[Shotgun] Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol $806.39 with code RANGE10, ship/tax maybe. Free shipping and no FFL fee if sent to Range USA.
Posted by tommyk1956@reddit | gundeals | View on Reddit | 259 comments
Lowest I could get the checkout price too was 927 anything in messing up?
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
This deal is 2 months old. No longer on sale and code doesn't work anymore either.
Figured I was to late. Looks like I’ll be waiting for the next time this is discounted. Thank you.
Tbh I got locked up for something my cousin did and now I’m a felon and can’t buy a gun with ffl any weapon that doesn’t require FFL?
Black powder probably. Idk
check your charging handle before taking possession from ffl mine was chippee laying in the box completely out of the receiver
Anybody got theirs yet? I got billed and they reached out to my ffl on 1/2/2025 but no shipping yet.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
They had mine in stock for local pickup
Find another deal like this please lol
I’m down in the wang of the US so had to ship.
My ffl text me today asking if it was a legit place lol.
Noted this on another comment: "Not sure if it helps, but my order went through Jan 1 at about 9:00AM and arrived at FFL around 1/9 or 1/10. If you were before that I'd be worried. If you are after then maybe they just are working on finding stock to fulfill orders. I never received a tracking number and my order was never marked as "shipped"."
Actually it showed up at my ffl last night. They shipped on 1/13 then the storms in Georgia slowed it down.
It took an email to get my tracking number.
still not even a tracking number
Not sure if it helps, but my order went through Jan 1 at about 9:00AM and arrived at FFL around 1/9 or 1/10. If you were before that I'd be worried, if you are after then maybe they just are working on finding stock to fulfill orders.
This is BIN.
Damn this is an insanely good price, and that's for the mobile choke version too
So, that’s the difference in the 3 in stock? Besides the length.
Yea stay away from the "LE" in the sku. Barrel doesn't have choke threads. Prior deals on the a300 up were primarily on the LE version, which is silly to buy to save a couple of dollars just to rob yourself of being able use different chokes and to be able to expand the application of the shotty.
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Thanks. Ordered. $854.77 pick up in store.
I truly love mine. When you load that thing up and dump all 8, you will have the biggest shit eating grim on your face.
This is the black version? https://rangeusa.com/product/ber-j32ctii-a300-ultima-patrol-12-19.1-blk
Berettas website says blk is MC choke and gray is MC/IC (both 19.1”).
Black vs grey vs LE fixed choke
Yes exactly!
Yep, not the LE version.
What is BIN? I'm new here
“Buy it now”
In other words this is an insane deal?
Yeah, usually means "this is the best price we've seen, buy it if you're afraid of missing your chance". lol
1000%.. I bought mine about a month ago for about $100 more. Love it but wish I got this deal
I mean, you could still get this deal also!
I got mine for $860 and I still think that was worth it. I’ve never seen it for less than $860 until this deal.
After tax and shipping here you got the better deal. I think it was HD Tactical that had these $859 shipped
Same.. lowest I’ve seen… only other one was the AR15discounts deal for about $875 OTD
Did anyone else’s price show higher than with the code?
Yes, it’s a reverse discount!
Anybody gotten their order shipped? Unfortunately I checked out as a guest so I have no way of checking progress besides email updates.
Yours shipped yet?
Yeah, was originally to be delivered today but fedex is fedex so it’s Monday now
Did you get an email or have to call? Nothing for me since order processing.
Thanks for the insight btw
You have to call them and ask for the tracking. You could probably also call your FFL since their CS told me they send the info to them by default.
Thanks again. I emailed them and they responded the next day with tracking. Hasn’t moved yet though.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
I lucked out. Mine was in stock locally and I picked it up Saturday. Threw on a holosun 512C I picked up on black friday. *chef's kiss*
Awesome! I know mine is going to come from their warehouse so hopefully it ships within the next couple days
Mine arrived at FFL today.
Came here to ask the same thing. No status on mine beyond processing.
Facking hell!
Hilarious its Range USA too. The lord of the price gougers. Wouldn't be surprised if they canceled everyone's orders or some something.
I bought one the same day this deal was posted and have yet to hear anything from them. My order status shows as "On Order", so no clue as to what is going on.
I seriously would not put it past them to cancel orders.
A company that thinks its acceptable to pay like $100 for a 1hour lane, a glock pistol rental, and 50 box of range fodder would be the first ones to pull stunt.
I will be surprised if everyone gets their orders.
