How long do we have?
Posted by TraditionalAir933@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 479 comments
Okay guys, don’t pounce — I’ve been an onlooker of this group, but limited activity due to the overwhelming anxiety of how underprepared I feel.
I read about Mark Zuckerberg’s bunker some time ago, billionaires padding themselves with more cash — could be baseless, but that was an ultimate red flag to me something is going to happen, that something…idk and when?
Are my kids going to have a future, should we not buy our new house? Lol (nervous laughter) Like, how soon are we talking about a collapse?
About fifteen minutes
I'd say till about 7:45 pm.
Something unique is going to happen right around Easter of 2026. I think we will all know what kind of hand we have been dealt. May be what some refer to as the rapture pre 7 year tribulation period. Guessing many will transition to a parallel universe or new earth. The remaining will endure 7 years of tribulation before the music stops on our little simulation and there is another reset. Earth has a history of cataclysmic type stuff. Last one was like 13,000 years ago when a massive solar flare wiped out all of the costal areas from flooding. Black Sea was created in months.
This looks like schizophrenia. I hope you get the help you need.
No just an open mind that spent to many wasted hours on Reddit. You guys worry about staying alive based on worst case scenario’s. My wife and I have no debt, 2 homes and 3 million in retirement savings. Sad part is that I will likely not be able to enjoy it. Look around, you can sense that change is on the way between the orbs, drones, fires, floods, etc. You will try to ride it out and survive. Honestly it won’t really matter because your soul is eternal and you will just be recycled back to earth or some other location.
I totally agree with you, what do you think will happen in 2026? And why so far out? I believe 2025 is the year SHTF. Just look at the deagel report numbers. EMP followed by thermonuclear war🤔
I am connecting the Orbs and Drones to the concept of angels and various other names provided in the Bible and other religions. These beings were quite active on earth during the time of Noah. If you read the various sections dealing with future events the behavior of humanity and interaction with angels as described in the end times is linked back to the times of Noah. If you read Genesis and the books of Enoch you will recognize the activities currently occurring today. Logical start for 7 year tribulation is 7 years before Christ returns 2000 years later. That would be 2033-7 or Easter of 2026. This is the prediction given to Chris Bledsoe. Some think Rapture. Same entity responsible for Holy Mary apparitions like Fatima. Hathor is another name. His story is a huge deal. His Facebook site posts videos of orbs. I think things will get weirder up to that point and then the shift will occur. Not clear what this is. Different perception of reality. New Earth in different dimension as described in revelations. Maybe nothing and I am sitting in key west drinking. Nobody knows.
Yea that timeline for the tribulation makes sense, who knows when this will start it’s only a matter of time we are already seeing the birth pains increasing and getting much stronger the LA fires is a great example. I have a very bad feeling that an EMP is on the way or a major cyber attack
I've got a home and a job..neither are my absolute favorite. I'm not in my dream home and I'm not in my dream job..BUT I got my home for a lot less than it's worth (even in a modest market) and at 2.3%. My job is as secure as I could hope for, and I make pretty good money. If something were to happen tomorrow, even as simple as my husband losing his job, we'd be okay. I am holding down the fort and staying where I'm at with what I have, given the climate of the world right now. Whatever that looks like for you, do your best to hold down your fort. Your biggest goal should be never overextending yourself. Aim for $0 credit card debt, cut back on spending to beef up your savings, have some cash tucked away, etc. That's all we can really do. The further you are from being overextended, the less harsh the blow.
Till we die
Societal collapse is excruciatingly slow.
Do not quit on life because the future is grim. Use the time you have and your knowledge to build your skillset and a community, and get in front of disasters.
I’m not gonna tell you not to worry, but I will tell you not to panic.
This phrase may have been ignored, forgotten or overlooked, but “The Erosion of the Middle Class” has been something I’ve watched over the last 15 years… and it’s gaining momentum.
Erosion is not a tidal wave, hurricane, or a mudslide…. It’s the repeated clawing awa of systems, communities, ethos/morals.
No one has a crystal ball. We’re in one of the most volatile shifts in human history w the advancement and integration of AI.
Find a fellowship. Find a community. Neighborhood bbqs? Great. Lodges? men’s groups? Get involved so that you’re not alone making decisions and have a well of knowledge available to you. You improve yourself, you improve your community, you improve your life and the lives of those around you.
I'm 41. I realized 15 years ago that the middle class was going to disappear in the US. It had already started. I decided then to prioritize a career that would help me be on the upper side of that cut. And it worked. I know luck is involved, but I'm glad I decided to get aggressive about career advancement 15 years ago so I can be where I am today.
I’m 37 and on the edge. I can go either way depending on a lot of factors.
Just turned 35... worked construction f'd my back up. Now dont know what to do. Cant even get an interview for less labor intensive jobs at a third of what I was making. It is bad out there unless you are already in somewhere. Even then I think in the next 10 years we are going to see it get a lot worse before it gets better.
Get a contractors license and hire the guys to do the work. You manage them.
Good luck finding guys who are dependable.
Skill up. Find out the in demand tools or programs in the emerging markets. Like ai is going to need alot of power and compute so maybe focus on data center construction. Start now leverage ai tools to help. You probably won't loose your job to ai but you will to someone who does know how to leverage those apps and skills.
Yes, this seems the only way. We need the time to learn it without being hammered into the pavement meanwhile tho.
My husband was 39 when he quit managing a midwestern lawn care company to move to California where I live. He got his marketing/web design degree from Santa Monica College, and has had a SEO/Web Marketing job with the same company for a decade. He doesn’t make a a lot, but we get by. You can start over, from construction. However, if you stay, you should stick to foreman or mgmt work. Maybe get your license and become s home inspector.
Starting over can be daunting but possible. I pivoted a few years back and know folks who’ve embraced the shift by getting tech-savvy through courses on platforms like Coursera and LinkedIn Learning. The way my buddy used GitHub to bag a developer gig after learning online impressed me. Felt connected using Reddit to tap into support groups. Subreddits, or even Pulse for Reddit, can provide resources and networks. Tech might be what's next, so learning new skills might help!
Yeah I was actually a foreman/superintendent. The problem is with my trade you are still out in the field. Might not be doing the 100% labor part but I was still walking 20 plus miles and climbing countless stairs/ladder. It depends on manpower and what not. If we had 100 guys working I was basically just supervising. When we dropped down to 12 guys for the past 2 years I was in the field doing the work. There is no guarantee you can just be supervising. Hence how I screwed my back up. I wasn't in the field for a bit and then got shoved back in and when you aren't in shape and try to keep up with guys that are in the field and your muscles arent as well built up it's a recipe for disaster. Now if I walk more than a mile or stand for more than 40-60 minutes I get stabbing pains from my butt to my left toes. I am pretty tech savvy and was trying to get into the tech world but it is so saturated. I started some certificates but was told that even if I had them chances of getting a job in that field are slim as of now. With AI it's going to get worse. I am not really a school type of guy. I really don't know if I could do 4 years for a bachelor's. That might be the route I go but I really didn't want to do that. I'd be 40 by the time I started a new career. Plus all my savings would be depleted within 2 years of going to school.
R/jobsearchhacks is a good resource I hope it helps
I will check that out. I posted a few times in career guidance but that legit was a waste of time. I will definitely check this subreddit out.
Jesus man.. back problems. I had a bad stint for about 8 years, thinking it was my hip. Turned out to be a vertebrae that was out of alignment. It’s like migraines or insomnia If you’ve never had it you just can’t explain it to people. I’m so sorry brother. I’m with you on the pessimistic outlook, but I try real hard to look for positive solutions. If i didn’t do that, I’d already be dead. Came close this last two years. U ever wanna vent dm me.
I've had 3 doctors tell me different things. Almost went in for disc replacement surgery for 3 discs then another doctor from the same practice told me that's not my problem. Now they are telling me it's my SI joint and arthritis and that I need surgery. I am kinda over the doctor's to be honest. The worst part is I lose insurance in a few weeks because I can't work. The work I do there is no "light work duty". This shit just keeps getting worse. I am pretty positive about most of it. I saved a lot and I have a few years of savings but the problem is if I have to go to a job making 15 and hour it's going to be tough. I haven't been paid that low since high school. I usually get in somewhere and climb pretty quickly but it's kinda hard trying to get a job that's going to coincide with my back issues. I also don't know why but I've been told that people look down on resumes with construction workers. I know we have a bad rap and rightly so but there are so bad ass workers and smart guys. Either way, I am leaning towards saying f the surgery because everything I've read is that almost 80% of people who get back surgery never end up happy in the end. So we'll see how it goes.
My husband was 39 when he quit managing a midwestern lawn care company to move to California where I live. He got his marketing/web design degree from Santa Monica College, and has had a SEO/Web Marketing job with the same company for a decade. He doesn’t make a a lot, but we get by. You can start over, from construction. However, if you stay, you should stick to foreman or mgmt work. Maybe get your license and become s home inspector.
What did you choose?
I was already in marketing, I chose to aggressively job hop until I got where I wanted to be at a global ad agency.
Well done you.
One of my favourite catch phrases in advertising was for a vacuum cleaner store named Godfreys.
It was ‘Cleanliness is next to Godfreyness’ 🤣🤣🤣
Sounds like something Darren from Bewitched would come up with 🤓
You’re showing your age with that reference haha
But yeah, catchy slogans are only 10% of my job. The rest is research and measurement. I’m a strategist so it’s mostly analyst and consultant type work.
40 years. It started with trifle down and slashing high tax brackets.
Compared to the 1970‘s, America‘s Middle Class has been shrinking. Up until the 90‘s, most people welcomed strangers with open arms and wined and dined them, threw parties, etc. I emigrated in 1972, at age eight from Germany- the same can be said for them. Am 350 miles away from the front lines in Ukraine. . . Not many people have much to be happy about, here….but it is not Chaos
There's also an undocumented erosion of the working class. They have a timing belt snap because they can't afford to do basic maintenance, then can't afford to replace an engine and just fall off the end of the system since they can't get to their minimum wage job anymore. I don't really know what happens past that point because they just slide out of view.
Amen, my brother.
When everyone comes together knowing a little, suddenly they know a lot.
Ape Together Strong
This right here. Looking at other historical societies, collapse takes hundreds of years and would likely not be perceived as collapse in-situ.
There are some exceptions but those that collapsed swiftly were generally the cause of environmental catastrophe or military incursion.
Continue to accumulate resources and skills that are useful until such a time as they are necessary!
And teach your children.
OR do not have children. This will probably rub some people the wrong way but is none the less true. Resources are finite and as everyone can see already begining to be stretched thin with human beings current way of life.
My uni geology professor told our class in ‘98 not to have kids because their life would be hell. He was not wrong.
What is it about geology specifically?
Because geologists, well, they know their schist.
Damn it, I have to upvote that.
It's not like humans haven't lived through ice ages, droughts, war, famine, poverty. People are living through that right now.
Your point is totally correct, but I think that it's also somewhat beside the point, as they're talking about life being hell, not humanity not surviving it.
Life is hell for many across the planet. They prefer to endure the hell obviously because they do not end their life. Life being hard and suffering is the story of humanity. Only in recent times do we get this belief that life should always be good and easy and that if life is going to be hard for future humans than it is better not to exist. Luckily, that belief will work it's way out of humanity for a while.
The other thing is that no one knows. There are theories and the fact that the earth will get hotter or colder in some places may be true, but no one can predict the timeline. No one has accurately so far because climate is probably the most complex science with infinite variables which are changing constantly. Not having children (if you want them) because you think the world is going to effectively end soon because of climate change is foolish. I'm glad people are doing it though because if you think like that then it's good that you are not raising children.
Not necessarily. Failed suicide attempts are indeed a thing and so is passive suicidal ideations. Nobody said life should be easy, but this definitely isn't fucking it. I would never be selfish enough to bring a child into the world with the US in its current state, especially with the likelihood of that child being a daughter.
Also, we know shit is going to hell in a hand basket and that's enough for me. Not wanting to bring a child into a world where resources are becoming scarce is the exact opposite of foolish, and you're honestly quite foolish for suggesting that people that want kids should have them no matter what because if we're being honest that's not a reason to have children unless you're selfish
Damn I'm not trying to be snarky on Reddit but seriously you could use a reading comprehension class. Also don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say any of those things in your second paragraph.
You could also use a history class. You live better than every King in history as far as access to clean, running water, Healthcare ( even if you don't have it you can still go to the ER and get treated), access to free information, education, electricity, sewage, variety of and freshness of food... If you live in the US, even if you are poor in the US you live a life that is unimaginable to people in almost all of history. I don't know what other alternative reality you are wishing life was like and apparently you don't either. You are bitching about how hard life is from a supercomputer in your pocket or maybe a PC plugged into the internet where you can learn almost anything you want either for free or for a miniscule amount. You are saying that it's not even worth women living now or in the next couple decades because of how hard life is when there has literally been no other time when women had so much freedom, power, or options of what to do with their lives.
You tell me not to put words in your mouth yet you're out here putting words in mine. Not trying to be snarky? You're snarky and full of shit, bitch please 😂 Also, you clearly don't pay attention to the current climate of social policy, where people with disabilities face losing their healthcare and people WITH healthcare are getting their cancer treatments denied. Free education is 100% state dependent, and there are thousands without access to clean water, food, and housing. I don't know what bubble you live in but it must be fucking nice, because America isn't the great place you seem to think it is. So many people suffer in this country and just because you have it good doesn't mean everyone in the country is living in first world conditions. Your comment shows you are very clearly privileged, but hopefully you'll snap the fuck out of it once things get worse, which they inevitably will. Wake the fuck up or shut up 💁 Because I'm not having your bullshit for a goddamn second
At first I thought, "ah damn it I'm arguing with a 15 year old on reddit..." Then I looked on your page and realize you are probably a an adult with childish opinions. Listen Cat Lady,
Yes, our Healthcare System sucks. I worked in it for 7 years and saw a lot of the ins and outs of it. It's a broken system I'll give you that. Guess what used to happen to disabled people in history? A lot of times they would die. Other options were to be completely dependent on family. Ever traveled? Ever been to third world countries where disabled people are on the streets barely making it? Living off donations? Ever been to really poor places in Asia where people are actually crippled and made to become Beggars by the mafia? Or have you only stayed in US schools and speaking of bubbles, been taught to hate the US by the teachers here?
