girl comes up to me. She is an absolutely solid 8/10. Maybe even an 8.5. A girl that beautiful had never been within 10 yards of me before but now here she is, approaching ME and saying hello. Well call her Eve, because that’s what she introduced herself as.
“Your hair looks pretty nice tonight”, she said, and then she purred like a kitten, “but I much preferred the spiky look from last weekend”. Yeah so I pulled her there and then, and I don’t sit here dwelling wistfully in 2025, no sir.
Two girls approach me, two young and very attractive Persian-looking girls, incredible beauties really, and they take a shine to me and ask me what I’m doing. “I’m going to the indie club” I say. They want me to go with them and go drinking and whatnot. I am of course tempted and intrigued, “where are you going drinking?” I ask. They kinda giggle all demurely and insist I should follow them and find out.
I’m either going to get mugged, or I’m about to have a threesome with two fucking smoke shows, I can’t quite tell but experience tells me I’m probably not getting a threesome with these two Hadid-a-likes.
“Sorry” I say, “I’m too old, too pale, too fat, too tired and too drunk to want to deal with the magic eight ball of an evening you two mysterious foxes have got planned. Honestly dancing to the Stone Roses and treating myself to chicken burger is more appealing”.
The WWE Bella Sisters walk off shocked, but then I hear this third woman just burst in to laughter and tell me that that was absolutely incredible and could she come with me to the indie club and share my chicken burger. She was absolutely lovely too. A beautiful woman, a nurse called Georgina who was into horse riding and lifting weights. She lived in the next town to me too. I said she was more than welcome to join me at the club but she’d have to prise that chicken burger from my cold dead fucking hands.
Anyway, had an amazing night with her, she said her goodbyes in the morning, and I never saw her again. And I don’t dwell on her either, no sir.
And those were the only two genuine times I’ve been chatted up. I’m 43.
I've never been chatted up I don't think, except one time and that woman is now my wife
I don’t
Watch Love, Actually. Where he ends up in Missouri or somewhere. It really is like that.
24M here. If I’m honest, I don’t pay attention now, as I’m extremely happy with my current partner (we met because she chatted me up at a pub; she is also American). When I was 20-21, however, I certainly remember being very obvious chatted-up on a few occasions, and it went to my head (going from being bullied for being shy, obese, and lacking friends to the centre of attention can mess you up).
Never 😭
Not often. But it's happened and I usually only realise when I tell my wife about the interaction
If I go out I actually still get a few men approaching me time to time . But I never go out . So .
Often, mostly creepy
As a guy - basically never.
There was actually maybe one time - but I was too dumb to realize and missed out on a really hot woman. I was at some bar with my friends - they were off dancing so I was sitting at the side alone. A girl came and sat next to me and said something about she wasn't sure if I was saving it for my girlfriend. I said no, just waiting on my friends.... I think I did pick up on that little hint, and she was cute, but think I didn't do anything as I felt bad if I ditched my friends - no tlreally should have thinking back on it though.
Other than that it would be never. I do remember every compliment I've been given though - basically twice.
In everyday places by a stranger? Almost never, I think it happened in 1997/8 and last year. Sometime in between I suspected a shop worker was flirting with me but didn't act on it, she might have just been really friendly :)
In London in my 20s and being blonde and skinny low level street harassment was pretty constant. Like to an extent that it really got me down. But it didn't actually translate to being asked out often. Whereas my best friend from school genuinely got asked out and in general offered free stuff everywhere we went. In the US however I did get asked out everywhere. So I reckon the bar for getting asked out is much lower in the UK but the bar for being fucking bothered all the time by arseholes is similar
I was once aggressively flirted with by a lady in the queue for the self-checkout machines in Tesco. Aside from the fact that she was very much barking up the wrong tree, I was so uncomfortable with the entire affair that I went to use the human-operated checkout instead.
Americans, both male and female, have this weird thing of “cold approach”, which fills my British “crack on solely while drunk” heart with absolute dread.
Broadly never. Frankly it's probably for the best but yeah never.
