Found out someone with no experience that just started gets paid more than me (2 years in the company). How should I go about this?

Posted by KaleidoscopeSe3086@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 51 comments

I recently found out the person that just started and that has zero experience/qualifications (hasn't even worked in an office before) gets paid more than me (I started 2 years ago and had a bit of experience prior). I know we're not supposed to find these things out but some stuff slipped out while drunk on the Christmas party... I feel defeated tbh as I already get paid shit money (25k btw) and always used the excuse that they are a small company and that's why they don't pay much. Should I speak to my manager about a pay rise? How should I go about this exactly? I was going to have this conversation either way but knowing this new information has made me a little heated.