Who would likely win in a fight between a tiger and a gorilla?
Posted by NoIndication3241@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 105 comments
Trynna settle a debate here, a lot of people out there seem to put their money on the tiger just because it's larger, has 3-4 inch claws, has a killer instinct blah blah, but I feel like all these factors only really benefit a tiger in theory, in reality there's no scenario where any big cat beats a gorilla, unless they use stealth. everyone seems to forget that big cats are very low on stamina, they're built for quick bursts of energy and speed not long sustained fights, meanwhile gorillas are packed full of stamina. That means that in reality, if a tiger is unable to take down a gorilla within at least the first two minutes of a fight it won't be able to take it down at all, like there's literally videos on YouTube of tigers failing to take down tiny sloth bears and running away.
theres also this myth i always hear about gorillas having super thin skin that's vulnerable to scratches and bites but in reality they only have thin skin in certain areas like their face, neck, armpits, fingers etc. If a tiger lunged at a gorilla the first thing they'd be met with is the gorillas big arms which are made up of thick skin and dense muscle that is not so vulnerable to scratches and bites. And there's also another popular myth that gorillas frequently get their asses handed to them by leopards but that's also far from true as they've only ever been sighted hunting baby, infant or sick and dying gorillas. Tigers are crazy muscular but their bodies aren't built to endure blunt trauma and a single blow from a gorilla is up to 2700 pounds in force.
It would literally take just one blow from a gorillas arm to end a tigers life or at least paralyse it. A gorilla would walk away with a few injuries but nowhere near anything life threatening, the margin for error for a tiger is way too small for them to beat a gorilla. There's a reason why tigers only attack baby and infant bears, because they're smart enough to know the margin for error against a full grown brown bear is way too small and it would be the same case if they lived in Africa among gorillas, what you lot think?
Tigers have hunting killer instincts - it would get its jaws on the neck spine of the gorilla and it’s over.
One blow from a gorillas to kill a tiger? What are you smoking. Tigers are massive muscle bound Apex predators that prey on large animals like buffalo.
What if we gave a hypothetical gorilla, some neck armour? Could it win now?
If the gorilla could also ride a steed and cast fireball, maybe.
PS. yes clearly I am aware that the neck armour will nerf the gorillas mana regen, but I'm assuming an armour wearing, steed riding, fireball casting wizard gorilla will get the job done quick enough to not need mana regen.
I'm just trying to look out for our primate brothers, and for solutions that work in the realms of our reality. The age of wizards is long gone.
i think you are accurate. the tiger has a chance in round 1. as soon as gorilla finds his rhythm Tiger is going down. rag dolled and slammed of every surface available.
Obviously that MF is going to win. Every time.
You know they don't have the cognitive function to think this, right? That hunting is based on hardcoded instinct.
And that they don't live in the same parts of the world? So, tigers don't attack bears.
Tigers do live in the same places as bears in some regions.
Like zoos
Yup, but also a multitude of places that can easily be googled.
No? Tiger do cohabitate, multiple species of tigers and bears can be found across south east asia. Additionally tigers are absolutely smart enough to decide what to hunt and what not to. there are records of tiger hunting for revenge even. instinct can influence a decision on whether a thing is pray mainly whether the tiger thinks you know its there and how big you are. its why for a while people working out there wore masks on the backs of their heads until the tigers figured out they were not real eyes.
Tigers wouldnt fight a full size bear preferably but it does certainly happen plenty of footage online.
Regarding tiger vs gorilla I like em as much as the next person but Tiger is winning 9 times out of 10. They are literally built to kill. The gorilla not so much as its not a daily requirement though they are impressive.
They do live in the same regions. Haven’t you seen jungle book?
Yeah, someone clearly hasn't seen jungle book
Found the guy wondering why he doesn’t get invited down the pub anymore :P
I recently learnt that a fully grown adult male gorilla has enough bite force to go through a bowling ball. Once the tiger attacks, the gorilla is going to tear it to pieces.