My order status got changed to "Completed", but I have not yet received a shipping notice. We'll see what happens.
Definitely update!
So mine shipped yesterday, one week after ordering it. It will arrive to my FFL on Friday. Not the worst, but also not the best, considering shops that are regularly featured here on r/gundeals ship the same day if you get in the order before noon.
Ok good. At least it did ship! Lol
After reading your comment, I was prepared to get an email saying that it has been canceled. Never bought from Range USA before.
Range USA has a reputation of gouging and profiteering to the max. They have also put out deals and recalled them before. The most recent example I can recall was some Black Metal LEO Package SW MPs that they offered then recalled the deal saying it was LEO only.
But im glad this one is working out. I love a deal hunter win!
10-4 buddy.
I really gotta stay out of this sub in 2025.
Good luck. This place is like being a crack addict. You’ll be taking “smoke” breaks at work (you don’t even smoke) so you can get a quick scroll of gundeals like a crack addict searching his couch cushions for a little rock.
After a few years in r/KnifeDeals I thought I had burned through enough money. Now that I'm here, my bank account is already trembling.
Just don't venture over into r/nfa and you'll be fine....
You are not helping, but I still appreciate the link. Some fun toys there!
This is the worst. I know of a 10/22 build I didn't know I wanted...
Have u ventured to r/gunaccessoriesforsale yet?
not yet! My wallet says you're an ass, but I appreciate the link.
I barely found this sub like 6 weeks ago and I've spent thousands 🤦🏽
Used to work at a Range USA. From what I remember, discounts weren't supposed to stack but often did because the ecommerce stuff was a mess. That's part of why they run codes so often while having stuff on "sale". Take advantage of this while you can, I'd expect them to "correct" it sooner rather than later.
my order status is "on order" wtf does that mean. my ffl sent them their license info...
Likely shipping out online orders from the distribution center rather than pulling from in-store stock.
thank you for the reply!
Code no longer works. You're right
the RANGE10 code is a new customer thing, likely not meant to stack with other discounts (saw that all the time, dunno how it keeps happening) but I'd assume it's still good on other items if you can find something you want that's not already on "sale".
Do you know: I ordered this a few days ago, shipping to local FFL. When I ordered it said in stock. Now the order status says on order. Does that mean they don’t have it in stock and I have to wait while they get it from somewhere else?
If you didn't go for in-store pickup it's almost definitely coming from the distribution center or wherever the stock for these is coming from, and even if you did pick in-store it wasn't uncommon to forward those orders on to the DC if it was a popular item so we had stock on hand for walk-in customers.
Entirely dependent on the stocking of whichever location you were buying from (decided at the corporate level too) but I doubt anywhere had too many of these on hand beyond shelf-stock. The one I worked at kept pretty limited backstock of long guns unless a particular model was flying off the shelves.
Yup, I’m in the same boat as you and they said they had to order from their distributor since they didn’t have any on hand/in stock. They probably only had a couple “in stock” and the rest of the orders are going to come from their distributors
Did they give you a timeline by any chance?
With no code I am at $895. Shipping puts me up to $917
Good deal
Confused about shotguns. How does this compare to the m4?
M4 is the gold standard. The A300 is the best value. The 1301 is the other that gets compared a lot, but it’s in a weird spot. Used to you could get them 11-1200, and it was hard to argue against buying one over an m4. They’re great. Then the A300 came out and they couldn’t justify having the 1301 for only a little cheaper, so they released a mod 2, and msrp is $1800. You can get them on sale 1500s, but you can m4’s as well.
The m4 remains the gold standard. The only thing the 1301 does slightly better is eject a little quicker and is slightly lighter. The m4 is cooler, handled recoil better, proven record, and is built like a tank.
If you took a Time Machine to 2004 the m4 would be the gold standard. Not the case anymore. Owning both, the 1301 eats the m4s lunch in just about every way. Not sure where you came up with your fantasy.
I’ve owned both, m4 is still the gold standard and that’s unanimous opinion. I never said the 1301 was bad, it’s not. If the m4 is a 10 I’d still give the 1301 a 9.5. But for the price I don’t see any reason to pick one over an m4. I mean I guess if an extra lb is a big deal or you’re trying to have a mag dump competition, sure.
You keep using the word “gold standard” and offer nothing to back that up but “well everyone likes it, the military used it”. The 1301 is better in objective ways, not just “your opinion” ways.
