ULPT Request: Ruin ex’s life who took my money and destroyed me emotionally

Posted by Early_Proof1373@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 23 comments

Read here the better I provide the context, the more creative this group can help. I’m looking for only unethical ways to ruin my ex’s life but not illegal. I have a corporate job and I don’t want to get caught in any trouble.

My ex GF took nearly $70,000 from me over the last year and now broke up with me. She is denying giving me back saying it was a gift.

Family: She has two adult boys from her last marriage, she herself is divorced for 15 years and have had multiple bfs / sexual partners before meeting me. We lived in a big city (separately) until 6 months ago when she said she is visiting her parents and will be back but never came back and broke up with me. She now lives in small city in Canada. I’m still in Bree big city. Work: She didn’t work after Covid but now she works as esthetician as independent worker in a salon. I have access to her : Phone number, email, workplace number, workplace address, her parents address, her old address (her ex husband and one son live there), I don’t have access to her new home address. I also know her credit card number (but not CVV), her bank account number, her parents bank account numbers (she herself gave me these when asked for money), her car registration number, her driving license number, SSN equivalent. In addition to this, she was on government grants since Covid and I got to know she took money from her previous bfs. She is a narcissist and used me emotionally and financially. She drained me emotionally so much that I lost my identity. I am looking to destroy her life and business. Something that will work long term. Spamming emails and phone may only work for a while, but won’t destroy her or her business. I thought of applying credit card on her behalf but I don’t know where to get it delivered. I thought of signing up for gym memberships with her account, but it won’t be a lot of money. Also thought of doing fake bookings at her workplace and never show up but it still won’t be long term and she is cleaver enough to know it’s me. She is highly sexual, she can sleep around with anyone. If I were to put ad about her, I don’t want to be traced back to me.

Help me please.