How do you package and deploy your SaaS as a managed service on the customer's cloud?

Posted by drooolingidiot@reddit | ExperiencedDevs | View on Reddit | 21 comments

For SaaS like software products that deal with a lot of critical propitiatory data, large companies typically want to run that as a managed service on their own VPSs (on AWS, Azure, GCP, etc). It seems like there's no appetite to trust a dinky little startup with all of the critical (potentially PII) data.

Throughout my career, I've only worked on cloud based SaaS, and never had to deal with this until now.

Say, you've built a SaaS product already, and you've integrated with the likes of SendGrid for communications and something like Ory or Clerk for enterprise auth. How do you actually package up, deploy, and manage the software on all of your customers' VPSs? Specially when there are dependencies like a databases, and 3rd party services like I mentioned above.