Is 4x16 6000mhz DDr5 ram good?
Posted by Downtown_One8322@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 10 comments
So, my i7-13700kf was recently the victim of intel instability issue and now intel has refunded me 550Cad for it. I am planning to switch to amd now and so I sold my old intel motherboard and have around 720cad for new cpu+mobo.
The problem is Canada computers is offering me a bundle with 2x16 6000mhz ram + Asus tuf b650 e mobo + ryzen 7 9700x for 620 Cad. And yes I have to get all 3 for the bundle.
I already have the same 2x16 6000mhz ram from my old setup so the question is should I also use the new ram that I will get with the bundle? I have heard that using 4 ram sticks can have issues and do not run at their max speed on am5 boards. So should I use all 4 ram sticks or just sell the new ones that I'll get?
Hey, canadian here.
For gaming, adding the extra ram will slow down your PC more than it will help, because it wont run at 6000 cl30. Running at 6000 cl30 is super important, but having more than 32GB isnt. While selling the extra ram is an option, behold my reccomendation:
-ryzen 5 7600, according to HUB it is 93% as fast as 9700x with a 4090 at 1080p, in a realistic scenario there will be absolutely performance difference
-A solid mobo, can get msi pro b650m-A wifi for $190, or a gigabyte gaming X AX for $240.
There's a reason why there's a bundle with the 9700x in it, hard to sell otherwise, and for good reason.
Hidden option B is to get the 7700X bundle with the Vulcan ram, much better imo, and 98.5% as fast as 9700X with 4090 according to HUB.
Downtown_One8322@reddit (OP)
Hey thanks for the info, I am contemplating between ryzen 7700x bundle and the 9700x. I am leaning towards 9700x because of better efficiency and less heating compared to 7700x. I have got a lot of people saying you need a AIO cooler for 7700x for decent thermals but I can’t afford that as of now. The Vulcan ram sticks that come with it are exactly the same model and speed of that I have now, you still think it will cause issues?
Hi! As for cooling, I promise you that an AIO is completely unnecessary for a 7700x. The 13700kf is way, way harder to cool than a 7700x. Whatever you have already is going to be overkill if it worked for the 13700k.
The issue with 4 sticks of ram is inherent to DDR5. Even if they are exactly the same sticks (which isnt garunteed even if ram has the same model number, unless they come in a kit), DDR5 is fundamentally much slower when using 4 sticks as compared to 2.
Downtown_One8322@reddit (OP)
Okay thanks for the help. My be quiet air cooler is decent and was working very well with 13700kf. I’ll definitely consider 7700x
If this system is for gaming, Ryzen CPUs are very memory latency sensitive. Both Intel and AMD CPUs have a hard time with 4 sticks of DDR5 and you'll be lucky to get much better than 5600 MT/s, And that's with a matched 4 stick kit. There's more to matching RAM than the memory speed and primary CAS latency. Two separate kits of DDR5, even if they're identical makes and models, are going to be even less likely to be able to run at 5600 MT/s because all 4 sticks need to be matched to get the best speeds. Two stick kits are only matched to each other.
As others have said, you can certainly try. Worst case you'll find the motherboard refuses to run with XMP and defaults to 4800 MT/s, or maybe even 3600 MT/s. At which point you can sell one of the kits.
Best case you get lucky and it works at 6000 MT/s... but you'll still get a roughly 10% performance loss vs two sticks running at the same speed and CL.
Downtown_One8322@reddit (OP)
Okay, yeah upon further looking into this situation I think I’ll just sell the new ram and get a gen 4 ssd within that price since I just have 1 Tb as of right now.
I would say it's unlikely most people will run out of memory with 32GB. If you do video editing, or game dev, or cad, or something else that uses a lot of RAM, then 64+ GB can be useful. But otherwise games rarely need more than 16GB and browsers / discord aren't going to be another 16GB.
2x32, 6000 would be better.
2 sticks is better, also mixing ram sets even if they are the same ram CAN be unstable it even warns you about that on the box of ram usually
Ryzen 9000 and 7000 have a hard time keeping speeds up with 4 sticks. You could always try but it's essentially overclocking situation, nothing guaranteed you might need to tinker.