I thought that would've been taken care of in my first comment but since you've got some strange attachment to the 1301, not that it really matters either way, but
The M4 is overbuilt and handles recoil a little better. The 1301 is not a combat shotgun, so it handles lighter loads a little better, but heavier loads, the m4 handles them better. For a tactical shotgun, you should be loading with heavier loads.
The M4 has a longer history of proven reliability. The 1301 is still reliable, but you'll find more issues online. The non-UP A300 has been around awhile and is about as reliable as the M4 (some of the UPs had initial issues but they're not Italian-made).
The handguard subjectively feels better on the M4, stock. The 1301 and UP have a terrible handguard. It's rough and feels cheap. The aftermarket is great for both.
The 1301 is a lighter gun and can cycle a bit faster. If that's your intention, and that extra lb is too heavy, then go with the 1301. It's objectively better there. I said as much. Since you keep bringing up the whole combat thing, you're right, nobody is running the 1301, the M4 is what is used. Neither of us will be kicking in doors in another country and if we were, we wouldn't have to be the ones paying for it regardless.
As it stands, neither are bad choices and it's merely preference when it comes to the civilian market, however, the M4 is the superior weapon for its intended purpose.
the mental gymnastics he had to do to cling to his 1301 is hilarious
Accuses me of having an "attachment" to the 1301 while you proceed to suck shine the m4. The 1301 handles everything better than the m4. Recoil is unnoticeably similar even though the 1301 is 2lbs lighter. And yes, the 1301 is more reliable with more varying loads. Quit trying to pretend that's a drawback. Absolutely no more issues than the m4 has, especially after gen2. Then you get into more of your opinions. Only morons think "oh god the military uses it that must mean something". The m4 isn't objectively better at anything unless you consider being heavier and having a military contract pluses. So yes, the 1301 is objectively the better gun.
I never said the 1301 was bad, you came in first whining
Who’s arguing that? I said the 1301 is superior and you got hurt and started blathering on about some intangible fairy dust that makes the m4 better. Glad I could clear that up for you.
I’m not sure you cleared up anything, you responded to a comment not even directed at you. You asked for specifics and I pointed out why one does its intended job better but for everyday users it doesn’t matter.
My entire point was the a300 is so good for the price it makes the 1301 a hard sell at nearly twice the cost. And if you’re spending m4 money, get an m4, or just save yourself the extra and deck out the a3 for what you’d pay for a bare 1301. I’d argue the a300 is the one to get for 99% of the population and neither the m4/1301 is worth twice the cost. Beretta did a stand up job with the patrol.
For what it’s worth at my shop we sell our a300s within a few days of them coming in. The other two sit usually a month or two, people come in to buy one of those and when they check out the patrol they go with it instead.
The m4 does not do a better job than the 1301 in any way whatsoever. Unless you want a heavier shotgun that the military uses. If those are your gold standard criteria then go for it. Why would I spend similar money on an m4 when the 1301 is a better gun?
Bros mad
It’s not as proven as M4 but better value IMO. Either one is recommended, just depends on preference and personal finances.
Beretta and Benelli are both safe bets generally speaking
Thank you.
Dang just bought a 1301 mod 2
Why would you be upset? You've got the best semi auto on the market
Better than the Benelli M4?
not by a long shot
only if you're stuck in 2004
or if you actually shoot shotguns
Owned both for years, would sell the m4 if I had to pick one. But keep being wrong if you want.
that's a pretty bold claim for having absolutely no idea how much I shoot or spend on guns
When you respond with moronic tripe like
I can say what I did with confidence.
So you're a non shooter, got it ✅
Nah, just don’t have any time to lead retarded horses to water. Have fun talking to yourself.
unhinged redditor confirmed ✅
Dude’s still going on with me and doesn’t realize I’m messing with him at this point, he’s getting angrier with each post
here's your crown, king: L
I wasn’t talking about you, I was referring to the guy who was vehemently defending the 1301 for whatever reason. Just kept getting angrier. I blocked him assuming he’d make a new account to keep it going
lmao oh my bad. that's funny. keep fighting the hive mind!
You both sound stupid
You can outrun the trigger on a m4, very hard to do on the 1301
I have both the m4 and the 1301. The m4 has better recoil, probably due to it being much heavier. The m4 also has an insane proven track record.
The 1301 is better in pretty much all other categories. It’s substantially lighter. Cycles faster. Wayyy better ergonomics and controls.
It's close to 2lbs heavier for those that don't know.