Leopards are known to hunt gorillas, and tigers are basically a superior version of them in every way. I think it goes to the tiger most of the time.
Do you mean baby gorillas? I refuse to believe that a leopard would hunt an adult gorilla
yeh gorilla has two massive arms, the only real weapon a tiger has is its teeth. Gorilla also more mobile
Gorilla is 2/7 on in my book
Tigers don't have claws in your book?
Claws are great, sure but the strength that a gorilla has (assuming the gorilla in question is an alpha male) can break bones pretty instantly.
Tigers are massive and really heavy dense and muscular, it's not like a big domestic cat. If you had a male lion and tiger side by side, the tiger would weigh probably 20% more and better more muscley. It also fights with its weight by adding it to the victim and pinning it. The claws on the back legs rake and cut.
The gorilla would need some distance to be able to swing or pull and thats harder when the tiger is latched
But they're the king of the swingers
Well let's be honest, they are the jungle VIPs
Tigers are much, much stronger than gorrilas. A lot heavier and faster too.
So could a tiger.
tigers lack arms, they have four legs instead. whilst they’re definitely strong they don’t have the same capabilities of throwing the same way gorillas do.
Nope. A tiger would absolutely fuck up a gorilla
I didn't realise the size of Tigers in comparison, they're like 1.5x the weight of Gorillas, plus they're faster with the instincts to kill. Gorillas only really fight other Gorillas, they're gonna go for some kinda grab or hit and maybe get something on but be getting their jugular torn out in seconds, the Tiger's got this shit no question
The tiger is faster and will go for the throat. Gorilla won't even get a chance to do that. Cats kill sneakily and quickly they don't fight it out.
Would tiger being a carnivore give it an edge? The gorilla would be good at defence, for a time, but ultimately lacks the ability to claw and bite to shreds like a tiger.
Aren’t gorillas parked full of muscle? It’s like saying some roidhead down the gym is built for stamina… no pal just no.
Also, tigers can be stealthy, they often attack from trees..and they’re more mobile than a gorilla who would be relying on grabbing hold of the tiger to do any damage.
Take your mum to the zoo and we can find out.....
He said tiger, not cougar.
Why would his mum fight a cougar?
Dirty boy
Don't tigers and big cats have notoriously thin skulls?
One thump from the gorilla and it's goodnight kitty.
Other caveats: tigers are ambush predators so would be at a disadvantage in a square go, gorillas are more dextrous and intelligent, gorillas are arguably more explosive/strong.
Tbh they'd both die as they'd inflict too much injuries on the other.
Tigers can weigh an extra like 120 kgs, so probably the tiger, like fighting A 9 foot tall guy with knifes for fingers and teeth
And toes to rake the belly
And sweep the leg.
I thought only pandas did kung-fu?
The main natural predator of gorillas is the leopard but yes they would avoid attacking an adult male because why would they if there are smaller weaker gorillas around. Similar to leopards, tigers are ambush predators so would probably be delivering a killing bite before a "fight" would even start but again would probably avoid large adults when possible because why risk the danger if easier opportunities are available.
https://a-z-animals.com/animals/comparison/gorilla-vs-tiger/ tiger. They're stronger, heavier, faster and more evolved for killing
The fact that tigers don't take on sloth bears isn't because they can't it's because even fairly minor injuries on a predator can kill them in the long run, most predators will instinctively avoid any risk of injury whenever possible.
That's sort of what I said about honey badgers versus lions. On size alone a honey badger has no chance but they can and do fight off lions because at some point the lions is luke fuck it, this is more trouble than it's worth
That and even if you try and kill it, honey badgers are like a liquid inside a very very stretchy impervious skin.
so basically its a psychotic hot water bottle?
Seems like a fair description.
