Is this upgrade list good for triple A 60-100fps 1440p?

Posted by apartmentsalad@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 4 comments

Hi friends,

Here is the part list:

Anyway, I was going to upgrade my aging PC with an i5-7600 and 1060 6gb. I'm keeping the storage, PSU, and case. I primarily wanted a rig that can do four things under a max $1k budget:

  1. Run triple A games at 60-100fps @ 1440p (I wanted to play Baldurs gate with more than 30 fps on ultra low settings)
  2. Run competitive fps games (mostly counter strike) at 200+ fps at low res
  3. Video editing (1080p or 1440p)
  4. Last me 5-10 years by doing all the above well

I think most of these are accomplished with this build. I just wanted to see if I could downgrade some parts since I would like to save as much money as possible while still accomplishing the above. Mostly I was thinking about downgrading to a 6750xt and the processor but idk about how long it will last me.

Cpu, mobo, and ram from the microcenter 7700x bundle

Also microcenter has a 7600x bundle I was considering but it has 16gb ddr5 ram and mATX motherboard, which I know is backwards compatible, but I was wondering about longevity / aesthetic as well.