Do you prefer the safety selector position on either one?
I think the 1301 is better. It’s bigger and out front of the trigger. So it feels more natural with your finger off the trigger to press.
The m4 is kind of tucked in behind the trigger in front of the pistol grip. So you almost have to “roll” your hand to get your finger on it comfortably.
That makes sense with the pistol grip configuration. Is the either configuration easier to flip the safety back on with your dominant hand?
Honestly it’s worth it to pick up both. I have a LTT 1301 and two M4s.
I knew someone would chime in with the m4. The benefit the m4 has over the 1301 is it's recoil impulse being smoother (to me). Just about everything else I prefer on the 1301.
Not upset but I’d probably got this saved about half of what I spent but then be wishing I had the better one lol
These are good to go though especially at this price
Dw this is like the budget version of those lol
What’s the big difference between the two? I thought this was the sho nuff Beretta shotgun to get.
It's like %90 the gun of the 1301, IIRC correctly it has a different bolt and gas system. It doesn't cycle as fast as a 1301 could but even still the average person is going to have a hard time to notice a difference between the two.
It has a different barrel as well, but really for a shotgun is not a big deal.
It also has a larger cutout for loading, lower sights, and this had the M-mlok handgaurd before the the mod 2 corrected that.
There isn't a better semi-auto shotgun on the market for this price or even for it's msrp.
Just two more things to not:
The different gas system causes the A300 to have more felt recoil supposedly and also means it might not reliably cycle lighter loads, at least not when it's new. Some people say theirs starts to cycle lighter loads after 400-500 shells of break in, some say theirs never cycles lighter loads. For defense who cares but if you want to practice with light recoiling ammo might be an issue.
Second because of the different recoil system there is a tube in the stock that means you can't use the same stock as the 1301 which means there is currently little to no aftermarket support so if you want a shorter LOP you're SOL at least for now.
I didn't know about that second part, thanks. That makes me glad I went with the 1301 because I may get the Magpul stock to shorten the LOP a bit.
I did notice a little more felt recoil on my friend's A300 vs. my 1301 Mod2 with the same ammo. Both fed well but with such wide variation in 12ga ammo could see that being an issue.
Part of the savings is the tradeoff of the barrel being made in Turkey.
Given that they are not going to import the seven shot version anymore You made a great choice. Definitely going to appreciate overtime and besides that it's one hell of a shotgun.
Is that guaranteed they’re ending it or do they just need to work out a way to make it more 922r compliant?
They are going to be importing the guns with a 5 shot tube starting in 2025, Beretta announced it.
The "factory" 7 shot single piece tube guns will become collectors pieces for people who care.
Everyone else will just go back to throwing a Nordic extension on the guns.
I hate the fuck government.
^ Biggest enemy of the people, 3000 tyrants 1 mile away
Is the code not working anymore? 🥹
Nope 😕
Won’t ship to Washington State
RangeUSA says the shipping restriction has been removed. Try again.
Shipping restriction to WA?
The shipping restriction is back. RangeUSA said it might happen. That particular listing is from their dealer network. The dealer who's actually selling the shotgun includes sale restrictions, which are automatically passed on to RangeUSA. RangeUSA can manually override the shipping restriction, if they want to. You would need to contact them, but I think this particular deal is over.
How did you contact them? Bc when I went to contact them, I have to open an account and send an email. Did you call by chance?
No, I used the contact form.
They thought I was asking about inventory in store. Be clear that you're asking to have an item shipped, and what the problem is.
I think this particular deal is probably over, but can't hurt to check.
Thanks for your help man! Very much appreciated
Sure thing!
And when you say this deal is over… u mean the extra 10% is over correct? Bc 895 still sounds good to me
Oh yeah, for sure. Don't take my word on it though, definitely try the code. Looks like the base price is still $895.
Or if you were asking why Washington has a shipping restriction, it's because Washington has an Assault Weapons Ban, which defines shotguns with certain features as "Assault Weapons", and prohibits import, among other things. This particular shotgun doesn't meet the definition though.
Thanks 🙏
They, like many others, have access to a network of dealers. The restriction can l came from the dealer, not from RangeUSA itself.
It's always worth trying to contact the seller, if they have a restriction that doesn't make sense.
Only reason I can figure is because the capacity is listed as 7+1, but that's not a fixed magazine in excess of 7 rounds.
of course there's an ammo deal at the same time...damnit
Not working anymore ?
I want to, but should not buy this.
