ULPT: Client wants new provider and leaving us with 168k owed
Posted by PaySweaty1769@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 68 comments
My company has a client that has a 168k balance on the books (they pay regularly so this is not abnormal) and we've just found out that they want to stop using our service and hire on instead to cut costs. Our 'inside' contact tells us they don't intend to pay their balance with us. (yes, we can sue them or whatever, but right now I just want to be obnoxious) They've posted an ad on Facebook - looking for ideas to make this hiring process as difficult as possible so they struggle doing things themselves and realize how much they need us.
This post is going to be an exhibit in a counter suit
PaySweaty1769@reddit (OP)
For what? Asking for ideas on how to inundate them with useless applications? Not sure how that's lawsuit-worthy. Besides, we were their IT company- if someone wanted to do something illegal I certainly wouldn't have to post here for ideas. But that's not how our company is....I just PERSONALLY wanted to make the hiring process annoying for them.
Frustrating, but not much you can do.
For what it’s worth, if inside contact will testify for you, you can probably get after them on fraud, not just breach of contract if/when they don’t pay.
Source: am a lawyer, not legal advice
There’s going to be legal action over that amount of cash, don’t be sticking your beak in there fucking around tampering with their operations and hurting your companies ability to get a settlement with them. Don’t give them reason to be counter suing because your dumbass that they were slick.
Best advice in the thread.
Yes but it's unethical not ethical so tuff call
Too good for this thread.
Too ETHICAL for this thread.
Still the best advice.
Too good and too ethical. It's a rare combination.
Yeah, a lot of the times, ethical tips work way better than unethical ones
What sub is this?
PaySweaty1769@reddit (OP)
Fair enough. I wasn't really thinking of 'rocking the boat' as much as just finding a way to have lots of worthless applicants, etc wasting their time and giving them a giant headache without it being obvious I was spamming their ad out.
Are you talking thousands of applicants? We are hiring at my work and get hundreds of applicants and only a handful get an interview. I assume they have a bot that would filter out unqualified/bogus applicants.
You would end up putting so much effort into it and at worst some intern is going to have to look at it, wouldn’t even flinch at your efforts.
There is no way there isn’t some legal proceedings over that amount, leave it, go make some calls and find new clients, that is a better revenge and will help YOUR company more
Also it's time to raise your rates, make sure you quote your new higher rates to your new prospects.
You’ve seen Mrs Doubtfire, yes? Do that. “I am job”.
1 linqedin ad can get thousands of applicants
Wrong sub,
Sir disregard this lunatic and go into their office and inject all the lobby furniture with spoiled milk.
This is the correct answer. Not about morals, not about point of view…. You are an employee of your company, you represent them.
Um, you know where you posted this, right?
How bad do you want them to hurt?
PaySweaty1769@reddit (OP)
I really just wanted to more waste their time and make them trying to hire more trouble than it's worth to just continue to outsource.
Oh, so bullshit then.
Good for you buddy, let me know if you want to actually get some vengeance and I'll lob ideas at you.
Vengeance? What are you gonna do, burn their village down after challenging them to a duel? Curse their crops? Taint their well?
Dark web connection for all sensitive information of the company in addition to access to a company email to allow phishing of target followed by ransomware attack.
I was mostly just making fun of the word choice, because it sounds awfully dramatic.
Can you mail piss through that dark web connection of yours? I think frozen piss discs ARE the real answer here
Whatever you say, Sir Darkness Dementia Way
Post the job anonymously and add a line that says food is provided at the office
Respond to their ad pretending to be a legit company but be a jerk about the terms. Do that repeatedly until they relent.
Nobody suggested that OP freezes his piss in a disc shape and throws it under their office doors?
Come on guys
Casually mention to your friends at their other vendors that the company isn't paying their bills, and is trying to weasel out of a 6 figure invoice. Nothing like a little panic to set off CFOs across the industry.