What do you mean by free education is 100% state dependent? Yes, Public School is run by the state. Are talking about the 50 states or the government? Either way, public school is run by the government and in all 50 states it is free. I wasn't talking about any of of that though. I was talking about the nearly infinite amount of knowledge and information that is free or cheap online and how you can learn skills or take classes or just look up information and use that to make money online. Prestigious universities like Harvard and MIT giveaway tons of free classes. Yet somehow you are still complaining.
Yes, there are places in the US that are essentially third world. There's a couple of things to think about though, one is that the areas and amount of people that live in poverty in the US is much lower than it is ever been. Which was my main point. We live in incredible wealth and yes there are gaps between the rich and the poor but if you look back not even long ago in history you will realize that things like running water and microwaves and air conditioning we're not even available except to the very richest people and now they are commonplace. You take this for granted but that's because your worldview is very narrow.
The other thing to think about is that what you are doing is taking a very small, and I mean statistically zero amount of people in the US that don't have access to clean water and extrapolating that as if it's the condition in the rest of the us. This is not even close to being the case. Most people in the US have portable running water access the fact that some don't is sad and I hope that gets fixed but what you are doing when you say that the US is not a great place because a tiny portion of it are living in bad conditions shows that you are ignorant. The US is a great place. The homeless people that I interact with have cell phones and they have money to buy drugs that is given to them by the state. Yes they are homeless and poor but trust me you would rather be homeless and poor in the US rather than say Brazil, Thailand, China, Russia, etc. These are just some places where I have seen homelessness on a much much worse level than in the us.
I am privileged. I have a slightly above average IQ, I am able-bodied, I am decent looking, and I have great parents who love me. I did not however come from money., I'm so lucky to be able to appreciate what I have and understand how privileged I am to live in this time.
Go fuck yourself
Fucking bet, you wanna go there? Say less
You made no point there and didn't address my point. Yeah disabled people still die from different causes, my plant was they used to die all of the time and now we have ADA access in all new construction, all government buildings and really most buildings but don't want a lawsuit against them.
I'd agree I probably just patient system is bad. I didn't say it was perfect I have plenty of beef with it but again I wasn't talking about her public education system you didn't really address that point you just went on a rant they didn't have anything to do with anything. Maybe you should take 5 minutes and try to make a list of other reasons that kids are not doing well in school because there are a few.
2 million is more than I thought. That is embarrassing and terrible and should be fixed immediately. The government does an embarrassing job of taking care of its people and there are few people who know arguments against the government inside and out as well as I do. In fact I think the government is so incompetent that I decided not to join it when I was younger so I didn't need to actually go through all of that to learn the lesson.
Let's get back to math. I was a little bit off and I will admit that. The amount of people without access to clean water in the US is not statistically zero, I didn't realize it was so high. I will correct that. The amount of people without access to clean water in the US is less than 1%. In fact it is 0.6%. There are 330 million people in the US at minimum and 2 million is 0.6%. So all in all I'd say that conditions in the US are pretty good. I know that your favorite thing to do is take the worst case example and use that to describe conditions in the rest of the country but that is not the way statistics or anything really works.
Keep whining and talking about how privileged is the only thing that matters. Keep complaining about how if something is not completely perfect it's terrible and keep complaining about conditions that are historically and currently compared to other countries pretty damn good.
You thought you did something there but I promise you you are too righteous to realize how ignorant you are being. Also, I have mainly addressed things that you have said, ( I did call you cat lady, I don't know if you have a cat) you have made tons of assumptions about me. Talking about things you don't know about is what dumb people do, carry on.
I made many valid points, at this point you're just choosing to dig in your heels because you know you've been an ass. Get over yourself, you're still clearly out of touch with reality and you still didn't even scratch the surface of the issues I brought up. If there were any misunderstandings it's your lack of iteration and reading comprehension getting in the way, try again. It's not my job to educate you, you need to do better.
I've been a dick, sure, but only because you are righteous, confident and ignorant. You didn't make a any valid points, you were fighting strawmen the whole time and never responded when I pointed out your fallacies.
Hope you get your utopia.
It wouldn't matter if I did point out all the ways in which you fucked up, you're clearly not going to listen. You call me righteous and ignorant, yet you have no valid facts or legitimate research to prove whatever bullshit you're on in the first place, yet I have firsthand experience and have loads of research and bring up SPECIFIC examples yet you tell me it's fallacies and straw man arguments? You're out here denying legitimate information yet have the gall to act like this is anything more than ego coming from you. At this point I'm wasting my breath trying to educate your willful ignorance, for free at that. Once again, you can get over yourself, and yeah, it would be nice if America got its shit together but with so many people that act and think like you, out here denying the blatant issues this country has, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Also, you realize the current president elect plans on dismantling the ADA as part of his 39 day plan, right? So much for that 'progress.' This is just one of the many examples of how the US is regressing or has regressed already. You've also shot yourself in the foot with your so-called 'counter argument,' but I'll let you figure out how you fucked up. You've made a crucial mistake that's made me realize this is more about your inflated ego than anything else. Keep digging buddy, you might reach the bottom someday.
You could have just said "you're wrong, but I won't tell you why"
Youre awesome, and spot on. Whats the difference between the electricity in lebanon coming on four hours a day and electricity cutting out in the states for a week or two at a time, which we hear about all the time in this sub. The boil water directives, or do not touch the water directives even. The bridges collapsing. The ecological disasters like bust oil pipes it takes days to find and weeks to fix. The complete inability to encourage any rooftop solar because the grid cant cope with it - in Australia 30% of homes have rooftop solar - I read an astounding report on the state of americas infrastructure, how did it get SO BAD? Ill try and find it again. And i havent touched on healthcare or education or human rights or police brutality and gerrymandering/other manipulations/lobbying.
America is just as corrupt and broken as any developing country, it just has the veneer of exceptionalism making things seem a little shinier, and a whole lot of consumerism making people feel like they have a good life. The worst part is, as it goes down we're all going to be dragged down - like the sinking of the titanic.
You can still be a patriot imo, while seeing things as they truly are. Youll have to zoom in a little though, like being proud of this community, or that person, or this particular strength.
Hows the other commenters form "im a genius, good looking, blah blah, good family, well traveled"-probably a contiki tour in his gap year.
THIS, thank you. Not to mention we're literally on a prepper sub- if America was so great, why do so many people feel the need to have a contingency plan? Let's be real here 🤣 We as a country are still riding the high from WWII and the nationalism trend that set in post 9/11, and it definitely shows. Nobody wants to acknowledge the societal decay that's set in for decades now, but part of being a prepper should be being realistic, yes? Maybe it's the history buff in me, but things have been a lot worse for a lot longer than most realize and at this point America is 2nd world at best.
I would love to love my country again, so you make a good point there. Once I can get my health settled I definitely plan on getting back out in my community again, that will be one of the first things I do. I appreciate you for being one of the folks on this sub that get it
Also y'all can down vote me all you want. Having children just because you want to is selfish and short sighted, period. I wanted children because I had something to prove to myself and I wanted to give them a better life than I had, I decided not to have them because of the lack of stability and support I had in my life and I knew I couldn't give them what they needed, let alone what they wanted. Did I want kids? More than anything. Will I have them? Definitely not now, probably not ever if shit keeps going like it is.
I think it’s okay to want your kids to have a better life, or at least a good life. I don’t want my kids to have to live through hell.
I’m not as worried as these guys though. I think things are getting worse but not as quickly. Unless something wipes out most of humanity people will still always be around and being and doing.
I'm not sure civilization will survive it though. Our numbers will collapse with the environment, as will our civilization. Changing weather patterns will wipe out stable agriculture, the backbone of civilization.
Well, aren't you the cheery one !
What are you doing here then ?
Dont your your words mean anything to you ?
How do you carry all the guilt that you're slinging on others ?
Maybe best you do the right thing ?
Make room on the planet. It's the only solution, right ?
What are you even asking? We're messing up the planet. It's a fact. I didn't make that up. Where do I begin?
Why am I here? In a pepper subreddit? Perhaps, to help come up with and exchange ideas on how to survive the problems faced in the world as we see it and how things might turn out. I'm not delusional enough to pretend I know that I'll survive or anyone will. I'm just crazy enough to try 😆
Did you learn something about geology specifically that convinced you, or was it what you learned in the earth sciences in general?
Wasn’t a just one thing, it was many things across geology, ecology, chemistry as part of my degree and career. I eventually left my field (8 years of bush the younger was enough) and moved to corporate banking and then eventually IT and that didn’t make anything better. First I learned the environmental concerns, then I learned the business/human greed concerns. Greed and power-hunger will kill us all. The rest is just by-products of those two.
We do have a kid though, one kid, a late surprise in life and I am so scared for him. We’ll give him all the resources, knowledge and skills we can and hope for the best.
Comments like yours are so hilariously over dramatic and of course not at all accurate from a historical point of view. You realize that until maybe the last 100 years or so, the overwhelming majority of human civilization has been defined by genocide, plague, early death, slavery, famines and conquest. If you are lucky enough to be living in 2025 in a developed nation you have literally hit the lottery in terms of best time to have ever lived. You have access to the entirety of human knowledge on your handheld device, you live in overwhelming abundance and could literally be at a grocery store in minutes and have an entire bag loaded up with foods from the across the world…. The list goes on and on and on.
Don’t mistake me the world in certain areas has terrible problems but from a historical perspective it’s better for most than it’s EVER been. You need to get off the internet a bit and go touch so grass.
You do realize we still have all these things we always did (famine, slavery, genocide, plague, death, conquests). The fact we have the knowledge at our fingerprint to understand and learn from history and we’re not improving is why I’m pessimistic. Those of us born into developed countries that weren’t a target of a ruling power regime are lucky indeed, but don’t imagine everyone in the world is doing as well as us.
I acknowledged in my post there are still major problems and of course there are still atrocities occurring worldwide, but not for nearly as many people as there used to be from a historical perspective.
My beef is when people who clearly have it better than probably 99% of people who have ever lived (just by virtue of living in a developed nation in 2025 and have access to affluent luxuries like Reddit and smartphones), bitch and moan about the terribleness of the world to the point where they fear to even have children…. Like really? Imagine being alive at like any other point in human history. Imagine having multiple children starve to death in front of you or fall I’ll with some terrible disease that has no treatment. Imagine watching your village conquered and your family sold into slavery, or having your 8 year old working the field during some economic collapse like he dust bowl or Great Depression. People really need to check themselves and get a historical perspective, if you can’t hack it now it’s a good thing you weren’t born at literally any other point in history because you never would have made it out of the cave or hit you were born in. GMAFB.
This too.
People are afraid that the good times will go away. Did you miss that part?
I think we’re well aware of history and what’s currently happening.
Damn, I made this exact argument somewhere in these comments. People have no sense of history. People have no idea what the world was like even 20 years ago The iPhone was invented in 2007. The world has been mostly war and famine and still is for many
This! Do what you can for your child that gives them a leg up in life. Our child is in college and has scholarships that cover tuition and housing. We are paying for the cost not covered by those two scholarships. Our thought is that if we can get them through college without any student loans, it will give them a head start at life.
I was born 98 lmao
Did he specifically point out their life would be hell because of the cruelty of others? There are plenty of resources they are just extremely hoarded by the few.
So,,,, How's yer life now ? All roses ?
Peachy keen minus the slow decline in quality of life the last 30 years.
Oh... so your life is peachy keen. But your kids' life wouldn't be ?
You would agree if your parents felt the same way as you do about not having kids ?
They could have saved a lot of effort and resources if you'd never been born, right ?
Weird thing to begrudge people dude. If people do or do not want to have kids that’s their decision.
Exactly my point, sir or madam !
Someone's choice to have or not have kids is their business !
So what's with all this holier-than-thou-bulkshit on here about people shouldn't have children ?
Yep. Geologist here. Decided on that, for that reason, many many many moons ago.
Hahah, Geologist here.. wish I had listened. I don't worry about my future, but my preteen daughters I am sorry they will have to deal with what's coming.
I tell mine I don’t want grandchildren. It wouldn’t be fair. I’m honestly surprised how many people I still see having children with seemingly no regard. I feel so guilty and mine was a surprise.
Yes, because most 26 year olds live in a mad max hellscape wishing they hadn't been born /s.
Not saying that, but if you are over 45 and in states you certainly remember a point before 2001 where there was some hope and it seemed like life was getting easier not harder. Factor in all the limiting resources, greed, power hungry psychos in charge, pollution, global warming, pois
He's not wrong. I was waiting until my finances were stable and steady to have children. Now? I'm glad I'm infertile (likely from all the plastics), because I can't imagine putting kids through worse than my lot.
Born in that era, he was most definitely correct
I don’t blame you for saying this but if someone reading this has hope and wants children, they should have them. I believe in a good and powerful God and I also stay prepared and self sufficient.
What good does believing in God do when we're staring at cold hard scientific facts? Also know who else believes in good and powerful gods? Every other ancient civilization that collapsed. What are the odds YOU were born in a time and place that just happened to be right when so many others for countless millenia were so wrong?
Children can't survive on hope.