Is there a special stupid CA legal version or is this one good to go?
Nope, not for shotguns, send it!
Sent it lol
You'll love it, my Grey 7+1 is awesome.
I hate this sub. I wasn't even in the market for a shotgun. But I just ordered one, code worked. That was my deciding factor. $828 shipped to CA.
Sucks that you'll be paying an additional 20%+ in tax since FFL's are now forced to collect the sales tax since the Sin Tax is required. Before the implementation, an FFL I know didn't collect CA sales tax even if the shipper didn't charge it. Bought 2 new guns recently, paid almost $500 in Sales/Sin tax!
Already have a fn slp, is this better or worse, or get both and love them equally?
I have an email showing the order as processing, but the price on that email isn’t reflecting the code. I may need to call them. Amount charged to my card is still the right amount for now.
Same, see my similar comment. Cc charge still reflects the discounted price, so continuing to monitor.
I gave them a call after hunting for a customer service number. The rep said not to worry, discount will still be applied it’s just that their system is wonky and doesn’t update. I’ll take their word for it but I’ll keep an eye out too. My charge is posted so it should be final.
Good deal!
They removed shipping restrictions to Washington State but looks like code is dead now
It still says I can’t to WA
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
Code still works. You might need to try a different web browser. Code also only works if you've never purchased off the website before. If you have, you'll need to use a different email.
Pages are back, but the codes don't work for me.
In for one this morning, been holding out for one of these. First confirmation email reflected the price I saw at checkout of $828. Second email that said processing shows $917 and doesn’t reflect the discount code. Pending charge shows $828 but I’m going to be keeping an eye on it.
Same situation
Can't get either the gray or the black to show on the site now
Having trouble finding the model. Which sku is this? 7+1?
Showing out of stock. Dammit I've been looking for a deal on this one
dangit got me for one.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
Add to cart for best price.
Code only works if you have not purchased from Range USA online (or use a new email like I did). If you're having trouble with the code, try a different web browser as well. I think they are tracking website cookies and it won't work if you use the same browser as previous attempts/orders.
No FFL or shipping fees if you pick up from Range USA, but it will be taxed. $866 OTD for me.
They have a 5+1 available for communist states like mine. Might be other versions available as well.
Dumb question, there is way a vendor sends or lets you buy one without the tube?
Mods are flagging the link but just search for ultima patrol on the website and there is one without the extended tube.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
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Man, i hate being in New jersey. Feels like almost every single decent semi-auto shotgun that pops up on this subreddit is always 7+1
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
They have a 5+1 available for communist states like mine. Might be other versions available as well.
First irresponsible purchase of 2025?
Be warned the finish on these and the 1301's are crap. Haven't even shot mine yet and just loading and unloading the chamber has caused the majority of the finish around the chamber to flake right off. Front sight also came not straight and had to loosen and retighten mine whish was a bit of a chore. Cant complain to much though, got my 1301 shipped for just over 1500
BIN price for sure
Just shut up and buy it
Name does not check out
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
I bought mine on 12/31, so technically I have a whole year to make other irresponsible purchases.
I wanted to dedicate 2025 to more range time and completing some fun builds, but I've been yearning for a shotgun. And this is a nice deal, tax pending.
I'm a big fan of the A300. I have the standard version, not the Ultima, but it's one of the nicest shooting shotguns I've ever used.
Do it. Contemplate bad decisions in 2026.
Send it, fren
I bought a red dot at 11:59 😂
Send it.
Yep, just grabbed one. Having a store 15 min away made it too easy not too
Anyone else gettin $890 now?
They mighta killed the code
Yeah I tried it at work earlier and it worked but then I got busy and didn't check out, now it still applies the code but doesn't change the price.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
Try a different web browser. I think its tracking website cookies.
Yeah good shout, another guy said the same thing he switched browsers and it workd
My wallet is safe
Yeah, I’m super bummed but it’s probably for the best…
Code has evidently quit working. I put in at work earlier and it showed the discount, left the window open and got busy at work. Just tried it again and it applies the code but no discount, tried to make an account with another email address and it didn't work on that one either.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
Try a new web browser. I tried using my usual browser and it didn't work.
Opened in edge and the code worked.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
Looks like you savages killed the code for anything Beretta.
Hopefully everyone gets theirs. Luckily mine was in stock locally and I filled out the 4473 yesterday. Picking up Saturday.
FYI, that code works across the website for other items. Just need to use a new email address each time.
