ULPT Request: Faking a Planned Parenthood Invoice

Posted by HopefulAnt0925@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 76 comments

A little context, I caught my long term boyfriend of 4+ years cheating, actively having sex with another girl while making plans with and talking to at least 4 others. Before I found out I already had concerns I might be pregnant and told him that. He said he’d pay for an abortion. Now we’re broken up, I am in fact not pregnant, but have told him I am so I can have him “pay” for an abortion and pocket the money. He believes me completely that I am, but insists on having an invoice/or receipt after my “appointment” and he’ll reimburse me. I need to create a fake invoice. Any photoshop wiz’s here willing to help me? I’d be happy to pay someone that can create this for.

Thank you in advance, and happy scheming.