ULPT request: destroy Christmas lights discreetly
Posted by monstera0bsessed@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 32 comments
I am an architecture student and I have to make a lot of physical and digital models in my classroom. There's a group of students who insist on working with the dark with one string of Christmas lights. They can see it at their desks but I can't get any light on my desk from it. We often work at night and when it's dark. I can't see my desk when they only have the one string of Christmas lights on and they have confronted me about turning on the overhead lights and they are pissed at me for using the big light.
How can I destroy those lights without anyone knowing it was me? The fire Marshall okayed them in the classroom so beaucracy is out.
Get your own desk lamp haha
That doesn't involve the use of piss disks or liquid ass. Thus, this suggestion is disqualified.
Who do you think you are using logic on Reddit??
Steal a desk lamp. There, fixed it!
I know but its just too obvious of a tip to stop whatever christmas hell this person is in haha
Very very true haha can’t let em off this easy. OP should get their own desk lamp and then break one bulb within the string of Christmas lights. Usually that’ll break the whole chain and none of the lights will work. Very common to happen and wouldn’t be suspicious
Except the string usually comes with extra bulbs. Good plan, but not full proof.
Gotta make it unethical. Steal a desk lamp
Fall and complain you're hurt. And then report it cause "it was too dark to see anything".
Bonus points of you "fall" because of one of their bag or anything left on the floor.
monstera0bsessed@reddit (OP)
I don't actually trip on stuff because I can't see.
The unethical part of his tip would be lying.
Use this as your desk lamp. https://www.imalentstore.com/products/imalent-ms32-200000-lumen-flashlight?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArva5BhBiEiwA-oTnXaoPSC5MhDcg1lYPv2SVXlcyefaUmKnO_12cdun4H1Kz461tBeQyvBoCcekQAvD_BwE Bring sunglasses.
Scanned the url to see what it was without clicking the link … incorrectly read it as fleshlight
That's... Uh, one option.
Or just any mains powered, obnoxiously bright work lights. Far cheaper and they come with stands.
Head lamps are great...
Especially the super bright ones that blind anyone you look at. I'd make sure to keep talking to the other 'students' and ruining their night vision. Nice. Then THEY will need to turn on the overhead lights. Bwahahaha!
Just turn the light on anyway and if they whine, say these words. It's very important you say exactly these words with a powerful blunt delivery:
Fuck all you shit sipping chode jugglers, you're not the only ones working in here, so unless you can think of a better solution please address all complaints with your tongues in my anus.
You cannot seriously be studying architecture without a desk lamp
Everyday spray a tiny sheer amount of white paint on the bulbs. Keep spraying daily until they get too dark to see by. Blame efflorescence.
Shit disks. They splatter
Say you also want Christmas lights. Connect your strong lights to there’s without a power surge protector. Add enough additional strings that that you blow a fuse and flip the breaker. Oops oh no
Malicious compliance, ever see 100 packs of Christmas lights strung together under a single office desk? Neither have have i so i want photos when you add a little too much holiday spirit to the point all of them have to be removed 🫶🏻
Grab a pair of scissors, look them straight in the eye, unplug them, and start chopping away. They won’t be able to plug them back in without fingers.
That's not their choice. They can find somewhere else.
I was thinking the same thing. If op can’t see I’m sure others in the class can’t see either.
An LED strip would put those Christmas lights to shame
This is the weirdest scenario 😂
Buy your own strand, cut a small wire, switch em out and blammo. They'll probably just replace it though.
Just fall or get hurt somehow and threaten a lawsuit.
Just get your own desk lamp without ruining the vibe. Jesus.
This. Get a USB powered light with a gooseneck. The more you know!!
Get a lot of glow sticks to put at your desk.
Get a camping lantern to put at your desk.
Get one of those LED super bright lights they advertise that can light up a whole backyard. Make sure it's red or green. Put an x-mas sticker on it. It's now a decoration.