30 year old boomer reflects on his life and networth.
Posted by Interesting_Put_4992@reddit | 4chan | View on Reddit | 133 comments
Posted by Interesting_Put_4992@reddit | 4chan | View on Reddit | 133 comments
I’m in my early 20’s and make over 100k a year and sit most of the day
What do you do
UPS driver
nah no way a delivery man makes 100k
Here’s a news link
You can look up our newest contract. We will be making 175k a year in total in 2028. We currently make 140k on average.
why are americans so fixated on working so fucking much and earning those magic 6 figures? I really like money too, but if possible work 4days/week and earn less if i can still live confortably.
>30 year old
do you even know what "boomer" means?
Redditor who doesn’t know about the 30 year old boomer meme.
>gets called out
>"noooo, it's a meme"
Lurk more
le phrasing is "lurk moar", new"friend"
I know, but it's not 2010 anymore. I never liked the quirky spelling anyway
"Noooo, you cant just use words for anything other than their literal meaning 😫"
Bruh your too young to remember the 30 year old boomer meme
Hello new friend
I thought it was a self-aware joke. I often say “30-year-old boomer” too but ironically.
It seems he doesn’t.
Redditor spotted
Rotting corpse, so anything above 25.
It's like gen x calling millennials lazy when they actually mean gen z. Millennials got 2008 meltdown in their face to start with.
lurk some more
I mean just go do something. 33 and a half really isn’t all that old, he still has another 30 years. Maybe go get a job in government. It’s perfectly acceptable to do similar things to this for 30 years and still retire well.
Government jobs:
Fucking hard to lose. Seriously you have to commit major crimes to lose some of them.
Best health insurance you can get.
Great retirement packages.
Facts I worked for a state wide agency fire agency and the joke was the only way you could get fired is time fraud or being intoxicated on duty. Unfortunately that meant we could be left with some pretty crappy individuals. I had a fire captain that in the middle of the night left the station. Like he called the command center and that about it. Firefighters woke up in the morning and didn’t even know he left.
I worked at a government job and one of the employees was drunk all the time. They finally told him he had to take a breathalizer so he just... ran away. Like literally ran out the door, got in his car and went home.
He came back the next day like nothing happened and they never bothered him again. Elon definitely needs to clean house.
lmfao what the actual fuck
Pays probably shit though
Gov jobs are less stress and medium wages. Good option for most people, the gov gets money from your taxes to pay you.
Gov’t worker here, it’s fucking awesome. Especially Working from home and really only putting in 20 hours a week of honest work. Suck from the gov’t teet y’all, the milk is good
State worker here. Roll in 15 minutes late every day and leave 15 minutes early. 2 hour lunches. 1 to 4 hours of actual work depending on the day. The rest I'm surfing the web or on my phone. It rules. My life is what I do outside of the job.
damn, i should've gotten in years ago. i mean my current job is very cruisey but still, as someone who sees work as nothing more than a means to an end and that end being money for me to do dumb shit with, it sure is enticing.
Till Elon and Vivek cut half those jobs lol
We will see what they actually do. The created a department to increase the efficiency of a government that has about 450 departments.
I'm still waiting on that wall that Mexico is going to pay for.
Trump talks big but has a tendency to under deliver.
I got offered to start at 80k as a project manager for the government (would rise to 120 with bonuses in 5ish years, but can hit over 250k before you have to be political) in my 30s. But the commute and location (Virginia) were shit so I turned it down.
How did u become a project manager
I didn't take that job, it was well below competing offers. I'm not exaggerating when i say how bad it was. The MPs that guard that area have to deal with gang initiate 14 year olds shooting at them almost weekly and your catalytic converter has a 100% chance of disappearing if your car is unattended for longer than 2 hours.
If you want something like it, it was because I had military experience (always helps for government jobs, especially if you have a service connected disability), 5+ years doing project management in the military, lean six sigma and pmp certification, and an engineering degree.
If you're looking for career advice and in your teens/20s, try to be an air traffic controller. They train you from the ground up, pay 100k to start, and you get an awesome government retirement before you're 40.
