There was a point in the 90s or early 2000s when my parents played a Peruvian pan-flute CD 24/7 for like 2 weeks and we never heard it again after that.
My NES was a finicky little slut. Most of the time I had to do the under the shirt, light blow into the cartridge. Then had to slide it into the NES, bounce it down a few times then press the power and reset buttons also a few times and voila! The game might start lol.
Nintendo Power and other magazines used to tell us that blowing in the games didn't work and actually did more harm than good. Millions of Nintendo games say otherwise!
I want some actual science. My kids wanted to watch me 100% ocarina of time, and if I didn't blow into that cartridge, it would not start.
What about blowing into the cartridge made it work? was it the moisture creating stronger conductivity? Was I blowing out the dirt allowing for better contact? Would a compressed air canister worked as well? I need to know!
There was a point in the 90s or early 2000s when my parents played a Peruvian pan-flute CD 24/7 for like 2 weeks and we never heard it again after that.
Every year at the Indiana State Fair on the east side of the Home and Family Arts building.
Yess. I definitely remember Peruvian musical acts being a thing at shopping malls in the early 00's, lol.
Right around 97 or 98, my dad got way into Andrea boccelli for like a whole year. He was like 36.
Were they stoned or tripping on LSD or shrooms? My boomer uncle loved the Whale song CD and Laurie Anderson but he was not into drugs.
Kill Bill has entered my brain
My NES was a finicky little slut. Most of the time I had to do the under the shirt, light blow into the cartridge. Then had to slide it into the NES, bounce it down a few times then press the power and reset buttons also a few times and voila! The game might start lol.
Any chance anyone know the name of this tune?
The Lonely Shepherd, by Zamfir
I remember it from the "Kill Bill" soundtrack
Holy shit remember the Zamfir infomercials? Memory unlocked lol
Thanks SO much! Just couldn't place it.
How dare you defile my Zelda memories with my Zamfir memories!
There was a definite technique to blowing in the cartridges. Some kids would do it way too wet and then it was screwed for a long time.
They say only the ancients know the true way.
Nintendo Power and other magazines used to tell us that blowing in the games didn't work and actually did more harm than good. Millions of Nintendo games say otherwise!
I want some actual science. My kids wanted to watch me 100% ocarina of time, and if I didn't blow into that cartridge, it would not start.
What about blowing into the cartridge made it work? was it the moisture creating stronger conductivity? Was I blowing out the dirt allowing for better contact? Would a compressed air canister worked as well? I need to know!
It was Xennial magic. It defied science. It was a way of life!
Sega too! In fact , just hooked up the sega to my sons tv yesterday and had to blow in the two games to get them to go. Worked great.
Anyone else jam a VHS cassette into the mouth of the NES to keep the game firmly all the way down? Worked for us and our pos NES.
Alright, ya got me. Actual LOL.
I mean... it's aight, but he ain't no Zamfir.
Rubbing alcohol. Q-tip. Worked like a charm.
I'd have dismantled the nES to clean the inside othe cart slot if it had normal screws.
Nintendo Tapes
Nice touch with the gold Zelda cartridge.