No Asset or RMM tool. Need help with strategy for reconciling old computers in AD

Posted by WorkFoundMyOldAcct@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 15 comments

I’ve been pushing for ITAM tools since forever ago, but the reality is what it is. I don’t have any good software. I use PowerShell for almost everything at this place. We’re growing faster than anyone realizes, and the IT department sees the last of the growth, so that's the answer to "why don't you have an asset management solution, you idiot?"

Our old admins had an untenable computer naming convention (ex: “LapW11-JSMITH”; “PCW10-JWILSON”) that quickly spiraled out of control when C-suite allowed users to have multiple domain-joined computers, just for fun I guess.

I did away with that naming convention for all newly created devices, but we still have an elephant graveyard of old computer objects that I am sifting through.  Shifting focus to computer reconciliation, I want to start broadly, and then move forward with a more nuanced approach.

I want to remove computers that haven’t had anyone log into them for X amount of time, and I want to gather this information by writing a PS script to query AD, and then remove computer objects, starting with the oldest first. 

Before I go down this PS rabbit hole, is there a better approach to this, within the scope of the tools I have before me?

My tools are: PowerShell, alcohol...