“What good does believing in God do”
This world is not the end for us. God didn’t promise THIS world would be easy or that we wouldn’t have problems. Believers have heaven to look forward to. That is our hope. 😊
Cool, still sounds like starving children, maybe now on a fast track since this world doesn't count anyway.
“I believe in a good and powerful God“
Then why do bad things happen to innocent people? Why do we rely on fresh water when most of the planet is saltwater. Why does the Sun, essential to life forms, give us cancer?
Why hasn’t he revealed himself to us?
Guess he doesn't like you bro
The feeling’s mutual.
I know you probably don’t want to hear this 🫣 but yes he does like you! He even loves you very much. Ok carry on 😊
"He works in mysterious ways us mere mortals can't comprehend."
\^The unfalsifiable answer for all such questions. I'm not ruling out the existence of a supreme deity (or a council of them, or that we're all on a turtle's back), but even as a kid I could recognize that BS logic.
I think that one must ask theirself am I wanting a child for me or for my future child? How could the future look for my child? Am I just trying to keep my bloodline alive through having a child? Why does that matter? What are my true reasons for wanting to have a child? Should I instead adopt a child who already is alive and needs a home?
Who cares? If you want a child, have a child. If you don't, don't. Your ancestors worked so hard for you to be here and you act like it's not a miracle, fine, keep bitching about it on Reddit
This is it right here.
It's so someone can wipe senior ass and be around in case of falls. In 100% of cases. Everything else is fantasy.
Matthew 24:6-8 King James Version 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
The whole “wars and rumors of war” as a sign of the end times always struck me as the kind of hedge you’d see in your daily horoscope. When have there not been those?
Damnit I've got those passages where Jesus said he would come back within the lifetime of the people currently alive around here somewhere.
Ezekiel 23:19 NET
She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions.
You can find anything you want in the Bible.
And your point is?
My point was that perhaps the Bible is not the most reliable reference to use to make your point.
This is the only way to go forward.
No- have children and teach them to be salt and light. I’m 62 and I have hope because my children are good people and they have both technical and moral knowledge. They make the world better and that’s a miracle given who they came from. Do not join the woke death cult. You have hope faith and agency. Your life is sacred. You’ve got this. I have worried too but I’m deciding to do my best and get on with it.
I love my child but, yes. I look at where the world is today and worry about what it will look like when they are an adult. Stopped at one was largely impacted by wanting to reduce the strain on earth as much as I could.
If we ever decide to have another child, we will become foster parents so we can provide a home to a child that is already here.
OR adopt one or more of the kids currently alive who needs a guardian who loves and cares for and about them.
My neighbors did that, adopted a couple of black kids, boy and girl, they were less than 1 y.o.. They are a teenagers now. Boy is OK, but the girl is absolute gangsta. Insane. Physically fighting with parents, cops are called twice a week. Father is missing a finger, she took it off with her teeth during a fight. She's breaking in neighbors car, doing drugs, etc.. They don't know what to do with her. Father told me he regrets adopting her.. Sad story. Not sure how she went nuts like that, we live in good neighborhood, no gang activity around here whatsoever. That family is pretty decent, both parents are teachers. Boy is fine, playing sports. Girl is a nightmare.
I’m not trying to police your emotions nor your emotional language but please remember that you’re still talking about a person who has not yet fully developed mentally, emotionally, or physically.
I don’t know how much you know about adoption but it doesn’t matter how young you were or how great the situation you’re placed in is - when you’re adopted you still often feel a sense of abandonment, feeling unwanted or fearing rejection (even if you were “wanted” by your adoptive parents), a loss or lack of identity, and a general sense of confused frustration because none of your adoptive family can possibly understand it without having gone through the same situation. This can be even more difficult for kids who are adopted with biosiblings that thrive in the adoptive home.
The hardest thing for me is a lack of identity. I was adopted by a family member on my mom’s side after they found out how much she was beating on me (nearly killed me at 7) but still had no contact or knowledge of my biofather’s family. It was exceptionally difficult to express this to anyone other than the person who adopted me because she was adopted as well and was personally familiar with the trauma and abuse I experienced because she had experienced it. She knew that I also needed help she couldn’t provide and so she found a therapist that specialized in the struggles adopted or foster kids face (she also had adult patients - this pain never goes away, just weakens through time and work on ourselves).
It might help if the girl if the neighbors could find her a support group for adopted teens. A place/group that understands her in ways her adoptive family and possibly bio-brother don’t understand.
And a final comment - you don’t need to mention race. Especially when you want to talk about black kids being “absolute gangsta”. It just makes you sound racist no matter what race you are.
Thank for the advice, but I don't care really care what I sound like, racist or whatnot. Facts are facts. What if I said she was white, would it be racist thing to say?
My other neighbors are black, best neighbors I ever had. Other neighbors are Puerto Rican, also great people. I am kinda dark too. No one cares.
You Americans are crying way too much about the race. All people are the same, unless they're acting crazy.
It’s unnecessary information. Mentioning race or religion when it isn’t pertinent makes you sound prejudiced. Good for you that you don’t care.
There are studies that prove that no matter how young kids are adopted and adopted into great families the behavior of the bio parents can still prevail
Even being a foster parent can help.
Be prepared to have therapy for foster children. No idea how fucked up their lives might've been before being placed in your (general you) care.
All the more reason, if you have the patience and resources!
Yup. Had to have about 40 hours of state mandated training and overviews of various traumas and psychological issues to get licensed.
Long term foster carers can be absolute angels. I have family in foster care, and I’m so grateful for the foster carer who kept siblings together and gave them a stable home. (Yes I did weigh up having them myself but I couldn’t do it.)
The only thing truly rewarding in life, is to have a family; with all the pain+joy associated with it. I tried and failed to keep mine together and my son drives me insane. Still, a cohesive family unit, is trying to be discredited … that is the one thing people should have as a resource
this is one of several reasons that I am childfree. I could not in all good conscience bring children into the shit storm that I believe the next fifty or so years will become.
I am in my early fifties, and have been watching the gathering storms with a sense of wondering whether we will reach the end of our lives before things become truly unlivable. At the moment, I am thinking 50/50
Major tipping points leading to climate collapse are falling worryingly quickly. It is likely that the AMOC system has already slowed to the point where a collapse is inevitable - meaning northern Europe is going to be experiencing some seriously extreme winters - this is perhaps 20-25 years away.
The microplastics problem is in the news again, and it seems almost certain that we are now seeing a catastrophic collapse in children's health - massive increases in the rates of childhood cancer and so on.. and given the sneering attitude of the public to any health measure, there is unlikely to be any concerted action (if any were even possible - this might be an unsolvable problem).
as for war - we can see the way that political tensions have been stoked globally by relatively modest levels of migration. sea rise and regional conflicts only need to increase that movement by a small amount before it becomes the trigger for huge societal unrest and open resource warfare.
"how long do we have" - personally, I think what we consider "normal" has at most 20 years. in many senses, what we considered normal in the 90s is already a distant memory.
Sources? I haven’t seen anything to back up your hyperbole about childhood cancer for example. I know rates are increasing for all young people but it’s not as bad as you make out.
When you’re anxious it’s easy to twist anything into the worst possible scenario. That isn’t rational though.
sources for "hyperbole", huh..
Thanks for providing a perfect example of the attitude that will prevent meaningful action on the issues.
Microplastic/Cancer Sources (not that you will read them, of course);
Manufactured Chemicals and Children’s Health — The Need for New Law | New England Journal of Medicine
The alarming link between environmental microplastics and health hazards with special emphasis on cancer - ScienceDirect
Pediatric cancer is on the rise, with some types becoming more common | Northwell Health
AMOC Sources;
Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation | Nature Communications
Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course | Science Advances
What would happen if the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) collapses? How likely is it? | MIT Climate Portal
All papers are from the last 18 months, most the last 3 months.
The evidence is there, and society does not care, because it's easier to believe idiotic politicians promising unicorns and rainbows.
As I say. 20 years.
Dude true, when wars happen its not the politicians, ceo's, congress men, etc. its the common men. The illusion is that they made people believe they their best interest at heart and they don't.
Yes I always thought (57f) that I’d be dead b4 total chaos ensued.. now I’m thinking that may not be the case
This. I love kids and I think I would've been a great mom, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I brought kids into the world, knowing what I know. I love my would-be children too much to subject them to what's to come. I made the decision in my early 20s and I'm in my mid 30s now...every day my decision is reaffirmed unfortunately. Things are looking bleak.
You don't actually know anything. You have heard some people make predictions. So far those predictions have been wrong because it's insanely hard to model climate. Something bad will happen Probably. You know when? No, you don't
No, I don't know anything with certainty, none of us do. But I know my life, and the lives of most of my peers, are materially worse and more challenging than our parents'. That's enough for me.
I'm not concerned about "when" a certain climate may or may not occur. Society itself is degrading before our very feet.
This mindset is so crazy. I guess it's because my grandfather was arrested by Nazis and lived through hell. I'm very aware of what my ancestors gave for me to exist and be here and want to pass on that gift. But then again, for. Most of my life I didn't want kids then liked the idea in theory. The reality is hard but the are the best thing that happened to me. You can't really grow as a person until you love someone more than yourself, and that happens on another level with children. To each his own
Yep, to each their own.
I really don't buy that, many, many great people came out of horrible historical circumstances. Children are much more resilient than they're given credit for, plus you have to understand that if that's the world they grow up in, that's their norm, you are the only one mourning what used to be.
I cannot believe anyone would actively choose to have children now. Have a heart 😭
Listen, people have had kids through Stone Age, plagues, world wars, natural catastrophe’s. If you are smart, educated, have tons of kids. The less Educated are breeding like rabbits. White middle class people are being out breed 10-1. For you to say, don’t have kids has to be the most ludicrous thing I’ve read on this page in a while. It’s your obligation to mankind. Don’t think they “ aren’t having kids in South America, India, Africa where resources are a tenth of what we have? Of course not. That’s why white people are going extinct.
This! Some are arguing resources are plentiful but even if that were the case, society and the economy are not going to improve. No hopeful future and an unlikely was of them living out a natural lifetime is the main reason I chose not to have kids
Spoke like someone who does not have his own child or children. I agree any people should never be parents to start with and there are so many parentless children.
Dystopian,but fair enuff.Whos gonna work to pay taxes so old people can get care/pension?No surplus and a productive system,hmmm
Are you glad you were born ? Are your parents guilty of giving you life ?
If you're serious about saving resources, do something about it !
Stop eating and breathing and drinking water and driving and wearing clothes and taking medicine es and drugs.
You're consuming electricity that could charge an EV just by writing on Reddit !
Your post increased your carbon footprint. Ai centers use as much carbon producing electricity as a small city !
Actually, you should sacrifice your life's resources to Lord Ai ! The God Ai demands your electricity for itself ! Lol
For someone enjoying the Gift of Life, telling others not to procreate, is the height of Hypocrisy and Arrogance !
Put your money where your mouth is ! Stop consuming ! Best if you're not here. Damn your parents
Resources are plentiful to sustain billions more. They are being hordedy by the few. Don't let them fool you.
Already-born-privelage talking right there.
Definitely falls into the philosophical question of what you think the best path for humanity is (especially during and after collapse) and what your own responsibility is to help achieve that goal.
Personally, that’s exactly why I really want to adopt— not only am I gay, but I’d feel weird about bringing new kids into the world. But kids who are already here, who I can maybe help with becoming a good and mature adult who knows what to do in a bad situation? I can definitely do that.
Their father’s hell will slowly go by…
Except when it doesn’t.
History has many examples of collapses that were almost overnight; some literally were a matter of days.
Just a few examples:
The introduction of old world diseases to the Americas wiped out societies before colonists even documented their existence. Huge cities were depopulated. Where DeSoto’s expedition in 1538 and another in 1560 recorded the existence of a thriving city state (the Mound Builders) of the Mississippian culture, within a few years the entire population had disappeared. Likewise the Lost City of the Monkey God in Ecuador was devastated and lost before ever being contacted by Europeans.
The black plague killed 30-65% of the population of Europe in two years (1348 to 1350)
Syria went from stable albeit heinous autocracy to massive civil war in under a year
The dissolution of former Yugoslavia and resulting ethnic and national wars took less than a year to start after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Earthquake in Haiti took a failing state to complete failure and chaos literally overnight
Examples of gradual collapse exist, Somalia being a recent example, but they are by no means the only pattern.
These examples all seem to fit into the military or environmental disaster (i would say plague is environmental for these purposes) categories that I allowed for in my original statement.
These are just a few examples.
There are many other historical examples of rapid collapse. The point is that your premise that collapse is gradual isn’t historically supported.
Also “military incursion” I read as foreign invasion not civil war.
This may be of interest:
A collapse can also be less than total.
Soviet Union collapsed. Russia was in terrible shape after that. Many felt it like a near complete wipeout; very bleak outlook.
That collapse was within a generation and was perceived as a collapse.
Fair point. There are exceptions to every rule. I'm not as well versed in Soviet history as other areas, so I will deffer to others more educated in that area.
I may do some poking around to sate my curiosity. You've certainly piqued my 7 since it is a much more contemporary event. Thanks for giving me something new to read on!
Bingo, this is something I tell my wife all the time. We're expecting and we're both concerned just like OP but I tell her the exact thing "Not going to tell you not to worry, but don't panic."
But do think twice when buying a house. That's a whole lot of money anchored in the ground that you can't evacuate with. Think about all those homes in Florida getting washed away. Think about all those regions of Texas that lose power in winter storms. None of that is going to get better.
So maybe if you're planning on making a million dollar investment, do it somewhere a little less volatile.
It’s worth studying intensely, as there are solid arguments for and against investing in a primary home away from high risk areas.
I suppose the problem now is for anyone who hasn’t yet purchased a first home, the prices are mostly out of reach without help from family.