That's why you contract in your 30s and become an employee later
I’m officially not sure now with Trump coming in and wanting to abolish a whole bunch of previously safe federal service jobs
No job is safe.
Ah yes, the department of efficiency....
The same department that has two heads :|
Trying to fire someone from the government is hard enough, trying to permanently ELIMINATE a position??? Its gonna take an act of fucking God to get even one of those to go through.
They plan on treating most government jobs as political appointments which have no protections.
Is your account creation date also your birth date?
He already called out his own problem, he's too lazy to try. He literally works a job where he sits uninterrupted for 8 hours with access to the Internet.
If he did even an hour of some course or certification he'd be qualified to do an entry level job for many professional roles in a few months. Then work his way up over a couple of years to much higher salary, possibly change role after a year or two to achieve this.
There's a misconception that's for smart people but it's just time and effort.
Think he said he's 30ish, thats young. Even if you were 50 that would work fine.
Make more opportunities than you are presented with.
OOP falling for psyops and bizmath left, right, and center. 52k a year is bad? Oh no, how will he ever properly consoooooom on that income.
I think Americans live in some weird parrell reality sometimes.
$50k is about £40k, which is a moderately middle class salary in the U.K, and we're richer than most of Europe, and Europe is richer tham most of the world.
I make 62 and worry about being homeless on a daily basis. I'll never own a home and work until I die. Southern California is a parallel universe with the cost of living.
Why haven't you left yet.
It pays the bills, I love the work, a support system around me (family and friends). I'm at the high end of pay for what I do in a hcol area but if I left and went anywhere else I'd make less and be in the same spot financially and would lose the support system. The career I picked just doesn't pay well, when I started there was was room to grow, but certifications and education levels changed and it put a cap on my options. Now I just feel stuck.
Just so you know I make like 45 and have a house in the Midwest. Mortgage is 1100 a month. 1/3 acre lot and 2200 sq ft house between main floor and basement.
You really should move, you can own a home elsewhere and I promise you can make the same amount of money
Stop trying to convince him to leave. He is exactly where he belongs.
Where does all your money go? Is rent or living costs just extortionate over there?
Rent, bills, and food
The money I make only covers rent. My wife makes the same and hers covers all other bills.
We live a relatively cushy life. Three cell phones, 2 cars (paid off), a thousand dollar vacation a year (nothing crazy, maybe a weekend at Disneyland), go out to eat once a week. We splurge a couple times a year on ourselves (just got a deal on a used ps5). We could cut back here and there and put a couple hundred away a month, but then life would just be miserable.
The money you make only covers rent? That’s like $5k a month? Where the fuck are you renting out?
After tax it's about 47k which is just under 4 grand a month. It's a 3 bedroom townhouse with a garage and back yard. Believe it or not we are actually getting a deal... We do have a little left over from my check but that goes to insurance.
Man what the hello, your friends are on the same boat? I can't believe you work to pay rent lmao
Nah, all my friends did pretty well. They all have homes. But they all had help with down payments or a place to live while they saved for one. I was on my own financially and never kept pace.
It's a shitty situation, but there are tons of people like me and I don't see this as sustainable. Housing costs are going to be what starts the next revolution.
One for me, one for the wife, one for the oldest kid. $100 a month.
Do you consider yourself middle class on that kind of life?
Lower middle. My wife will retire because she works a public job. My "retirement" will be my kids inheritance (hopefully they can do better than me with it). I'll work until I die, but hopefully skate through life
It sounds like its not owning your home thats killing you. Your life doesnt sound too different to mine except I own a house that will be my retirement fund one day.
Yep, got priced out about 12 years ago, that's when this reality really set in for me. I thought I could eventually just leave this area after my parents passed, but homes across the country are catching up and it's not looking good for me. I've accepted my fate.
Eating out is a scam. It's like a tax on the foolish.
No argument, it's really just an excuse not to do dishes for that day and enjoy a small luxury. I recently quit drinking when we go out because of the cost.
Crazy how living costs also matter when talking about the income. I live in eastern europe, make third of that and live pretty alright.
62k in any part of California is basically living in flop houses.
