In the history of this site, around what year do you think was the best? and why?
Posted by busymom0@reddit | RedditAlternatives | View on Reddit | 22 comments
Reddit is almost 20 years old. So, I am wondering what year do you think was this site the best if you could somehow revert the clock and go back to?
And what made it the best?
What do you think really ruined this site in those 20 years?
Wish I knew. I joined about 4 years ago
busymom0@reddit (OP)
You can browse old reddit by date on archive . org. Like here's how the front page looked like on Feb 15, 2008:
Haha wow it’s like all politics.
There was an election going on.
busymom0@reddit (OP)
I know right! It seemed to have change a bit later on. Like in 2012, image based posts really started dominating:
Amazing how much it changed in only 4 years. Doesn’t feel much different from the front page now, over 10 years later.
Some remember it less and I do too most days I suppose, cause the random creativeness from the users stood out back then
But /all and most top subs were plastered in politics. From the beginning Reddit was a very liberal heavy site with so much American politics talk
busymom0@reddit (OP)
I am researching this a bit more and came across this post:
Seems like 2007 is when politics really exploded on Reddit:
Wow. This is cool. Ty
Before digg imploded. It's been a long slow downhill ever since
The couple years after Digg imploded where it had enough users to be organically useful but before the "new" Reddit reskin and the crackdown on fringe subreddits ahead of the IPO
I checked out Digg again recently. What's there isn't remotely recognizable. It feels more like a facebook feed.
I don't think I ever went back to Digg even once after Kevin Rose destroyed the place and sent us all over here.
All of the stuff of that era (Digg, Fark, Slashdot, etc) are gone or unrecognizable now.
Social media dies when it’s ubiquitous. People shouldn’t all be in the same place and there were days when not everyone had even heard of reddit let alone were using it.
I think maybe 2011-2014. Around the Stop SopaPipa days. Reddit was a lot more organic. AMAs were basically revolutionary and always interesting. There was no corporate engagement and super users were rare. And the super users that did exist were like shittymorph, the sketch dude, poem for your sprog, Ramsesthepidgeon, gallowboob (before they sold out), pepsi_next. And they were normal people making no money, moderating subreddits reasonably. There actually was sort of an expectation that you read the article before commenting. When you clicked the thumbnail it actually opened the link whereas now Reddit opens you directly to the comments. This was before new Reddit. Old Reddit forever.
There was very little extreme polarization and the gross subreddits were tiny. This was before red pill and incels. There were obviously the furry subreddits and porn and whatnot but not widespread revengeporn and CP. Reddit meetups were common and the people who actually met up were normal. There was the Reddit holiday gift exchange and for a few years Bill Gates participated discretely and some lucky person would get something thoughtfully picked out by Bill Gates. The Reddit April fools joke was cheeky and not some big thing. I think r/place might be where they jumped the shark a bit. It was cool until people started making bots for it. but then I think orangered vs periwinkle were sort of the peak because it didn’t take over the internet.
The conservative subreddit wasn’t actual conservatives having reasonable conversations and not just shouting at liberals about conspiracies and the politics subreddit wasn’t just liberals, it was a mix.
Reddit was where memes originated. They were here first.
The news subreddit wasn’t just the same article headlines posted by interns and bots at those news agencies by the same 6 news agencies.
I was about to say 2014 as well. It's nice to see others noticed the same thing about this site.
Man, I miss this Reddit. I did Secret Santa one year and it was amazing. I got my Secret Santa this really cool board game and he made a video for me where he freaked out over the gift and was so happy. I was so sad to see they got rid of Secret Santa! I read it was about it costing too much money. Everything is about profits now. It has been really depressing to watch this site slowly deteriorate over the years.
RIP to old Reddit. Seems that’s the way most things go, once the creators realize they can make a profit from it and sell out.
When they fired Victoria is when I think it started to nosedive.
I don't know if it was better but it felt much smaller and more communal ten years ago
I miss gimmick accounts. Like Vargas, jumper cables guy, shittymorph, shittywatercolour, etc. Coming across them, especially outside askreddit felt like running into a friend or good acquaintance.
Then there were the jokes that everyone just gelled with, like “help, my Reddit is in Spanish” or “which celebrity should come out of the closet”.
Now days people are too busy trying to scream into the void to just be chill and go with the flow.
Reddit went to shit pretty much on pace with the rest of the internet going to shit. Started around 2010. By 2015, the original internet was pretty much gone - replaced by a censored, curated, state-sponsored narrative, just like all other media.
First 5-7 years were the best