Does hitting on myself in the mirror count if not never these days
If you're gay and go to queer spaces it happens pretty often. Even the other day a guy came up to me and basically asked if I wanted to go home w him and fuck (I was surprised he clocked I'm gay, I was just in the smoking area of a random pub) and even though I declined i appreciated the offer lol
I feel bad for my straight guy friends, they really don't get any compliments or attention at all 🥲
I have no idea. Because the only times it's ever happened, I have been drunk and only caught on to it potentially hours, if not much longer after it happened. Or when they started kissing me.
Even with the potential situations I have been totally oblivious to, I then I'd be surprised if the count made it to needing to use toes.
Yes, I am a man.
Some time in 1990 if I remember right.
Happens all the time because I am a suave stud of a man.
However I just assume it is a scam, or something hellish dodgy.
Never been proven wrong so far.
I once in my younger days had really shitty dreadlocks and wore baggy jnco jeans. I got hit on by a lovely young lady that was more piercings than person. That I think was genuine, but she clearly had bad taste.'
Pretty much never. I'm 39 and I think I've had a woman approach me maybe.....4-5 times?
When I used to do full on make up everyday with eyelashes it could be like once a month maximum but now I don’t bother it’s never 😂
It’s never happened
It happened once about 16 years ago. We've been together ever since.
I used to get chatted up quite often. I’m male and honestly not that good looking. I still catch ladies giving me a “look” whilst out and about. My wife says I have “a presence”. I’ve never really asked her to elaborate 😂
My two kids, who look much more like their mum are very good looking lads and often get chatted up when I’m out and about with them.
Not anymore but I’ve noticed an uptick in men checking my face and then ring finger, and then pretending I do t exist 🤣
Sir, you do know this is Reddit?
Some people on the internet tell a lot of lies.
I live in the US and the Americans who claim they’re regularly going to supermarkets/restaurants getting phone numbers are have a laugh at your expense.
Bars maybe. Restaurants with bars a more remote maybe. Supermarkets, definitely not.
I was flirted with a lot in my early teens. Nothing now or since. 28F
Are you serious? Never.
In the last ten years or so I've had three guys make passes at me and no women. Sadly, I'm a straight man.
Im 41 f and the last time was about 3 years ago in a cafe. I was seeing someone last year who used to always ask if the men at work were chatting me up, anytime I was out he would ask how often I was approached. He wasn’t controlling about it but did assume it all the time. I suppose this was a compliment as he must have thought I was getting chatted up wherever I went but no, it very rarely happens. I guess I’ll have to stay single as I’ve sworn off the apps and can’t imagine approaching anyone I like the look of.
Not since I made myself look like a gremlin and I've never looked back. But then random death threats out of no where and accusations I'm a lesbian increased. So it's lose-lose.
Started during my first cat calling which was age 8 and last "chatting up" was perhaps age 25? Or 24.
Never happened lol!
I'm a 42 year old father of 5 and not once have I ever been "chatted up"
Now, it doesn't happen although I have mostly self isolated for a number of years. Back when I was 18 it happened too often and felt predatory. In shopping centres, at a bus stop, on a bench in a town centre... I'm not attractive, by the way.
It happened a couple of times when I lived in London, and it was always someone not from the UK.
Putting all the jokes aside, yes it does happen everywhere, not just the UK. Usually if a girl likes the way you look they come up for a chat. I do the same if someone catches my eye.
And liked it? Like, 2 or 3 times, ever.
And not liked it? Thankfully not so much now I'm in my 30s but around weekly from ages 17-25. Creeps are everywhere, you never know if you should take the nice approach or the stern, assertive approach, always guessing which one is going to keep you alive.
I'm not sure if that's what you meant but it's the only thing I can think of as a woman. Being "chatted up" ia inherently a dangerous, negative experience.
I used to work in customer service and got asked out a few times. I was always a bit weirded being asked out over the sound of my voice, it felt so awkward being overheard and would mess with my call times. I don't go outside often now, I can't tell you that it's happened in the last 10 years
Maybe once or twice - a lady in a Greggs asked me if I always had short hair… I think she was hitting on me…
I had very attractive housemates at Uni and they would be hit on and complimented all the time.
