Are we likely to see Zen5 refresh before Zen6 ?

Posted by Trey_An7722@reddit | hardware | View on Reddit | 32 comments

I see massive increase in CUDIMM presence, with ever higher frequencies. We are now at 9600MHz for top models, but that's likely to increase further. And then there is LP/CAMM2 and MRDIMM.

All of them used by Intel, but so far ignored by the AMD. Given that they offer advanteges for many-core and APU systems at basically no significant extra cost, are we likely to see AMD refresh that supports them ?

Would new IMC be enough or does IF have to be reworked/widened/speeded up to support it ?

How likely is that upcoming 9xxxx APUS are the first line with improved I/O chiplet, just like the 8xxx has improved IMC from 7xxxx ? 🙄