Man, this timeline stinks
Incomplete. This timeline is the only timeline we have. It is the best timeline. And the worst timeline. Make of it what you will.
Millennials were the last generation of Americans that will see home ownership as a realistic possibility for the middle class.
And thus ultra wealthy individuals and institutions gobble up real estate at an astonishing rate, increasing their portfolios, and decreasing the likelihood that the next generation of citizens will ever own their own home. Further eroding the middle class. Further entrenching citizen reliance on the oligarchy.
‘build community’ Five Stars!
This guy should post more.
Yeah, if everyone quits and gives up it’s almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. We need people to stay enthusiastic and ambitious. Not in a naive and oblivious way, but “yes we can solve these problems and make things better”.
I love this line so much because it pretty much describes my outlook on the world. It’s undeniable that the world is going to shit, anyone with eyes and half a brain can see that. But panicking or getting anxious over it isn’t really going to help anyone; it’s certainly not gonna help yourself. Best thing you can do is prep for the worst case scenario (which, well, is what being a prepper is all about) while still focusing on building a future. Plan for the future, while also being ready for any emergencies in the present.
Perfectly put. Buy the house get your family comfortable. They slowly and smartly start prepping.
Right. Took the Roman Empire around 300 years horrible policy and leaders to fully collapse.
This is a great point. The point of prepping is to have an ounce of control in a chaotic world. It’s not building an underground bunker. It’s having 6 months of savings in case of job loss, or several gallons of water in case of a boiling advisory.
There are plenty of preppers in LA who saw years of supplies burned up, but they escaped with their bug out bags. Everything can be replaced except for a life.
Everything should be in moderation. I still buy supplies while still contribute to my 401k even though I’m well informed of the dangers of climate change. It’s due to the belief of if I’m wrong, and climate change is mitigated, I have a retirement plan. But if society does collapse, then I’m ready. Life can’t stopped be living due to the future
I love this response! Great example of why I continue to stay in this sub! Other subs in Reddit would tear into this person, but you had empathy & gave great, to the point, advice.
OP: keep your head up! Live your life, follow the advice from this Sub, prepare for every Tuesday, and you & your family will be ok. I was like you, and have my moments of thinking, "well, shit" but coming to this community here in this sub and reading through the advice & learning what I can, helps me to stay calm and get myself as prepared as possible for what comes down the pipeline.
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the words!
Slowly at first, then all at once.
It can be slow, and in other cases it can be overnight.
Collapse is personal, and there are thousands of people living on the streets this year that were not last year.
Even in a full on societal collapse, the billionaires are not going to feel it the same way we are.
OP my suggestion is to start reading scientific articles on Climate Change and its effects on the economy.
I would also start planning for a semi-nomadic lifestyle.
Hear hear.
This is the best answer. See the Roman Empire.
The crisis of the 3rd century last 60 years, emperors lasted a couple of years at most before they found a dagger in their backs, one of them was even stuffed and dyed purple before being put on display.
But people went about their day to day lives more or less like normal, a different fecker wanted their taxes each year, that was about it.
The sun will rise in the east just like always.
I also think it’s unfair to suggest “the future is grim”. The future is actually exceedingly bright with a few potential major disruptions. Overall, the human race has consistently improved over time with a few setbacks. I don’t think there is anything to suggest that won’t continue besides the fact that we’re in the age of overly accessible information. The technology we have in the palms of our hands is designed to feed us information that will keep us on it. Yes there’s the potential for bird flu, increased natural disasters from global warming, political turmoil but ultimately, I don’t see the end of the human race or life as we know it for generations, if that.
Exactly. Look to the collapse of England’s empire, they are down but still out.
Prepping is about riding the bumps in life, this includes the grandual decl
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the sound words!
No worries. Don’t be alone when you’re getting anxious about things. There is strength and security in numbers and reaching out here is a good start, if only to get some perspective on things.
i would argue that its pretty fast since it usually takes a decade or two. but pretty slow since no 4 year president can realistically be the sole reason of societal collapse
what is most likely to collapse is your job. have a good savings account, especially right now
Well said!
Precisely. Part of being prepared is being mentally prepared
Sound advice ⬆️
Just go hard putting yourself out your comfort zone and develop survival mentality and conditioning. Face your fears of death head on. Then all will fall into place. Keep stepping steady on.
Grab your knife, gun, lighter, water filter, 100 lb of rice and beans and, disappear into the woods immediately. Just my suggestion.
Read 'Nuclear War" by Annie Jacobsen and move to Australia, New Zealand, or Paraguay. The US doesn't stand a chance, sorry.
On the Beach
It's exponentially worse that when that book was published.
I mean literally everyone died in that book. Every single human and most landlords based life. So if it is worse that is some really bad shit.
It's some bad shit. Read the book, it's based on current facts, one being that a Russian satellite that scans the US for missile flumes sometimes can't tell the difference between clouds and missiles. Did they mention EMPs in the book?
Have you moved? Or already here?
I wish, I'm too old to pack up and move, unless it's a dire emergency. If I were young I'd be seriously considering it.
Check out r/collapse for the real answer
Invest in a house with a little bit of land, even as little as a half acre. Its enough to grow a little something, park a trailer or RV and your kids can run around a bit. We were fortunate to get into a house with a half acre and it made all the difference during covid lockdowns. Just having that little bit of breathing room between myself and my neighbors. It also helps we have a great community
Omg I thought this was a sub about planting peppers 😩
I understand preppers are predispositioned to see the wrist in everything, but you've got to see reality bunk. And we're going to be fine for the next few years
Start working for 6mth food water and protection don't forget entertain ment even if the world doesn't collapse you'll have a nest egg of supplies so even if you have an emergency you'll be able to more easily pick yourself back up
I keep this in mind as the wealthy that seem to have every resource available to them , that nuclear war will likely start with an EMP that most likely will render their planes, helicopters and fancy boats useless . The majority of them will suffer the same fate as the rest of the northern hemisphere. No communication, no passible roads, and no Govt coming to their rescue As you said , build your community . Learn to be self-sufficient Teach your children the same.. My family can survive off the grid as we are well versed in camping, fishing, gardening, etc We are adept at first aid , edible plant ID , paper map reading and we can repair bicycles . We keep a stack of small denomination currency on hand in case banks aren't available for days or even weeks . We have abundant stores of nonperishble food , water purification abilities etc All of this is dismal to think about, but being prepared for the worst-case sceneriois will help ease your mind
I'm thinking it's possible that Thursday is the last day but I could be wrong
May 12th 2025.
I'll be camping and nowhere near a populous area.
Where does this come from?
It come from a locksmith that works for some of the Davos types. They told him as a favor to not be within 400km of any big city on that day. Hopefully bullshit..... Hopefully.
Camping is always fun 💯
Mondays do suck. But it is National Nutty Fudge Day!!!
Nothing ever happens
Don't be a pus*y. Buying a house is literally for the sheepist kind of people. If you're going to buy anything. Buy land in a rural part of China, Indonesia, Myanmar. NIcuaraga, Venezuela, maybe Brazil or an African country. Then build a house yourself or pay cheap laborers to build it for you. Should you buy a house in a bad country where you rely on your government for everything? No.
There are two sides of the world war and you don't want to be in one of those shit countries that are die hard supporters or proxy countries for either side. Right now, there's a war in the middle east between the proxy countries of the West and the East.
There's something called Non-Aligned Nations. Countries like Mongolia, Brazil, and Indonesia are a part of those countries. Also look into BRICS. It is somewhat obvious which side most countries will choose in the event of WW3. Pick a side and hope your side wins, or hope for a peaceful new bringing of a better world order where you don't have to pick a geologically strategic homeland safe from nuclear winters and invasions.
There's not going to be a singularity. This isn't bird box or a zombie movie. We will have localized disasters of varying severity and origin that will keep getting worse. Eventually one of them will happen to you.
Fires, pandemic, job loss due to AI outsourcing, climate change induced water loss, earthquakes due to fracking, etc.
As for billionaire bunkers, let's say you made 100k per year and it cost you two dollars to build a fully loaded bunker. You'd do it. That's the kind of math they're dealing with. 214B net worth and a million dollar bunker. So I wouldn't read too much into it. It's just a symptom of extreme wealth inequality.
Until there is THE singularity. I’m talking ASI.
Aerosmith's Second Inquisition?
No one expects the Sweet Emotion
I've thought a lot about that bunker and others like it. What event would send them to their bunkers? It would have to be catastrophic. Soo.. how long will their food last? What good will their paper dollars do if they're stuck in a bunker? Water? Sewage? I assume if you need a bunker, you're planning to be there long term. A month? A year? Then what? They're gonna crawl out of the ground and start growing corn and hunting three headed deer?
See, prepping is not just survival after the mushroom clouds. Personally, if there is destruction like that, I'm only good for some knowledge and to babysit the kids. But if your power goes off for a couple of weeks I'm the bitch you wanna be friends with. And I will survive that in the comfort of my home, not a hole in the ground. And yes...his hole in the ground is probably more luxurious than any home I've ever owned. 🤣
One good article on that subject. "The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse" By Douglas Rushkoff.
I think Luigi made them very nervous. I think that’s what they’re afraid of. At some point the masses will stop rioting and destroying the towns they live in and instead, they’ll go to the homes of millionaires and billionaires.
I’ve been prepping since the 80s and when my mom remarried in 2000, the new husband’s son in law and I became friends. My first pretty damn rich friend (7,500 square foot house with a 14 car garage that he’s filled with his collection…), not billionaire, but not living like me at all. When we were hanging out a few years in and he realized I was a prepper he started asking me about it. Probably about 2015 or so he was getting nervous and he was interested in food storage, guns, and bunkers.
His plans are far beyond my budget, but he’s well on his way to being ready for the shitshow now.
Honestly, a little bit goes a long way. Having some structure to your prepping is not only smart, but equally cost efficient.
I say this speaking from experience when we became Preppers during the start of COVID. We probably spent over $1,000 on meat & dry goods. We ended up not even having to touch the meat, and instead of properly preserving it we just threw it in the freezer “just in case”… we deep cleaned everything last year and pretty much all the meat had went bad, and the canned goods we bought were like literal bottom shelf “we’ll eat this to survive” shit that was just on the shelf. Not things we wanted to eat.
We’ve since thrown out expired stuff, donated the safe to eat stuff we don’t want, and we’ve got a system now where we buy things we’d absolutely eat… save it until it’s nearing its expiration date, eat, rotate & replenish. We’ve spent considerably less.
I would like to add some other things, but limited space won’t allow me to stock big ticket stuff like preserved water, or a generator, but we still have other things. Feminine hygiene, basic hygiene in general, batteries, spare flashlights, some medical supplies, literature on medical (I know, practice beats reading but having physical references is never a bad idea) etc so on and so forth.
Also, I just want to point out: guns shouldn’t be your only preps.
I see this a lot, not on this sub, but on more of the “fantasy” ones like the undead survival subs. Having all the guns and ammunition on the planet means fuck all when you’re starving, dehydrated, and wounded because you either A.) picked a fight and lost, B.) you didn’t invest in any other preps but lead, or C.) all of the above. Save that Hollywood shit for the actors, and practice practical prepping. A gun is a prep and a versatile tool, but it’s not the end all - be all of prepping.
I just always think of the staff he would have to have, and how many of them are fantasizing about getting rid of the boss.
Even worse: they could turn into the people at Yamantau (forgive me if I butchered the spelling, not even autocorrect can help me) from Metro Exodus.
They’re not having him for dinner, they’re having him for dinner… if you catch my drift.
It is why there is so much billionaire money I bc ester in AI and robotics, specifically task based robotics and weaponized robotics. They are aware human staff could turn on them or demand equal life style in exchange for labor in a bunker situation. They’re wanting to minimize the need for human staff.
Bet they keep a human cook. Rosita knows some shit she's keeping in reserve until the right moment.
Hell yeah
Oh there would be a mutiny on day 2 and then peace through the bunker.
Agree with part 1 of your statement. Most revolutionaries are then killed by other wanting power ( see example of the French revolution). There will eventually be calm ( peace optional) but it isn't the initial revolutionaries who live to enjoy it.
And the locals near the bunker - they’ll know where it is and how to smoke the billionaire and his staff out
The more you take with you, the more you have to support, cutting your survival time drastically by each additional person.
This right here.
If “the end of the world as we know it” happens tomorrow… what’s the game plan if you see mushroom clouds on the horizon? Not be grim, or edgy, but I drink one last beer with my last cigarette and then put a slug through my head. A world like that isn’t worth the daily struggle to survive in, and I want to live: not survive.
Now, power goes out for a few weeks? That’s fine, I’m not as well prepared as others who have a generator & barrels of gas just waiting to be used, but we’ll make it. In a time like that, embrace the suck. I can still cook & eat, I can still drink water, and I know how to pop a squat in the trees and operate a shovel. I have a fireplace, and my Husqvarna & me are old friends. And to boot? I’ve got a solar power bank, so I’ll have music, audiobooks and podcasts to enjoy downloaded on my phone & my niece will still get to play on her tablet, and if all else fails I’ll absolutely improve morale by feeling like Slash on an acoustic when I actually sound like Hyphen. We’ll still be fed, hydrated, and have a few creature comforts. We may not have running AC, but the home I live in is the first one in 20 years that’s had any form of HVAC.
I’d treat it like a long camping trip, and I’d be able to show the youngn’s some cool stuff that they wouldn’t really be interested in otherwise.
Lol they’ll still need everyone with all the skills to take care of them.
I mean we could have a singularity event. A absolutely devastating birds or global nuclear war is not impossible.
Just watched the Chernobyl never know what's going to happen tomorrow
Not impossible, certainly. But its highly unlikely
I totally agree, but I guess the, just in case is why we prep. Be it a slow collapse or a fast catastrophic event. Better to be as ready as possible to protect ourselves and those we love than be one of the unprepared masses.