Never, nowadays thank fuck. Used to happen occasionally when I was a bit younger and lived in a different city. It was almost always Americans though. They are not shy at all and they have no boundaries when it comes to flirting.
One encounter I was at the laundrette and this American guy took a liking to me. I was like dude I’m just trying to wash my clothes. Then he insinuated that I was racist for not wanting to go back to his flat and smoke weed with him. It was one of the weirdest conversations I’ve ever had in real life.
I have no idea , apparently women flirt with me but I'm oblivious , wouldn't even know that if the Mrs didn't tell me
Very very rarely
Never i got chatted up by a drunk lady once
I haven't been chatted up since 2009
45, slightly overweight, roughly never. 40 and below, most times I went out.
Never 😭
Average 2-3 times a year I’d guess I find myself in a conversation with someone that I extricate myself from because they are hitting on me and I’m happily married and have been for 20 years.
22M and i’ve had different compliments from people but I never know if they are just being nice or flirty and I live in the south so it’s not common to have compliments! and as for being approached I remember last September I was in Costa getting a free birthday treat and the worker asked if I had a good birthday so the same rule applies no idea if that’s flirty or just being nice haha!
Oh there's a very simple rule there, at least for how you decide to act. If the lady is workin', it ain't flirtin'.
Or always and I never notice.
Never. Or according to my wife several times. Idk.
Bordering 50 now and I have only ever seen it in movies and reddit comments. Having said that my wife says she gets chatted up most of the time on her girls night out.
I'm 57. It happened once. Married her.
The dream
A girl working on a till at Asda on a Sunday morning once asked for my number. She was clearly still pissed from the night before. I was instantly smothered in anxiety, smiled, said nothing, took my receipt and walked off.
Every know and then, always by ladies of 80+.
Don't mind it to be honest 😂
My partner gets chatted up a lot, not in everyday life but in a social situation like a club, pub or work party everyone comes out.
I’ve never had that so I presume I’m the one punching haha
I'll let you know when it finally happens
Rare now. Used to do alright, but I'd also chat up men. Settled and boring now haha
Myself never and I don't know many guys who could say they do. The one exception I could think of was this friend who was 6'5" and honestly could have been a male model. He came from Italy and actually said one day to a group of the guys "I'm amazed English women are so flirty, even approach you in public" to which every guy went quiet and then said it had never happened to them.
It has happened a few times in my life, mostly at bars, clubs, and weddings.
Interestingly, the interaction almost always starts with someone groping my ass... Like, I'm flattered, but I can't help but feel if roles and genders were reversed I'd be in a jail cell...
Anyway, that aside, these interactions have never once actually gone anywhere. I was either in a relationship at the time, or had more pressing matters to attend to (which sounds baller but it's actually not).
I remember once in Bristol, I got my arse pinched and some posh looking middle aged lady with her friend who said I should come back to her hotel room. I had to politely decline because it was like 2 in the afternoon, and I had literally just got to Bristol and started my best mates birthday celebration, I met her at the bar getting literally the first round of pints in, and it would've been hella' rude to just tap out 2 minutes into the sesh to go lay some pipe. I did consider her offer though later on, and regretted not getting her number. But I feel saying "not now, maybe I'll message you later" would've been a deal killer anyway lol.
Oh, and pro tip to people who want to get chatted up more, dress well. Honestly, it helps so fucking much it's unreal. Search for a place that people would usually wear nice clothes to (i.e, not a shitty club at the bottom of town). Buy a nice light suit off of Amazon (it literally doesn't need to be an expensive suit, just a nice looking one), nice shirt, nice shoes, at the very least you will get compliments on your outfit. If you want the women to notice you, this is the way to go. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, I live off that high for months.
When I worked in retail it happened a few times. although I am suspicious it was a distraction tactic for others to steal, now I’m thinking back to it.
Moderately regularly.
Significantly more now than when I was younger, anyway.
