My boyfriend gave me his old pc but im worried about it and need help!!

Posted by vawchiikss@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 102 comments

So my boyfriend gave me his old pc which can run games well and stuff but what im worried about is that i dont have the panel to cover the wires. He said its because it will always blue screen when it was on. His brother built it for him but recently ive been hearing weird buzzing noises and need some help because I am no expert on this and dont know what to do. Is that noise normal? Should I give it to someone that can assemble it properly so I can aactually put the metal panel thing on? Because since its not on the pc gets dirty FAST and I sometimes cant keep up with it since I am a student for games design so i have projects upon projects to do on this pc and i dont want it to die in the next week.