How do i humanely prevent my cats from suffering radiation poisoning

Posted by joyrnd@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 24 comments

Mods- please delete this if it isn’t appropriate as i understand the topic is very sensitive.

Hi guys, this post is extremely hard to make but it is purely me needing to be prepared in the hypothetical event we go to war.

I’m scared. I’m in Manchester UK which will probably be hit by a nuke if Russia decide to act on their threatening behaviour. I’m just far enough out where I won’t be vaporised, but I’ll 100% die a painful death of radiation poisoning because my block of flats genuinely has nowhere safe to shelter (i have checked, please trust me I have checked). I also don’t want to live the awful aftermath of refugees from across the country, too many people being shoved into houses, starvation, rations. I don’t want to see it happen and I can’t.

Because of this, my plan is to end my life if we all get that dreaded alert on our phones. I now keep enough prescription medication on me at all times to make sure wherever I am, I can get it over with. If that makes me a coward, that’s fine, I’m a coward. I’ve lived through more than enough.

But, what about my cats? How can I offer them the same kindness if it comes to it? The thought just makes me feel sick, but what’s worse is imagining them wandering through rubble slowly getting sicker and sicker. I need to know there’s a way I can hold them and love them but put them to sleep forever so they don’t have to know the horror to come.

Please note, I am not depressed and I am seriously at no harm to myself. I’m a pretty happy person with a good career and amazing people in my life. This is 100% just in the case of nuclear war, please don’t worry for my safety or for my gorgeous fur babies. I just want to protect them from the aftermath.