We are all masses, prepared or unprepared. It is the laws of physics.
I said specifically unprepared masses. I live way out in the country, have enough medical supplies, food, water and weaponry to last for at least a year on food stores and much longer than that on the rest. Unless there are hordes of people attacking in which case our community may be overrun. I personally have enough ammo to last years against basic marauders or small groups. I'm also equipped with solar and water filtration as well as know how to dry meat in my solar dehydrator and am a good hunter and fisher. There are currently 5 deer and 3 hogs in my freezer which if the power goes out will be thrown in a 25 cubic foot smokers and turned into Jerky. When I say unprepared masses I mean the countless people who think the grocery stores and pharmacies will be sustainable if the grid goes down for any amount of time. The Golden Horde if you will. In which case we have a community security force already in place with coms and leaders chosen with highly trained military folks that are in key positions to get the community in a defensible position. Our rode is 1 way in and 1 way out 10 miles up. Which is a blessing and a curse. We have heavy equipment on site from the local quarry to block Said roads in the event we need to lock down. Most folks are not prepared as such and hence my terminology unprepared masses. It's still far from a perfect situation depending on what may happen, but I feel it's better than a good portion of my country.
Absolutely devastating birds? Shit!
Absolutely devastating bird shit? Crap!!
Their poop is pretty damn corrosive. And that's before we get to pathogens.
Haha WTF I know I just woke up but damn. I meant virus!
Haha sorry some autocorrects I just can’t guess
I believe Hitchcock made a chillingly prophetic documentary in the 1960s, we all should have seen this coming.
Except in this case, they won’t peck us to death, but could become disease vectors.
Or hundreds of giant UF0 ships showing up. Imgine ships 1 mile wide , 2 milies or more long or even bigger. This seems far more likely at this point than a single environmental catastrophe or military incursion happening causing collapse.
UF0s are molesting the skies over many, many cities globally on a nightly basis. They are also holding down the skies over major US military bases and over sites were nuclear weapons are stored. US government response .....ignore it. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain folks...nothing to see here.
Why are you typing UF-zero instead of UF-Oh?
Try to type UF-oh in a reply and find out.
No they aren't.
But, if it helps your mind prepare for the wildfire down the block or your job loss in a few months, cool.
What if instead we get a black hole singularity event? It would be cooler
Correct, it's not.
But preparing for the smaller events that disrupt life helps you prepare for these big events as well. And the smaller events, like a house fire or job loss, are much more likely.
It's certainly possible, but much harder to predict. Granted, we're speculating on how long until societal collapse here. But the consensus on that answer is: it's already happening and will continue to happen for the foreseeable future. Collapse is a slow motion car crash.
When you're talking about a one-shot TPK type event, it's much harder to wager a guess. Too many variables.
Surprisingly, I thought "the last ship" did a reasonably decent job covering some of the things that a true worldwide pandemic might cause and things that could play out. I could see a lot but not all of it, and certainly no chance of the non stop "heroism" action stunts. But the things it covers make sense and just fit in with many of the other future scenerios in all our movies and books. So many things can happen, and we just don't k ow what they will be.
Some real quick, some generations long. The climate driven collapse scenerios they "said " would take 500 years will happen terribly in one generation now, (as in causing old school somalia/Ethiopia level migrations, starvation, unlivabililty, and unusable land to harm tens of millions more people than those events).
Full collapse after that, who knows. But billions of affected human animals - how many will have to move locations or die? How strictly will we have to police repopulation?
We're not leaving the planet for another several hundred years, especially not in numbers that help this planet breathe a safe breath.
So, we are not doing a thing to slow, stop, or mitigate in a way that will help anything beyond the next 50 short years.
I think we'll see a lot of "sudden" collapses. I hope I'm wrong.
BS, shooting that gorilla was the singularity!
Fucking killed my boy Harambe. Dicks Out.
Depending whom you ask, its allready on. People in Ukraine are at war and that war is EUROPE! AS a finn im very concerned that my neighboring country (russia) is attacking all the other neighbours they have in certain order.
That said, our country is not at war, so its not too late to prep for generic emergencies.
Thing is, if you prep so you can survive any emergency that doesnt drive you from how, you are good. Way better than those people who dont prep and then comes like 2 week powerout.
To them it is lifedangering, to prepper its a minot inconvenience (depending ofc :) ).
Take preparing into your daily routine, practice and stop worrying.
We have until inauguration day.
location, Location LOCATION!! Buying a new house in a remote area and begin prepping. Trump May very well buy us a year or two but eventually, next couple years, we are screwed.
I’m 58, though I started some prepping awhile back, I am truly not prepared other than weaponry and ammo. I’m thinking a lot of people my age will be out of it, if something truly disastrous happens. Just seeing what happened in Hawaii, NC and now California, just that is terrifying
God is coming back the end game is an emp followed by nuclear war. Yall won’t believe me till it happens. Get ready because it will happen during trumps presidency. Oh and don’t forget the deagel report numbers for 2025. Something major is on the horizon
I recommend getting involved with local groups—environmental justice groups, support the formation of unions for working class people like Amazon workers, etc…we have a rising billionaire class that is crushing us all. A lot of folks are peddling conspiracies to the left and the right but the conspiracy is right in the open and it’s bipartisan. It’s capitalism. You won’t outmoney it (unless you can afford a bunker on the moon) so we need to build people power. Look for and support local mutual aid groups, masking blocs (some of us know that Covid and the potentially impending H5N1 are other means of disabling us as working and middle class folks)— right now the LA GOVERNMENT who slashed firefighter budgets is asking the local Mutual Aid mask blocs for help in getting masks to people in need. These are the initiatives and communities I recommend that people start, join, or build.
And the bonus is you build community, potentials for skill sharing—-capitalism has isolated us all and it thrives on that isolation and fear. Joy and hope are imperative, but so is action against the criminals who are destroying our planet and who, if they can, will peace out to Mars and leave us burning on it.
It got kicked off by Covid, the inflation we’re seeing isn’t because of immigration or the relief bills or even just because of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. It’s globalization failing. You wanna know what doomsday looks like? Groceries/gas/loans getting more expensive for 25-30 years along with everything else. It was gonna be a slow process, but again, covid kicked it into gear early. Get good at gardening, get cool with your neighbors, get a decent home at the best price you can, and get ready to ride it out with your family.
No one knows the hour or the day! Anyone that’s claims to know when the end is coming is wrong! “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake. Therefore stay awake—for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning— lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake.” Mark 13:32-37 ESV
Been a lurker on here for about 3 years now and I’m confident in saying we have another 30-40 years before things get real real bad so invest in your kids future and that house and enjoy it while you can
The reason they're building bunkers is because they know eventually they're going to be hunted down by the working class and possibly the government.
Nah…that’s just silly. They’ll have security forces … outsiders have no chance… Plus - you can’t begin to imagine what this means …their “bunkers” are nothing like ours to begin with …they’re nicer than most people’s homes … and any pictures you’re seeing are most likely decoys … (do you really think they’re going to let anyone take pictures of their private spaces? …and yes, I’ve seen several of the “elite alternative living suites” built in and outside the US).
Not as long as some might think. We have been on a slo-mo collapse since WW1, and the 'suddenly' portion is about to hit, IMO.
So i think it's vital we look at our ancestors and i have had the privledge of going back to the late 1480's on paper with my grandmothers family and grandfather from my mothers side. I was lucky to have my 6th greatgrandfathers x 7 diary from 1796-1843 he survived napoleaon and famines in the alsace lorraine area on the german side of the rhine in the stae of Baden. The consistency i saw was work ethic the strong mindset of never quit and they had a marketable skill. In the end they survided and i'm here and it passed it's way down.
My mothers people are from there,my dads people are Austrian Huns been around a long time.That never quit mindset we have from them.Live free live long Geist Wulf
Have you ever been there ? You can see alot of the influence in america and canada from the buildings and achitecture. Solid farming and acricutural practices as well almost on par with the dutch and we all know how well they can farm.Never been to Austria but looking forward to going.
Have not been there yet.Have loads of my dads people there.We live like they do Most of them live east of Landshaag,also south Germany to.Most of the ones that came here stayed in the northeast we dont like hot weather.We are called out landers dont like citys at all. People from there have said to me how do you know where your going if you dont know where you have been. At 63 I teach the young ones the old ways now,so does my dad at 88.Be well Geist Wulf
Just look at it this way.
How many of us do you think would be in reddit if we thought it was even semi close? Only the BOTs 😂
When I first started prepping about 15 years ago give or take, I thought shit was gonna go down in months and the world was gonna end soon.
I think many of us went through this prepping phase feeling unprepared, and went crazy buying stuff we honestly didn't need.
Worrying will do absolutely no for you, if it's going to happen it's going to happen worrying will it change that.
I use to prep for the end of the world now I mainly prep for Tuesday and this has become much more helpful.
For example I live in WNC and when hurricane Helene hit I thought we would lose power for a couple hours at most. Well I was wrong, but luckily my preps saved me a ton of money. Thankfully I had a backup generator, and my food didn't spoil. Learned many lessons including I don't have anywhere near enough gas to run my bigger gas generator for and extended period of time, as well as I didn't have extra oil on hand to do oil changes hours rack up quick when you are running it constantly.
Long story short I have oil, a smaller adaptable inverter generator now that runs 6 hours 45 minutes on one gallon of gas. It will run all fridges freezers, lights in house and Internet/TV. Only ran the big one to run the well and keep hot water hot every so often cook stuff in stove or microwave etc.
I recommend slow and steady prepping and learning skills I don't feel we are going to have a major SHTF scenario anytime soon. Maybe we will? But I'll continue to prep slow and steady and read on here for ideas so many good stories to learn from!
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the input. I’m in central NC and Helene was definitely eye-opening! Glad you all fared well considering.
No worries sorry for the bad punctuation and spelling I'm at work and was typing that quickly.
One thing I've seen is that in all but the worst SHTF scenarios the people are going to help. The sheer amount of pickup trucks with supplies and UTVs I seen going towards the mountains gave me chills each time I saw them. One of my neighbors that have horses went up and brought supplies via horseback/pack mules.
The Mainstream media would have you believe otherwise but this is still America and we help our own!
So don't think If somthing happens that the community isn't going to try and help, we will!
60 Minutes did a great story and they highlighted the horses and mules bringing in aid to those hard to reach places. Honestly was a great story about how FEMA could only do so much and it was a lot of private citizens doing a lot of getting out and helping.
Zucks bunker, or as I like to call it, my resupply point.
Best advice I ever got was healthy body, healthy mind. You will run yourself into the ground if you panic everyday over this. But tbh, all of us have been there I think.
For me I think it's better to be semi-prepped than wasting enormous amounts of time on huge prep (not that I don't envy those who have it all sorted), but that could all go to waste come one thing or another (sorry y2k preppers). Some spare cash and savings, emergency supplies, plans. That's all I've got, and I'll get on with life and enjoy myself whatever happens.
The way I see it, it’s just people with “fuck you” money doing what they do best: wasting it.
Zuckerberg building a bunker is no different than say, Jim Bob down the street dropping a few shipping containers in his back yard for a bunker, except one is better built.
The best thing you can do, that I beg my mom to do, is stop doom scrolling. You do that shit long enough and you’ll turn into an old man screaming “bring out your dead, the end is coming!” because the price of milk went up again.
Focus on reasonable prepping. Keep an eye on this new virus that’s been popping up, keep an eye on the weather. The biggest thing I prep for is inclement weather and being out of power for a little bit. Anything else to me is fear mongering. I see articles about Yellowstone’s “imminent” eruption every year and it ends with “it could happen in the next 200 years”… so worse case scenario my relatives 2 centuries from now I’ll never know may get to read another article about Yellowstone’s imminent eruption within another 200 years after that projected date.
In the 20th century we couldn’t go 50 years without having two of the largest conflicts mankind has ever seen with the dawn of industrial warfare reducing the worlds population by 3.5% including the fact we managed to drop two nuclear warheads on major metropolitan cities. I hate how fucking naive this sub is assuming it’s going to be some long drawn out decline to destruction. It’s only been 25 years into the 21st century and we have already seen the largest war in mainland Europe since WW2. Countries don’t exist among one another in stagnation and sit on stockpiles of nuclear weapons until they disappear out of complete thin air. It takes one accident. One small seemingly insignificant escalation which has a snowball effect. One fuckup and boy has there been a history of those. I give it 40 years tops from now and even thats completely generous and the thing is I don’t even prep. So downvote all you want but the day will come whether you will expect it or not and everyone in this sub can exist in their little echo chamber but thats the reality of human behavior and the foreseeable future as of now.
Between the US getting challenged for world domination by China and Russia. The mess that was created in the Middle East, North Korea aligning and being emboldened (add Iran in there as well) the future is the scariest now then I can ever remember in my 45yr life. I remember the 80s era Cold War scare, right now feels so much worse. I’m terrified of the world my kids are going to inherit.
Glad someone agrees peoples overall attitudes nowadays VASTLY underestimate the trajectory of where our future is headed.
I would prep for the next pandemic. That is likely to do severe damage — worse than Covid.
I agree, and as someone with a medical background, it’s most likely going to be a mutated bird flu. The first H5N1 bird flu death was recently reported in the US, and while that in and of itself isn’t a cause for pandemic concern since the Louisiana resident was an older, immunocompromised individual that acquired it as a zoonotic infection, the worry that many epidemiologists and virologists have is if it mutates enough to have human to human transmission.
