What kind of aircraft? C-47? Posted by Due_Introduction8546@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 4 comments
[-] deleted_by_reddit@reddit DC-3 the best aircraft of the 20th century [-] NomadProd@reddit Super constellation would like a word [-] Doctor_Batman_115@reddit I’m trying to count the number of Super Constellations still working today [-] magnumfan89@reddit Like 2. Compared to like 100 c47s still in active service.
[-] NomadProd@reddit Super constellation would like a word [-] Doctor_Batman_115@reddit I’m trying to count the number of Super Constellations still working today [-] magnumfan89@reddit Like 2. Compared to like 100 c47s still in active service.
[-] Doctor_Batman_115@reddit I’m trying to count the number of Super Constellations still working today [-] magnumfan89@reddit Like 2. Compared to like 100 c47s still in active service.
DC-3 the best aircraft of the 20th century
Super constellation would like a word
I’m trying to count the number of Super Constellations still working today
Like 2.
Compared to like 100 c47s still in active service.