Off field landing distance
Posted by BreakfastNo1569@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 4 comments
I have an A36 and wondered if any had an idea what the off field landing distance would be. Assume power off, gear up. Flaps full, no wind,smooth dry grass 6-12 inches high. No obstacles (aka trees etc)
Depends how wet the grass is and how good of a pilot you are
Trevor Jacob is this you?
Grass field gear up in a bonanza? Probably like 200ft if you grease it and it doesn’t nose over. If it does then probably about 20ft.
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I have an A36 and wondered if any had an idea what the off field landing distance would be. Assume power off, gear up. Flaps full, no wind,smooth dry grass 6-12 inches high. No obstacles (aka trees etc)
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