Adding to this, the sloth bear is known to be hyper aggressive, and is also armed with teeth and claws, for the tiger, its often not worth it to risk injury against a prey that actively puts up such a fight.
finally someone who isn’t just replying with which animal they’d want to win
male tigers have also been found to have killed & eaten adult male brown bears in siberia
Tigers are experienced hunters in a weight class above gorillas. In the wild, a single, untreated wound can mean death - and tigers are equipped with the perfect weapons to do this.
Gorillas are indeed very strong, but are not used to fighting off large predators like tigers. While strong, they lack the means to efficiently deliver a mortal blow.
While a tiger may find a gorilla too high risk in normal circumstances, if it was a fight to the death, a tiger would win in most cases.
I love how this is in askuk, where we have no wild tigers or gorillas.
Im going for tiger because although gorillas are massive, every time i see them angry it usually involves them charging at something, slapping it and then spinning in a circle whilst running away. Bit of a shit technique compared to a tiger.
Tigers are aggressive predators even known to actively stalk humans. Gorilla's are generally not that aggressive unless it's a silver back defending it's harem of ladies. So it really depends on several factors
I'll put it in other terms using Mike tyson as an analogy.
1990s Mike tyson type fight - over really quick sudden ferocious attack my moneys on the tiger.
2024 Mike tyson fight - if the tiger can't attack via stealth (it's primary method ) then endurance becomes an issue in which case my money on the gorilla (assuming it's a grown adult silverback)
Tho what this thought experiment has taught me is that I really want Jake Paul's next opponent to be a gorilla or a tiger 🐅
The tiger is heavier, faster, stronger and has a deadlier bite plus claws. How does a gorrila win?
Depending on species they might not be that far apart on weight.
Gorilla bite force 1300 lbs psi tigers about the same
Tigers are ambush predators so if they ambush the gorilla they 100% win. If they can bite the neck of the gorilla quickly they win and it's likely as a gorilla probably isn't gonna have the awareness of being stalked by a tiger.
However gorilla's are much taller than tigers have incredibly strong arms and thick skin so could to some level resist a tiger attack.
Most ambush predators will give up fairly quickly if they get any resistance hence why a honey badger can fight off a lion.
There's so many factors in how a fight would go.
So whilst a tiger has most of the advantages its not a definite.
I've thought about this way too much lol
Even the smallest species of male tiger is roughly the same weight as a silver back. And they are stronger pound for pound and they take down much larger prey than gorrilas. Also leopards hunt gorrilas, obviously leopards are much smaller than tigers. There is almost no scenario in which the gorrila wins.
There are two Paul brothers... I wouldn't miss either.
So a tiger and a gorilla to take out logan and Jake? Works for me. After the boxing logan said he'd kill Mike tyson. If that had been 1990s Mike I think he would have knocked logan out on principle.
I didn't watch it... ( Though I heard about a moon?) Not interested in supporting him. But feed him to a tiger or have him dismembered by a gorilla (for science)... Might justify a prime membership.
I mean I'd feel bad for the tiger or gorilla tbh but not opposed to a serious where we find out what animals the Paul's could fight.
Episode 1 : polar bears ... End of series
I suppose if anything were to happen to the Paul's there's a risk of the animals being put down afterwards for being man eaters/killers.
Although there could be an argument for getting the Paul's reclassified 🤔...
I think we could collectively agree to have not seen the polar bears eat them
Tiger. Obviously tiger. A male Siberian tiger can weigh 500-600 pounds. A male silverback is lucky to top 400 pounds. Tigers hunt and kill humans. A gorilla is just a larger human. The tiger will know exactly how to kill it. Also it can see exceptionally well in low light which primates SUCK at.
On the other hand, gorillas are herbivores. They do not know how to hunt/kill live prey. Yes they are heavy and strong, but they are PAINFULLY slow/agile when compared to a fucking tiger. There is no realistic situation in which a gorilla could land a devastating blow on a tiger.
Can they not just be friends? There's enough fighting going on in the world
Rajang beats Tigrex hands down
The gorilla wins the fight. The tiger would probably win if they were somehow cornered and forced to fight to the death, but as a predator, the tiger has evolved to run away when it realises that hunting something is going to cause it so much hurt that it won't be able to hunt again.