A bird flu that has mutated enough to achieve human to human transmission is literally a nightmare scenario as far as a potential pandemic would go. Remember how COVID-19 had a 2% mortality rate? Bird flu with human to human transmission would probably have a 50% mortality rate. You wouldn’t even see as much misinformation being spread about it compared to COVID because people would quite literally be dying on the streets from it. It’d be a lot like the movie Contagion, honestly, and the virus in that movie had a 20-30% mortality rate iirc, so it also has the potential to be worse.
And all it takes for bird flu to achieve human to human transmission is for some unlucky patient zero to be infected with both H5N1 and influenza at the same time.
Within the next 4 years
I imagine the next year or two will be rough then there will a precipitous collapse
As a prepper, I view societal collapse the same way I as a Christian view the Second Coming of Jesus Christ; I know it’s coming, but I don’t know when, and the important thing is that I’m ready for it. And so is my family. Whether it happens tomorrow, in a decade, or even in 50 years.
The reality is that no one knows nor can 100% accurately predict what’s in store for any of us. Heck, no one can guarantee that they will live to see the next day or even the next week, and I’m not talking societal collapse at this point, I’m just talking about life. The important thing is that you live a life worth living, make every day count, spend some quality time with your loved ones, prepare for the future, and are also ready for the worst possible scenarios.
Impossible to know for sure if it will even happen. Start by preparing for normal emergencies.
It will likely be something few people were thinking about. Makes me wonder how many dinosaurs were expecting a huge meteor to smack Earth (if that was really the cause of their extinction).
Well it definitely was the cause of their extinction. You don’t really get scarring we see around the world without it.
But fun fact, they did see it coming. Of course, they had no idea what it was. But it was likely visible for weeks before impact, like in “don’t look up”.
Live life every day to the fullest, save a little for the next day just to be safe. Get the house, fix the car, go on the trip, get the toy for the kids. And purchase the antibiotics just incase. Get the food and water just to be comfortable.
Rule #11 Enjoy the little things.
According to the Bible it will be 2000 yrs since Jesus death in 32 AD. The Bible is filled with hidden meanings and number patterns. So if my hunch is right then the Tribulation is about to start. That will bring 2032 as the end of the world as we know it.
Can you guide me to the scriptures you’re referring to? Wasn’t Jesus 33 when he died? Curious where you found 32 and the 2000 years info. Thanks!
According to most biblical scholars and historians, the evidence suggests Jesus was likely born a few years earlier than the traditionally accepted year of his birth, placing his birth around 6-4 BC, meaning he was born “a few years earlier” than what is commonly thought of as the year 1 BC.
Thank you, what about the 2000 years part?
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Oh no, I hope my post didn’t read as suicidal. Im asking because I want to try and think more long term. I’m just sad for my kids that the world is burning, but still want to give them the best life ever.
Sorry. Maybe I took it wrong. It is heartbreaking to think that way. I have grand kids that will never go to a prom or drive a car. I also put all my hope and faith in Jesus.
I came to terms with what’s about to happen…. A few years ago so I understand your pain. It took me a while but I accept what’s going to happen.
We’re just both in different stages of grief. The best advice I can give you is to draw closer to God in these days.
Take one day at a time. We will go bonkers if the ,"what ifs,,," is ruling our life. Build your pantry ans start small to provide for your family
This quote is relevant.
"Climate change will manifest as a series of disasters viewed through phones with footage that gets closer and closer to where you live until you're the one filming it."
Fear is a bad reason to do or not do anything. Panic is an even worse reason. Make a plan. Be frugal but not miserly. Start small and pack the pantry. Get one cycle ahead on everything you use, then two. Prepare for disaster, but live your life. Get a spouse and have a family. Buy a house when the market is right. Go about your life while prepping in the background and integrate it into the life you’re living. Best wishes for the adventure.
It's tomorrow. The collapse is tomorrow.
Buy the house but look at where it is a little closer. And add into the budget enough for a generator and some solar. Make the pantry a little larger with some room for counter space.
And add a root cellar. Your leaps and bounds ahead of the crowd at that point.
And a well, with a well pump that runs off solar.. and a hand pump well.
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Thanks so much for this! Curious by what you mean ‘a little closer’. We’re looking in more rural areas now and trying to account for the land needed to cultivate and for a generator.
Is the area prone to flooding? Is it a climate haven?
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
We’re in central North Carolina
You misread the sentence.
They mean look more closely at where you want to locate. And is it good for future climate or future trouble scenerio.
They did mean look to locate closer to something.
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Got you — thanks for the clarification!
Here's an article about safer and less safe places to migrate in the US for climate change and you can put your specific property address in here to see what risks your property may face.
Probably in terms of "look at flood zones, wild fires, landslides, etc.".
Hey! I know what you’re going through. Especially as a parent - although I don’t have kids I understand your duty to protect and provide for them. I was in your exact same place a while back and sometimes I’m like “is it even worth it to put money in a 401k??” (Of course it is but the thought creeps up every once in awhile)
Start with the small stuff - Have an emergency fund, save a little cash somewhere safe at home for if the power went out. Create a go bag, then make sure your car is stocked with the basic stuff if you ran out of gas or got stuck, then make a three day kit, then buy some disinfectant, n95s and extra hand sanitizer. It doesn’t have to be overnight! This is what I’ve done over the last 6months.
When you go grocery shopping, grab two of whatever shelf stable stuff you are buying. Get a deep freezer if you can (try FB marketplace for a used one) and shop sales for frozen foods/meat/butter.
Try growing potatoes, tomatoes, herbs, carrots and cucumbers if you have the yard space in your new home.
The time will pass anyway. I personally don’t believe there is going to a sudden societal collapse and if there is I’ll beat myself up for spending what time I had left in “normalcy” fretting. No use in worrying about something twice.
This page does tend to ignite a little anxiety in me, take some space if you need it! Also seconding whoever suggested reading “The Daily Stoic”. I also just recently read “Beneath a Scarlet Sky” and it really put things into perspective. People have lived through some truly horrific stuff before.
back in 1945 people thought the end was near, and a nuclear war was going to happen soon. THere are events during the cold war like the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, etc where people were SURE something was going to happen.
Since then, 70 years ago. people have been born, lived, prepared for WW3, and died without it happening. wasting their entire lives for something that never happened.
The number one cause of death for children is firearms. yet they still go to school and might live in households that have firearms.
there is a 1 in 119 chance you will die in an automobile accident. Yet every day, a majority of Americans still drive, or even walk on sidewalks where vehicles are. and yet are building fallout shelters for a nuclear war that is less likely to happen then getting struck by lighting.
You should only worry about what you can change. and just prepare for things you cannot. Not worth spending resources on something that is so rare that might never happen in your lifetime when you can just stock up 6 months of suppy, and deal with 99.99% of whatever "TUesday preps" you deal with
The sense of security knowing you could lose a job and not need to work for 6 month, or deal with a power outage is incredibly liberating
Fucking seriously… so much fearmongering. You are playing right into it.
Buy the house, but only on one salary. This is the rule that was one of the best things we ever did.
And then start Prep for 3 months and go on from there. The reality is we will experience the effects and storms from climate change, the worst probably after we are gone.
Owning your own home is an excellent prep.
It's already too late
Society isn’t going to collapse dude. And even if it did, none of these “preppers” or billionaires would survive anyway.
Apocalypse has been delayed trump got elected.
That's a weird way to spell accelerated.
That's because it's not
Special way to ignore reality.
Not soon enough
Collapse isn't all at once its an ongoing process. Get ready because it is happening right now
Live your life. You don’t even know how much time YOU have on Earth much less when the next disaster will happen and also affect you personally.
If you have anxiety don’t join these types of subreddits. Find hobbies and passions that make your heart happy! Seek that not more anxiety inducing like finding out when the sky is going to fall.
OK like what, I could use original ideas because I'm a bit over the top and always looking for new hobbies.
Current hobbies: brewing, wine making, gardening, PC gaming, taking care of chickens, DIY home projects, light wood working, programing, composting, range / target shooting, trivia nights, magazines, reading, camping, hiking, swimming, bicycling.
To be fair, if I was a multibillionaire, I would most definitely have hundreds of acres somewhere remote with an underground bunker. Even if there appeared to be no current threat. Must be nice having that kind of “fuck you” money
Buy the house (if it's in the budget of course). If things got bad you'd have your own place- if you're renting the owner might decide to liquidate one day due to economic strife and you'd have another stressor to deal with.
I agree with this - but buy one that’s lower than your budget then be prepared to sink 10% yearly into upkeep. And choose a hill location far from ocean and desert and thick forest, away from tornados and earthquakes…
Can't remember where I saw it or heard it, but I heard that Michigan specifically around the great lakes anywhere would be the best place to be in a global climate ice melt catastrophe. Finding the least likely location to have natural disasters is probably the best bet
That’s if a person wants to live in the US.
That's where I live- lots of fresh water- if we can keep it clean.
Unless the Yellowstone volcano erupts😜
I live on a hill surrounded by thick swamp forests. It's fairly safe from disasters. 1000 year flood would bring water up to the steps. Extensive drought would have us in a tinderbox. We are going to clear some fire breaks this year and hire the forest department to do a controlled burn.
Owning can also help firmly connect to a community. My parents bought land 40 years ago and I've known the neighbors for my whole life. Grew up with their kids and grandkids. Spend just about every holiday together and stick our neck out through disaster and tragedy. Lucky to be this blessed.
Was gunna suggest this too.
Billionaires are prepping for a very different scenario to you and I.
Billionaires don't have to worry about food shortages, or power outages, or communication breakdowns. They have the resources to recreate all that in a heartbeat, or just jump in a private jet and fly to wherever the world is not breaking down.
Billionaires are prepping to protect themselves from you.
For all we know something crazy happens and things get more right. Maybe the death of the baby boomers helps a tiny bit with the redistribution of wealth.
Don't bet on something good happening though
Y2K was not doomsday.
Sorry, but this one is a personal gripe of mine. Y2K wasn't a big deal because thousands of us all over the world worked our arses off to stop it becoming a problem by patching thousands of systems and millions of PCs.
If we'd have all just said "Nah, it'll be fine" and done nothing it would have been an absolute shit show!
I’m good.
Packed in 1963?
An excellent year.
Just remember that there are many bunkers from the cold war that are so old they are being demolished. They were never used. People preparing for the what if does not guarantee a need to use it.
How old are you?
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
IMHO either the S is going to HTF right before the change or in the not too distant future. Maybe not catastrophic but bad. They are not going to let this change happen peacefully. Plus they have an out now.
She is “they”
You know the they he means.. come on..
Always projection
No, I don’t. We are adults here. Let’s use our words. I’d like to know which “they” will be perpetuating which “change”.
The left, the inner running the country for the last 4 years, no not biden/harris
We may all be adults here, but not all are brave enough to say it out loud. Some are, but not all.
They don’t have any special insight, they’re just rich. Where as I can afford some non-perishables and water to last two weeks, they can afford underground bunkers. Probably with grow rooms, desalinization, and a flame thrower
🤷♂️. Don’t let it bother you. What they’re spending is a rounding error to them, and basically a hedge/insurance.
Don’t put your life on hold because something “might” happen.
I think the more you prepare, the better you will feel. Just keep going. Don’t panic. Do what you can.
You are likely sensing that things are off kilter in our world. I agree. Fear and anxiety are often our bodies a d minds responding to external stimuli. Those are valid feelings. Don’t be afraid of some anxiety. Listen to it. Harness that spidey sense and turn it into action. Prioritize prepping. Make lists of the most important things you need, check them off to see your progress.
Ask questions here. Very knowable people here will offer opinions about what to get and what may be unnecessary.
Remember to buy shelf-stable food with long expirations. Things your family will eat anyway. Build up that stockpile and let your progress ease some of your worry.
Good luck!
Agree with comments re: won’t happen tomorrow, but I do feel like house insurance is going to be a problem sooner rather than later - it is already in some states. I would just project/consider very carefully where you are buying. If your house insurance doubled could you still afford that house? If you lost that house and insurance didn’t pay out for whatever reason what are your options?
You need a place to live - just the calculation of how much to invest in property ownership likely is shifting.
My house burned down 2 years ago and my insurance company went through every possible contortion trying to not pay for it. I'm still arguing over getting my possessions paid for. Everyone says "get an attorney." Attorneys actually willing to go up against huge insurance companies are hard to find and cost more than I could hope to recover. There is also a clause in most policies that you will go to arbitration before you can sue them in court. This almost never works in your favor.
Yes I think there’s going to be a lot more unhoused ppl relatively soon
When people smarter than me start to behave differently, I take notice. My physician, whom I’ve always considered exceptionally intelligent, recently left her medical practice. She sold her clinic, her home, and got rid of her cell phone, replacing it with a satellite phone. She bought a small property with a large acreage of land and began homesteading. She now has cows, chickens, and bees, spending much of her time dehydrating and freeze-drying food. Her property includes a stone cabin and a nice barn stocked with hunting bows and protective gear. She also gave me a book to read: Atlas Shrugged.
A police chief who lives just a few doors down from my other home in the high-cost-of-living suburbs sold his house, too. When I asked him where he and his family were moving, he replied, "It’s not looking good." I understood exactly what he meant. He had sold his house at a good profit and moved his family into his parents' basement to save money. Their plan was to buy a home in a rural area cash, debt-free, far from the crowd, and start their own homestead. When people far more knowledgeable about the world, the economy, and society express such concerns, I listen. The collapse is happening, but it’s gradual. Most people are too comfortable and too busy to notice what’s unfolding around them. The book Atlas Shrugged warns of government overreach through several key themes: Economic Stagnation: Government control stifles innovation and entrepreneurship by overregulating industries, redistributing wealth, and demonizing profit. This leads to inefficiency and decline. Corruption and Mediocrity: State power breeds corruption, as political expediency replaces merit, and mediocrity prevails when competition is suppressed. Loss of Freedom: Policies like "Directive 10-289" illustrate how economic control extends into broader restrictions on individual rights, including intellectual and spiritual freedom. Brain Drain: Talented individuals withdraw from a system that exploits their abilities, symbolizing the collapse of a society dependent on its most productive members.