Pffffft never
It's happened once or twice, annoyingly after I was already married
As a reasonably fit, normal 30 year old man who is quite sociable, I am occassionaly flirted with, and often feel like people would be receptive if I wanted to pursue something (happily in a relationship).
I think people often don't have the conversational skills to begin a romantic dialogue and it's not their looks that are holding them back.
Just my opinion though.
Wrong crowd
Another guy said I looked awesome the other week, in a bar. I thought it must be someone I've not seen in years winding me up. There was an odd pause, I said thanks. They did a fist bump and off he popped.
I'll take that.
To your question, it rarely happens. Not in my 40s anyway. When I was younger perhaps.
It happens sometimes but not often. I’ve had people come up to ask for my number whilst I’ve been walking from work or a couple of times men in the car next to me. The most common is being sent drinks whilst out for food or in a bar, however the person never usually approaches.
Ive only been chatted up twice, buy woman. Im female and straight. Once in a night club
. She was a big butch Lebian and she came over and tried to wipe the tattoo off my arm which says Jimmy. She couldnt wipe it off and said "Im guessing youre not coming home with me tonight, and another on Plenty of fish. I was looking for a friend, yet got asked if I wanted a weekend in Majorca. The only thing is i would have to sleep in the same bed as her, and we'd have some fun!!
Used to get chatted up semi regularly when I had a social life and went out places. Got chatted up a few weeks ago but didn't click until after the fact unfortunately.
honestly i think because of the way the world is nowadays people are scared to do it.. i mean wolf whistling and beeping your horn at someone is now classed as ‘harassment’ lol, everyones gone soft!!
I’m a bloke. At work in public facing roles I’ve been chatted up multiple times and even got a few phone numbers out of it. But I’ve never been chatted up in the street or just going about my day.
During my university days, I was in a club one evening when a girl walked up to me and shouted "DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?" in my face. I said yes, and pointed her out. The girl stared blankly for a few seconds, then turned and walked off. Does this count?
Twice in my 20s and 0 times in my 30s, as a guy I don't think many women go out of there way to chat up guys and expect it to be the other way around.
I have lost my hair tho so I assuming it's that
Once, a long time ago. She was quite a bit younger than me and I thought she was just being friendly. That changed when she leaned over and said 'have you worked out that I'm chatting you up yet?'. Nope. Not at all. I sometimes wonder how I have a son.
Not so much these days to be honest but there was a time in my late teens and early 20s when it would happen a fair bit. I'd go on a night out or meet friends of friends and would end up getting phone numbers, MSN addys (yes, I'm of that age), Bebo adds and later on, Facebook requests. Nowadays it doesn't happen but I guess I'm just not in those kind of situations anymore and also a bit older/fatter.
Though if I have done I probably wouldn't realise it until months or years later.
Yeah I read a lot of the dating advice on dating subs and I think it shows how different their culture is to ours. There's something a bit cringey about the idea of approaching someone doing their weekly shop in the fruit and veg aisle at Asda. They're a lot more extroverted than us whereas I think we value our personal space.
I think you even see it in bars and nightclubs too. People mostly socialise stood in circles and don't really mix with others until their hammered.
I'm a man so it's not something that happens. I've been approached like once in my life over a decade ago and I found it a bit confusing at the time. I didn't realise until afterwards that it was maybe a romantic thing. I've been approached a couple of times on nights out but it pretty much never happens.
In bars quite often, sometimes by customers but I don’t entertain it. Now and again in the gym.
On holiday as a male, I often get chatted up ,
The best one was whilst in Mexico with my parents, on the way out of Coco Bongo, on the bus this female turned to me trying her best to chat me up, asking any good local restaurants, she thought I was a local
In Egypt I got hit on by one of the female entertainers, asking me whether I wanted a girlfriend or had one back at home, the next night she asked my parents could she marry me.
I’m a straight male of unexceptional looks and have only ever been hit on by gay men.
I’ve had to all the overt hard work of finding an appropriate mate myself - maybe women are more subtle than men.
I'm a tired-looking middle aged bloke who never goes anywhere but work, so never.