I just ordered one, with the code. Like 2 min ago. Seems to be working again?
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
You might be right. I think its tracking website cookies.
I opened it in my usual browser and the code didn't work. Different browser, code works.
Ahahahaha fuck my life I just bought one last Friday for $900
Won’t ship to WA?
Stupid. It's WA legal but dealers are scared to ship here.
I don't blame them. States are all the time suing FFLs and Manufacturers for bullshit reasons. They have to cover their own asses.
i know i was at checkout when I saw that.... so dumb its 100% legal. Its on the shelves of every LGS near me and my friends have all bought one without the state saying anything.
Your local ffl should be able to order it from them. I know if mine can order it in they usually just add a slight mark up, or just the ffl transfer fee.
Shame, would buy one if theyd ship to WA, stupid
Can you hunt deer with this? If yes, what is the ideal range? What is the ammo for deer hunt? If slug is used, is a 308 a better round?
$875.13 in minnesota after code and tax, damn good deal. Been eyeballing once for months now, but keep telling myself the vepr12 is superior and I dont need it
Daamnn I know how good these are and would like to have one for the sake of masculinity but realistically I probably wouldn’t be able to use it for much. Tough one.
Find a used 500 or 870 for dirt cheap and be a cool kid and shoot trap/sporting clays which is actually fun versus shooting a silhouette target with buck shot from 4 feet away while pretending you are an oper8or.
Wait for a 1301 or M4 deal and keep up the ruse. Lil more “fun” with more expensive items lmao
You know what the correct answer is!
Save your money!
Gun deals. The resolutions destroyer.
Gonna buy one for every corner in the house
Oh boy, I've been holding out for a 1301... But this really does look like a good deal
Welp… saving money in 2025 isn’t going well so far… had my eye on one of these for a while and this deal is too good to pass up. I’m in for one in grey.
Dammit I want one, but it’s hard for me to justify a shotgun I can’t also hunt with.
Who says you can't hunt with it? Might come with a plug, or if it doesn't, cut a wooden dowel.
Welp… saving money in 2025 isn’t going well so far… had my eye on one of these for a while and this deal is too good to pass up. I’m in for one in grey.
This is the one with choke tubes, I believe. Wouldn’t be my first choice for wing shooting, but it would definitely work.
Would be a hell of a close range coyote gun or even for turkey.
I tried to get cabelas to price match it to use all the gift cards I got for Christmas, they wouldn’t do it via email because it is a “promotion” when you have to add to cart for a better price.
$876ish after taxes here in MN.. I cant be a degenerate this early in the year.
Dammit, you SOB. I'm in for one.
So its prettty much J32CG11 or the J32CT11 difference is the color
Code is not working for me. I only see an Add to Cart price of $895.99. No further discount with code.
It’s their welcome code for putting in a new email. Do not use this if you log into an account you’ve already used before. Make a new email and check out as guest
I have this thing about adding things to cart and going all the way to finishing checkout but hovering over the "Complete Checkout" button and going back and forth while drinking bourbon and then eventually making a bad financial decision and sending it.
All that to say, is the code worked for me for the Black one and brought it down to $806.39 - total $828.38 shipped to my FFL.
Same. Does anyone know why it’s happening? The code worked once but when I went to check out the order didn’t go through
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
Code only works if you've never ordered off of their website before.
Or you can create a new email to use.
Is the black one the same as the grey? Looking at the SKU does the black one have a fixed choke and th grey has the mobile choke?
I'd buy the fuck out of that if I didn't have one already.
I have one already and I'm not even sure why I would want another...except I have grey, so maybe black?!
You could be dual-wielding with sore shoulders.
You're not helping.
You sonofabitch i'm in
Code only gets it down to $895 for me. Still $200 cheaper than I saw it in store today.
In for one, I was watching prices for these and it’s a good $20-30 below the lowest I’ve see
i had to buy this. thank you for sharing.
I’m half tempted to get this in good karma (in hopes of getting more) as this is the first deal in few years being on this sub that’s local to me.
tommyk1956@reddit (OP)
This is the first deal I've posted as well.
Been looking at one for quite a while and almost bought from another site. Just popped on range usa for shits and giggles and lucked out!
I honestly forgot that a store opened in valley view.
Thanks for sharing this. Had to pull the trigger on this incredible deal.
Thanks, OP. Ordered one.
Damn in stock and there is a store close by this is financial dangerous
Oh shit that’s a good price.
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