'Atlas Shrugged'?
Ouch. Find a better doctor.
The collapse is has been for decades...adjust to it incrementally...
Put it out to December 1. We have, at best, two more continuing resolutions and a summer plus harvest season. This coming winter will break people by the thousands across the nation. We're going into 2026 and the midterms with blood on our boots and our ballots. If you've got any long-term plans, now is the time. I think this timetable will be my new plan.
6 months
I strongly urge you people to watch enter the stars’ latest video on YouTube.
A true prepper prepares for the end of the world A true prepper prepares for it not to end. Survivalist prepares for both. Have the food, water, preps. Have the retirement plan and children's education fund. Balance in all things young Padawan...
Wealthy people have been building bunkers throughout human history. There are all kinds of bunkers in old silos out west from the past 40 years. In America, if there is money in an idea, you can be assured that someone will sell it to you. What you need to understand is that they have such vast wealth, that buying stuff like that is a blip to them that barely registers. Why not for additional peace of mind?
As for buying a home, rates are still high, so if you can swing waiting a bit longer until the rate drops level off, I would. Otherwise the thing to understand is that if society collapses, it’s probably better to have a home than not. Especially if you can stockpile supplies there better, have a garden, etc. If everyone stops paying their mortgage, they can’t repossess everyone. Your home is just yours at that point, because money is meaningless.
Well, keep on doing what you are doing, and stay away from the media. You will do fine!
If it is smart to buy a house right now, I don't know, but you can't put your life on hold because of possibilities.
Just because the rich make bunkers doesn’t mean they know something we don’t. Some of them are just like us but with way more resources at their disposal. If you had his money, wouldn’t you build a bunker too?
Change happens it is inevitable! An economic collapse is often followed by a gray market system which fills the gap. This system may take on a variety of shapes according to need and locals. A trade economy will almost certainly develop in these conditions. Criminal elements or gangs may form unless put into check. Climate changes have happened on this planet since it's inception. Each one has developed in its own way and perpetuated the life cycles of its time. This will never end but ultimately the earth heals itself and mankind has adapted along the way to those changes humans have been exposed to in this history. Populations may have been severely diminished by one event or another but ultimately there is adaptation to conditions. Adaptation is the key to any situation or event. In that note knowledge and skills make that adaptation easier in events of any proportion. If you have all the tools but no knowledge of the tools then the tools are of very little value. But if you have developed the knowledge and skills with the tools which are tried and true your success value goes up in most conditions. If today where you live is currently a warm climate your needs are much different than those in a cold climate. You would adapt if your climate became colder to using those cold weather skills and tools. Adaptation is the key. Knowledge and skills mixed with proper tools increase the probability of success in any condition.
2038 is the next "Y2K" computer glitch. It's infinitely more complex at a time when we will rely on computer networks more than ever.
People who fear about suffering end up suffering the same amount due to their fear.
You have exactly one week.
This is a relief. I don't have to worry about the IRS anymore.
Elon musk will personally defund the IRS in order to save money!
That happened in the first circus. It only made things worse by creating a backlog to get issues fixed. This year the IRS will continue its enforcement until they next administration performs the budget cuts again then it will be a mess for 6 years if a different party is allowed to take control again.
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Well shit, it was nice knowing ya 🫡
Hahaha 😝. Man I gotta A LOT to do ! 😳
Everything everyone else said is balderdash. You have about 5 to 10 years.
Sooner than that
Like others have mentioned, for the US, it's probably going to be a long drawn out slow decline. You talk about Zuckerberg's bunker, but the reality is a huge number of billionaires already have bunkers and don't really talk about them. They also have bugout homes in other countries (New Zealand has been popular). Zuckerberg's not unique or the beginning of a wave. He's the trailing edge of many.
The other thing to think of in terms of a collapse is Y2K. When things get to the crunch, humans can and will do a lot of work in a short amount of time when the incentive is there. If nothing was done, Y2K would have been a totally different event.
Look at the history of the US, things will go up and down.. some severe stuff, some not so much. Even the "Great Depression" wasn't horrible for everyone. We've had market crashes every so often.. we always rebound, eventually. A lot of wealth has been made on those dips, just sayin.
I personally plan for what I can. Loss of job, supply chain interruptions, local disasters, rail\truck\etc strikes.. crazy market stuff as much as I can.
I can't plan for an asteroid, if Yellowstone blows up, if some drunk ahole runs the red light..., I also can't stew in those "what ifs". Do what you think is right now and as far as you can tell and adjust along the way. Do your best and prep as much as you can to weather the storms, the downs and any emergencies you can think about.
Us peons won't know until its too late. Keep an eye on the rich and the politicians... if they head for the hills, the tsunami is coming.
"Us peons won't know until it's too late. Keep an eye on the rich and the politicians... if they head for the hills, the tsunami is coming."
Yep, head for the hills! LOL
Ever heard of the frog in the pot of slowly boiling water? Yeah that’s us
Frogs don't behave that way, and there's no "outside the pot" for us.
Yep yep
I try and find a balance between informed and saturated. You have a local community and us !!!
You are here:
Two more weeks!! lol relax man you’re stressing too much
If you can afford the house with your current situation then Buy the house - if it’s a true collapse, including the economy, money will just be paper and no one will be able to pay for anything because there won’t be anyone to pay. Some people say buy gold or silver, as it’s tangible, at least when kept as coins etc, not as a stock or in a bank that may not be accessible to you. Live your life now, within your means, with joy! Prepping is just that, preparing. But no one should forgo living an enjoyable life while prepping. Something could happen to you or your kids at any time, while the rest of the world goes on. Prep for Tuesday, then further as your lifestyle allows. I put up food, buy extras and store long term in Mylar bags, with oxygen absorbers when appropriate. Build your community with surviving, and Thriving, in mind. This is important…just surviving will probably be a miserable existence. Build a group around you so you all can help each other when the need arises.
I think the bunker thing is just rich people wanting to do something fun with their money, but also "just in case". I think we are potentially on the brink of societal collapse, there's just so much bad going on in the world politically, economically etc. When I say potentially I don't think the chances of it happening are super high, like we should all hide asap, but the chances are higher than they were say, 20 years ago when things were better.
Realistically I think the biggest threat we face right now is inflation, so prepping should involve trying to be as self sufficient as possible. Get out of bit cities, get as rural as you can, grow your own food, generate your own power, get a wood stove for heat and live in an area that has low property tax (that's a big cost of living on it's own) etc.
I would not stress about impeding societal collapse though, it's not something that's just going to happen immediately. I think it's best to live a live where you won't be affected by it, than trying to prep for it.
Rich people have been building panic rooms and bunkers for hundreds or thousands of years.
I like this response.
It makes a person stop worrying, at least for a few moments.
It’s a really common mistake to assume that the day you learned about something is the day it started happening.
There won't be a moment where we will all say, "It's here."
It's already begun, and it will potentially keep going like this for many, many years.
Or there could be a revolution in a month.
We are talking about the most complex system known to humankind. Timing anything is impossible.
I don't expect a societal collapse.
The only scenario in which mankind reverts dramatically, in my mind, is nuclear war, asteroid impact, or other catastrophic energy release. And I'm not prepping for those scenarios.
Modern humanity routes around damage amazingly well. Japan/Germany were basically bombed into the stone age in WWII, and both were economic powerhouses in 1-2 generations.
Maoist China suffered through the great leap forward, then Deng Xiaoping's embrace of capitalism created the greatest manufacturing Renaissance, and largest improvement in the middle class the world has ever seen within a span of about 25 years.
Dubai in the 60s/70s versus Dubai in 2010s? Mud huts to the center of world architecture + a space program.
Human ingenuity has become irrepresable.
Hopefully we don't use our mega weapons to obliterate the planet.
100-200 years.
3-6 months
I’ve been focusing on teaching my family how to get by if / when the shit hits the fan. I realized that I had been getting things in order so that if the time comes that i would be able to keep us alive and as comfortable as possible but once the provisions were in place that basically I was the plan and without me they would still be screwed. So I have been working with the wife and kids on what to do, especially in those critical first hours. At first they all thought I was crazy but now they are enjoying it. Makes me feel much better knowing that if I were on the road and something happens they will know the plan and not just be lost in the dark.
The answer is 42.
Five minutes to five hundred years.
“Predictions are difficult, especially about the future” - Yogi Berra.
When I was a kid, it was supposed to happen in the 1970’s.
I’m sure people thought it would happen in the 1950’s. It sort of happened in the 1930’s, and it did happen in the 1860’s.
It is always “almost the end”.
Buy the house, just ideally not in a fire prone area...
Or drought, or hurricane, or tornado, or earthquake, orrrrrrrr
flood zone..
started 80 years ago. It's a slow process.
Welcome - Read this sub’s wiki - - - Countdown to Preparedness .pdf better but free at - - - 95% of prep questions already answered; - Take a course - - First Tuesday, then Doomsday - Emergency fund first, guns last - Scouts: preppin’ since 1907 - Communities survive, lone wolves shoot each other - Also…TwoXPreppers, r/preppersales, r/TinyPrepping, r/prepping, r/selfreliance, r/offgrid, r/EuroPreppers, r/realworldpreppers
2,076 days, 14 hours, 9 minutes, and 36 seconds
About here, give or take a couple minutes
September 20, 2030, 12:14:12 AM (Friday)
Shit, this sounds almost believable 🫣
Imagine if Torino McChicken actually calls it
Can't they push it back to Monday?
Got a plumber appointment that Friday?
Don't fuck with it Friday... but someone always does...
Remindme! 2075 days "Prep"
I will be messaging you in 5 years on 2030-09-18 15:49:48 UTC to remind you of this link
CLICK THIS LINK to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam.
^(Parent commenter can ) ^(delete this message to hide from others.)
Don’t click the link. You’re getting Rick rolled
Well it looks like I got 5 years to figure out how remindmebot works
No, it’s 9855 days remaining.
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Noted lol
Hahaha 😂 😎✌️
RemindMe! 2076 days.
Maybe it will go slowly at first but then everything happens at once? The changing political landscape, gradual break down of global trade and security system, new technologies, new powers rising while others decline … etc all leading us to a new 1914. It may be quick and chaotic when we come there.
All we can do is stay as informed as possible about world events and try to prepare our families. I am not gonna lie, I think of the grid going down almost daily and try to prepare from that standpoint.
Hey, prepping for Tuesday in tornado country here,
my mindset is essentially "prep for the grid going down" for the most part. Just curious, how are you prepping? (always looking to improve)
For electric grid - I've always planned for a multi-day outage. That means things like:
Some sort of propane / multi-fuel stove is good. I didn't need it during Superstorm Sandy's aftermath as the gas/water to the place was still functional (gas stove, gas water heater that continued to work without power). But I was definitely missing out on batteries after day one.
If you want to test run - flip the main breaker into your place and try to survive for a day.
I just lived through 12 hour power outages for months. I’m in Ecuador, and we just came through the worst drought in 70 years. Our power is almost all hydroelectric. Water levels got so low that the power plants couldn’t produce enough water power. And..I was fine. I recharged tablets dnd phone when I had power. I have a rechargeable LED lantern. I have a French press to make coffee (priorities!!), and a propane stove. My hot water is a propane instant hot water heater with a battery ignition. I had frozen bottles of water that I moved from the freezer to the fridge daily. They thought they might have to ration water, so I have multiple containers that I keep filled, plus a gravity filter if I had to resort to getting a bucket of river water (1/2 block away). I have home-canned food and dog food.
In short, what was a disaster for some was an inconvenience for me.
According to the Simpsons, there will be a woman president after Trump. As well as civil war/ chaos, country more broke or making it a big deal. According to that, T-4 years or less of Trump is out of office earlier
Also fwiw, I feel they want to use that fear to shut us down when we'd otherwise be wayyy more productive!
We’ve honestly probably already lived through “the fall” and are now on to experience the rise of something new. You might recognize some things are different, but it didn’t really have a significant effect. That’s about it.
Might expect some skirmishes here and there, but other than that the thing that you might expect to generate civilizational strife has already happened. If mass unrest hasn’t happened yet, it’s more than likely not going to.
I guess there’s always a chance that a national grid collapse can happen, of course. But there’s also a chance a meteor can strike. I don’t think the question anymore is “how long until…?” though. It’s more like, “What can?”
We're still in employment/housing musical chairs mode. Do what you can to hold your head above water and prepare. Get started but live life like nothing is changing.
Where are you at?
The Roman empire fell over decades. The people living through it may have not noticed the shift from centralized to provincial powers.
2027 there is a high chance of conflict.
2050-2200 major climactic shifts will force us to breed or domesticate new crops.
2030 major population decline will begin globally. Deindustrialization or roboticization will be almost certain between 2030-2050.
Will the world end? Nah. Old Roman buildings became rockwalls in the British country side as they lacked the engineers and cranes to repair or maintain them. Life didn't end but it did transition pretty drastically over several generations.
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Those dates feel like tomorrow lol. Thanks for the perspective though!
They are.
What I cannot predict is the brand of radicalism people will take. Im a minority in my region (French language majority) and it does give me some concern.
I wont have the funds to buy land and escape before 2027 unless I win the lottery or get some inheritance.
Anyone want feet pics?
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Too late to move to another francophone country where you’re not the minority?
My husband speaks a few languages, so we considered dual-citizenship in other countries, but collapse could be imminent anywhere so we’re staying where we are for now.
I heard feet pics are pretty lucrative, you could afford an entire compound if you start today lol
Im from Québec. I could just cross the border to Ontario. Howecer I really like what Qc had going for it.