I hope you didn’t post the exact amount they owe
If you did you should do absolutely nothing.
This is an issue for court not reddit
Don't rock the boat until they say they aren't going to pay. Pissing them off is a great way to make sure they won't give you anything.
Lol this. I owed a business some money while I was in the process of leaving the state. I only had cash or a personal check but They demanded a cashiers check so I said I'd have to send it in later as it was a Sunday. The lady in the office told me "I'd better send it" and made a nasty face at me. I definitely did not send them any money. I still shred the collections letters I get. Kindness would have gotten them paid.
Someone who would avoid their debts over such a small thing, probably would have avoided it anyway.
She was wrong, but you were wrongerer. IMHO.
May have been pretty but fuck that lady for being an asshole. I was trying to pay and they wouldn't take my money in the forms I had it. I was legit going to get them paid. They were rude inflexible assholes about the whole thing. Again, kindness would have gotten them paid.
A lot of extra work lol
You try to find a certified check on a Sunday with 3 hours to catch a plane. Yes extra work given the amount of time I had to get to the airport. :p
PaySweaty1769@reddit (OP)
Piss disks took way longer to show up here than I expected lol
I'm outside of the meta and I think thats okay.
Weird, someone already sent me a suspiciously leaky package..
you forgot the part about doing her dad.
Friggin Ted, lol
You veered into reality but pulled back into the spirit of the sub.
Post their job listing elsewhere with varuous edits that will complicate their hiring.
Don't do all of these in the same listing: Include high compensation numbers and extra benefits. Offer hybrid WFH, four day weeks and generous PTO. Fully paid healthcare, etc.
Send them candidates with obnoxious expectations.
Approach them to offer transition training, at a cost of course, and negotiate when the balance will close.
This can be a much better situation than just losing a customer.
Wow so you don’t want your client to succeed if it doesn’t directly benefit you? I’d let you go instantly. Good for them
That's an utterly stupid take.
If they paid their bill and left, the OP wouldn't mess with them. But they don't wanna pay what they owe. It's almost like they don't want the person doing work for them to succeed.
Sometimes an anonymous call to the IRS will get then audited.
There are other methods that have been pointed out, but if you want the true r/UnethicalLifeProTips solution, it's a simple two step process: 1. Apply for the position/s they're advertising 2. Submit piss disc as resume
Make sure the job description highlights remote working 100% and to call immediately or stop by with resume for fastest consideration
A few days ago you could have anonymously reported seeing a sketchy-looking guy in a hoodie disposing of a gun in their building, but then someone went and ruined that option for you :(
Post the ad to Indian and Filipino headhunting pages. RIP to their inbox full of H1Bs. Use a throat account and say it's your cousin's company.
This is brilliant.
With every phone number available.
Even better.
There's only one true answer - LIQUID ASS
The right answer is to get every member of the company who works on their account to apply for the open positions.
What is the top or what are asking? This happens all the time and it's the cost of doing business.
Burn their office down, and get your stapler back
Do a Mrs Doubtfire and make many fake terrible applications
Is it worth losing your job over? If the answer is yes then I’ve got the thing for you….
Just apply for the job, over and over. Make a bunch of fake resumes and apply like mad.
But know this, you will be found out. And likely lose your current job over it.
Is it worth being named as part of the counter suit when OPs company goes to sue/collect and they have evidence of these weak ass shenanigans?
Throwaway facebook accounts, applying for the ad. And then be terrible with details, demand a lot of money, etc. But don't be too obvious. Make him regret looking for outside help. Make sure each accounts have their own personality, and drag the talking on for dayssss. Have some reasonable accounts, but then drag it on for dayyyys and then ghost.
And on the flip side, get a buddy to do it for really cheap. Make sure their contract doesn’t include any failure-to-complete penalties. Then ghost them while invoicing them.
Take the position and do a shitty job
Have one of your people jump ship and apply for the job.