On the rare occasion that I did when I was younger and actually making an effort to look alright, I'd never notice at the time and only realise when people pointed it out to me later.
wear a wedding band, have resting bitch face - so, never
I have been chatted up but I was so stupid I didn’t notice. But it’s a very rare occurrence.
Legit don’t think I’ve ever been chatted up.
Occasionally, but only at a bar, pub really. Supermarket would just be annoying
I’m 35 and never have I ever been chatted up.
Never, but I'm male.
More often as I have got older but for very specific reasons.
When I was at a teenager and in my twenties there were much more handsome men. Now I'm late 40s I get a lot more attention from women about my age and older - I think it's is because the pool is so bad.
I'm balding and averaging looking but I have all my own teeth and an actual waist. I'm well dressed and can hold a conversation and I think I give us a vibe of "likely not terrible in bed and also not likely to hurt me".
Does not happen in supermarkets but happens a lot at the types of evening events like I go to with work. Also older powerful women don't really chat up in my experience, they ask if you are discreet and make it clear what they want.
I am married so always turn down with politeness.
In person ? Never. On social media probably 10 times in 24 years.
I'm too old and way too ugly now for it to ever be a thing, but in my youth I had loads of interactions with people that would be considered chatting up/flirty.
These days the few times I've approached strangers to ask about stuff (most recent was something to do with a drinks machine in the gym), they seem unable to look up from the floor and/or talk properly. I might be exaggerating though.
Rare these days, I'm getting on and it's really starting to show
Flirting still happens but it really is just flirting, not the swapping contact details kind
40 female here. In my 20s it happened in clubs/pubs every few weeks, in my 30s maybe like 3 times on the train and (weirdly) whenever I was on holiday there was usually a drunken lout! Turned 40 last June and had one guy in Weymouth when I was on holiday by the slot machines, and the usual drunken blokes at my Christmas do (they were a separate group, not someone I work with).... Guess I look easy?!?
19f. I hide myself away as much as possible so never yet. Thankfully
I think maybe, once? I’m not sure. I’m very stereotypically English so just panicked when I was approached in the Sainsbury’s produce section. I’m still claiming it as a victory though….
Dating culture is big and easy in America, as is hookup culture. In U.K, there are A LOT of seriously stuck up people which makes the whole process a lot more difficult.
I'm not sure what you mean by stuck up people, u/FilthyHore1000.
Occasionally, but not in supermarkets or anything like that - pretty much exclusively at bars or clubs or the like which I don't go to particularly often. That said, I'm not doing the chatting up as I'm autistic and awkward and would hate to make anyone uncomfortable and can imagine there's a bit of that both ways.
I'm so socially awkward I wouldn't even know I was being chatted up.
Heck, I went on three dates with a girl not realising and thinking we were just hanging out.
I dont know, could be often, could be barely ever. I've been told im really bad at registering when someones trying to chat me up.
Not sure why you're being downvoted OP.
To answer your question - never. I'm a bit thick when it comes to such things so I doub't I'd even notice.
Occasionally now in my mid 40s but the weirdest one was in my mind 30s when a drunk woman on the bus I was on at 2pm sat beside me,.told me she hadn't had sex for 5 years and asked me to go home with her calling me handsome etc. Quite bizzare. I told her I was going to meet me wife (which I was) and she didn't care and kept asking me to go with her.
Absolutely never. Use to while out drinking. But I don't go out drinking anymore
40m and never, though tbh I think I prefer that to getting hassled frequently from my teens (and earlier eww) by men.
Nearly 40yo make. It's never happened. Never.
Never in my entire life
Myself very rarely, but had a lovely photographer having a flirt on Friday night, was very flattered!
My wife however, all the time. Shopping, walking the dog, even random Facebook messages.
Flattering but frustrating.
Used to happen at one of my former places of work and the city centre area when I used to hang around bookies and spoons
Americans are more sociable toward strangers and will do more with them in general, chatting up being one of those things.
Never. Although I'm so socially awkward I'm not sure if I'd even notice, anyway.
Never, but then I am almost always out with my wife so would be a brave man/woman who attempted it.
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