Do you think that excessive and culturally different immigration is affecting your country?
Posted by federicoelpepo@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 24 comments
I am Argentinian, and I know that in the past we did not have a great relationship, however I keep reading and thinking about the disasters brought about by the massive immigration of groups culturally opposed to Western culture. I have just read the horrible story that happened in Roterham, based on the presence of a Pakistani clan and the atrocities they did to the children. How do they deal with excessive immigration? Do you think there are a lot of tabloids or do you think that immigration is really about crime?
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Yes, we've become the rest of the world's slum.
Do you honestly think no other countries whinge about immigration?
Other countries can gargle my balls.
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- Says person who's probably never been to a country whose GDP per capita was more than 10% less than his.
Yes, of course it’s changing the country. How could it possibly not? Integration into society takes at least a generation or so, but that slows down enormously when large migrant populations form insular clusters.
We had an MP calling for blasphemy laws to be reintroduced last week. There’s a movement to outlaw cousin marriage. Stuff changes but some boiled frogs don’t notice.
That was a single independent MP. Hardly "societal changing".
Society is static?
I've had one or two cases where I've realised I'm outnumbered. Wasn't a bad thing! Just was interesting. I've never left the country or anything, so I've never really experienced being the only white person or something.
Only negative of this that I found? Queuing! Brits are known for loving a queue, so I'm not sure if it was a cultural difference or just people that day cba but so many people weren't queuing. Pushing infront of eachother, rushing past the small formed queue when the bus arrived, etc.
Tiny experience. Nothing that "affects the country". And nothing that likely applies to ALL, just an anecdotal experience.
More food variation in local supermarkets. Tesco near me just got yopokki which I love. Used to have to get them from Asian supermarkets or amazon. Also during diwali they brought out a range and that was fun to try. Indian and Chinese takeaways, etc.
Meeting new people, learning new cultures, etc.
My personal overall experience and view of immigration = neutral. Nothing bad like I keep seeing people talk about.
If you're horrified by the Rotherham grooming gang just wait until you hear about the BBC.
I think we've got enough home grown monsters to show that we shouldn't be judging any culture by the worst examples from it.
Some of my closest friends in this country include a Greek, a South African, a Lebanese guy, a Northern fella and there used to be a guy from Macau who left. I lived in areas that are typically poorer and with more immigration. My experience with immigration (from wherever) is that 90% of humans, white, East Asian, South Asian, Black, etc, are the same. All kind to varying degrees depending on who they are individually, helpful to varying degrees depending on who they are individually, but law abiding and good.
Then there were people who came from poor countries, often with terrible childhoods, who did commit crime or behaved in a way the tabloids love to talk about. They are less than 1-2% of the people I have ever met personally.
So overall, yes. Immigration is bringing a lot of good people over and I for one am glad to meet and learn from them. That said, there are obvious problems that we must be careful to solve first before continuing to expand immigration. Housing and labour are the top priorities.
Like it or not, the biological world started out as a hot mess of all sorts of organisms coexisting, and it will end this way. No country on Earth is going to quarantine itself from the rest of humanity for long. Britain has been all about going everywhere and saying "hi" to people from all around the world (the "hi" was often followed by other things like "where are the jewels"), so as a society we've embraced this spirit of immigration a long time.
Look at all the newest countries in this world, Australia, USA, New Zealand, Canada, all started with the mighty help of excessive British immigration.
Yes, sometimes their ideologies don't match with ours, and they try to push it on us. Like Muslim parents trying to ban gay education in schools near me. It's generally fine though, and im not against immigration. There are bad apples
Because Christians would never do such a thing /s
Yes, it is spoiling our country.
It is. It is the main reason that ReformUK are doing so well right now.
Missing the /s for sarcasm
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The Rotherham situation refer to was in itself complicated but is only a tiny part of the broader question of immigration and what good and bad, including cultural change, it is has brought to the UK. It is even only a tiny part of what those of Pakisitani origin have contributed to British life, and since such people include the Mayor of London and a number of government ministers and figures prominent in cultural life, it is perhaps invidious to concentrate on a particular bad aspect.
There's a wider range of foods available.
I don't think Brits have the right to complain about people from other countries coming to them
No. It's had zero impact on my life apart from every now and again bumping into somebody who is from a different country.
It's propaganda.
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