Question regarding which is used first, ptu or stby hydraulics when hydraulic B has failed on b737ng?
Posted by Mrcigs@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 5 comments
Basically the question is up there already I'm about 2 weeks into a type and it's something that's stumping me and can't find an clear answer on the fcom or from mates on the line.
If you read the FCOM carefully, it will tell you that PTU only operates with a loss of EDP 2, and it's not designed to work with a full loss of system B - can't provide pressure to system B, if there's no fluid in the system. Its main aim is to drive the LE flaps/slats (and autoslats, if you're really having a bad day) at a normal speed with eng no. 2 or EDP 2 failed.
The standby system is a backup for system A and/or B to provider pressure for operation of reversers, rudder, LE slats/flaps and standby yaw damper. It does so with a separate fluid reservoir and pump, which are independent of the main system.
If you have a full loss of system B (i.e. a leak), you'll be using the standby system, not the PTU.
I’m starting to think you’re Chris Brady
Mrcigs@reddit (OP)
Thank you much appreciated. That makes total sense. I'll have to look back over the fcom and also see if I need glasses, thanks again
The answer is obvious if you read your Tech Manual: 13 - Hydraulics > 13-20 System Description > A and B Hydraulic Systems> Power Transfer Unit
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Basically the question is up there already I'm about 2 weeks into a type and it's something that's stumping me and can't find an clear answer on the fcom or from mates on the line.
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