Ram Clearance Conerns?
Posted by lommymen@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 1 comments
It's nearing black Friday and I want to replace my 7 year old PC with a moderate budget build. I'm seeing on pcpartpicker (and hearing from my friend who is helping me build this new PC) is that I might have RAM clearance concerns. Should I be worried about RAM clearance? If so, should I switch to a liquid cooler or non-RGB RAM?
RAM clearance mostly matters with DIMMs that have tall heat spreaders. Yours is a little taller than necessary, but I doubt it will be an issue. If you're worried about it, get something without the extra on top.
And a heads up that the TR Phantom Spirit is a slightly updated version of the Peerless Assassin, and usually costs about the same. You could also go with a TR Assassin X variant, which should be plenty for a 9600x, costs about half as much, and has only a single tower.