Non plastic water storage solutions?
Posted by lmfaothrowaway26664@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 6 comments
Hey y’all. Me and my family are concerned with the way plastic sheds into water “like skin” as per recent research. Something like upwards of 10k pets per liter when stored in plastic. We use water towers to begin with, but are looking for immediate solutions for those big plastic water tower refillable for the now, and long term non plastic storage for prepping. Anything helps!
At this point we are all full of microplastics. I figure I started with the garden hose and Tupperware.
If you've got to drink your prepped water, I'd surmise you have bigger problems than the leached platic
Wooden water towers are a thing
No material is perfect.
Ceramic and glass tend to be expensive for anything large, and of course are fragile.
Larger tanks can be made of stones, bricks, or concrete; but these are heavy and difficult for the layperson to make, aside from being more or less permanent.
Metal containers are available, of course. Not just any metal will do; cheap carbon steel would rust quickly. A 55-gallon stainless steel drum, new, is pushing $1000. You might be able to get a better price per gallon by watching out for something like an old food-grade semi trailer.
You might be better off just storing your water in plastic (or fiberglass) and filtering the microplastics out.
A pond with metal or ceramic filtration, metal piping, and glass containers.
The short answer is that you won't find anything large enough and cheap enough that isn't plastic. You would be better off storing in plastic and filtering the water before consuming it.