If it was cornered then yeah, the tiger probably kills the gorilla, then proceeds to starve as its broken bones won't let it hunt again.
1v1 tiger.
Reality, Gorilla as they have friends.
you misspelled fantasy.
Unquestionably Tiger
gorilla all day. would literally pull the legs off of almost anything
Guessing I'm not alone in being bored on a night shift, then? Judging by this thread.
Tiger would twat gorilla. They know how to swiftly break skull and/or neck. King of the Jungle Vs King of The Apes (excluding us).
Tiger usually, but these fights do sometimes occur, and sometimes they kill each other.
Is this the best sub for this?
Tiger, every time. Gorillas aren’t even predators. Tigers fight and kill every day to stay alive
Tiger beats crocodile so by rock paper scissors rules crocodile beats gorilla and gorilla beats tiger
Depends on whether it's on land or underwater of course.
I liked your post, and you make good points. But Tigers attack from stealth, and I believe tend to go for the neck for a quick kill.
But then again gorillas are social and are unlikely to be alone.
I doubt either animal would have a good day regardless.
Tiger hands down - like it’s not even a debate here.
In the wild leopards have been found to prey on Gorillas. Granted - they don’t win the fight every time, but they successfully kill gorillas enough to be considered their only natural predator.
Tigers are up to 3x the size of leopards. If a leopard can kill a gorilla, a tiger would absolutely maul a gorilla.
Gorillas’ only natural predator is the Leopard. Given that a Tiger is just a bigger, heavier cat, I think this one pretty cleanly goes to Hobbes
What’s this, the Joe Rogan podcast?
Tiger has the advantage being the Apex predator but I don’t think it would be an example of the tiger looking at the gorilla and going “can’t be arsed with that”. No winner. Possible rematch clause in the contract or something
I tend to back the one with an incentive to fight and win (within obvious reason), sure someone can be bigger and stronger than you (again within reason) but if that person did something unspeakable and got you that angry you wanted to do something then you'd not be bothered about giving away a couple of inches or pounds.
A tiger survives on meat a gorilla does not so based off that incentive (and not knowing any parameters), I'm backing the tiger.
Gorillas will eat meat.
Never said they didn't, just that they don't rely on a meat diet like tigers do.
Gorillas diet is primarily plants, fruit... and small animals like lizards, insects. If they were to come across a dead or dying bigger animal they may eat that but they won't hunt a larger animal for food like a tiger does.
Why are we assuming that during the initial furious argument they won’t suddenly look into each others’ eyes and after an awkward pause; start kissing?
Finally, someone's asking the important questions
More importantly could a gorilla beat a tiger sized gorilla and could a tiger beat a gorilla sized tiger?
Right? It's like someone has been holding back for months and months waiting out the questions about tea and village roads or whatever and is asking their fantasy question.
Tigers are unbeatable
I've just got this vision of some sort of animal kingdom death match league where the winner stays on.
We're now at the final, and it's Tony the Tiger vs. Donkey Kong.
I think I would bet on Tony.
I've read that they had cage matches between Miura fighting bulls and tigers back in the day. Bulls would win.
I'd say a tiger, they're just built for it. You see a single lion take down a bison, then think a tiger is a bit bigger and not a pack animal, then the gorilla is smaller than a bison and is only really equipped to fight other gorillas evolutionarily speaking.
I think lions are more athletic, you seem them doing all sorts of twisting and jumping when they are hunting. I can’t imagine a tiger doing that cos they have longer backs
Everyone always asks that, Paulie. There's no answer for it.
Tiger, hands down.
None of the professors thought a gorilla would beat a tiger
Is the gorilla armed?
A gorilla couldn’t beat a grizzly though, it’s got the right to bear arms
Yep, 2 arms
Two of them.
Right, that’s my sign to go to sleep
Go to sleep.
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