Desperate dad building first PC for son. PC won't turn on if graphics card is connected to PSU

Posted by silasgoldeanII@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 66 comments

We have a new build for my son. GeForce RTX 4070 graphics card, Corsair RM750x psu, AMD Ryzensets 5 7600X Processor. We couldn't get any power, but then when I unplugged the graphics card's connection to the PSU we can. Can anyone explain what's going on here? We checked and thought that the PSU should be able to make all this work.

Is it something to do with cables? We have the 8 pin cable that came with the graphics card, so is my challenge now to make sure that I fit two other cables into this and connect them to the PSU? I have one PCIe cable that has 8 holes each end and one that has 8 one end and 6 the other. Is this the problem?

Thank you!