Any alternatives that allow you to connect with people with your interests without the constant politics and toxicity on reddit?(sorry for the bad punctuation and grammar kind of writing this in a rush)

Posted by ResidentPixels@reddit | RedditAlternatives | View on Reddit | 15 comments

My account is only 6 days old and i already give up on this app. This app was my first choice because of it being well known and having a lot of communities. I originally came here just to have fun,discuss my passion and connect with others but my god is this app miserable. Constant politics 24/7 even in subs it doesn’t belong. Almost all the popular feed is from political subs and I’ve tried muting and avoiding them all but it’s still all over the place. Now i couldn’t care less what political party you are apart of or whatever. as long as you are nice and respectful it doesn’t matter to me i really don’t care about politics. But it’s annoying when it’s all you see. The toxicity on this app is also horrible. People gatekeeping, being just plain rude and toxic its annoying. So I’m looking for some alternatives that are free of politics or at least uas them easy to avoid and less toxic people then on here?