>parrell reality
The Americans that live on social media do not understand actual real life for most people in the west let alone the entire world.
He has a dream job for most people. His real problem is he's an admitted lazy fuck who doesn't actually want to change.
There are guys who work those security jobs and take weights and other minimal work out gear in with them. They workout while staring at monitors. Or use audio books to study.
This guys isn't going to change. He'll be back on 4chan bitching out the same tune when he turns 40.
Is 52k his networth or his yearly income counting some ot here and there?
If its the former he's probably doing better then like half of the people in his age bracket.
And even if its the latter he's not doing terribly dependent on where he lives. Im not going to look it up, but off the top of my head that puts his above the median income for single household earners in the US.
He could easily start a Roth and save a few k a year and have a decent retirement nest egg. Nothing crazy, but enough to cover expense and let him go down to part time work for the rest of his life.
He says 1k/week so the 52k almost certainly refers to gross income
He said that he could probably eke out 1k a week if he picked up a part time job too. So right now he’s currently making less than that.
He literally says 1k/week net but ya it's definitely gross, dude is financially dumb
He also says he makes 22 an hour.
22 x 40 x 52 = 45,760.
So if its gross income it requires ot. And contextually it sounded like he wasn't currently taking advantage of ot, but maybe he was. It hard to say.
He could have also lived at his parents house all this time and built up a 52k nest egg.
So we can't really say based off this one post what he exactly means.
You're overthinking it, he said 52k and there's 52 weeks in a year. This highly suggests he's quickmathing his annual income
If it’s the former he’s doing better than the grand majority of his age bracket. More than half the country is living paycheck to paycheck and even more are one missed paycheck from homelessness.
The 1k/week is all spent on OnlyFans and gooning though
I think Americans live in some weird parrell reality sometimes.
$50k is about £40k, which is a moderately middle class salary in the U.K, and we're richer than most of Europe, and Europe is richer tham most of the world.
1k per week net is a fine salary, especially if you can sit on your ass and do nothing for it.
My best friend is literally in the same position, working a security guard for a data center, and he explicitly agreed with his employer that he wanted this job so he could study for his second bachelor’s degree. He is living the dream: being paid to study something he loves.
The real problem with OP is not that he’s sitting on his ass; it’s that he has no intrinsic motivation to grow. He could have won the lottery and donate half to feeding children in the third world — he would have still been an idiot.
Working security, especially if you can sit somewhere undisturbed like a reception can be a godsent, IF you know how to exploit it.
I know a guy who is a millionaire in stocks, and works as a security guard. A quiet evening shift is the perfect time to research companies and investments.
If you don't have the skills to do stocks, google Harvard free courses.
You can literally get paid 22 bucks an hour to do courses which will improve your chances at moving up or getting a better job. You can literally get paid to study.
Anon has a godsent job if he only knew how to use it. Use the free time to learn skills, learn how to program. If you worked at a grocery store for 22 an hour you would be busy or getting your ears yapped full all day...
Security is also one of the best part time jobs as a student. Get paid to study instead of doing it at home for free? Count me in.
Am I missing something? That sounds like he's living the dream
How's a guy born in 1996 a boomer
Imo dude just needs some traumatic to happen to get him out of this lazy streak. It’s about the mindset your in and you won’t get out of it just because. You’ll need a reason/ a push in the right direction.
Hope this guy finds it
Anon loves his misery and doesn't realize that it's not his salary, but his attitude, bitching and moaning that makes him a loser.
30 year olds aren't boomers, brainrotten broccoli head.
Stopped reading there. No way a 4chins user has that kind of cash
That's poor in America right now. It's not 2012 anymore.
Yep. I’m 19 and I make $70k a year. Still won’t be able to afford a house we want for a year or two, even combined with my girlfriend’s $50k/year pay on top of that.
Two or three years of savings? That's nothing
"boohoo I won't be able to afford the house I want until I'm 22"
Fake and also you're an idiot
Idk why more young people don't even consider the military. It's the easiest path to upper middle class there is, you just need to give them 4-6 years and you'll have an easy transition to 100k/year working for the government. Plus you get to leave home.