Lowest poverty rate on the continent, lowest crime rate on the continent, high standard of living for poor people. Lowest electricity costs on the continent!
I'll take land where I can find it/afford it however.
No one can tell you how long we have and anyone claiming to know is a liar. Scientists said we wouldn’t take flight for millions of years and 9 days later the Wright Brothers did it. Nothing is certain and everything is always changing.
As others have said here, collapse is a slow process.
I will say, collapse USED TO BE a slow process. Go back 200 years. Almost everyone was a farmer. If the cities failed? Oh well. The farms would keep right on going, more or less. Now? We have very few farms (relative to, say, 1825). Many of those farms aren't even "farms." They're corporate-owned farmland. Machines do much of the work.
In a collapse TODAY? (Keep in mind, the collapse IS under way already: wages have been stagnant for 40 years, people can't afford homes or living expenses, a LOT of signs point to how the standard of living is dropping.)
First of all -- and I know people will jump up waving documents to show how I'm wrong -- there isn't enough food to go around without phosphorus- and petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. You CAN grow organic food. You CAN enrich the soil with biomass. But you CANNOT do it at the scale needed to feed all the billions of mouths on the planet today. And that requires a massive, complex, infrastructure which has been falling apart slowly for 40-odd years.
You'd need about 12 acres to feed a family of four. (Four acres for the family, four acres at rest, four acres for cover crops and experimentation on new crops and such.) You'd want more than that of course because you'd have to start thinking about putting in fruiting trees, some tress for firewood, more trees for construction, etc. Your farm? It means work. Back-breaking work. Hour after hour after hour. The highest tech you can hope for? Animals to pull the plow. (Do you have a blacksmith nearby?) You might have gas- and battery-powered tools for a while, but most of that stuff is designed for the weekend gardener. You can't use your weed whacker to mow down the wheat. Know how to swing a scythe? How to sharpen one? Weeding? Don't forget preserving everything. You'll need a root cellar. And you may need a hired hand because your kids? They'll be useless. Just mouths to feed. The same for pretty much everyone too old (and here, old means about 45).
And you're coming to all this from a civilization where you used to chop wood on a video game to level up so you could wield the Axe of Ice and Fire (after you buy it at the Grand Exchange) while microwaving a family-size lasagna for today's dinner and tomorrow's breakfast.
To do all this? To put in all the sweat labor to grow food? Are you ready to pull one of your kid's teeth with a pair of pliers because all that dental work that's in there now can't be repaired after the fall? Do you have ANY painkillers? I mean the really good stuff? How about nitrous? Can you synthesize it? I hope you have enough rope to tie your 17-year-old son down so that he can't escape while you and your spouse do your amateur dentistry, and your daughter stands there crying because she's 12 and what the hell else is she supposed to do?
The knowledge gap is bridgeable. You can start learning a little every day. You can lay in physical bound books that contain all the information you need. You can research online for what you can't find. A lot of the real life-savers (dentistry tools, lots of carpentry stuff, etc.) But the psychological gap? Friend, it's a pretty steep curve.
How long do we have? My personal feel on it is that in 10 years there will be clear, unmistakable signs that the ship is sinking and that the hole in the hull is getting wider. If it's all still functioning in 20 years? I'll be gobsmacked. Sure, we'll still have islands of security. Places like Manhattan will still be standing. Surgery will still be available. But there will be a lot more have-nots. And a lot more covert security. If you aren't driving a newer car? You'll get pulled over. If you aren't dressed well? You'll be stopped on the sidewalk by a police officer. "We had a report of a Poor. Can you go to that ATM and show up your bank balance?"
Well I don't think those are exactly signals of societal collapse. Don't need to be that rich to build a bunker, just well off. Billionaires can have hundreds if they want.
Now the padding of money is not I would say a social collapse signal because if society collapsed our money is worthless without government backing. You can't even burn the numbers in your banking app.
However, what signals we look to be having is a recession. We tend to have them once or twice a decade. There's a lot that could compound the next one if the timing fits. This is partially what should be guiding your financial decisions like buying a house.
The question is are we looking at the housing bubble pop, or the Great Depression.
I put it at about 5 years, plus or minus one.
No matter the views you have the possibility of societal collapse is unlikely. Mostly you should prep for natural disasters and the beffuddlement of political leaders like what is happening in California right now.
As important as it is to be prepared, it is more important to still enjoy your life. It doesn’t pay to be prepared to survive anything if it means not enjoying being alive. Keeping an optimistic view of things is key to prepping in my opinion. I always think about “hope for the best and prepare for the worst”. Just build your skills and stockpiles over time and keep on living
Not picking sides but I have no idea whats going to happen in a week may be riots who knows.
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Billionaire bunkers are to protect them from us not any kind of SHTF other than the poor uprising.
Mrk Zuckerberg could spend 2bil on a bunker and it wouldn't be 1% of his net worth. If I were that rich I would say why don't I have at least one cool villain base already?
The more you read the worse it looks for us but you've just got to carry on living your life, we might officially start ww3 in 10 years because of scarcity or not. Nothing us poors can do about it.
Nobody knows, and reading conspiracy theories all day long will drive you insane. IMO, the best “prep” you can do is 1) stock up on emergency supplies, within reason, 2) save money and 3) have fun.
On 1), be reasonable and stay focused on natural disasters, power outages, and other disruptions that are becoming more and more common. Is your area prone to wildfires? Make a plan, get a go bag ready, and mark out your evacuation routes. Don’t spend your life savings on a 25 year supply of rice. Focus on supplies for a month or two for your family.
On 2), people that are fixated on immediate societal collapse miss the point I think. We’re not going to have zombies. Sure seems like we are going to see slow decline, increasing poverty, wealth inequality, increasing violence, price increases, supply chain disruptions, food shortages, yada.
What’s the best remedy for that? Honestly, it’s $$. So consider using that anxiety to just increase your savings. As fucked up as it is, if you’re rich you’re in a way better position to mitigate a lot of the likely scenarios in the coming years. You can afford to move your family to a safer area, you can afford the higher food prices, etc.
On 3), remember that people have been predicting the end of the world since .. humans have existed. Our age feels scary and unique, and it is in many ways. But in some ways, not so unique. So enjoy your hobbies, get a drink with your friends, and do what makes you happy with whatever time you/we have.
Stay sane friend.
We have as long as God's plan has for us. The best we can do is live our lives according to God's word and love one another.
But we should be prepared for unexpected and expected disasters. Remember that Noah built the arc before it started to rain.
Why do some people feel the need to shit on a person over a benign well-intentioned comment? I’m not religious either, but it costs us exactly nothing to just scroll on rather than downvote or laugh at someone for offering their advice.
Why do some people feel the need to inject religion in every conversation? It costs people nothing to keep their own religions private.
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
People have every right to lean on whatever they need when the end of the world comes — whether it be God, guns, or both 🤷🏾♀️
Then people have every right to laugh at what they determine is silly.
It’s just so strange. Religious people are so weird. They should keep it to themselves as much as possible.
Be prepared, but everything will most likely be just fine through your and your children's lives.
I had your same feelings 25 years ago, and that's been my experience, although today I'm much better prepared for the average Tuesday.
Don't let baseless fear stop you from owning a home or living your life. A few super billionaires being prepared or trying to spend some of their infinite money on cool stuff like bunkers doesn't mean the sky is falling.
Zuckerberg being just some rich dipshit who can't predict the future aside if he thought the world was ending soon he wouldn't have nearly all of his money riding on Meta preforming well.
Exponential climate disasters aren't slow. Runaway greenhouse gas emissions aren't slow. Crop failures aren't slow. Drought and floods aren't slow. Not rebuilding or caring for sick and injured from lack of resources, money and/or manpower isn't slow. Another massive pandemic won't be slow. Thousands dead from heat related injuries, mass migration and water depletion won't be slow.
Cutting everyone off from the internet when the people finally catch on and the tides turn for the incoming administration won't be a slow process either.
When all of this culminates in the next couple of years, nobody will be thinking "wow, this was slower than expected!"
Very likely never.
No need to panic.
WW2, Vietnam, Civil Rights unrest. Desert Storm. Taliban ISIS and 9/11
USA survived.
Collapse? Who knows? We are buying.
what are you hearing that is scaring the hell out of you?
TraditionalAir933@reddit (OP)
Idk if the word is panic, more so overwhelmed with an unknown timeline + need to prep.
Feel like I have to learn how to hunt and learn a HAM radio system overnight and it’s like is there time to set-up all.the.things?
would first tell you to consider reading the stoics. my favorite quote is we suffer more in imagination than we do in reality
get a book on prepping and start slow and be methodical. I can almost sense the panic when I read your post aloud.
biggest mistake would be to do this ad hoc and without a plan. Start with a go bag graduate to a three day survival kit
more importantly, stay away from the dark parts of the Internet thats gonna drive you insane and create a serious spiral for you
⬆️ is really important imo.
The stoics teach that there is very little that you can control. so proud and live your life. No collapse in the next decade.
Climate change? Lol
According to my folks I was unlikely to see adulthood. It was supposed to happen in the 1970’s.
Why can’t every post in here be seen?
Pure degradation of infrastructure happens regionally and at local levels. The whole system breakdown is happening now(healthcare, airline travel, cost of living, political division, global conflict)
Until tomorrow, better lock down and check if it's over in a month
Plan for more pandemics food shortage and the like but as far as a global emergency not likely soon
If you look over the long arc of history, we (humanity) are doing better now than we ever have been.
One issue is that progress (as in material improvements in quality of living) is slow, boring and incremental... While crises are often quick, dramatic and grab people's attention. Your standard of living today likely rivals what upper class or royalty had 100 years ago.
This video from Hans Rosling describes it well:
"But that video is old, what about today?" The data is still trending positive on average.$chart-type=bubbles&url=v2
That does NOT mean that life isn't hard, or there won't be issues, or that you won't encounter some short- or long-term crisis. Global stats mean little if you lose your job or are hit by a tornado. But the idea that we are on some inevitable path to doom, is simply not supported by historical data.
I don't think there will be a collapse. Things will jist get shittier. Probably be another sort of government power grab where they erode your rights and add to there's, similar to 911 and covid.
Your kids will have a future, it will likely just be difficult than it is now. If you're financially in position and believe your career is stable buy a house now. I guess something could be said for the imminent housing marking collapse people been talking about for ten years, but good luck timing the market, it never works
Some 500 years before something truly bad happens
Limits to growth is a good start.
I have quite a few preps. Maybe 1 year of food. But I spend a lot more on retirement and paying off my home. Maybe 2 more decades? Maybe another century. Maybe 2 more years. No one knows for sure.
No one knows how long we have. All you can do is stay informed and start one step at a time. Make a list of your biggest concerns and the small things you can do to help mitigate things for yourself and your family. Something that brings me comfort is that my children don't know the childhood I had. They will only know what they are experiencing. Don't rob yourself of living your life though--you only get one. You don't know when you'll go, hell my uncle dropped dead in the street from a massive heart attack. He was healthy, fit and only 50. Get off the internet, get outside and buy a house if that's what you want to do!
I wouldn’t take billionaire preps as a sign of things to come per se. Think of it this way: most people here probably spend anywhere from $150-$1000 per year “prepping”. Let’s call it $400 to have one number. Median household income in the US is ~$80,000 so that $400 is only about .05% of an average annual income. If you apply that same percentage to Mark Zuckerberg’s annual salary of $24.4 million, you’ll get $122,000. That does not even account for all of his other various income streams from investing and what not, it’s just his compensation package from Meta. To your average person, seeing Zuckerberg spend so much prepping might look like he’s prepping for Doomsday, but $122,000 really is just a “Tuesday” prep for him.
Personal perspective of course but for my entire lifetime we have been marching towards a slow, steady end of the world as you know it situation. Climate change isn't particularly flashy but it is essentially guaranteed at this point. There are a few maps out there that can show the expected change in climate for different cities/regions. If you are worried about your kids I would make sure to try and grab a slice of land in areas that will still be safe and comfortable 20-40 years from now.
Climate change is kind of a big umbrella though so here are a few things I would look out for
Current and ongoing threats. (Already happen expect to get worse)
Novel Pandemics Extreme weather events
Threats that we are just kinda waiting for (could happen any day/year)
Crop failure Lethal heat waves (already starting to happen in some countries)
Future/longer-term threats
Water shortages Increased international conflict driven by resource hoarding. Increased isolationism/political extremism (especially anti immigrant sentiment) Side note on a long term scale all of the previous issues should get more intense.
These are the kinds of things I'm preparing for personally and the loose timeline I see.
Remember, your preps will be available for most scenario's. Bad snow, flooding, extreme temps, power outages, medical issues. I've repeatedly used my preps for various issues for 50 years. I treat it like a hobby but I accept the gravity of the process. Teach the family, they will benefit from the knowledge regardless of the event.
Truth is, there isn't an exact date. But there are signs. All you really need to do is look back in history. You could go as far back as ancient Rome or fast forward to WW1. Take your pick. There are plenty of references.
Words of wisdom. This is paraphrased but puts things into perspective, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago or today."
Turn off the internet and go outside to play with some squirrels.
Honestly I think it's happening but in slow motion, not in a big flashy thing like in the movie.
I don't anybody will know how things will happen in the coming years (except maybe those that want to sell you things ). I think the best you can do is life your life and prep : choosing a house that wouldn't suffer too much from climate change, we'll insulate to handle heat and cold, with ways to store some food, etc
Also, don't isolate yourself from your community : we survive as a specy by having a community that back us up.
I mean, when I started prepping in early 2017 I thought it was imminent and I needed to get everything done within a few months. Here we are in 2025 and I’m still plugging away waiting for a wild Tuesday or a TEOTWAWKI.