Real. That's why so many people I know did ROTC. But is it worth essentially selling your body and soul to the government? Was one thing back when you could plausibly say you're protecting the homeland and building your skills and character. Now it's basically the opposite.
This is the realest shit ever. For a long time I was a delivery driver in the evenings and gate security at a factory at night. There'd be like one truck coming in or out every hour. All you'd have to do is get on the radio and be like "Where are you from?" to the driver. Then radio the control room. "Control room, truck xx from xx, just arrived." Print the weight on the little receipt paper roll and put it in a binder. Lift the barricade.
I hate people that complain like this. I’m a 29 year old security guard making less than that. Pajeets, AI and CS students influenced by TikTok grifters messed up the SWE path.
I sub here so I don’t have to read much to get the funny. Fuck tbis
Maybe I'm just British but 52k sounds amazing, especially for doing little to no work
This is the stuff that made Yakov Smirnoff say, “What a country!” That’s good money.
Oh that sweet summer child, people get paid to sit on their ass in far comfier locations and get paid 6 figures...i know cause the laziest person i know is an accountant...who can't count, and just uses excel formulas to do his job
I’m a control room operator at a power plant I.e Homer Simpson, I make 6 figures to sit on my ass and do nothing, maintenance is outside contracted so we literally just monitor
Hard field to get into though but once you’re in…
Dude accountants are supposed to use excel. You want him counting on his fingers and toes instead?
And sadly this is why AI is going to take away a big chunk of those jobs.
Definitely not sad
I make that much as a European, and I live a great life. Though I have to admit I bought a house 12 years ago so I don't have to pay rent. That would probably set my living standards back if I had to subtract that from my monthly income.
I make that much as a European, and I live a great life. Though I have to admit I bought a house 12 years ago so I don't have to pay rent. That would probably set my living standards back if I had to subtract that from my monthly income.
Switching careers at 33.5 isnt easy but its doable.
Anon can still come up back, but ig he doeesnt wanna
It's one you have to do with pin point precision and conviction. You have to say "I will be a Doctor" not "I wanna be a doctor"
He wants to sit on his ass and get paid for it and he loves it. Why do you want to take his joy is the real question? Can't you just be happy for him?
Maybe some people should work jobs, and some people should work jobs where they put on a costume and watch YouTube. Keep these fucking autistic weirdos out of my workforce.
His one career is nothing more than a few weeks certificate. That's not a career switch.
52k net worth at 33 is like 95th percentile in the world, so he's doing fine especially for a security guard
He should change his 52k shitcoins into bitcoin.
You get paid to listen to podcasts but you haven’t figured out how to use those podcasts to learn new skills and perhaps start your own business or something…yeah, anon is a loser.
What do you recommend
I recommend finding something you’re passionate about and following that.
He’s gotta be listening to comedian podcasts or something. Like Bert Kreisher type stuff.
Sounds like the perfect job. Demands very little and leaves you plenty of time to read and pursue other things.
What even is the career future of that
$22/hr is rich in my third world country.
Anon should Passportmax.
But then he's not gonna get paid that.
Are you saying I can’t remote work as a security guard?
Having easy jobs in my youth rotted my work ethic, and now I'm just on the path of least resistance in life. It's comfy for now I guess, but not very profitable. I'm going to be in the same position as anon when I reach his age in a few years.
I'm in my mid 40s and this was my path. I've been at the same job for 2 decades, I love the work, I'm good at it. Lots of vacation, 4/10 schedule (and usually only work 5ish hours a day), bring my dog to work, smoke pot all day. Make enough to pay my bills and support the family... But one bad day is all it will take to crash this comfortable bubble. That thought alone, has kept me up all night stressing for years.
I wish I had given up this cushy spot and applied myself. I feel my only option is just ride this gig until it falls apart.
What do you do at what pay
Build prosthetics, 62k in high cost of living area.
Dude acts like he is pushing 60
At least you've been working all these years even if they are shitty jobs
I wonder if this is the guy who posted about jacking off as a bodyguard
Imagine being 30+ and crying on 4chan.
Many such cases
Sounds comfy desu
OP just needs a federal govment job.